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Chapter 656 Only Jizhou Army is the Action Party

Seeing Tang Jia panicking, the two generals looked a little ugly. They were not optimistic about Tang Jia in the first place, but they felt even more disappointed at this moment. Even if they don't have the ability, why are they still clamoring? It's fine now.

We have provoked a powerful enemy, what should we do?

No matter how much contempt and contempt we feel in our hearts, everyone is just a grasshopper on a rope now, and no one can escape. "Your Highness, King Shun, we currently lack enough food and grass and cannot go to war with King Zhong. Otherwise,

I’m afraid it will definitely fail.”

"Ah! We now have 100,000 soldiers, can't we fight a battle with the other side?" Tang Jia didn't know much about military affairs. He simply calculated the number of people on both sides and then raised the question.

"No. When fighting a war, we don't just look at the number of people. We also look at the morale and material reserves of the troops. Your Highness, from a certain point of view, fighting a war means making money, but we don't have money now. If the soldiers don't even have the stomach for it,

If you can't fill it up, can you still point them to win the battle, or point them to work hard?" Mo Chengyu asked rhetorically.

Faced with these problems that he had never considered before, Tang Jia wisely kept his mouth shut. After a discussion between the three of them, they made a decision to avoid their sharp edges. In fact, it meant retreating and giving up the entire land of Luzhou.

Send it to King Zhong, and at the same time Tang Jia will write a letter to King Zhong, to the effect of acknowledging the identity and legitimacy of the other British emperor.

To put it bluntly, Tang Jia was scared.

Tang Jia, who could not be an enemy and could not win in a single battle, led his army to withdraw towards Suzhou behind him. Previously, the new Qi King Yuan Zhong of Suzhou had sent someone to contact him, hoping that the two sides could unite so that they could win the battle.

If enough strength is formed in troubled times, then, whether it is to fight out in the future or seek self-protection, you will have more abundant capital.

Compared with Tang Jia, who is a rootless person, Qi King Yuan Zhong is well-equipped with troops. Even Emperor Qianwen's massive attack was blocked at the beginning. In terms of strength, he is naturally much stronger than Tang Jia. So this so-called

The alliance is also divided into priorities, that is, Tang Jia should regard it as small and regard Yuan Zhong as a big one.

It was precisely because of this request that Tang Jiacai did not want to join forces with King Qi. But now, after offending Tang Qingchuan, he had no choice. Even if he was in a subordinate position, it was better than losing the battle and being caught by the British Emperor.


He wanted to kill Emperor Ying, but he even killed Tang Qinghe, so with his weak identity, what should he have to worry about if the other party really wanted to kill him?

What was originally a bloody battle ended with heavy thunder and light rain, which was beyond everyone's expectation. After Qian Yingzong easily captured Luzhou and became the master of the five states, the rest

The vassal princes had to write letters one after another to express their support for Emperor Qianying and retract their previous remarks on autonomy. However, considering their personal safety, they could only send representatives to Daliang City to attend the emperor's coronation ceremony. However, each vassal prince himself was

I will not enter Beijing.

In the blink of an eye, the accusations turned into support. The actions of the vassal kings fell into the eyes of Tang Qingchuan, which made him very proud. He decided to ascend the throne first, and then looked for opportunities to punish the disobedient vassals one by one.

The kings have been solved. And if these feudal kings are all obedient, at least all the feudal kings will listen to his voice and cooperate, then he will not push people to death, but will allow them to stay.

States, and allowed them to have certain private soldiers.

Speaking of which, Tang Qingchuan's appetite is still too small. Perhaps he also knows that it is difficult to truly be an enemy of the world. If he does not do it well, all the previous achievements will be undone. Now he has After becoming the emperor as he wished, there was of course no need to take that kind of risk.

Just when Tang Qingchuan had the world in his hands and was waiting peacefully to ascend the throne and become the Qian Yingzong, the sudden appearance of the urgent report from 800 miles completely ruined his good mood. The report stated , Guzhou suffered an attack from the Jizhou Army, and Sang Doubei, the commander-in-chief of Guzhou, sent someone to ask for help.

Just when the report was delivered into the hands, a royal edict was also circulated throughout the world. Prince Tang Ao of Ji made his own voice, pointing out that the loyal king Tang Qingchuan was in the wrong position and was a traitor to the country. All the heroes in the world must be punished by you.

It was at this time that Tang Qingchuan realized that it seemed that all the vassal kings, including the eldest son of the emperor, Prince Qing, had sent memorials and expressed their willingness to call themselves emperor, but there was no news from Jizhou. He had always felt that before There seems to be something missing. Isn't it the lack of Tang Ao's statement?

Compared to Tang Jia, the Shun Wang who could only shout but had no ability, Tang Ao not only made a sound but also acted. He actually struck first and opened a knife in Guzhou, which was very close to him.

He truly lives up to his reputation as Crazy Shen. He fights whenever he wants without even saying a word of nonsense. From this point of view, he is much better than Shun Wang Tang Jia.

Of course, Tang Ao's actions also irritated Tang Qingchuan, or if the officials below had not stopped him, he was afraid that he would not even be able to wait for the enthronement ceremony and would have to go on a personal expedition. Now that he is the emperor, he naturally cannot act lightly, but But he would not just tolerate what Tang Ao did. In anger, he called his general Leming and gave him 50,000 elite soldiers. He sent troops to Guzhou to help Sang Doubei defeat Tang Ao and regain Guzhou. After the state, Jizhou, Tang Ao's hometown, was also taken away.

Various intelligence shows that Jizhou only has tens of thousands of soldiers, some of whom have been sent to Goryeo. Leming leads 50,000 elite soldiers, plus Sang Doubei has 60,000 Guzhou troops. It has a huge advantage in terms of military strength. Little Jizhou has Not worth mentioning.

When Tang Qingchuan sent troops to Jizhou, the former Princess Di rushed to the palace excitedly after hearing the news. In her plan, if she wanted to fulfill her wish and return to the country, Jizhou seemed to be an unavoidable obstacle. The previous contact was very unpleasant. Smoothly, it seemed that King Ji had a deep prejudice against him. Zhengchou didn't know how to convince him, so he got the news that Emperor Qianying was going to send troops to Jizhou, so he thought that he would join in and contribute.

The former Princess Di wanted to see the defeat of the Jizhou Army with her own eyes, but Qian Yingzong did not agree to this matter. "Your Royal Highness, the emperor's enthronement ceremony will be soon. You should stay in Daliang City to witness this scene. As for The small Jizhou Army and King Ji will soon be defeated until they surrender. At that time, I will keep my promise and help you restore your country."

Qian Yingzong had selfish motives for keeping the former Princess Di. He wanted to let this very scheming and even ambitious woman see her powerful side, so that she would not have any resistance to him even if the country was restored in the future. Come with heart.

To him, it doesn't matter who is in power in Beidi. What matters is that he must be obedient.

Emperor Qian Ying's reasons were strong enough. No matter how reluctant the former Princess Di was, she could not disobey this will. In the end, she could only nod her head and agree, and then she looked forward to the arrival of good news.

Can Emperor Qian Ying really defeat the Jizhou Army easily?

Tang Ao, who had entered Jizhou at this time, was naturally confident. He was looking at several combat plans sent by the staff department, as well as various unexpected countermeasures that might arise.

Tang Ao had previously decided to develop quietly and did not want to be involved in the war. But there was no other way. As a son of a man, how could he accept a thief as his father?

This is the reason why Tang Ao persuaded Zeng Tong, Han Ce and others.

Regardless of whether Tang Aocheng admits it or not, the fact that Emperor Qianwen is his father in this world cannot be changed. If it were not for this cheap father, he would not have become King Ji and obtained such a large territory legally.

Although Emperor Qianwen did a lot of things that owed him to Tang Ao when he was still alive, as the saying goes, death is the most important thing, and all grievances disappear with death. Now all that remains is the legal father-son relationship.

Other princes may not live up to expectations, or may have no backbone, or lack of strength, so they have to make compromises. But Tang Ao will not do it. The reason why he continues to work hard to develop is just for this day, to have his own dignity. ?

All of this just happened early, and although it was a bit sudden, it was all expected. So Tang Ao took action, took action on the Guzhou Army, and began his legitimate journey of expansion.

Even if you make a decision, of course you must make all preparations. Fortunately, the Jizhou Army has always been in the habit of preparing for war. With sufficient money and food, military exercises are held every two months. With this foundation, the army can be mobilized Without much mobilization, the Jizhou Army launched an offensive towards Jizhou.

Before the war, the General Staff made the decision to show weakness to the enemy. There was nothing that could be done about it. After all, Jizhou's development time was too short and its foundation was insufficient. If they came up, they would fight too hard and offend King Zhong. If the whole country comes to attack, I'm afraid it will be difficult for the Jizhou Army to win. Even if it is a real victory, it will be an extremely tragic victory, and it will only serve as a wedding dress for others.

Showing weakness to the enemy will erode the opponent's strength little by little. When the opponent wakes up, it will lose the best opportunity to annex itself.

That is to say, you cannot fight too hard, and the first army sent out cannot be too strong. The Black Dragon Three-Claw Army such as the Shanshan Guard cannot be moved lightly, and the Black Dragon Army such as the Guiyi Army and the Tiger Benzu cannot be moved lightly. The Second Claw Army was also reluctant to move. In the end, the staff suggested and Tang Ao decided to use the Jizhou Army Reserves, an army that did not even have a formal military flag.

Zhou Qian, as the commander of the reserve army, has longed for the battlefield for a long time. Unfortunately, their King Ji has always been focused on obtaining the greatest victory with the smallest loss, so that his reserve army has never truly If there is a chance to perform, it will become a base for replenishing the supply of troops.

This chapter has been completed!
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