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Chapter 50 Iodized Salt Stolen

Shan Guoxin knew very well in his heart that this was Daliang City, the capital of the Daqian Dynasty, and it was not a place where he could do whatever he wanted.

Yamaguni Shinichi frowned, and for a moment he really couldn't think of any good solution. When this scene fell in the eyes of another deputy envoy Kitamura Toda, his eyes lit up and he felt that an opportunity had come.

Kitamura Toda was born in an ordinary family on the coast of Japan. He had no roots and no power, and he did not even learn much culture. He would not have appeared in one of the missions originally. But this person has a very special ability, and that is He seemed to be born with a predestined relationship with monkeys in the art of training monkeys. Under his teachings and waving of his whip, the monkeys were very obedient, pointing east but not west, and pointing north but not south. It is precisely because of this ability that he Not only did he join the mission, he also became one of the deputy missions.

There is one thing that needs to be completed by Kitamura Toda. That is the last moment, something that Japan needs to do after the defeat. And because of the importance of the matter, he got this official position. But in fact, the mission No one in the crowd looked up to him. Becoming a deputy envoy by commanding animals was not a glorious thing in the first place.

Kitamura Toda has always been in a bad mood when he is not respected by others. Especially when Yamada Shinichi's hole has been dug just now in the court, and Emperor Dagan and his ministers who do not know the truth have jumped into it, he is even more depressed. He was a little discouraged. He thought that it was very likely that his trump card would be useless, so he would have no chance to make meritorious deeds. Once the mission returned to Japan, he would probably live the poor life again.

After being fortunate enough to be a member of the mission, and enjoying the days of being well fed and warmly clothed, how could Kitamura Toda be willing to go back and live a hard life? He had been thinking about the opportunity to perform, at least to get the mission The leader of the group, Yamada Shinichi, valued him so much that he could rely on this noble man to change his future life.

Now he feels that the opportunity has come. Isn't it just trying to get some iodized salt? For others, it may be a task that is impossible to complete. As far as he is concerned, it is nothing, because he can completely command his own team. The monkey came to steal.

It would be very difficult for a person to enter the heavily guarded Guochanglong Palace. But if it were a spiritual monkey, relying on its agility and small size to do so without being noticed, it would still be very possible for it to be accomplished unnoticed. Confident, he took a step forward and came to Yamada Shinichi, volunteering to fight.

Just when there was no better way in mind, Kitamura Toda jumped out. He was so confident and had a reasonable plan. Yamada Shinichi was overjoyed. He patted Kitamura Toda on the shoulder and said encouragingly: "Kitamura-kun." , I leave this matter to you."

"Hai. Please wait for the good results, Yamada-kun." Kitamura Toda's face was about to burst into laughter. In the past, Yamada Shinichi used to call himself Kitamura-san, but now he has changed from san to jun. This is already a change. A big change.

Opposite, Guo Changlong, a hundred steps away, didn't know that someone was already plotting against them.

Shen Ao still went into the workshop with all his heart, feeling the appearance of glass and some new items. But he was so absorbed in studying that he didn't even know what happened in the court.

It wasn't until early the next morning that Shen Ao, who had just woken up and followed Shi Lei and others in a set of punches, and was still dripping with sweat, saw the butler Shen Xing appear in front of him with a nervous look on his face.

Shen Xing was the old man his father left to him. Not only was he outstanding in ability, but he was also loyal, calm and experienced in dealing with situations, and was highly valued by Shen Ao. But he showed up before breakfast, and his expression was so solemn that Shen Ao I knew something might have happened.

After taking the towel handed by guard Feng Xun and wiping off the sweat on his forehead and face, Shen Ao walked towards Shen Xing unhurriedly and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Young Master, the second shopkeeper Fan Bai is here. He is in the main hall. He said he has something important to see." Shen Xing replied in a deep voice.

"Well, let's take a look." Throwing the towel behind him, Feng Xun caught it and Shen Ao walked towards the main hall with long strides.

Along the way, Shen Ao's expression remained unchanged, as if he was completely unaffected by Fan Bai's early visit. All this fell into Shen Xing's eyes, which made him extremely happy. Although the young master is only fifteen years old, In terms of composure, he is no worse than a man in his twenties, and is even more mature.

In the main hall, Fan Bai was constantly wiping the sweat from his forehead. Although it was October and the morning was already very cool, the sweat on his body could not stop flowing outward.

Next to Fan Bai, Geng Liang, one of the guards, was kneeling on the ground. He took off his clothes, revealing his strong arms. He was holding a wicker in his hand, as if he was willing to be beaten or scolded and bear the burden of guilt.

When Shen Ao walked into the main hall, he saw exactly this scene. But he didn't say anything. Instead, he came to the seat in front of the upper chair, took the tea from Shi Lei, and took a sip.

Seeing that Shen Ao didn't seem to care at all, Fan Bai knelt down on the ground with a plop and said anxiously, "My lord, something bad has happened. The iodized salt we prepared last night was stolen. "

"Iodized salt stolen?"

This completely unexpected thing made Shen Ao frown.

Taking into account the importance of Guochanglong, Fan Bai organized a fifty-person nursing team with the permission of the eldest princess and Shen Ao. To be on the safe side, Shen Ao would also send a guard to participate every night, responsible for It is safe. In addition, when the country is prosperous, officers and soldiers will not pass by. It is said that there is no doubt about the safety. This formation is enough to dissuade some snoopers with evil intentions.

A few months have passed, and it has been proved that Guo Changlong's safety is guaranteed. At least there have been no accidents so far. But now, something has really happened. How can this not be surprising?

"Master, I failed to fulfill my duty and am willing to be punished." Geng Liang raised the wicker stick in his hand and lowered his head, as if he had done something wrong and was accepting punishment.

"Well." Shen Ao waved his hand first. He would not punish others easily before he figured out what was going on. On the contrary, if it was really proved that the mistake was made because of Geng Liang, then the punishment would be It must be indispensable.

There are rewards for merit and punishment for mistakes. These are the rules that a group must abide by. Otherwise, it will be difficult to lead the team.

"Let's go to the site and take a look." Shen Ao had doubts in his heart, so he decided to go to the site to take a look before making a decision.

Everyone left the Zhongguo Duke's Mansion, and Shen Ao got on the bullock cart and slowly headed towards Guochanglong's general store. There was nothing that could be done about it. The army was short of horses, so that Emperor Qianwen had to issue an order, unless it was Except for generals who lead troops in battles, or other officials who have received special permissions, even if you have money, you can only ride in an ox cart, otherwise you can ride in a sedan chair.

The group of people "slowly" arrived at Guochanglong's main store. It was not yet open to the public. From the outside, there was no difference between this place and usual. This made Shen Ao very satisfied. He also looked at Fan Baishi who was leading the way, and his eyes were full of excitement. With appreciation.

If the matter is not clarified, the biggest fear is to make it bigger, otherwise it will affect Guochanglong's reputation, and more importantly, it will cause members to lose confidence in Guochanglong. This is the most terrible thing. Just imagine, What kind of scene would it be if hundreds of thousands of members quit and asked Guochanglong for a refund?

Everyone did not go through the main door, but came to the side door. There were already guards here. Although Shen Ao was the youngest after getting off the ox cart, he walked in the front and enjoyed the admiration of all the Guochanglong guys. look.

Since Shen Ao took charge of Guochanglong's affairs, the wages of the clerks have continued to rise, and they have gained more face in front of others. Many of the clerks have even received "tips" of varying amounts, just for new arrivals. When the time comes, those dignitaries who tip can get the news faster.

Shen Ao knew all this, but he never said anything. People have selfish motives, and he could understand that these people would get some benefits through their own methods as long as it did not affect the overall situation of Guo Changlong.

It’s just that if anyone wants to sell Guochanglong’s secrets, or says that the goods are available but not selling them, and wants to sell them to people who are close to him, then I’m sorry, such people are dealt with one by one. For this reason, more than ten people have been forced to He left the main store, or made a small mistake and went to a branch store, or simply packed up and left, and was kicked out of the entire Guochanglong team.

Because of this matter, everyone looked at Shen Ao with a little more fear than admiration. And this is exactly what Shen Ao wants. A qualified leader not only makes employees afraid, but also makes them fearful. Like, only by keeping this string tight at all times can they make fewer mistakes and avoid making mistakes when doing things.

Shen Ao strolled to the No. 3 warehouse. This is a temporary storage place, mainly to meet the needs of members who come to pick up the goods early the next morning. At this time, some of the salt bags on the top floor have disappeared. It is obvious that at least two layers are missing, which is about forty bags.

It is said that in ancient times, one pound was sixteen taels, but for some reason the Daqian Dynasty used the standard of one pound and twelve taels. If converted in this way, the conclusion is that eight pounds of iodized salt is missing. When converted into a selling price, it is eight hundred Two silver coins.

Although the cost is actually not high, and can even be described as extremely low, it is a fact that it was stolen. If this matter cannot be handled well, who knows whether it will happen a second time or a third time?

"Mr. Guo, our people discovered it during the inspection this morning. There is no sign of anyone entering through the window, and the door lock has not been picked. It is initially speculated that it was an insider. Do you think it is necessary to arrest everyone?" Get together and conduct a thorough investigation." Fan Bai came forward and reported in a low voice what he knew about the situation. But when he said these words, he looked embarrassed.

This chapter has been completed!
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