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Chapter 604: On meritorious deeds

The greatest wish in this life is to restore the former Princess Di, and all her efforts are centered around this center. Over the years, she has been walking in the darkness and using all kinds of conspiracies, isn't it just to achieve this goal?

She knew that she couldn't satisfy her wish in an honest way, so she had to do this. But now, she suddenly realized that she seemed to be wrong. Someone could defeat the Beidi army so easily and capture the capital of Beidi. Although it was possible There is an element of luck, but even if you can break through once, you should be able to break through the second time. In this way, doesn't it mean that as long as you have a good relationship with the Jizhou Army, your wish can be realized?

Princess Beidi thinks she knows a lot about the Gan people. They are simply a clan without great ambitions. They are just satisfied with occupying the most prosperous land in the Central Plains. Although there are some strong-tempered people among them, they think it is not us. Different races have different minds. But more Gan people don't think like this. They are more accustomed to living a peaceful life and enjoying a comfortable life.

The direct consequence of this is that most Gan people look down on foreigners, and even less on the places where they live, like the land of Beidi, where the climate, environment, conditions are bad, poverty, bitter cold, remoteness, and Civilization, barbarism, etc. are synonymous with it. Even if they have the chance, they would not occupy a place like this. On the contrary, they think it is very troublesome to station troops there.

Ganren does not have such ambitions. This is the hope of the former Princess Di to dare to restore the country. She knows clearly that for Ganren and Dagann, it does not matter who becomes the king of Beidi, as long as they do not come to them That's the trouble. From this point of view, she and Daqian still have a lot in common.

In other words, he can let Gan Jun help her restore the country, and then he can coax them to withdraw from Beidi with a small price, without having to worry about any subsequent troubles. It's just a pity, Her eyes have always been on Emperor Daqian. The former Princess Di believed that only Emperor Daqian could help her realize this wish.

So when Emperor Qianwen didn't cooperate, she thought of overthrowing his regime and replacing him with Emperor Daqian who could cooperate. But now, when she discovered that Emperor Daqian could do all this without Emperor Daqian, just Prince Ji could do all this. How could she not regret it.

Over the years, I have chosen the wrong method to solve the problem. I have worked hard for so long and wasted so much time.

Fortunately, the current former Princess Di is also very young, less than twenty years old. She still has opportunities and time to do more things. "No, we have to find a way to make up for the relationship with Prince Ji. , if that doesn't work, we should find a way to borrow a way from him to allow other state armies to enter Beidi territory.

At this time, Princess Qian Di, who did not know the details, thought that the Beidi warriors, like Da Gan and other ministers and dignitaries, had fallen into pleasure and lost their original bravery over the years. In this way, as long as a large army is led You can defeat them once you enter Beidi. It doesn't matter whether they are the Jizhou Army or not.

Of course, it would be best to use the Jizhou Army. They have already fought once, so they have experience. But considering that I have framed Tang Ao before, it must be a little difficult for King Tongji to cooperate with me now. But it doesn’t matter. As long as the Jizhou Army is willing to take advantage of the road, that's fine. She can definitely use the other Daqianzhou Army to invade Beidi, right?

As for who to choose after the Jizhou Army, Princess Beidi already had a goal in mind, and that was King Zhong of Liaozhou.

After acquiring the wealth of the Jin army, the current Princess Beidi has 100 million taels of silver in her hands. With this, it will not be too difficult to persuade King Zhong. In addition, once the entire Beidi is captured, the former Princess Di

Then she could in turn send troops to help King Zhong. Based on all this, she had absolute confidence that she could convince King Zhong.

But before that, let’s try to persuade Prince Ji Tang Ao. “Come here, invite Tang Sheng.”

Tang Sheng was just a literati with no power, but he had a good skill, that is, he could speak eloquently, and he could often talk about life and death with his mouth. Such a person was often praised by the people in the past.

After Princess Di found out, she stayed by her side to advise her. Now in order to persuade King Ji, this person came in handy.


Jizhou Army New Army Barracks.

Change, really change, there are rules for how to wear clothes; there are rules for how to walk and stand; there are rules for how to fold quilts and where to put lunch boxes.

There are so many rules in the Jizhou Army, and the ultimate goal is to train the overall obedience of the soldiers.

In just three months of recruit training, what Jizhou Army instructors talked about most was team spirit and obedience. The requirements for officers are higher, and they also need a spirit of sacrifice. In all battles, officers must stand at the front.

On the battlefield, once the soldiers find that the officers are retreating, they can use their swords on the officers, which greatly boosts the morale of the entire army.

On the battlefield, what ordinary soldiers are most worried about is that they will be abandoned or used as a scapegoat. They will become the target of depleting the opponent's morale and die worthlessly. Now, with the officers in front, let everyone be on the battlefield.

There is no need to worry about the above, as this gives everyone a great opportunity to make meritorious deeds fairly, which also makes the morale of the army stronger, and a situation of unity between officers and soldiers is quickly formed.

The new recruit barracks and barracks are all newly built and made of cement. They are extremely strong. The inner and outer walls are also painted with white lime. After the weeds on the playground are cleaned up, a layer of cinders is also put on it, making it look very clean.


All the beds in the barracks were replaced with bunk beds, with clean sheets and quilts. Many recruits shed tears when they saw it. This seemed to be a treatment only given to the families of landlords and gentry during the Chinese New Year.

Under good conditions, the requirements are also very strict. Not only that the items must be placed neatly and someone will check at any time, but that you cannot urinate anywhere, you need to go to a fixed place, and you must report to the squad leader before going, and you must take five minutes to defecate.

, urinating for two minutes makes everyone feel very uncomfortable. But after getting really used to it, and after this rule is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it becomes easier to lead the soldiers.

The recruits get up at half past five.

After the wake-up call is sounded, all personal housework should be put away within ten minutes, and personal hygiene should be cleaned up in another ten minutes. It is required that the assembly must be completed within twenty minutes. This is still during training, and I heard that in wartime, all the time added up is absolutely impossible.

More than ten minutes.

When Tang Ao appeared in the military camp, escorted by two hundred Han generals from the Imperial Guard, what he saw was the scene of the new recruits doing morning exercises.

Morning exercise, a five-kilometer is mandatory, and then there are other optional trainings. For example, horizontal and parallel bars, special 500-meter obstacle course, bow and arrow and gun shooting exercises, etc.

When Tang Ao and his party appeared at the entrance of the military camp, they were blocked. The soldier in charge of the guard blocked the front of the team and asked for identification.

Even Tang Ao dared to block him. I have to say that these new recruits were really tired of life. But this was exactly what Tang Ao asked for. He demanded that everyone be treated equally in the army. Without proof, even if you are an officer or even a military chief.

They are also not allowed to enter the military camp.

For this matter, some officers with reckless personalities had to force their way through before, and the results were shocking. The results of those few officers were all miserable without exception. The lightest punishment was to be demoted to three levels in a row, and some even

They were simply demoted from officers to ordinary soldiers; some, who were originally soldiers, were demoted three levels in a row and were not even new recruits. They were kicked out of the army directly, and it was stipulated that they would never be part of the Jizhou Army.

Not only him, but also his immediate family members were deprived of the right to join the army.

The most severe one was when a company commander was encouraged to return to the military camp because he drank too much. Then he wanted to take his friends to visit the military camp, but was blocked by the guards. He actually made a scene and was beaten.

The recruit who blocked him. After the incident, the company commander came to his senses and quickly thought about apologizing to the recruit. However, he had no such chance and was directly arrested by the Military Justice Department. He was later determined to have a

The result of beheading.

On that day, there were thousands of soldiers watching the execution. Since then, no one has broken into the camp, which made the Jizhou Army's camp look even more mysterious to the outside world.

When Tang Ao came here today, he was still blocked. But even so, Shen Lingfeng, the captain of the Imperial Guard, could not do anything. He could not even express his complaints. He obediently showed the officer on his body.

Passed it over.

Tang Ao came in a carriage. Next to him, the guard captain and the deputy commander-in-chief of the Jizhou Army, Shi Lei, saw this scene and whispered into the carriage: "Master, the guards stopped us. Captain Shen has handed over

Get your ID."

"Very good." Tang Ao's voice came out from inside the carriage. It was short and powerful, which meant that he was still in a good mood at this moment.

The so-called privilege gap cannot be opened. Once it is opened, there will be more and more privileged people, and one day, the rules will be in vain. And if an army loses military discipline, it will be defeated by others.

Even death will not be far away.

After checking the ID, the recruit handed the ID to Shen Lingfeng, saluted to express his gratitude for his cooperation, and then waved his hand to let him go.

At this time, in front of the military camp, Zhou Qian, the captain of the New Army Reserve Training Corps, was already waiting here with a group of officers. Among them were Feng Xun, deputy commander-in-chief of the Jizhou Army and general of the Shanwei Guards, Tielong of Longya, Xu Hun, and Huben Army.

Xingsi, the two battalion commanders Zuo Zhuang, the commander of the Quartet Army Feng Wanli, the commander of the Guiyi Army Sun Fuhu, the Firearms Battalion Shen Ping'an, Jiang Fenghua, the Chariot Battalion Bai Wu, as well as staff representatives such as Wei Chao, Ye Fan, Lu Tianchi and others.

This time, all the generals gathered here to discuss their merits and reward them.

This chapter has been completed!
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