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Chapter 61 The Ancestor of Palindrome Poems

Guan Yuan Zhonghao was even more proud. Yamada Shinichi on the side was also very excited. Although the nine links were untied, they were caught off guard. But it doesn't matter, it's just a small way, poetry is a big road, and now we have to do it in This way suppressed the Daqian Dynasty. Presumably even the king would be extremely happy when this news spread back to the country.

Both of their faces were covered with smiles, but before they could fully bloom, a voice sounded in the Tai Chi Hall. It was not very loud, but it was guaranteed to be heard by everyone. "Who said we can't write such poems right? , Daqian is a high-ranking country in the heaven, and I don’t want to be on the same level as you and other island countries. Do you know what humility is? Do you know what courtesy is? It seems that you still have to learn what it means to be a humble gentleman."

Needless to say, the one who can say these words at this time is naturally our wise and powerful, unparalleled in the world, unparalleled in grace, civil and military excellence... The young master of the small country is proud.

Wrapped in a purple robe that represented nobility, Shen Ao walked slowly forward from the last row of courtiers.

The reason why I have to come slowly is that my robe is a bit too big. If I walk too fast, I might get stepped on. If I fall at this time, it will really affect our young master’s wise and martial attitude. .

Shen Ao finally stood up, and Emperor Qianwen on the throne suddenly looked much better. Even the half of the Ministry of Industry things he had just been threatened with didn't look so distressed.

As soon as Shen Ao said humility and courtesy, the other courtiers looked puzzled at first, and then some of them reacted quickly and shouted loudly. "Yes, we see that you are guests from afar, and we are sorry to bully you." That’s all, do you really think you are a green onion?”

"Ignorant people, who don't even know how to be humble, are still talking shamelessly here. It's really ridiculous."

"Well, ignorance is not wrong. It is a big mistake to regard ignorance as victory."

The courtiers immediately returned all the ridicule to the Japanese envoys, as if they were already the victors at this moment.

Under the sudden change, both Yamada Shinichi and Guan Yuan Nakahiro's expressions changed drastically. They didn't know how this trick was changed, and why did they become incompetent? It seems that Da Gan hasn't done anything yet. Complete their assignments.

"What are you doing? Can't the majestic Celestial Empire afford to lose? Now please answer the questions we asked first." Fortunately, Guan Yuan Zhonghao was not carried away by anger and made sarcastic remarks. With.

"Uh..." The courtiers who were about to rise up fell silent again at this moment. After all, this kind of palindrome poem was not what they were good at, and it was the first time they had seen it. For a moment, they really couldn't think of anything else. Good verses give back.

"Who says we can't afford to lose? I'm afraid that you won't admit defeat for a while." Shen Ao, who had slowly walked to the front of the Jinluan Palace, spoke again. Then he flicked his sleeves. If the purple robe was not too loose, it would be a A very cool gesture, "Just wait and listen carefully. The flowers have fallen in the spring evening, and the green grass remains, and the night is cool and the moon is half moon. People follow the wild geese in the distant city at dusk, and the rain reflects the sparse curtains and the embroidered pavilion is empty."

Soon, a recorder wrote the poem that Shen Ao said. Then it was announced to the public. At that moment, someone was the first to reflect back: "The embroidered curtains in the empty pavilion reflect the rain, and the wild geese follow people in the twilight city. It’s a cool half-moon night, and the grass is green and the remaining flowers have fallen in late spring.”

"Not bad, not bad, neat and rhymed." Someone immediately made a judgment.

Although the poem cannot be called a quatrain, at most it is just perfect, it satisfies Guan Yuan Zhonghao's requirement for a palindrome poem, which can be regarded as answering the other party's question and saving face.

Emperor Qianwen, who was sitting on the dragon throne, also relaxed his tense body at this moment, and his face was filled with a smile again. Although this Shen Ao is not very obedient and always puts forward conditions, he still has some ability, not bad. good.

Seeing Shen Ao's answer, all the courtiers immediately stood on his side and began to praise the power of this first palindrome poem created by their Dagan people. It seemed like this poem was written by in their hands.

As soon as the poem came out, the courtiers in Daqian breathed a sigh of relief, and Guan Yuan Zhonghao looked ugly. They originally thought that the other party was already at his wits end, and it would be impossible for him to figure out the rules of palindrome poems in such a short period of time. I just created a song, but I didn’t expect that Daqian is really full of talents.

The nine-link link just now was solved by a teenage prince, and the current palindrome was solved by a teenage prince. Could it be said that people in Daqian are so smart nowadays? Can a young man achieve these great things?

Guan Yuan Zhonghao and Yamada Shinichi were still shocked by Shen Ao's words, and were a little overwhelmed by the answers to the questions. They didn't know what to say. Shen Ao had already spoken again, "I want to I have a large land, rich resources, and many talented people. Even a three-year-old child can answer a few poems. There are countless poems like this. Come on, let’s play another poem, "Inscribed on Jinshan Temple."

Shen Ao, with his hands behind his back and wearing a purple robe, walked and spoke.

The tide follows the dark waves, the snow-capped mountains fall, and the fishing boat fishing in Yuanpu is fishing under the bright moon.

The pine path across the bridge from the temple gate is small, and the threshold serves as a spring with clear stone waves.

The distant green trees and the river are at dawn, and the amiable red clouds are clear at night.

Looking at the clouds on all sides and the water, there are thousands of green peaks and several light gulls.

After the words fell, the recording officer also wrote the last word, and then someone read back the reply.

Qinghong counts thousands of green peaks, and the water touches the clouds and looks far away in all directions.

The sun is clear, the sea is covered with red mist, and the river is full of green trees at dawn.

The Qingbo Stone Eye Spring serves as the threshold, and the path leads to the bridge across from Songmen Temple.

The moon is bright, fishing boats are fishing in the distance, the mountains are covered with snow, and the waves are darkly following the tide.

"Praise!" At that moment, many courtiers shouted in unison.

However, this was not the end, Shen Ao continued to speak: "There are too many such things, let's play a song called "Poppy Poppies"."

The sound of autumn makes the night cool and thin, and the silence and sorrow are new.

In the small courtyard where sick crickets and crickets mourn, the setting moon quietly hangs down the curtains and shadows the empty green room.

The light smoke and black hair lock the eyebrows with hatred, and the emotions behind the mirror are inaccurate.

It’s hard to wake up from the powder and fat left behind, and the weather is cold with wrinkles and sleeves all over it.

Reading it backwards, it's still "Poppy Poppies".

In the cold weather, my sleeves are wrinkled and it is difficult to sober up.

The remaining fat and powder must be ruthless, and the frown on the back of the mirror is light.

The green shadow curtains of the empty room are hanging quietly, and the moon is setting in the small courtyard.

The crickets are sad, the crickets are sick, and the new sadness is coming. The sound of autumn is heard in the lonely, thin lamp and cool night.

This time there were more people applauding, and some people looked at Shen Ao with excitement in their eyes. Obviously they were impressed by his literary talent. If he could write a poem in such a short time, it was luck. , but it is very difficult to write palindrome poems one after another. At least it shows that this person has a very high level of attainment in poetry and can do it easily.

The above palindrome poems were originally very famous in history, but if we talk about the strongest palindrome poems, they must belong to "Two Lovesickness" by Li Yu of the Song Dynasty. This "Two Lovesickness" is even more impressive. People are amazed by it. The straight reading is "Poems of Missing My Wife", and the backward reading is "Poems of Missing Husband". It is worthy of the title "Two Loves", which is full of praise!

Now Shen Ao is going to bring out these two lovesicknesses, completely defeat Guan Yuan Zhonghao, and let him know that Japanese poetry is not good, and palindrome poetry is his ancestor.

"Listen carefully, the following is still a palindrome poem, but the forward reading is "Poem of Thinking of Wife", and the backward reading is "Poem of Thinking of Husband"."

As soon as Shen Ao finished speaking, there were voices of discussion among the courtiers, "What, there is such a thing?"

"If this is really possible, it would be great."

"I'm afraid he can't do it. I just want to talk and listen."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, and listen carefully."

The courtiers all said anything, but most of them were doubters. Even Emperor Qianwen, who was sitting on the dragon throne, had a look of disbelief at this moment. He just focused his attention on Shen Ao to see what he would do next.

Not paying attention to the others, Shen Ao still stood with his hands behind his back and spoke next. "Poem of Missing My Wife"

With dry eyes, I look at the distant mountains and across the water. How many times have I seen and known by my heart?

If the pot is empty and I am afraid to drink a glass of wine, it will be difficult to write a harmonious poem.

I have been away from you for a long time on the way to the Yangtze River, and my message has not been sent back too late.

The solitary lamp keeps watch in the long lonely night, the husband remembers his wife and the father remembers his son.

"Listen up everyone, next is "Poetry of Missing My Husband""

The son remembers his father, the wife remembers her husband, and the lonely night keeps watch with the lantern alone.

I returned late and sent the geese without any news. I have been away from people for a long time on the way to Yang.

It is difficult to write a poem when the rhyme is harmonious, and when you drink from a wine glass, you are afraid of emptying the pot.

We have seen each other several times, and our eyes are dry when we look at each other across the water and mountains.

The verses had been recorded and displayed in front of the courtiers. The same words, with different arrangements, produced different artistic conceptions and results. For a moment, the hall was very quiet. Even Guan Yuan Zhonghao's eyes widened. After he understood the content of the poem, he lowered his proud head. He knew that compared with his attainments in palindrome poetry, he was far behind the young man in purple robe.

Just don't think that he has given up just now. He came fully prepared for this trip, and the palindrome poem is just one of the tests. It's like making pairs, that is, couplets are his specialty.

Some of them are absolute. The first line is there, but the second line has no result yet. He wants to see how these high officials and ministers will respond.

"Thumbs up!"

“Big thumbs up!”

At this moment, the ministers are full of praise for Shen Ao's love story. In their opinion, this song is definitely the pinnacle of palindrome poems, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for anyone to surpass it in a while.

And today they all witnessed the appearance of this poem, which was hailed as a prosperous time by many people, and many were even excited. But at this time, the annoying Guan Yuan Zhonghao stood up again. He first asked Shen Ao Bowing slightly, "I don't know how to call you."

"I am not worthy of a question, so is Shen Ao, Duke of Daqian Zhongguo." He said that it was not worthy of a question, but he still said his name. With such a good opportunity to become famous, how could Shen Ao not seize it. This is also This is his first appearance in the court. Although he has no intention of becoming an official, it is not his usual style to not talk about the good deeds he has done.

This chapter has been completed!
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