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Chapter 641: Wei Qianer's Disappointment

On the main battlefield, more than 6,000 enemies were killed, but only more than 300 Japanese ghosts were actually captured, and many of them were seriously injured. Not one of them was actually in good health. Just from this point of view

, you can see the strong fighting will of the Japanese ghosts.

Perhaps it is precisely because the Japanese ghosts are people who would rather die than surrender that in all these years, Goryeo has never captured a single person in its struggle with them. Now when he heard that there were more than 300 Japanese ghost prisoners in the Quartet Army, Pu Defa became anxious.

He came here because he needed these prisoners. He needed them to strengthen the people's hearts in resisting the Japanese ghosts, to ask for credit, and to affirm his status.

The left are just some prisoners, and they are all injured. Not only are they useless, but more food will be wasted because of them. Such useless people, Pu Defa actually wants to buy, so

Feng Wanli agreed after only a slight hesitation.

In this way, more than 300 prisoners were delivered to the hands of Pu Defa, and what they received in exchange was not gold, silver, or food, but more than 300 shipbuilding craftsmen. Although it is impossible to say that there are any great craftsmen among them.

existence, but suddenly having such a harvest still makes Feng Wanli very happy. He is even looking forward to the arrival of the Japanese ghost again. Then he will find a way to catch more and exchange it with Pu Defa for more.

of craftsmen.

It's just that Feng Wanli's idea was destined to fail. This time, Xiong Meicheng suffered a big loss in his hands. Not only did he lose some warships, but he didn't grab anything, and his team of 12,000 people

, only 5,000 people escaped in the end. This battle established the reputation of the Quartet Army, making Xiong Meicheng dare not underestimate him again and again.

This also made Xiong Meicheng have to make a decision, that is, if he wanted to plunder Goryeo next, he could not choose a place where the Daqian army was stationed. Anyway, the coastline of Goryeo was so long, it would be different wherever he went.

, such as the Gaya area.


Daliangcheng Imperial Palace.

The master of the Yangxin Hall has changed. Emperor Qianren sat down on the Jinlong chair from a high position, and looked at the former Princess Di who was also looking pretty with a warm look on his face.

It was with the help of the former Princess Di that Tang Qinghe changed from Zongzheng to the current Emperor Qianren. Looking back now, the other party's method of directly attacking Huanglong is really powerful. It can be said that it is the simplest way to use it.

The method turned the battle situation around and achieved the goal.

Tang Qinghe became Emperor Qianren, and it can be said that the former Princess Di took the most credit. Logically speaking, now is the time to raise the merit. Especially after more than a month, Emperor Qianren has basically mastered the

Chaotang has at least taken control of Daliang City, and it is time for him to fulfill his promise.

It was also at this time that Emperor Qianren discovered awkwardly that the cities and troops he could control were too limited. Of the twenty-four states in the world, the only ones he could control now were Jizhou and Yuzhou.

The area under his jurisdiction was not large, and the number of troops that could be mobilized was naturally not too much. What made Emperor Qianren even more troubled was that he found that after becoming emperor, he only had 20 million taels and more in the treasury.

A pile of banknotes like waste paper.

Although he still has a lot of banknotes in his hand, it is a pity that after Prince Zhong’s troubles, Daqian Bank has long existed in name only. Not only is there no fool who knows how to save money and enter the bank, on the contrary, there are many people holding up their hands.

I want to exchange my banknote for silver.

Without money, there was no way to pay the soldiers below, let alone recruit new soldiers. Although Emperor Qianren had also obtained some money over the years when he was Zongzheng, the total amount was only two It's only thirty million taels. If it is only used by the Zongzheng Mansion, it will naturally be very generous, but if you want to use it to govern a country, it is obviously too far to raise so many soldiers.

With all the lawsuits on his mind, he almost has nothing to offer, so how can he help the former Princess Di regain her country?

At this moment, when Emperor Qianren looked at Princess Qiandi, there was only a smile in his eyes but a bitter smile. Unless he didn't want to fulfill his promise, he really didn't have the ability to do so.

The affairs of Da Gan cannot be hidden from the former Princess Di, especially now that both sides trust each other, Emperor Qianren has been troublesome to the former Princess Di in many aspects. Because of this, how much money is left in the treasury and how many people are still in the court? As for the available soldiers, no one else needs to tell, the former Princess Di is all from a good background.

The former Princess Di was very disappointed with the emptiness of Daqianhui. But the road had reached this point, and she had no other choice. She just relied on herself and came to see Emperor Qianren this time. The reason is just to get an explanation or to get support from the other party.

Thirty thousand elite soldiers and a legitimate reason to attack Jinzhou were the requirements of the former Princess Di.

The former Princess Di is preparing to go into battle naked. Emperor Qianren should express her support, but surprisingly, he does not agree very much. On the contrary, he is willing to send troops to help and is willing to give sufficient reasons, but the requirement is that the former Princess Di The princess should not attack Jinzhou but attack Guzhou instead.

A while ago, Dai Mubai, the chief of the Emperor's Guard, reported that he had discovered that the people of King Zhong and the people of the former Princess Di were in secret contact. Although it seemed that they had not reached any consensus, for safety reasons , Emperor Qianren still had to be on guard. Letting the former Princess Di send troops to attack Guzhou was his test move.

When Emperor Qianwen was on the throne, in order to ensure the safety of Daliang City and to make King Zhong retreat, he made a stupid move and gave Guzhou and Jizhou to King Zhong. Facts have proved that Ji Wang Tang Ao was very independent and did not execute it. This order, but Sang Doubei, the commander-in-chief of Guzhou, did not have such courage and chose to side with King Zhong.

Now asking the former Princess Di to send troops to attack Guzhou would be tantamount to making an enemy of King Zhong. In this way, the possibility of them coming together could be avoided. This was the real idea in Emperor Qianren's mind.

Even though the former Princess Di is not very old, she is only in her early twenties, but in terms of mental maturity, few people can compare with her. As soon as Emperor Qianren opened his mouth, the former Princess Di knew the other party's intentions. For being treated like this Naturally, she was a little angry with her suspicions. In addition, in the eyes of the former Princess Di, Guzhou was too poor. She had no soldiers, no food, no money. Even if she conquered it, it would be useless in the plan of restoring the country. Emperor Ren would not like it, but he still shook his head and refused.

"Your Majesty, you must be very clear about the situation in Guzhou. Even if we capture it, I'm afraid we won't be able to prepare enough money, food, and manpower to help my niece regain her kingdom. Please allow your Majesty to attack them all."

The former Princess Di had a clear attitude, and Emperor Qianren knew that it would be useless to talk more. Although the former Princess Di disobeyed him this time, he was really not ready to fall out with her. Not for any other reason, but because even though he was the emperor now , but the power is not big, and it is completely unable to control the world like when Emperor Qianwen was there. "Okay, even so, I agree to you. But it is too difficult to have 30,000 elite soldiers, so I will give you 20,000." Well, I hope Qian'er can understand me."

The number of troops was ten thousand less, but she agreed. Although the former Princess Di was dissatisfied, she also knew that this was the best result, so she bowed and knelt down and said, "Qian'er thanks your majesty."

Outside the palace, the former Princess Di came out, and Lu Kui was already waiting here with a carriage. "Master, did your Majesty agree?"

"Let's talk about it after we go back." Princess Di turned around and glanced at the palace behind her, then said thoughtfully, and then got into the carriage.

Soon, the carriage returned home, and staff Tang Sheng and Grand Master Shen Tuwei came to welcome them. They also learned about what happened in the Yangxin Palace from the former Princess Di, and then saw Shen Tuwei saying angrily, "What the hell?" Emperor Ren was too stingy and only gave us 20,000 troops. Jinzhou has 80,000 troops, how can we win?"

"Yes, this battle will be very difficult. And it seems that Emperor Qianren's trust in his master is not as good as before, and the situation is worrying." Tang Sheng also spoke and expressed his thoughts.

How could the former Princess Di not know about all this? But there was nothing that could be done about it. When Emperor Qianwen was around, he was naturally powerful. Even if the vassal kings below were already somewhat disobedient, what was truly open to the public When it comes to autonomy, no one dares to do it.

At least a semblance of peace could be maintained at that time. However, after Emperor Qianren came to power, the states began to openly govern themselves, and they almost did not become emperors themselves. This shows that Emperor Qianren was not as good as Emperor Qianwen.

But Emperor Qianwen wanted to kill the former Princess Di before it was too late, so how could he help him regain his kingdom? Even if he had another chance to choose, the former Princess Di would still make the choice she did now.

"Well, the battle hasn't started yet, so don't destroy your own prestige. After all, there are still 20,000 elite soldiers. As long as the planning is good, it may not be impossible to defeat the Jin army. In this way, Mr. Tang should go to the Ministry of War to receive the army first. .Well, I have to ask the Grandmaster to help me."

"No." Tang Sheng and Shen Tuwei both agreed, then clasped their fists and agreed.

She asked for 30,000 yuan but was given 20,000 yuan. This already made the former Princess Di a little unhappy. However, she did not expect that Tang Sheng and Shen Tuwei, who had left the mansion not long ago, rushed back quickly and said with an angry look on their faces. : "Master, this job can't be done. You don't know that the 20,000 elite soldiers who were given to us are just old, weak, sick and disabled. How can such an army have combat effectiveness? When the time comes Once we reach Jinzhou, I'm afraid that if we can't capture the city, we'll just die."

"What?" Upon hearing this, the former Princess Di also stood up from the chair, and then her eyes burst out with anger. "Lu Kui, prepare the car, I want to go to the palace again to ask the emperor. Grandmaster, please ask this time You go with me."

This chapter has been completed!
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