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Five hundred and sixtieth IX backward will be beaten

At this time, you don't necessarily have to run very fast, you just need to run a little faster than your colleagues, that's enough, and you may be able to save your life.

The Sifang Army that rushed out only encountered a token wave of resistance. What they saw next was the scene of the Guzhou Army's frantic escape, which made them somewhat at a loss.

Speaking of which, Tang Ao misjudged one thing before the battle, and that was the Guzhou Army's will to resist and its true combat effectiveness.

In Tang Ao's eyes, the 40,000 soldiers brought by Sang Doubei were the troops that had attacked Daliang City, the capital of the Daqian Kingdom. They were people who had experienced the baptism of the battlefield. They should have a certain degree of combat effectiveness. Tang Ao even did Okay, let's prepare for a fierce battle between the Quzhou Army and the Guzhou Army.

I never expected that my opponent would be so vulnerable and the entire army would be defeated so quickly, so much so that many company commanders and even some battalion commanders appeared to be caught off guard and at a loss.

In the end, Commander Feng Wanli reacted faster, and he shouted loudly: "What are you doing standing still? Capture the prisoners and turn them over."

After receiving the order, the voice of surrendering without killing soon spread across the plain. Those Guzhou soldiers who were running slowly or who had no strength to run were suddenly relieved and threw away their weapons one by one. , knelt on the ground and raised his hands.

The sound of forcing surrender from behind continued. The 5,000 Fourth Army troops were working in vain, and their daily training gave them stronger running ability. They could follow the collapsed Guzhou Army and chase after it. As a result, more and more Guzhou troops had to abandon their weapons and choose to surrender.

"Asshole, this is not the way to go. General Lu, lead someone to stop them." Seeing the Jizhou Army behind him sticking to him like a cowhide plaster, he had already chased him five or six miles away, but there was no trace of him. Sang Doubei said with an annoyed look on his face as he was about to stop, making at least thousands of soldiers prisoners.

Lu Feng, whose face was extremely ugly, wanted to shake his head, but he didn't dare. If you disobey orders on the battlefield, you will not only be beheaded, but your relatives will also be harmed. Compared with this, at least if you die on the battlefield after being ordered, your relatives will not be harmed.

"Promise." Lu Feng was unwilling and did not dare to show it, so Lu Feng could only clasp his fists and agree, and then went to prepare to assemble his army to resist. But at this moment, a rumbling ground trembling sound could be heard. Come on, let Lu Feng, who was about to take action, stop what he was doing.

When the sound of the earth trembling came, even Sang Doubei forgot to urge Lu Feng, but instinctively looked to the north. At this look, he turned pale with fright and was dripping with cold sweat. At this time, He no longer cared about giving orders to anyone, he only had one thought in his mind, and that was to escape, to escape from here quickly.

Lu Feng was lucky, and he didn't have to do anything to break up the rear. He was able to follow Sang Doubei and run away with him. They went all the way, passed through the central army, came to the rear army, and met with the rear army. General Hua'an, who was escorting a large amount of grain, fodder and baggage, met here. He then gave up all military supplies and headed southwest without daring to look back.

There was only one reason that urged Sang Doubei to give up resistance and just run away, and that was the sudden appearance of the Three Thousand Mountain Shaking Guards.

Tang Ao's attacks were never too simple and single. It can be described as like the waves of the sea, one wave after another, and he seemed to be determined not to give up until the opponent was overwhelmed.

First there was the thunder attack from the Firearms Battalion, then there was the charge of 15,000 reserve troops, then there was the charge of 5,000 elite Quartet Army, and lastly there was the charge of 3,000 Shanshan Guards who were the killer.

Black clothes and black armor, even the war horses are covered with black armor. From a distance, they look like a black whirlwind, giving people a huge impact on the sight.

The bright silver gun was raised high, shining brightly in the sunlight, giving people an invincible feeling.

The neat team maintains a unified formation even when advancing. The square formations give people a sense of weight, which makes people reluctant to raise their swords and guns. Such a cavalry suddenly

Entering the battlefield and pressing down on the already chaotic Guzhou Army, you can imagine the pressure.

Sang Doubei also felt powerless when he saw the appearance of this army from a distance. He was not afraid of the infantry chasing behind him. He was riding a war horse, so he could still run away if he couldn't beat him. But in front of the same cavalry, he even

How can he fight now that his speed advantage is gone? What should he do if he gets entangled in an enemy attack?

The sky is big and the earth is big, your own life is the biggest!

Sang Doubei showed his heroic side, putting life first and adopted the last of the thirty-six strategies - go first!

As Sang Doubei ran desperately, the situation on the battlefield completely lost its suspense. More and more Guzhou troops chose to surrender when there was no possibility of escape. For a time, on the plain, looking from a distance, everywhere

All are prisoners.

The change in the battle situation was beyond Tang Ao's expectation, or better than he expected. Just over an hour later, news came from the front, saying that Sang Doubei had escaped and the army was cleaning up the battlefield. Got this

When the result came out, Tang Ao felt a little stunned in his heart, but he didn't show it. He just thought in his heart, did he win so quickly? Is it too... too simple?

When other people saw Tang Ao being so "calm", they all showed admiration. His Highness is His Highness, and he is not comparable to them.

They defeated Sang Doubei in just over an hour and sealed the victory. However, it took nearly five more hours to actually clean up the battlefield. It was not until the sun was about to set that the captured soldiers on the battlefield were gathered together.

When he got up, the latest statistical battle report was also sent to Tang Ao.

In this battle, more than 3,000 enemy soldiers were killed and more than 26,000 enemy soldiers were captured; more than 100 of our own soldiers were killed and more than 400 wounded.

Looking at this battle report, Tang Ao was shocked when he defeated 40,000 enemy troops with less than 500 casualties and killed 30,000 enemies and captured them. All the generals were also shocked. They

I thought that under the leadership of Tang Ao, victory would be achieved, but I didn't expect that victory would come so quickly and the results would be so great.

While everyone was in shock and joy, Tang Ao was not as happy as everyone imagined. Instead, he said with a solemn expression: "Everyone has read the battle report. Most of our casualties and injuries are from reserve forces.

, they accounted for nearly 400 of the 500 people. In comparison, the Quartet Army only suffered less than 80 casualties, and the Shanshan Guard suffered only 20 casualties, and no one was killed. This is said.

What? It explains the importance of training, and the correctness of sweating more during training and bleeding less during battle. After this battle, everyone must carefully summarize when they go back, find out our advantages and our shortcomings, and learn from each other's strengths.

Try your best to win more victories at less cost in future battles, do you understand?"

Facing the crowd who were already beaming with joy, Tang Ao poured cold water on them. Although he didn't want to do this, he knew better that an arrogant army would be defeated. If an army is too arrogant, it will fall into a fight.

That would be a matter of time. That also meant that countless people would die as a result, which was not the result he wanted to see.

Tang Ao's cold voice sounded in everyone's ears, making them all become serious. At the same time, they began to reflect on whether they were a little too proud just now. It is true that these generals are well-organized troops, but

The victory was due to King Ji's strategizing and the warriors' hard work. What could they be proud of?

Everyone stopped talking, and most of them even lowered their heads, making the atmosphere in the temporary tent that was supposed to be a sea of ​​joy seem very heavy. This scene fell into the eyes of Chang Shi Han Ce, and he couldn't help but make him a little anxious.

As a scholar, Han Ce didn't want to see the military commanders being proud, because if one person didn't control it well in such a situation, big problems might occur. But he also didn't want to see the military commanders being suppressed too harshly.

If you can't get rewards even if you win a battle, then when you fight in the future, will these people still work hard?

Just when Han Ce was a little impatient and wanted to remind Tang Ao, King Ji already said: "Okay, summary is inevitable. This needs to form a habit. In the future, no matter whether we win or lose, we must summarize. But after fighting

Victory means reward. Everyone who participated in the battle will be rewarded with ten taels of silver. Officers will be rewarded level by level. Your military exploits this time will also be recorded and will become the basis for future promotions. In addition, please inform the entire army tonight

At the dinner, everyone will have meat to eat and wine to drink."

"Okay!" The last words finally attracted applause from all the soldiers, and the atmosphere in the camp heated up at this moment. Especially when Tang Ao also smiled and was seen by everyone.

, everyone burst out laughing. Even Xue Fei, who had always had a gloomy face, had a little more blush on her face at this moment.

This battle completely established Tang Ao's well-deserved number one position in the army. Originally, some people were worried about sending troops to Guzhou this time. After all, Jizhou's development time was still too short, and it had already provoked

With Beidi, a powerful enemy, it is time for Jizhou to lower its head and develop, instead of taking the initiative to fight out and provoke other people.

Especially after Guzhou and Jizhou have been assigned to the jurisdiction of King Zhong by the current emperor, there is no reason for King Zhong to deal with them. If he takes the initiative to start a war with the Guzhou army, doesn't that mean giving the opponent the advantage?

Faced with everyone's doubts, Tang Ao gave only one reason - only those who fall behind will be beaten.

If you want to have your own independence and dignity among the powerful, you must fight and defeat your opponents. Only when you show enough strength, your opponents will not dare to bully you at will.

This chapter has been completed!
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