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Chapter 522: Target Cui Family

In three days, especially after the heads of the former magistrate Zhou He, the commander-in-chief Hou Difu, the deputy commander-in-chief Xu Teng and others fell to the ground, the people's enthusiasm for King Ji and his party reached an all-time high. Zeng Tong, the new intellectual

Zhou and Han Ce, the new chief official, quickly won the support of the people and became the Qingtian Grand Master in the eyes of the people and a good official.

In the midst of everyone's sighs, Prince Ji Tang Ao, who had not been seen for a long time, appeared. He was wearing a golden robe, which proved that he was a member of the royal family and his identity as the prince Prince Ji.

As soon as Tang Ao stood still, under the leadership of thoughtful people, the people knelt down on the ground and shouted slogans of "Auspicious King, Thousand Years Old," and "Auspicious King, Good Luck".

The public trial of the Grand Duke had just ended, and everyone was extremely excited at this moment. They also had a good impression of King Ji, whom they met for the first time. And taking advantage of such an opportunity, with so many people present, Tang Ao spoke,

A new decision was announced. From now on, all good citizens in Zhizhou City (not counting untouchables and slaves) should go to the Yamen of Zhizhou Prefecture to re-register within five days. All those who are verified to be good citizens must

All people, regardless of gender, elderly or children, can each be allocated twenty acres of fertile land.

When Ji Wang Tang Ao read out this decree, nearly 80,000 people stood in the square and suddenly fell into silence. Maybe some children in the arms of adults were still crying, but this had nothing to do with the overall situation. Most of them

The people were shocked at this moment, with a look of disbelief in their eyes.

Some people simply hit themselves in the face with their hands, making a loud noise. They just want to confirm one thing, that is, whether he is in reality or in a dream.

Since ancient times, land has been the foundation of the people, especially for those in large agricultural countries. Many people have been busy all their lives, tended the fields, and worked hard all their lives. But even so, the people who really have their own fertile land

Still very few.

Of course, this is not because there is too little fertile land. Daqian is also rich in land and resources. Especially in Jizhou, it is still a black soil and there are many fields that can be cultivated. However, the common people still do not have fertile land because most of the fields are in the hands of the powerful. A proportion must be drawn.

In other words, the powerful and powerful, who are less than three thousandths of the population, do control more than 90% of the land in the world, which makes 99% of the population can only grab less than 10% of the land.

One can imagine how many people can actually own land.

The powerful are rich, powerful, and well-connected. They and the officials are all people who grew up wearing a pair of trousers. They are accustomed to squeezing the interests of ordinary people. In order to satisfy them, how can they put the real land into their hands?

Such is the social atmosphere, gradually the common people no longer dare to have extravagant expectations. In order to survive, they can only sell their labor and work for the powerful, plowing fields, and working to obtain a very small amount of food to ensure that they will not

Just starve to death.

Under such circumstances, how can the people have money? How can they consume without money? How can the growth of economic value be stimulated when money cannot circulate? All that will result is that the people will become poorer and poorer. When in the end the people really

When they couldn't even eat, or even chew the bark of trees, they had to rebel, and what followed was the rise of a new dynasty. Then, when this new dynasty was slowly overtaken by the powerful,

When it is replaced, years of decadent life will prompt someone to rebel. Repeatedly, the world will always unite and divide, and divide and unite.

Reading history as a guide, Tang Ao discussed with the two gentlemen about allocating land to the people. In this way, not only could the situation in Jizhou be stabilized as quickly as possible, but also people could be united quickly, and the people could be gained quickly.

support and advocacy.

There is another greater benefit of doing this. In order to protect their fields from being taken away by others, the people will support King Ji in turn. If this happens, it will be necessary to recruit troops and expand the army to protect everyone's fruits. Who will do it?

Will you refuse?

As for the people, they were quiet for a moment, and after finally regaining consciousness, a higher voice sounded, "Auspicious King a thousand years old, auspicious King auspicious, auspicious King a thousand years old..."

The shouts were deafening and carried far away. Even the backyard of Zhizhou Mansion, which was some distance away, could be heard very clearly. Here, Bai Qiutong, Oyadan, Shen Min and Xu Qing raised their heads involuntarily after hearing the sound.

, and then a light of satisfaction shone in his eyes. This is the man they will have in the future, a man they can be proud of.

The public trial ended successfully, but the aftermath did not stop. The news that every good citizen could be allocated twenty acres of fertile land spread quickly throughout the city. Naturally, the good people cheered one by one, just waiting for the dawn of tomorrow.

So I went to the Zhizhou Prefecture Yamen to register. But some of the untouchables wanted to become good citizens. The reason why they became untouchables was not because they made any mistakes, but because they chose a way of life.

That’s all. For example, some store clerks, actors, and even some small businessmen and hawkers.

In Daqian, those with the highest status were of course the dignitaries, followed by farmers with land, some servants who worked for the government, and then the famous businessmen. This formed the scholars, farmers, industry and merchants of Daqian.

The problem arises. For those who have no land to farm, cannot be used by the government, and do not have the capital to do big business, they can only choose to go to the government and downgrade their status from a good status to a low status. In this way, they can do

There are jobs that slaves can do but have little social status. This is the emergence of humble status.

It's just that it's easy to change from a good person to a poor person, but on the other hand, to change from a poor person to a good person, you need to pay a sum of money. They didn't feel anything before, but now that a good person can get twenty acres of fertile land, they started to think about it.

, began to borrow money from everywhere, and thought about re-registering.

In addition, there is a group of people who are trembling with fear after receiving the news. They are the dignitaries in Jizhou City.

There are powerful people everywhere, just big or small. Just like in a village, whose family has the most fields will naturally have the greatest influence here, and their words will count. Such people can also be called a type of powerful people.

As soon as the news about King Ji's plan to allocate twenty acres of land to each of the good people came to the ears of these powerful people, they couldn't stand it. The first question they thought about was that there were so many good people in the city, how much land would each person have?

If we divide it into twenty acres, where will the land come from?

These powerful people control 90% of the fertile land around Ji City. In addition, how can the remaining less than 10% of the land be divided? Could it be said that this is King Ji's plan to attack them?

This is indeed the case. What Tang Ao wants to do is to divide the land among the local tycoons.

Seriously speaking, not only do these powerful people occupy 90% of the fertile land, but also because some of the next policies will still touch these privileged classes. In order to prevent them from causing trouble and not hindering their implementation of the New Deal, these people became the Tang Dynasty.

The stepping stones on the road to advancement must be overturned and dealt with.

On this point, Zeng Tong and Han Ce have different opinions. In their opinion, Jizhou is a vast land with abundant resources, and there is a lot of unused land. As long as it is designated as a place and made clear to the people, they will also Those who are willing to reclaim wasteland will not have to immediately become enemies with the powerful.

How can it be said that when Zeng Tong and Han Ce lived in Daliang City, the people they dealt with the most were various powerful people. They knew the power of these people very well. At least in Daliang City, even the emperor did not dare to touch their interests easily, otherwise these people Once united, they will be a very powerful force. Once done, it is not impossible to overthrow the imperial court. After all, officials are a type of powerful people, right?

In the same way, if these powerful people in Jizhou are offended, once they join forces, Tang Ao, who has not yet established a firm foothold, will be in danger.

"They want to join forces, so why don't we try to be stronger first?" Tang Ao said with a firm face. He had long been dissatisfied with Emperor Qianwen, his cheap father. Obviously He knows that some things are hidden dangers, and if they are not solved, they may lead to catastrophe, but he just does not solve them because he is worried about touching the interests of others and triggering backlash. But some problems have already happened. If you don't want to see them, they don't exist.

Blindly giving in will only make the regime more unstable. In the end, it is not you who will suffer, but your descendants as well.

Tang Ao, who has long been dissatisfied with this, was a man of few words in Daliang City and could only watch some things. Now that he has become King Ji, he can finally be the leader of a state. How can he be like Emperor Qianwen again? tolerate it?

If there is a problem, solve it. If it cannot be solved at one time, solve it in multiple times. In short, it must be solved. Otherwise, one day, small problems will turn into big problems.

Tang Ao spoke and decided to strike first. Zeng Tong and Han Ce knew that this matter could no longer be changed. Although they thought this move was a bit impatient, even if Tang Ao decided to do it, they still decided Need 100% support.

"Okay, Your Highness, who do you think will do the surgery?" Han Ce said. Just from these words, he could see Tang Ao's thoughts and knew that this matter could not be solved by force. .

"The Cui family." The corners of Tang Ao's mouth were slightly raised, and he said the target he had already chosen.


Cui family in Jicheng.

At the earliest time, there was a history of the governor of Jizhou. Although he only worked for six years and died due to poor health. But with the network of relationships established in these six years, the Cui family still took root in Jizhou. After these years of development, although no descendant of the clan has become an official, they have indeed made their own achievements in business. For example, they have now become a major cloth shop owner in Jizhou. In the entire city, they account for 80% of the silk business. It's almost a monopoly.

This chapter has been completed!
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