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Five hundred and ninetieth chapters soldiers approach the capital of Beidi

The killing of Bu Yuan was just a small episode on the battlefield. In fact, in addition to Bu Yuan, the Xiongnu general Shantatang was also killed, and the other one, Ke Nian, who was left behind, was captured. With these

After the general was either dead or captured, the remaining Xiongnu soldiers were also willing to die and surrendered. Looking at the battlefield, there was no one resisting.

The Huns' army was defeated. The enemy generals Bu Jie and Qiao Tai escaped in time because they escaped. This was also an imperfection on the battlefield.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Outside the town and county, there are dense forests. If a person escapes into them, trying to find him is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Even Xiaobai patrols the sky with birds.

, but due to the high trees and dense forests, there are still many places that cannot be searched at all.

If he can't find it, he won't look for it. For Tang Ao, it's just an enemy general who escaped. It's nothing. You know, the reason why a general is a general is because there are soldiers below for him to command. If even the soldiers are

If there is no more, then the general is still a general?

Besides, Tang Ao has more important things to do, which is to take this opportunity to break into the Beidi realm.

Again, Tang Ao was never a person who wouldn't fight back when hit or scolded. On the contrary, if anyone offended him, he would never wait a night to take revenge.

And he has a big advantage in sending troops to Beidi this time, that is, his soldiers are very fast. No one would have thought that he could defeat the 30,000 Xiongnu army so quickly. At this moment, Beidi may still be watching from the mountain.

Let's fight and wait to reap the benefits. If he suddenly sends troops at this time, he will definitely see the effect.

"Order the Quartet Army to leave two battalions with 5,000 reserves to clean the battlefield, while the others march towards Muji City at full speed." Without waiting for a summary report on the victory, Tang Ao gave the order for the army to continue advancing.

Speaking of which, this order is not unexpected at all. It was originally part of the plan of the three staff officers. The task had been assigned to the generals before, which team was the vanguard, which team was in the middle, and which team was in the middle.

There are detailed arrangements for everyone walking behind.

Tang Ao issued such an order before the main battle with the Huns. It sounds a bit arrogant. But what is surprising is that even with this order, none of the generals below questioned it. They all thought that

, since His Highness said that a great victory over the Huns can be achieved, then he will definitely win a great victory over the Huns.

In this way, when it was still dark, the Jizhou army set off overnight. At this time, a large number of captured Xiongnu draft horses came in handy (draft horses refer to their walking speed, which is not suitable for war horses).

Horses). With these draft horses, the army can rest while rushing on the road. In addition, the attack on Muji City exceeded everyone's expectations. The army did not even have to hide its whereabouts, but held the handle of the horse and marched towards the town and county with open fire.

Rush to the north.


Bu Jie entered the dense forest under the protection of his own soldiers, and was then chased by the Longya team members who had been prepared for a long time.

There are birds in the sky to help, but if Bujie and the others make any movement, they will be discovered, which makes the pursuit very smooth. Bujie was once in danger. If the soldiers around him were not loyal enough,

If Po Po had stayed to block Long Ya's pursuit, he might have been captured long ago.

Chasing Bu Jie was based on the idea of ​​hitting one shot if possible, and more importantly, not giving him a chance to spread the news of his defeat.

It was this hopeless pursuit that suddenly ushered in the best result. Xu Hun, the deputy captain of Longya, really bit him with the help of flying birds, and finally on the third day of the pursuit, he became Bu Jie, who had defeated the polished commander and was thirsty, tired and hungry, caught up with him and captured him alive.

It's a pity that Qiao Tai ran away. But it doesn't matter. It was an unexpected surprise to be able to catch the second-largest figure among the Huns. When the news was reported to Tang Ao, who was on his way, he was overjoyed. If If he was originally 30% sure of making the Xiongnu bow, now that Bu Jie is in his hands, he has at least 50% confidence that he can do this well.

Seven days later, after traveling day and night, the three thousand Shanshan Guards as the vanguard finally arrived at the foot of Muji City. When they, wearing Xiongnu costumes, appeared at the foot of the city in defeat, the Beidi Guards were completely unaware. The army opened the city gate without any suspicion.

At this point, it has been reinforced, and the door to Daqian was easily opened as Beidi refused to defend it.

Speaking of which, this was the result of a sneak attack, but why wasn't it a sign of confidence that Tang Aobing had used his move?

After occupying Muji City, Feng Xun followed Tang Ao's order and secretly sealed the four gates of the city, with no entry or exit allowed, so that the news did not spread. Three days later, Tang Ao rushed to Muji City with his main force, and then After just a day's rest, the army left Muji City and rushed north towards Shile City, the capital of Beidi.

Marching continuously for ten days, advancing about a hundred miles every day, and bringing so many prisoners of war, it was already the limit of the Jizhou Army. Tang Ao had no choice but to do the same. Seeing that it was already late September, the night sky was already approaching the limit. When the temperature drops to zero, heavy snow will fall at some point. If the battle cannot be resolved before the heavy snow, the tens of thousands of Jizhou troops will be in danger.

Three days later, the Jizhou Army appeared under Shile City without any warning. When the news reached the Beidi Palace, Beidi Wang Yiquxiao was so shocked that he almost fell off the king's chair. "What's going on? The Jizhou Army is not Are we at war with the Huns? How did they appear here? Also, where have our Ye Bushou gone? Are they all dead? Why were such big movements not reported in advance? "

Of course, King Beidi would not know that he stayed up all night and was stared at by the birds in the sky when he left the city. Then he was picked off by the Longya scouts one by one. How could he come back to report the war situation? At this moment, Tang Ao's beast Vocabulary plays a decisive role.

No one answered what King Beidi said, and the people below did not know about it. They also did not expect that the Jizhou Army would defeat the Huns Army so quickly and appear at the foot of Shile City. Based on the speed of the advance, the Huns Army would be at least ten The fact that he should have been defeated just days ago is even more difficult to accept.

These are the Xiongnu. They claim to be very powerful beings, and even Beidi will not easily provoke them. Fortunately, Huyangai also knows that the Xiongnu and Dadi are an inseparable part, and never troubles them. Otherwise, Beidi Whether it can still exist in such a peaceful state is a matter of debate.

Even if even the Xiongnu were no match for the Jizhou Army, why would Beidi be their rival? But when had the Han people been so capable of fighting?

Everyone looked puzzled. King Beidi looked at the people below. No one answered his question, and he couldn't help but get even more angry. "Aren't everyone usually very talkative? He talks about Dadi every day. At the same time, they also said that the Han people are just a group of sheep, and we can eat them whenever we want. Now that it’s okay, they have come to our doorstep, let’s talk about it, what should we do next?”

Facing Beidi Wang's doubts, everyone looked at me and me, but in the end no one had the courage to stand up.

As the saying goes, when a book is put to use, it will be less hateful, and when a person is put to use, it will show loyalty. The performance of the ministers fell in the eyes of King Beidi, which made him very disappointed. Since the people below were so uncooperative, he had to order them. "Cheng Zuo Fu Hezai, I order you to leave the city immediately and have a good talk with the Jizhou Army. We had an agreement with Dagan before. The two sides are friendly neighbors and will not engage in war. Now that they have violated this rule, are they going to give us Where’s an explanation?”

Cheng Zuofu, whose name was called, is short and fat, especially with a very obvious pot belly. It even makes people wonder whether he can see his little brother when he urinates.

In this era, it is common for people to not have enough to eat or wear warm clothes. Don’t mention the quality of life. Survival is the first priority. The lack of materials makes most people thin and small. Fat people are especially rare, let alone He said he was so fat.

Chengzuo Fuyou has such a figure, which has a lot to do with his identity. Compared with Di people who shout and kill and rob at every turn, he is an outlier. He likes to do business, but he doesn't like it. Swords and guns, in his opinion, it would be great if everyone was harmonious and each used their own methods to do business and make a lot of money, but they would be beaten to death at every turn. A person only has one life.

His ideas are different from others. With the support of Chengjia, he actually made a business, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger. Even the iodized salt, glass and other products made by Tang Ao were introduced by him. Some of them were obtained in Beidi. Although the quantity was not large, the price was too high. There were rich people everywhere, and it was these people who could make them fat and fat.

But no matter how rich he was, in the eyes of the Di people who judged the world with their fists, Chengzuo Fu was still looked down upon. No, the first person the Beidi King named was his name.

No matter how reluctant he was in his heart, once Yiquxiao opened his mouth and gave the order in public, he absolutely could not refuse it. Cheng Zuofu had no choice but to step forward reluctantly and accepted the job.

Outside Shile City, the Jizhou Army was stationed in an orderly manner and set up their formation in a short period of time. If it had not been dark, they would have launched an attack at any time.

When Zuo Fu appeared outside the city, he walked into the Jizhou Army camp. What he saw was a well-organized scene. Even the toilet area had been built. As a descendant, Tang Ao knew hygiene very well. Everywhere we go, there are toilets all over the place, and the soldiers have become accustomed to it. Besides, they came all the way in a hurry, and many Jizhou Army soldiers showed a hint of exhaustion on their faces, but they were all in good spirits. Even a little excited. Nineteen years later, the Han people once again came to the capital of Beidi, and they were very excited to be a part of it.

This chapter has been completed!
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