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Chapter 53: Spirit Monkey Returns to Heart

The peach has a lot of water, and the juice flows straight out after being bitten. The monkey couldn't help but rushed to Shen Ao, snatched a peach from the fruit plate, and took a quick bite. After the pulp and juice entered its throat, the monkey actually showed an expression of enjoyment like a human being.

After the first bite, the rest of the matter was easy to handle. The monkey kept launching "attacks" on the fruit plate. In a short time, it wiped out every fruit plate. It seemed that it was still dissatisfied. , actually staring at the bitten peach in Shen Ao's hand in a daze.

Shen Ao was not idle either, and had been observing the monkey's actions. He found that although it was a little thinner, it was indeed fast enough. At least it could take the fruit from the fruit bowl at a speed that made it difficult to see clearly. With such a Isn't skill a very good helper?

The thought of subduing the monkey became more and more serious, so Shen Ao tried to pass the peach he had bitten into his hand forward.

After only hesitating for a breath, the monkey also stretched out its hand. This time it moved very slowly, as if it was afraid that it would hurt Shen Ao if it went too fast. It carefully reached out and grabbed the peach, and then laughed at Shen Ao's laughter. Amidst the sound, the peach fell into the hands of the monkey, and it was wiped out in a few bites.

After eating so much fruit, the monkey was not completely full yet. But compared to before, it was already very satisfied. It looked at Shen Ao again, as if it had made some kind of decision, and said in a squeaky voice, "You said you are the god who comes to help us. If I follow you in the future, will I be able to eat these things every day?"

"Of course. As long as you want to eat, you can eat as much as you can." Shen Ao promised, patting his chest.

"God, I am willing to follow you, can you take me in?" The monkey danced happily. For it, it was really afraid of its previous life. It would be beaten at every turn, and it would not eat even when it was obedient. Full, compared to following Shen Ao, it was truly a change like heaven and earth.

Never underestimate the role of food on animals. As the old saying goes, food is the most important thing for people. This is true for people, let alone animals?

Speaking of which, animals are more grateful than people. Often if you express kindness to them and give them food, they will remember your kindness. In their eyes, you are a good person and someone they can trust and rely on.

The look in Shen Ao's eyes was extremely sincere, and it was much easier to communicate than Kitamura Toda. The most important thing was that he could give himself a well-fed life. These monkeys saw it in their eyes, and they made him do what he did. You must follow Shen Ao's decision.

Shen Ao was naturally happy when the animal language skills showed their power and the monkey was willing to worship him so quickly. "Of course, if you are willing, you can become mine now. If someone stutters in the future, you won't Hungry."

Shen Ao made the promise, and the monkey was very happy. It jumped in front of Shen Ao, jumped on his shoulders, and squeaked happily. "I am willing to follow God, and I will follow God from now on." But God, you must remember what you said and give me enough to eat.”

"Haha, of course I can count what I said. But now, can you tell me the situation? Why did you come here to steal? And who is your master? What kind of order did he issue to you? ?" Shen Ao will subdue the monkey, but he must also figure out what's behind it. This is where he is cautious, and it is also one of his strengths.

Shen Ao has been regarded as the master. Since the master asked, the monkey naturally told everything he knew. "God, my master is a Japanese from Toda, Kita Village..."

The monkey is very smart, and has a relatively clear context in his mind. He talks about things in a reasonable and orderly manner. After nearly half an hour, he roughly recounted his experience. It also included some things he heard about Beicun. The content of the conversation between Toda, Yamada Shinichi and others. Since he wanted to defect to Shen Ao, of course he wanted to perform well. This can be regarded as a declaration of surrender.

Shen Ao listened attentively. During this period, he also ordered Shi Lei outside the door to bring another fruit plate, so that the monkey had another full meal. Now the monkey spoke more energetically.

From the monkey's mouth, Shen Ao learned about the true purpose of the Japanese mission, as well as their sinister intentions. "Nine linked poems? The poem, and finally the monkey's performance." He repeated these words. A cold and stern meaning flashed in Shen Ao's eyes.

Shen Ao has a proud heart for national self-improvement, and is even a resolute nationalist. In his view, China is truly strong only when it becomes strong itself. As for foreign nations, they can cooperate, but they must not be completely trusted. .Not only did he think so, but in fact he also did so. In his last life, many foreign institutions approached him and wanted him to work for him, but he refused without even thinking about it. So much so that in the end The cause of death was also related to offending these forces.

Even if God allows him to come back again, of course his thoughts will not change. He will only be more careful in his actions to prevent being fooled and harmed by others again. With such a national self-improvement, what the monkey said Of course he won't ignore the matter.

"I don't know if the people in the court have solved the Nine Links. If not, then he will have to do it." Shen Ao, who had made this decision in his heart, looked at the monkey with a little more excitement. He was very satisfied with the monkey's ability, "Yes, you did a good job, and what you said is of great help to me, but you still have to go back today, but don't worry, it won't take a few days." , I will find a way to let you stay by my side openly."

"Do you want to go back?" After hearing this answer, the monkey looked a little depressed. After all, you can eat well here, be respected by others, and don't have to worry about being beaten. Once you go back, you will have to live the hard life before.

"Yes, you must go back, and you have to help so-and-so keep an eye on them. Your mission is not over until the matter is over, so you can't come back to so-and-so. Thank you for your hard work, but don't worry, you can come here every night, so-and-so I will prepare enough delicious food for you, let's talk about what you want to eat tomorrow night." When Shen Ao said the first words, his expression was still very serious, but after he said it, he was full of smiles.

What he needs is the monkey's willingness. Only in this way can the task be completed better. It will also be more conducive for him to go and break the situation. As for whether he will be discovered by doing this, haha, the monkey is an animal, not a human being. Who can Will you care about its every move?

Shen Ao's face was straight at first, and then the look of concern for him fell into the monkey's eyes, and it decided to agree. After all, isn't it because the master gives you so much food because you are useful to him? The monkey still cares about this. It was so clear that I immediately agreed.

"Okay, then we will meet here every night. Don't worry, these days will pass soon." Shen Ao smiled and stretched out his hand to tentatively touch the monkey's head. This time, the other party didn't. Hiding also proved that the relationship between the two was developing rapidly, and the relationship between master and servant was quickly established.

In the post house.

Even though it was already the middle of the night, the inner room was still lit by candlelight. Not only Kitamura Toda, but also the chief envoy Yamada Shinichi and the other deputy envoy Kanbara Nakahiro were still awake, waiting for news here.

The monkey has been out for a long time. If he hasn't come back yet, will there be any accident?

If an accident does occur, one of the three sets of actions will be missing. The most important thing is whether someone will come to trouble them because of the monkey. This is not Japan, but Daliang City, the capital of Dagan. , no one knows what kind of accident will happen.

The three of them didn't speak, and they were all thinking about the serious consequences if the matter was exposed. The more they thought about it, the more ugly their faces became.

"Zhizhizhi", these calls were so clear outside the silent courtyard. After hearing this, Kitamura Toda's face was overjoyed, and he quickly opened the door from the inside, and then a dexterous figure quickly flashed in and jumped to the main door. On the table.

"Baga, where have you been? Why are you back now?" As soon as the monkey landed on the table, a whip shadow quickly fell over and hit the monkey's body, causing a burst of pain. The sound of shouting.

It was Kitamura Toda who took action. He was the most scared and worried because the monkey did not return on time. Because just now he saw a cruel look in Yamada Shinichi's eyes, and he firmly believed that , if something really happened, he would definitely be pushed out to take the blame. If that were the case, he would never be able to return to Japan.

All of this was caused by the monkey, so he was given a beating without mercy to let him know what the consequences would be if he disobeyed.

The monkey who was whipped hard had a drop of tears in his eyes. If it was still guilty because it was Kitamura Toda who raised him, the whip just now made it realize clearly that he is It's just a tool in someone's hands. He has never respected himself at all. It's okay for such a master to leave.

"Okay, don't fight now, let's ask what's going on." Yamada Shinichi interrupted Kitamura Toda's actions. This was not because he pitied the monkey, but just wanted to clarify the matter. To be honest, he didn't care about a monkey's life or death at all.

"Okay." Kitamura Toda didn't dare not listen to what the messenger said. He immediately asked the reason why the monkey came back late. After some calculations, Kitamura Toda finally figured out what happened, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. There was a feeling of shame. But when he raised his head, it had already disappeared. The monkey was raised by him and tamed by him. Without him, this monkey would probably have starved to death long ago. It was just a wrong shot. It's nothing.

This chapter has been completed!
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