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Chapter 617 Dai Mubai's Selfishness

Royal Palace.

The Hall of Nourishing Heart.

Dai Mubai, the commander-in-chief of the Emperor's Guard, held a memorial in both hands and sent it to Yan Fu. Then Emperor Qianwen, who was sitting high on the dragon throne, threw the memorial away in anger. "You bastard, you traitor, you bastard." ..."

At this moment, Emperor Qianwen's face turned red and he looked very angry. In fact, he also had a reason to be angry. After the Tianzi Wei found out, the secret recipe of Tianlei was actually passed on by Gao Yao, the left minister of the Ministry of Industry, and sold it at a high price. And this person is a subordinate of King Qing, and he just gave a large gift to King Qing a while ago."

The matter was already obvious. Even if Prince Qing didn't know about it beforehand, he already knew what happened afterwards, but he didn't come to report it to his father. What was his intention?

"Whether this traitor knows or not, I want to hear the truth." After being angry, Emperor Qianwen looked at Dai Mubai who was standing below. He believed that the other party must have the answer. Otherwise, the Emperor's Chief Guard would not Will appear in person in the main hall.

"This..." Dai Mubai looked embarrassed.

"Okay, I understand." Seeing Dai Mubai's performance, how could Emperor Qianwen not know about it? He was afraid that Prince Qing was really involved in this matter.

"Your Majesty, it's not all King Qing's fault. King Qing doesn't want Da Qian to encounter war again. He wants the world to be peaceful again." Dai Mubai was afraid that Emperor Qian Wen would get it wrong, so he opened his mouth to explain, The general idea is that although King Qing did something wrong, his heart was still good.

"Haha, haha." After hearing this, Emperor Qianwen suddenly sneered a few times, and then his eyes fell on Dai Mubai, causing the other master to lower his head involuntarily, not daring to look at the emperor.

"Okay, you go down. You've had a hard time this time. By the way, don't spread the word."

"Promise, I'm leaving." Dai Mubai immediately handed over and retreated.

Soon there was no one else in the hall, and a murderous intent flashed through Emperor Qianwen's eyes, "Yan Fu, it seems that some people are restless. Am I really old?"

If others heard this sentence, they would also guess its true meaning, but as the chief eunuch who stayed with him every day except sleeping, how could Yan Fu not understand the emperor's thoughts at this moment? He immediately bent down and said "Your Majesty, I will send someone to keep a close eye on him. News finally came from the other side. Eight masters at the peak of the Transformation Realm were moved by Your Majesty's sincerity and were willing to serve. However, the conditions they proposed were also very harsh." They are practicing some kind of magical skill. Each person needs a clean girl to accompany him every day. This condition is really..."

"Promise them." Emperor Qianwen made the decision without the slightest embarrassment. Since the only great master under him had hair in his heart, he had to take precautions in advance. For the sake of the great cause, it was just some personal She's just a woman, so what does it matter? If she doesn't do much else, there aren't many women, right?

"No, I know how to do it." Yan Fu quickly agreed. Although he was very unhappy with the Huang family's request, since His Majesty agreed, he naturally had no choice but to cooperate well.

But Dai Mubai walked out of the palace alone, and the image of Emperor Qianwen scanning him just now flashed in his mind. For some reason, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated a lot at that time. This was the master's feeling of avoiding danger.

Based on this feeling, Dai Mubai knew that this incident had made the emperor unhappy. But he did not regret his decision very much, and he did not think what the emperor would do to him.

The huge Da Gan was a rich and powerful being in the eyes of others, but he was only his master. Unless he had a rebellious attitude, the emperor would never attack him, which he was very confident about.

As for speaking for King Qing this time, or even excusing him, Dai Mubai had no regrets. Putting aside his own eyes, Emperor Qianwen's desire to unify the world was originally a very difficult, even impossible, task. Just to say that Emperor Qianwen was over forty years old, in this era of underdeveloped medical conditions and with an average life expectancy of only thirty-seven years, who knew how long Emperor Qianwen could live?

On the contrary, as a grandmaster, unless he encounters an accident, he can live for many years. Does he really have to put all his wealth on a little old man?

If Emperor Qianwen passes away one day, where will he go? As the chief of the Emperor's Guard, what he has done over the years has offended many people. I am afraid that many people wanted to kill him at that time.

If Dai Mubai is an ambitious master, he certainly has nothing to fear from these things. If he doesn’t leave his master here, he will leave him alone. With his own strength, does he still have to worry about making a living?

It's just a pity that he is used to this kind of comfortable life and this feeling of power. Especially in recent years, the emperor has increased the power of the Emperor's Guard, and the amount of money allocated every year is a large amount. As the Chief of the Guard, , he has too many benefits to gain.

With so many people at his disposal, and with his power soaring, Dai Mubai no longer wanted to live the life of a lone ranger, or even have to run around for a living. With this mentality, he asked him to leave some time for himself. The last retreat. Speaking for King Qing this time is what he calls a retreat.

It's not Dai Mubai's character to do good deeds without leaving a name. I'm afraid the emperor won't tell about what happened in Yangxin Hall today, and Yan Fu won't tell anyone about it, so he needs to go there. Let Prince Qing know what he had done. Thinking that this matter was secret and could not be disclosed to outsiders, Dai Mubai decided to go to Prince Qing's Mansion in person.

The Grandmaster entered the mansion without making a sound.

In the study, a black shadow suddenly appeared, which really frightened Prince Qing. He instinctively wanted to shout loudly. At the same time, he also put his right hand on a stone inkstone in front of the desk. He only needed to press it lightly. It will be empty and fall into another underground room. This is also the escape route prepared by King Qing for himself.

"Your Highness, don't be afraid. Your Majesty, Dai Mubai, has met Prince Qing." A sincere voice came from the shadow.

A quarter of an hour later, the black shadow left, and Prince Qing's voice came out immediately, "Teacher, please come to the mansion and send someone to pick him up. Hurry."

The head of the hundred officials who had already gone to bed, when Chaozuo Pushe Fan Shitong came out of the mansion, he saw Prince Qing pacing back and forth in the study. "Teacher, you are here, things are not going well..."

Fan Shitong, who had served two generations of kings and was well-informed, was not as irritable as Prince Qing. After hearing what happened, he quickly calmed down. Then he laughed for some reason and said, "It doesn't matter, the emperor is just angry. That’s all, I won’t do anything to His Highness.”

"Seriously?" Prince Qing asked without confidence.

"Seriously. At least until there is a prince who comes forward, your majesty will not do anything to your highness in order to stabilize the overall situation. Well, if I am not wrong, I am afraid that your majesty will support another prince next." Fan Shitong's face remained calm. He smiled. He had long been accustomed to Emperor Qianwen's tricks. In the final analysis, it was nothing more than the art of balance.

I just want to introduce a prince to compete with King Qing and decentralize power. How can it be so easy? With this time, people from King Qing's line are enough to do a lot of things.

The fact was just as Fan Shitong had guessed. During the court meeting the next morning, Emperor Qianwen issued an edict to allow the sixth prince Tang Jia to participate in the affairs of the court, named him Prince Shun, gave him two pearls, and allowed him to do so. He went to court without a crown and opened a mansion outside the imperial city.

Tang Jia, who is only seventeen years old, has become the new favorite in the court. Anyone who understands can see that the emperor is going to promote the sixth prince. For a while, some unsatisfied and ambitious officials became angry I was thinking carefully, wondering whether I should go to Prince Shun's Mansion after the next court, to express my sincerity, and lean against this big tree.

Above the court, Prince Qing looked at his nose and nose, and seemed not to be affected by it at all. It was as if the appearance of this emperor's younger brother was really just introduced by his father to train him, and it did not pose any threat to himself. Normally. Even when he was going to court, he took the initiative to step forward and say a few polite words to the sixth prince Tang Jia.

All this fell into the eyes of all the courtiers. They were not only thinking that King Qing was worthy of being the eldest son of the emperor, and his magnanimity was extraordinary. However, Tang Jia's performance was not satisfactory. When facing King Qing, he obviously lacked confidence. .

This is not to blame Tang Jia, happiness really came too suddenly. No news came out before, but this morning it was suddenly announced to the court that he would become the Shun King. He originally thought that he would be able to do so after three years. After assuming the throne, he might even be kicked out of Daliang City and become a vassal. If he did, he would be like Tang Ao and would never be able to return to Daliang City again. This made Tang Jia keep working hard. Just don't leave the imperial city, don't leave here.

Now that he has been granted the title of Submissive King in advance, it seems that his father has no intention of letting him leave. The best result he wants is so easily placed in front of him, and Tang Jia still cannot adapt to it. Well, how can we show a calm side when facing King Qing’s greetings and congratulations?

Regardless of his performance, Tang Jia was named Prince Qing as announced by the emperor on the same day. After going to court, he first went to Juhe Palace to say goodbye to his mother and concubine, and then left the palace to go to the palace where his father and the emperor had spent the morning. The house given to me - Prince Shun's Mansion.

It was already afternoon when Tang Jia arrived at the palace, where he unexpectedly met the eldest princess Tang Qinglan.

The sixth prince's appointment as king in advance not only caught the other courtiers off guard, but also the eldest princess. As soon as she learned the news, she made a decision to side with Tang Jia.

The eldest princess did not make this decision impulsively, but the result of careful consideration.

Compared with King Qing, who already had the help of Zuo Pushe and Fan Shitong, even if the eldest princess stood over, her weight would not be too big. It would be better to choose King Shun, who is single and weak, let alone King Shun. There is no strong vassal support behind him, so he needs his own support even more, and the eldest princess's weight will be greater.

This chapter has been completed!
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