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Chapter 637 Xiong Meicheng's excitement

To say that people are more popular is infuriating. When he saw the Goryeo warship passing by the coastline in front of him, Feng Wanli was really envious, but it was just a warship with 500 materials. Occasionally, there was a warship with 1,000 materials.

If a ship is among them, it will arouse the sound of exclamation. Nowadays, more than ten ships with more than 1,000 materials have been seen, and even two warships with 2,000 materials have been seen. That is strange.

Compared to Feng Wanli's exclamation, a hint of suspicion flashed in the eyes of Chief of Staff Guan Zhi at this moment, "Commander Feng, something is wrong. There are too many Japanese people this time. It's far from what Pu Defa said."

Raid on a massive scale.”

"That's right." Feng Wanli nodded after hearing this. He also saw that with the warships coming, if they were all soldiers, they would be more than ten thousand people. But so what? The soldiers will stop them.

, it’s already this time, and the Quartet Army has no choice but to go to war. Besides, there are just more Japanese Japanese ghosts, which are nothing in front of the Quartet Army, which is fully prepared.

Feng Wanli has enough self-confidence, which stems from his trust in his soldiers. With the best food, a complete military merit system, a suitable training program, and the best support system, there is no reason why he cannot train an elite and strong army. With

With such an army, no matter what kind of opponent they face, they will not feel fear or fear.

Even if there are more enemies this time, it just means that they can have more military exploits. In fact, there are indeed a lot of Japanese Japanese ghosts coming this time, and more importantly, this time they are coming for the Quartet Army.


The Japanese were able to successfully complete plunder in the Goryeo area every time. They did not rely entirely on their bravery, but also needed the cooperation of insiders. Traitors? This is not a professional term. In Goryeo, there were also traitors.


It was these traitors who had sent out information early on, and the information they sent was about the Quartet Army, including their number of troops, their general personnel configuration, etc.

When the news reached Japan, they were first surprised and then happy when they learned that Goryeo had invited reinforcements.

They were surprised because they learned that the enemy's reinforcements amounted to 15,000 people. They were happy because these reinforcements turned out to be Da Gan's army, which made the Japanese ghosts who had always wanted to fight against Da Gan's army excited.

Daqian enjoys the richest land on the continent, and also has enough troops, which makes the Japanese hate and love it. They like this land. As an island country, they have poor resources and dream of owning it.

A new land of development, allowing them to pass on the so-called Yamato nation.

It's just that the seemingly huge Daqian army kept the weak Japanese Japanese ghosts away. The statistical information they got was that the entire Daqian army had about one million people. If the war was urgent, this number could be doubled.

Double or even more.

With such a large army, the Japanese were frightened just by their numbers. Without knowing the true strength of the Ganjun army, they did not have the courage and ability to provoke them. This is why the Japanese also had coastal areas, but they only

The reason why they came to Goryeo to plunder was not to cause trouble on the coastline of Daegan.

They don’t know what the consequences will be after provoking Da Gan, a huge opponent. Once defeated, will Da Gan send troops across the sea to deal with them in Japan in anger? Although it seems unlikely that Da Gan

If you do this, no one dares to bet.

Now it's good. We can fight Daqian's army here in Goryeo. It's best to win like this. Even if we lose, it can't be regarded as Japan's provoking Daqian. Naturally, no opponent will kill us. What happened on the island means that there is nothing to worry about anymore.

With such good conditions, how could the Japanese Japanese ghosts give up the opportunity to have a good fight with the Daqian army. This time, the Japanese Japanese ghosts are not so much coming to cause trouble for Goryeo, but rather to test the strength of the Daqian army. In addition, the Japanese were also very cautious and sent an army of 12,000 people, which was a coalition of several shogunates.

At this time, Japan still implemented the shogunate system, and many things on the entire island were also decided by these shogunates, which could also be called vassals. Usually each shogunate had one person from the vassal, followed by several people. Take Japan now. For example, the number of daimyo alone is in the thousands. Each daimyo has a different number of troops. Some daimyo command thousands of troops, some only command a thousand troops, and some only command a hundred or more troops. It belongs to dozens of people.

This time, there were six shogunate who came to look for trouble, and there were hundreds of feudal lords and daimyo. They led 12,000 people to the seaside, led by the only feudal lord, Kuma Seichi.

Xiong Meicheng is a famous frontier vassal in Japan. His territory is mainly Tsushima Island, Iki Island and Hizen District. Perhaps it is because his territory is mainly on small islands, so every time he comes to Goryeo When he invaded the border, he rarely had time to pull back. This time when he heard that he was going to fight against the Daqian army, he concentrated all his main forces. The Japanese ghosts on the two islands were basically dimmed. , but only a thousand troops were left in Hizen District.

He mobilized many troops, and he alone brought five thousand Japanese ghosts this time. Naturally, Xiong Meicheng became the temporary leader of this Japanese team.

With the help of warships, they were docking at the beach for a landing. Xiong Meicheng, who was standing on the bow of the ship, was worried and excited at the same time. What he was afraid of was that during the landing, some troops would suddenly come out. As a result, I am afraid that some troops will be lost.

What Xiong Meicheng didn't expect was that the landing process was extremely smooth. Seeing that the main force had landed ashore, there was still no sign of an army cadre. This was very reassuring and made him laugh. "Look, this is the so-called big army. It has no courage at all. It's a coward. It's a coward."

The successful landing of the army made Xiong Meicheng's self-confidence unprecedentedly high. Soon he also came ashore with his trusted subordinates. After meeting up with the main force, seeing that there was still an hour before dark, he An order was issued for the army to set up camp ten miles ahead.

The Japanese Japanese ghosts successfully advanced for ten miles. During this process, they still did not see an enemy. Xiong Meicheng had a smile on his face. He was already arrogant and thought that the Daqian army was afraid.

"It's true that seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. Come on, let the warriors have a good rest tonight, and let's start our robbery journey early tomorrow morning." Xiong Meicheng said with a laugh. Of course, if It was impossible for him to become a feudal lord with only such ability. He was alert enough to call his daimyo Kuramoto Zen, "We went extremely smoothly during the day. This is a good thing, but it is not enough to explain the success of the army." I am really scared. This may be just a sign of weakness on their part. At night, they may also launch a night attack. I will give you two thousand elite warriors. You will ambush outside. Once there is any movement, they will attack as soon as possible. Do you understand that the feudal lord wants them to have no return?"

"Hi." Kuramoto nodded solemnly, and then went out to make arrangements.

Tactically, we must pay attention to our opponents, and strategically, we must despise the enemy. This was Tang Ao's speech at the Longyuan Military Academy. Guan Zhi believed it deeply. At this time, he took the military plan that he had perfected before dark and sent it to Feng Wanli.


There can only be one voice in the army, which is completely different from letting a hundred flowers bloom in politics. Otherwise, once a war breaks out and multiple orders are issued, how will the soldiers below be expected to implement them?

According to the military regulations of the Jizhou Army, the staff officer only has the power to formulate tactics and battlefield suggestions, but does not have the power to command the battlefield. Once a war breaks out, only the highest military officer in the army can issue orders.

After Guan Zhi handed over the battle plan to Feng Wanli and explained what the other party was confused about, his mission was completed. The next step was to watch Feng Wanli, the brigade commander of the Quartet Army, perform.

After thoroughly understanding the battle plan, Feng Wanli went to his tent and issued an order. "First Battalion Commander Wu Dang, you lead your own troops and the fourth and fifth and sixth battalions as the left wing; Second Battalion Commander Xiao Zaiyin, you lead your main troops and the seventh and eighth battalions."

The ninth battalion is the right wing; Commander of the third battalion, Ni Shichun, you will lead your troops and the tenth battalion, the eleventh and twelfth battalions to wait for orders to attack from the front; the remaining three battalions will accompany the brigade commander and collect all the horn commanders in the army at the same time.

Bow, prepare to launch the first attack. Remember, the attack time is Zi hour, now everyone takes the time to eat and rest."

The so-called Japanese Japanese ghosts successfully landed, all this was done intentionally by Feng Wanli. Speaking of which, the biggest weakness of the Quartet Army is that it does not have warships. Once a naval battle begins, they will not only lose without any experience, but also will lose if they have any experience.

Let the Japanese escape back to the ship and return to the sea, they can only look back and sigh.

Even if you can't fight at sea, and there is no advantage in even fighting by the sea, then it is necessary to let the enemy in and fight. Let the opponent land smoothly and stay away from the coastline. This is the prerequisite for launching an attack. Otherwise,

, Feng Wanli will never act rashly.

Feng Wanli, who had great confidence in the Quartet Army, knew very well that once they showed their strong military strength, it would be very difficult for the Japanese to be fooled and launch a large-scale annihilation war. Then it was necessary to

In a battle, maximize the results as much as possible. This time, not only must you defeat your opponent, but you must also find a way to capture the opponent's warship. This is the great significance of this battle.

The battalion commanders left quickly after receiving their orders, and time passed little by little. The quiet night was just the darkness before dawn, just the silence before the war started. The only ones still moving were the birds in the sky. Their

The eyes that could see everything very clearly in the dark were staring closely at the Japanese military camp.

This chapter has been completed!
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