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Chapter Five Hundred and Sixty-One The Desolate King Xiang

In a nervous mood, King Xiang came to Luzhou and met his uncle King Qi's two sons, the eldest son Yuan Zhong and the second prince Yuan Yi.

Things turned out better than King Xiang imagined. He was received warmly. According to the two sons of the Yuan family, Emperor Qianwen detained their father for no reason. This was an immoral act and they must deal with it. Struggle. As for Prince Xiang, not only was he the third prince of the current dynasty and the most likely candidate to inherit the throne, but he was also the cousin of their two brothers, he would definitely not hand it over due to circumstances and reasons.

When he first got this result, King Xiang was very satisfied. But he soon realized that not handing him over was not how much these two cousins ​​valued him, but they just wanted to use their own power to increase their influence. That’s all.

King Xiang was very angry and thought he had been taken advantage of. For this reason, he wanted to go to his two cousins ​​to seek justice, but was persuaded by his aide Zheng Qi. "Your Highness, things are different now. If Your Highness must If you go to them to argue, you really piss them off. They want to send you to Daliang City, so what should you do?"

"This..." Prince Xiang showed hesitation on his face, "They don't dare, right?"

"Your Highness, there is nothing you dare not do. If Your Highness has value, of course they will not do this. But if there is no use, no one knows what will happen." Zheng Qi looked serious. Said.

Zheng Qi has now boarded the ship. No matter how much he dislikes King Xiang, he has no chance to choose again. Once something happens to King Xiang, he will not be able to survive. Even for himself, he must Just use all your skills.

The dissuasion finally had an effect. After King Xiang recognized his position, he became honest and allowed himself to be manipulated by the two brothers of the Yuan family. In front of everyone, he expressed that he would support the Yuan family in obtaining the status they deserved, such as It is said that Yuan Tailou, the old Qi king, became the new Qi king and fought against Emperor Qianwen.

In fact, whether Yuan Zhong or Yuan Yi, the reason why they did not send King Xiang back to Daliang City was not because they respected King Xiang, but because they had their own agenda, which was to replace their father.

Although Yuan Tailou has become less courageous because of his age, he still has no problem with his control of the ground, and his health has always been good. Who knows how many more years he can live like this? Are we just going to let them wait like this? ?

In this way, for the sake of power, the drama of father and son turning against each other was once again staged. This gave King Xiang an advantage. At least he would not become a political victim and be sent back to Daliang City. But people no longer need to return to Daliang City, and the same is true in life. There is no freedom.

In particular, the Qian army invaded in large numbers and took advantage of the chaos in Qi. After capturing Luzhou, the prince Yuan Zhong led his army to defend the enemy in Liancheng. He was then sent to Yangzhou, where he was assigned a temporary building. He visited the mansion and sent a lot of guards to protect him on the surface, but secretly to monitor him and prevent him from escaping.

After all, Prince Xiang is also the third prince of the current emperor, and he was once the most powerful contender for the crown prince, right? Keeping him by his side means that Yuan Zhong has a certain reputation, and when he does some things, he will be more justified. Don't be too passive.

He never thought that one day he would become a canary and be "kept and raised" by others. But this was far inferior to a beautiful woman who could at least act coquettishly and get some benefits, but he wanted to act coquettishly and even achieve his goal. No, I can only wait passively, waiting for someone to remember me, maybe give him a bone, he still needs to beg for mercy.

Prince Xiang was in despair. Especially this time, because he was too anxious to come out, not only did he not bring too many guards, but he didn't even bring much of the money in Prince Xiang's palace. He had no money and no power, so what could he do? It's hard to move even a step forward.

He thought he was already in dire straits, but he didn't expect that his misfortune didn't end there. Just last night, an assassin came to his temporary residence. If the guards arranged by Yuan Zhong hadn't been effective, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to do so. If someone robs you, you will be killed.

The frightened King Xiang originally thought that these assassins were sent by his father. After all, he could not think of anyone else who would be harmful to him. He was already in such a state of despair, wasn't he?

Unexpectedly, Zheng Qi and Wang Yu participated in the interrogation, and finally learned from the living assassins that the person who carried out the attack was not Emperor Daqian, but Yuan Yi, the second prince of King Qi.

This result naturally made King Xiang very surprised. He didn't understand why he provoked Yuan Yi? Until Zheng Qi went on to say that Yuan Yi had already surrendered to the King of Southern Wu and used the excuse to go to the rear to raise food and funds. Taking advantage of the army, he betrayed his brother Yuan Zhong, gave the prosperous Zhezhou to the King of Southern Wu, and occupied Huizhou himself.

So far, the four states that were originally the land of the King of Qi, Luzhou were occupied by Qian's army, Zhezhou was given to the King of Southern Wu, Huizhou became independent and became Yuan Yi's territory, and the poor prince Yuan Zhong only got one Suzhou, and it was still the territory of Yuan Yi. A Suzhou in war.

Yuan Yi sent assassins just to kidnap King Xiang, and even if it didn't work, he wanted to kill King Xiang. In short, he couldn't be used by his brother Yuan Zhong, so he carried out the assassination last night.

Regarding Yuan Yi's attempt to use King Xiang to cut off the influence of his brother Yuan Zhong, King Xiang was very distressed. He had provoked whomever. Could it be that he had already given up his power and wanted to be a safe man with peace of mind?

He was extremely reluctant, but at this moment he could do nothing. Apart from seeing more guards sent by Yuan Zhong around him, he could only sigh. At this moment, he missed it so much. When he was in Daliang City, how majestic he was at that time? Now everything has become a memory, a flower in the landscape, a moon in the water.

Not to mention King Xiang, he is nothing more than a small wave in the long river of history, disappearing into the water. Let’s just say that Emperor Qianwen, the real ruler of Daqian, after learning about the changes in the land of King Qi, he His face was full of anger.

This time he took advantage of the death of his mother to gain the upper hand. He did not hesitate to use hundreds of thousands of troops, and he did not hesitate to detain the King of Qi Yuan Tailou. He was reviled by others, but what did he get in the end? There was only one Luzhou, and it was him We sent a large army to defeat it.

On the contrary, the King of Southern Wu did nothing and got the prosperous Zhezhou. Is this still justified?

However, what made Emperor Qianwen even more angry was that the Daliang City where he was now was still surrounded by King Zhong, and fighting was going on every day on the city tower. He gave King Zhong Guzhou and Jizhou. In other words, this time He paid for the land of two states, but only got one state, and the imperial capital was not guaranteed. The gap between this and the result he expected was really huge.

And just when Emperor Qianwen was angry and thought that God was unfair, something even more terrible happened. Just tonight, someone actually opened the city gate and escaped. Among them were Wu Yonghou Qiu Chun and Yong'an who were among the generals. Hou Zhangzhen is in charge.

Accompanying them were some officials from the DPRK and Central Government who escaped from Daliang City with their valuables. If not for the fact that the Liaozhou Army, which was surrounded outside the city, discovered this situation and wanted to take the opportunity to enter the city and mobilize The large army attracted the attention of Zhongcheng Hou Shen Yunyi, and if he quickly sent a large army to block it, I am afraid that this would directly lead to the loss of Daliang City and the Liaozhou Army entering the city. In that case, he might not be able to protect his position as emperor.

"These white-eyed wolves." Emperor Qianwen, who was sitting on the dragon throne, said angrily. Regarding the fact that Marquis Wu Yong and Marquis Yong'an had lost their loyalty and had secret contacts with the King of Southern Wu, Tianzi Wei had already reported .It’s just that Emperor Qianwen was too arrogant and thought that by keeping these people, King Nan Wu would relax his vigilance. He thought that the people he arranged for him would be safe, so he would not send new people. But he did not expect that these days, After Daliang City was attacked, he neglected to supervise some people, which led to this disaster.

Speaking of which, Emperor Qianwen was too conceited.

"Yan Fu, where are the troops transferred back from Luzhou?"

"Back to Your Majesty, the army has arrived near Cangzhou, and the next step will be to return to Zhenzhou for defense. But there was a little accident there." When Yan Fu said these words, his eyes were a little dodgey. He knew very well what he was doing now. Emperor Wen was in a bad mood. He was afraid that telling the truth would make the emperor even more angry, which would affect the health of the dragon body. The current Daqian period was a troubled time, and the emperor must not let anything happen at this time.

"Accident?" Emperor Qianwen didn't notice Yan Fu's eyes, but asked in confusion, "What's the accident?"

"Your Majesty...it's too late, why don't you take a rest and talk tomorrow." Yan Fu wanted to give Emperor Qianwen a buffer time.

Emperor Qianwen also felt that something was wrong at this time, and immediately said, "If you have anything to do, tell me now. My body is fine and I won't die yet."

Seeing the emperor's anger, Yan Fu finally did not dare to conceal it and said: "Your Majesty, 10,000 of the 50,000 troops called back this time are Guzhou soldiers. Somehow they heard that Sang Doubei had defected to King Zhong, so they stopped working for us. Effectiveness, not only that, but also suddenly launched a military coup. Caught off guard, all the army's food, grass and baggage were destroyed, and thousands of people were injured. Now they have to stop in Cangzhou to wait for food and grass."

"What? This..." He almost couldn't take a breath, and he couldn't hold it in until Emperor Wenwen's face turned red. After a long time, with Yan Fu constantly patting his back, he spit out a long breath. He said angrily: "Sang Doubei, this rebellious villain, I will kill him sooner or later."

After saying this, Emperor Qianwen kept coughing. Obviously, this news really pissed him off. He thought that after the 50,000-strong army came back for reinforcements, he would be able to carve out a bloody road and lead the army into the city. With the help of these people, Guarding Daliang City, the city defense is more difficult to break through. But now it is better. Without food and grass, the army dare not move lightly. Reinforcements will not arrive for a while. Daliang City has to rely on itself to resist King Zhong's siege. , the pressure is naturally greater.

This chapter has been completed!
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