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Chapter 480 Tang Jia's ambition

Such an emperor is beyond the reach of those Taiping emperors in terms of vision and psychology. How could he not know the necessity of caring for soldiers who died in battle? But again, because he is the emperor

, there is more to consider.

Since ancient times, there have been conflicts between civil and military affairs. It is rare that the ministers of the two sides can urinate into the same pot. It is mostly a political norm for civil servants to look down on military commanders. No matter how hard the military commanders work or how desperate they are on the battlefield,

It cannot change the opinions of civil servants who have developed minds and simple limbs.

Not to mention, in history, once military commanders have too much power, there is a high chance that they will rebel against their masters. For example, carrying the emperor with him to order his subordinates, and wearing a yellow robe, aren't they all done by those with military power?


In order to prevent such a thing from happening again, a situation will arise where the civil society is strong and the military is weak, which is also in line with the emperor's requirement to centralize power. Just like this time, although the military generals performed meritorious service and defeated the Jin army, after the war, they still had to use

It is mainly managed by civil servants. Military generals are naturally happy about things like reincarnation, but will civil servants support it?

Under heavy care, it is not just as simple as paying money, but also to establish the status of a warrior. This is something that all civil servants do not allow and do not want.

Thinking that if this memorial were to be seen by other civil servants, it would be impossible to realize it. Emperor Qianwen shook his head and said: "This boy always gives me problems."

Yan Fu, who was waiting on the side, also saw the contents on the fold. He had always been very concerned about the folds handed over by Shen Ao. Noticing that the emperor had a headache again, Yan Fu also blamed Shen Ao for being too troublesome. Related

Isn’t the pension matter carried out according to the past practice? Why are there different opinions again? Can’t we just let it go?

"Leave it in." Emperor Qianwen suppressed the memorial before deciding what to do. He continued to review other memorials as if he hadn't seen anything.

Emperor Qianwen suppressed the memorial, and Gu Ran had an undecided attitude, but why not for the sake of stabilizing the situation of the court?

Now that we have just captured the provinces of Henan and Shaanxi, it is time to send officials to take them over and rule them. Everything now must be centered on this matter, and other things that may cause trouble must be postponed.

, we will discuss it later when there is a suitable time.

Emperor Qianwen made this decision with the overall situation in mind, and it cannot be said to be wrong.

Similarly, it is not wrong for Shen Ao to increase the conditions of their pensions and preferential treatment for the sake of the soldiers and the people. Especially in the recruitment process, he participated in all the soldiers. Many of the soldiers who participated joined the army because of the favorable conditions he proposed.

Now many people stay on the battlefield forever. If he doesn't do something, he really can't feel at ease.

Between the two parties, one thinks of the overall situation and wants to suppress the matter, while the other wants to do something out of his own heart, and a conflict arises.

Just like Shen Xing and Han Ce's suggestions, the emperor may not agree with his pension method, but Shen Ao still took the discount. That's because he never thought about getting the emperor to agree.

Notifying Emperor Qianwen of what he was going to do.

As for the emperor agreeing, he would do it publicly. If the emperor didn't agree, he would do it privately. Wouldn't it just cost some money? This is the least of the problems in Shen Ao's eyes.

The next day was the time for the small court, and Shen Ao went to attend the court meeting for the first time.

Shen Aohui's active appearance at the court meeting attracted a lot of curious eyes. But when everyone saw the young prince, the young minister was still standing in his original position, leaning against a dragon pillar. As they stood by, many people quickly averted their eyes.

Everyone just thought that Shen Ao had been promoted and appeared in the court, but they didn't know that the reason why he came was to see if the report yesterday had the result. At the court meeting, the emperor would He won't ask everyone about this matter, and he will jump out at that time.

Regrettably, the court meeting lasted for more than an hour. It focused on sending officials to Henan and Shaanxi states and collecting taxes locally, but it did not mention the issue of pensions for officers and soldiers. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the Ministry of Household Affairs has already withdrawn. After the payment has been made and the Ministry of War has implemented it, the matter can be considered over.

Yan Fu shouted to retreat. Emperor Qianwen was the first to leave the Taiji Hall, and then the ministers turned to leave. Shen Ao was the first to leave among the courtiers. At this moment, he had already made up his mind. However, the emperor kept the memorial and had no intention of discussing it, so he had to take care of the rest by himself.

After leaving the main hall, Shen Ao still had a somewhat unhappy expression on his face. He was still complaining about the injustice of the dead soldiers. A eunuch from the opposite side came over and saluted Shen Ao respectfully, "Mr. Zhongguo, are you concubine Zhao?" please. "

"Oh, please lead the way, father-in-law." When Shen Ao heard that it was his aunt who was looking for him, Shen Ao retracted his thoughts and followed the eunuch striding towards the harem.

After walking for a while, Shen Ao had doubts in his eyes. He realized that the direction he was going this time was not the Juhe Palace, so he asked aloud, "Isn't the Imperial Concubine in her own palace?"

"Mr. Zhongguo, there is no need to ask any more questions. All you need to do is follow our family." The eunuch did not answer, but spoke in a businesslike tone.

The father-in-law's attitude was a little indifferent, but Shen Ao didn't care, he was just on guard. This was the palace compound, and it was daytime, so there must be no one who would turn a blind eye and want to target him. Besides, with his current situation, His strength is not a soft persimmon, and it cannot be manipulated by others. But he just doesn’t know who wants to see him, and he still makes it so mysterious.

Soon, Shen Ao got the result. After passing through several courtyards, a pavilion appeared in front of him. The sixth prince Tang Jiazheng was standing there, waving to Shen Ao from a distance.

Unexpectedly, the person who wanted to see him turned out to be his cousin. Shen Ao was curious. When he walked to the small pavilion, he saluted him out of the rules and said, "Zhongguo Duke Shen Ao has met His Highness the Sixth Prince."

"Haha, cousin is too polite." Tang Jia chuckled, walked forward, pulled Shen Ao over, and asked him to sit next to him.

Tang Jia was so polite, which made Shen Ao a little uncomfortable. The two of them were called cousins, but they were also masters and servants. The difference in status meant that they did not have any brotherly friendship. Although Shen Ao had been in the palace since he was a child When Tang Jia grew up, but when Tang Jia started to remember, Shen Ao was sent to the Zhongguo Palace outside the palace. The two of them really had no direct interaction. They only relied on the bond of Concubine Zhao.

As for meeting in private, there is no such thing. But today, Tang Jia went out of his way to meet with Shen Ao, and in the name of his mother, Concubine Zhao Guifei, which shows that he lacks confidence.

Now that he is here, Shen Ao can sit down with peace of mind. He wants to hear what Tang Jia has to say.

"Cousin, please drink tea. I got this from my father. How about giving it a try." With a smile on his face, Tang Jia said proactively. However, no matter how you look at the smile, it is a bit flattering.

"Yes, good tea." Shen Ao took a symbolic sip and said with a smile.

There were no cigarettes in this era, so cigarettes could not be used to close the relationship between the two parties, so tea was used instead. The rest of the time was spent by Tang Jia, while Shen Ao listened. The other party started talking about them when they were young, saying that they played together. The scene at that time, and then he mentioned his mother-in-law, saying that the mother-in-law had mentioned it more than once that the cousins ​​should get closer.

After saying this for nearly half an hour, just when Shen Ao noticed that Tang Jia seemed to be a little dry, the other party finally got to the point and began to reprimand the Third Emperor's brother, King Xiang, for his misdeeds. What did he say? He has great ambition but little talent, but he is just a few years older. He does not look like an imperial brother at all, let alone the material to be a prince. He also said that since ancient times, heroes have not been judged by their age, and their ambition does not depend on their age, etc.

After saying so much, Tang Jia changed his tone and mentioned how diligent and studious he was under the supervision of his teacher, which also made him fully aware of the hard work of the people and the difficulty of maintaining the emperor's career. Then he stated that most of his life The one he admired was his father, and he also wanted to be like his father.

In the final analysis, Tang Jia just told Shen Ao that he also wanted to compete for the crown prince position, succeed you and become the emperor of Daqian.

Shen Ao finally understood what Tang Jia meant, and nodded accordingly. Tang Jia is now sixteen years old. In a few years, he will be crowned king and will naturally be crowned king. With the idea of ​​​​preparing for a rainy day, he will fight for it. The position of prince is not impossible.

It is a good thing for people to have pursuits. But Shen Ao is not very optimistic about Tang Jia.

First of all, Emperor Qianwen was in his prime, and if nothing serious happened, he would not have much problem in ruling for ten or twenty years. This can be seen from the fact that he is not in a hurry to establish a prince. He still wants to exert power. Hold it deeply in your hands.

Secondly, compared to the other princes, Tang Jia does not have any advantage. The princes are either supported by powerful vassal princes behind them, or they are assisted by important ministers in the court. What does Tang Jia have?

Apart from a favored mother-in-law, she doesn't seem to have any advantages. Besides, Concubine Zhao is not the kind of person who has a strong desire for power. She seems to only want the safety of her family.

Under such an environment, it is difficult for Tang Jia to compete for the position of prince.

Not to mention, Tang Jia gave Shen Ao the impression that he was a person who had a strong desire for power and was not willing to trust others. Such a personality was not very suitable for being an emperor. If he could not listen to different opinions, he was destined to only follow one path. To Hei. If this path is correct, it would be better to say something. If it is wrong, wouldn't it be a big problem, and it is very likely to even cause instability in the political situation of the country and make people's lives uneasy?

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