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Chapter 538: The Framed King of Qi

"Don't do anything. I'm here on orders. The Jinjia Guards already know about King Xiang's arrival at Prince Qi's mansion and are on their way here. Please inform King Qi immediately and follow him out of the city." The masked man said.

It was Shen Tuwei. Although he was a master, in a desperate situation and without much preparation, he had no choice but to break in when he came to Prince Qi's Mansion. He was discovered in broad daylight and was surrounded.

stand up.

Ji Fan was thinking about how to delay time. After hearing what Shen Tuwei said, he had an idea. He did not choose to report the matter to King Qi immediately. Instead, he looked at Shen Tuwei who was covered with a black scarf and asked: "You

Who are you and why should we believe what you say?"

"So? This is Shen Tuwei. He is a former Princess Di. He has a life-or-death feud with the current emperor. He will not harm the King of Qi. I would like to ask this general to inform him." As a last resort, Shentu Wei had no choice but to

I gave my name, hoping to complete the task faster.

If it had been anyone else, he might have believed Shen Tuwei and reported the matter to King Qi, but it was Ji Fan who came, which was a different matter. He was still thinking about how to delay the arrival of the Jinjia Guard, and

How could he fail to seize such an opportunity? "Humph! All this is just your family's talk. If someone comes, arrest him first and bring him to the king for his decision."

Ji Fan is a general and the King of Qi is not around, so his words are naturally orders. At that moment, all the soldiers of the Qi army were not polite and rushed towards the surrounded Shentu Wei, shouting.

Despite his master's skills, if he had not been under a sneak attack, facing so many Qi soldiers by one person would still be of little benefit. Under tight siege, he would just be struggling to defend.

"What's going on? Isn't it resolved yet? King Xiang, please leave first." King Qi, who was waiting in the main hall, was very anxious. After all, King Xiang was in his mansion now, and he still came to visit privately. This kind of thing was absolutely impossible.

You can't let the emperor know, otherwise wouldn't you take the initiative to send the pigtails to the other party?

"Okay, uncle, then the nephew will retreat first." King Xiang also knew what the consequences would be if his actions were exposed. After hearing these words, he nodded immediately, and together with Zheng Qi,

Under the protection of several guards, he retreated through the back door.

Not long after King Xiang left, a large number of golden-armored guards arrived outside King Qi's residence. When they surrounded the courtyard, the scouts from the outside also spotted them and quickly entered the courtyard to report to King Qi.

"No, a large number of golden armored guards have come outside. They have surrounded our mansion." A scout shouted loudly when he entered the mansion. These shouts fell on the ears of the soldiers who surrounded Shentu.

At this time, their expressions became tense.

Taking this opportunity, Shen Tuwei, who already had two stab wounds on his body, approached the courtyard wall. After suddenly shooting and wounding three Qi soldiers, he was free to climb onto the courtyard wall, and then

Flying down. This move was being seen by the Jinjia Guards who had just arrived. Just because Shen Tuwei was not their target, and his speed was too fast, the Jinjia Guards just watched him escape.

, and did not pursue it again.

In the mansion, when he learned that the Jinjiawei had arrived and surrounded him, King Qi's heart beat loudly, but there was no change in his expression. After all, he had been the King of Qi for so many years and had seen a lot of strong winds and waves. In addition,

At this time, King Xiang was not in the palace, and there was not enough evidence. He did not believe that Emperor Qianwen could really do anything to him?

"Come on, open the door of the palace and let those golden-armored guards come in. I want to see what they want to do?" King Qi sat on the chair in the main hall like a golden sword and said with a strong voice. With.

With King Qi's order, the door of the palace was opened soon, and the golden armored guards walked in without any obstruction. General Mo Chengyu, who was wearing a general's armor, strode to the main hall with several thousand captains. After seeing King Qi in the high seat, he first clasped his fists in greeting, "Mo Chengyu, deputy commander of the Jinjia Guard, has met His Highness King Qi."

Everyone knows that the chief commander of the Jinjia Guard is Emperor Qianwen himself, so this deputy commander is actually the real person in charge of the Jinjia Guard. After hearing the name of the visitor, King Qi murmured in his heart, it seems that this time The emperor must be serious, otherwise he would not send such an important person here.

He was muttering in his heart, but there was no change in his expression. Instead, King Qi forced a smile on his face, "It turns out to be General Mo, but I don't know why he suddenly brought so many sergeants to my residence. Woolen cloth?"

"His Royal Highness the King of Qi reported that the general heard that King Xiang came here to conspire with others to rebel. It is really causing trouble. Although the general does not believe it, even if he has the information, he has to go on this trip and return it. Please Qi Wang Haihan."

"Prince Xiang? Why is he here with me? Although he is my nephew, he is also your Majesty's third prince, isn't he? So, how can I meet in private without applying? General Mo, you are It's not a mistake." King Qi said with a very unjust expression.

Now that Mo Chengyu is here, of course he has full confidence. Naturally, he will not go home just because of what King Qi said. He clasped his fists again and said: "Your Highness, King Qi, the general will believe in you. But still... In a word, if you get the information but don't deal with it, it will be the general's dereliction of duty. When your majesty blames the general, the general will not be able to escape even if his head is chopped off. Please have mercy on the general and allow the general to search. Once we get to the mansion, of course, it would be best if we can't find Prince Xiang, then we can clear His Highness the Prince of Qi's innocence, and then the general will kowtow and admit his mistake, and when he comes, he will accept the attack and accept the punishment."

After speaking, in order to express his determination, Mo Chengyu half-knelt on the ground with a plop, with a posture of "you agree is best, but if you don't agree, you will not be able to leave."

King Xiang has already left, and even the soldiers sent to escort him have returned. In other words, it is absolutely impossible to find King Xiang in his own house. Even so, what is there to fear about King Qi?

Just now, I deliberately pretended to be in trouble, just to pull off the trick. The more I make the other party think that Prince Xiang is with me, the easier it will be for the other party to say something to achieve his goal. Now it’s okay, Mo Chengyu has said it all, and I can’t find it. People can be beaten and punished as they wish, and the goal has been achieved. King Qi then pretended to be generous and said: "Hey, how can I not know the hardships you have suffered as a servant? Even so, I will not be embarrassed. General Li, if you want to lead a search, you can search it carefully, but you must remember that if you cannot find King Xiang, you must give me an explanation."

"Thank you, Your Highness, King Qi." Seeing that King Qi agreed, Mo Chengyu thanked him loudly. Since he came under the emperor's order, of course he would not return without success this time. King Qi was the one who cooperated best. If you don't cooperate, do you really think that he brought these golden armored guards just to watch the fun? If they don't allow the search, they will be searched by force, and whoever stops them will be killed.

Turning around, Mo Chengyu looked at the centurions of the Golden Armor Guards who were following him, and shouted loudly: "Search, don't miss any corner, but don't destroy anything here either."

These words were of course addressed to King Qi, and they were telling him that we were just doing a routine search and were not really looking for trouble. They were just your personal belongings and we would not touch them lightly. This order made Qi The king was very satisfied. He squinted his eyes and slowly drank the tea. He wanted to see how these people would explain themselves when they couldn't find King Xiang.

As long as the explanation does not satisfy him, he can propose to leave Daliang and return to Qidi on the grounds that he is disrespected and his personal safety is threatened. In this case, the emperor must have no choice but to agree.

As long as he was looking for an opportunity to meet King Zhong and Zongzheng in private before that, and they made an agreement to form an offensive and defensive alliance, he would have completed the task perfectly, and he could return to Qidi with peace of mind. With this agreement, If Emperor Qianwen really wanted to cause trouble for him, he would no longer be alone. If not for this, why would he risk coming to Daliang City?

Qi Wangxiao watched Mo Chengyu tossing and waiting for the other party to return empty-handed. That was the time for him to take the opportunity to get angry. It was a pity that he did not wait for that moment. It was only a little more than a quarter of an hour. The captain of the Golden Armor Guard trotted over, came to Mo Chengyu, and whispered something to him.

Mo Chengyu's expression also kept changing, until finally, there was a trace of scrutiny in his eyes when he looked at King Qi.

This kind of look made King Qi very uncomfortable. What he didn't understand was that shouldn't King Xiang have already left? Then why did this person look at him like this? Could it be that King Xiang was blocked halfway and came back? If that's true In this case, he would never admit to having met with him in private. At that time, without evidence, what could the other party do?

"His Royal Highness King Qi, please move to the backyard." Mo Chengyu's voice no longer sounded like he was asking for instructions just now, but had a hint of indifference and compulsion.

King Qi also wanted to see what was in the backyard and whether there was really King Xiang, so he nodded and said, "Lead the way."

In this way, a group of people came from the main hall to the backyard. When they first entered here, when they saw the things on the ground, King Qi's body was shaking continuously, and he almost lost his balance. He really couldn't think of why. The courtyard will be filled with soldiers' armor, countless weapons and even military flags with the word "xiang" written on them.

Xiang. Represents King Xiang Tang Xiu. As a prince who has not yet been assigned to a fiefdom, he is absolutely not allowed to have his own military flag. Once discovered, it means that there is a double-minded intention. And such a flag will actually appear in How can anyone tell someone about the backyard of their own mansion?

This chapter has been completed!
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