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Chapter 553: The Lost Imperial Capital of Pingcheng Shakes

Feeling that he made the right move, he used a night attack to severely damage the Liaozhou army. This was considered a great victory. When the news of the victory was sent to Daliang City, His Majesty must have been very happy. This made him think of retreating the army.

I am afraid that he also knows that the entire Liaozhou Army camp has hundreds of thousands of troops, and he only leads 10,000 troops. If he really confronts the main force, he may not be able to take advantage.


Shi Hongyun called the messengers around him and gave him orders. At the moment, he and his five thousand silver-armored guards were no longer pursuing, and were preparing to leave the battlefield.

Under the resolute order, the five thousand silver-armored guards retreated quickly. However, because the order was not conveyed in time, Qiu Meng's five thousand silver-armored guards were not able to retreat so easily, especially after the Liaozhou Army began to launch a counterattack.

Next, they were quickly bitten by the Liaozhou Army rushing from the Chinese Army.

The Liaozhou army was originally prepared to take advantage of the situation once Leming captured the city gate. No one had a rest that night. Everyone was wearing armor and holding weapons in the barracks. They were gathering to fight back.

After the order was issued, the Liaozhou Army responded quickly and came to cover up the attack.

The Liaozhou Army's movements were so fast that Qiu Meng, who had just received the order to retreat, was caught off guard. When he saw countless Liaozhou Army rushing out from the front with the help of torches, he knew something was wrong. At that moment, he

Following the messenger who came, he said: "Tell me, Commander, that the Liaozhou Army has counterattacked. If we retreat at this time, I am afraid that no one will be able to retreat. I will resist here with all my strength. Commander, please retreat to the city."

Qiu Ruang decided to stay and block the incoming Liaozhou Army and buy time for Shi Hongyun to withdraw. He was prepared to make sacrifices. When the messenger told the retreating Shi Hongyun the news, Qiu Ruang

He shouted, "How is that possible? The Liaozhou army was clearly unprepared. How could they have dispatched the army so quickly? Is Qiu Yu still thinking about making more military exploits?"

Shi Hongyun, who didn't know the truth, was still scolding Qiu Yuan loudly, and thought that after returning to the city, he would give him a good beating to let him know that if he didn't obey his military orders, even if he made military exploits, he wouldn't have his share. But until someone around him

After shouting that there was fire in the city, Shi Hongyun stopped talking and looked back.

At this moment, as if someone had cast a immobilizing spell on him, Shi Hongyun opened his mouth wide and felt a little at a loss.

There was a fire in Pingcheng behind him, and there was a faint cry of killing. Shi Hongyun was shocked by the occurrence of this incident. He didn't understand what was going on?

Wasn't he supposed to sneak attack on the Liaozhou Army? But now it was the Liaozhou Army who launched a sneak attack on Pingcheng City. This... what on earth is going on?

Within Pingcheng, the north gate of Ganjun was knocked open without any precautions. Even when this scene happened, the soldiers of Ganjun who were guarding the city still looked as if they were confused. They thought this was

Is the army back?

But since one's own army has returned, shouldn't it be called a city? Why should one destroy one's own city gate? What's the point of this?

It was not until the cavalry rushed into the city and killed everyone on sight that Ganjun realized that the soldiers who came were not his own soldiers, but the enemy. For a moment, the whole city became chaotic.

Fifty thousand newly recruited soldiers do not even have basic training. If they are directed to fight against the wind, or if someone supervises them to defend the city, they may be able to do it. But what will be the outcome of such a head-on confrontation?

, you can even think of it with your big toe.

Especially when Pan Guang led four thousand cavalry into the city and killed everyone on sight. When the recruits saw that their comrades who were joking with him just now fell to the ground covered in blood in the blink of an eye, their

His reaction was not to pick up a sword and fight back immediately, but to throw away the weapon in his hand and run away like a desperate man.

There were even some cowardly recruits who didn't even have the courage to escape. They knelt down on the ground cowardly. They didn't want to surrender, but their legs were weak and they were so scared that they couldn't stand up. Pointing at them

It is obviously unrealistic and impossible to fight against Liaozhou's cavalry, especially since their chief general Shi Hongyun is not in the city yet. Without unified management, they are in disarray.

There are still 10,000 golden armored guards in the city. As the royal guards and imperial guards in the palace, their strength is quite good. If they are killed now, they can inflict heavy losses on the Liaozhou army in the city. But the problem is that even if they are all

Even if they mobilized their troops, they would not be able to win. The reason is very simple: their troops are too few.

The reason why Pingcheng can be called a fortified city, and why they sent 70,000 troops, including 50,000 new troops, to defeat the hundreds of thousands of elite Liaozhou troops, isn't it because they have the advantage of the city wall?

Relying on the ten-meter-high city wall, they can block the front line of the Liaozhou Army with ease. Under the guidance of the Golden Armored Guards and Silver Armored Guards, the 50,000 recruits can also display their strength and even become veterans through this battle.

Qualified elite teacher.

And all of this is based on Pingcheng as a basis. Now that there is no city, the troops are far inferior to others. If we insist on defending, there will only be one result. While the opponent will be severely damaged, 10,000 golden armored guards will also be there.

The whole army was wiped out here.

There is no need to set up oneself here for a Pingcheng that cannot be defended at all, right? When the Jinjiawei could not contact Shi Hongyun, they made their own decision and withdrew from Pingcheng, completely giving up the northern barrier.

With the departure of the Jinjiawei, the Liaozhou Army no longer has any opponents. They can do whatever they want in the city and reach any place. When Shi Hongyun arrived here, what he saw was the extremely chaotic situation in the city.

One scene.

"What the hell is going on?" With a roar to the sky, Shi Hongyun was so angry that he fainted. Finally, through the chaos and under the protection of his own soldiers, he escaped from Pingcheng in the dark and headed straight for Daliang.

Go to the city.

Shi Hongyun escaped, but some people were not as lucky as him. In order to give his commander a chance to retreat, Qiu Yu took the initiative to stay and block the enemy. But when he faced more and more Liaozhou troops,

At that moment, he knew that he could not stop them, so he simply issued the order to disperse and break out.

Facts have proved that the Silver Armored Guards are worthy of being an elite force in the hands of Emperor Qianwen. Even in the face of heavy siege by the Liaozhou Army, 5,000 people still escaped and 1,000 people escaped. However, Qiu Yun's luck was not good and he did not escape.

He came out, but died on the battlefield and became the target of the Liaozhou Army.

After the escaped Thousand Silver Armored Guards returned to Daliang City, they reported everything that happened. Shi Hongyun finally knew that Qiu Rong really died to create a chance for him to escape, and he couldn't help but feel guilty. Of course, This is all for later.

Pingcheng was occupied, and there was not even a siege battle. It changed hands and became a new place under the jurisdiction of King Zhong. More importantly, Daliang City, the capital of Daqian, was completely exposed to the soldiers of the Liaozhou Army. Under the front.

In this battle, the Liaozhou army killed more than 4,000 people, killed more than 7,000 enemies, and captured more than 45,000 Ganjun soldiers. It can be said that they won a great victory. Based on the idea of ​​pursuing victory, they only fought in Pingcheng. After staying for a day, King Zhong led the Liaozhou army straight to Daliang City.


Kyoto beam.

First, 10,000 golden-armored guards escaped back. More than two hours later, Shi Hongyun, who had regained consciousness, fled back to the city with nearly 5,000 silver-armored guards, and knelt in front of the palace with bare arms. Soon, golden-armored guards walked out of the palace, Take Shi Hongyun into the prison of Dali Temple.

After such a huge defeat, someone has to take responsibility, right? However, what no one expected was that not long after, Emperor Qianwen actually turned the tables on right and blamed all the faults of the war on the deceased. Qiu Meng, the commander of ten thousand men, said that it was precisely because he was greedy for power and rushed forward that he suffered such a huge defeat in Pingcheng.

As for Shi Hongyun, he was finally reinstated. The reason for this result was just because Shi Hongyun was very loyal to Emperor Qianwen. For such a loyal person, even if he was incapable, Emperor Qianwen would give him enough On the contrary, if you are not loyal enough, even if you have the ability, you will only become like a chamber pot. When you are in use, you will be held in front of you. When you are not in use, you will be thrown far away. It's all disgusting.

Not to mention how to deal with Shi Hongyun's matter, in the Tai Chi Palace at this time, Emperor Qianwen was staring at the ministers with a cannibalistic look on his face. His eyes were red, like a wolf that wanted to eat human flesh, making people afraid to interact with him. Look at each other.

Pingcheng, which everyone thought was unbreakable, was only broken on the night when the Liaozhou army arrived. This was like a slap in the face of Emperor Qianwen, and also caused waves of panic in the hearts of the officials.

Some people have begun to think about where they will go once the Liaozhou Army really comes over and captures Daliang City.

Should we take advantage of the opportunity now to contact King Zhong and express our allegiance?

For most courtiers, it doesn't matter who becomes the emperor. What matters is whether they can still enjoy their current privileges and whether they will still be part of the powerful. As long as they can satisfy this, they will be loyal to the king. What does the emperor mean?

"Your Majesty, the Liaozhou army is coming with great force. Pingcheng is so strong that it was destroyed in one night. For your Majesty's safety, it is better to move the capital." Zuo Pushe and Fan Shitong stood up and broke the tranquility in the court.

"Yes, I second the proposal, and I am also willing to ask your Majesty to move the capital." The right servant She Bailigui also stood up with a fluorene board in hand to express his attitude.

Prince Qing has been named Prince Sanzhu, and his old rival Prince Xiang has escaped again. It is no exaggeration to say that the possibility of Prince Qing being established as the crown prince is now the greatest. At this moment, Fan Shitong must of course try to protect his country. Stable, doesn't it mean that King Qing will have a chance to inherit?

This chapter has been completed!
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