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Chapter 70 Two Months

The eldest princess was talking and Shen Ao was listening. The eldest princess emphatically introduced the power of the Lu family paper industry, its market share, and the fact that the Lu family rice paper was now used by the royal palace.

After finally finishing speaking, the eldest princess looked at Shen Ao, her eyes full of hope. She really wanted to hear how this young man would deal with it. She even thought that if Shen Ao couldn't solve this matter, she would go there in person. Go to the Lu Mansion to see if there is any way to alleviate the conflicts and contradictions. The worst that Guo Changlong has to pay is to force the Lu family to retract their previous decision.

Shen Ao listened carefully, his expression as usual. He did not feel scared because of the power of the Lu family, nor was he angry because the Lu family cut off Guo Changlong's goods. It was as if he was listening to something that had nothing to do with him.

Seeing that Shen Ao didn't speak or express his position, and was just thinking about something, the eldest princess said in an urgent voice: "Mr. Zhongguo, what happened in the middle? Why did the Lu family cut off our goods? Is this true? What misunderstanding?"

"There is no misunderstanding in this, and there is no relationship between a certain person and the Lu family. All of this must be what Prince Xiang meant." Shen Ao knew what the eldest princess wanted to ask, so he took the initiative to explain and put himself there. He went through the negotiation at Guangde Building and finally said, "The eldest princess will definitely want to go to the Lu family in person to explain it clearly, and then ask them to take back their decision."

"Is there anything wrong with this?" That's what the eldest princess was thinking, and she admitted it.

"Of course not. What is the identity of the eldest princess? The man named Lu is just a businessman. To exaggerate, he is just a businessman with some skills. For the eldest princess to bow to him, not to mention that Prince Xiang must have promised to him. What's the benefit? It's very difficult to make the Lu family change their mind. Just talking about the identity of the eldest princess means that you can't bow to others casually. Humph! Isn't it just rice paper? The reason why I didn't have any idea for him before It's not their turn yet. If they jump out on their own initiative, let's deal with them together, so as to tell others that Guo Changlong is not someone who can be bullied if they want to. If he really stretches out his claws, he will be cut off. Prepare."

Shen Ao was really angry. When he said these words, there was a chilling look in his eyes, which meant that he was getting serious and wanted to operate on certain people.

Shen Ao suddenly seemed to be a different person. His whole body's temperament and even his aura changed. The eldest princess couldn't help but take two steps back. But when she thought of her identity, she quickly stood still and said, "Mr. Zhongguo, how do you want to do it?"

"We need to do it step by step. In this way, we don't have to think about bowing to the Lu family. We also need to trouble the eldest princess to go to the palace first, explain the matter to the emperor, and tell the emperor that the rice paper matter will definitely be solved. Before that, just hold on to the rice paper in the warehouse." Shen Ao already had a rough plan in mind, and it only needs to be perfected to make the Lu family fall into a big mess. But before things are done, some news is It needs to be blocked, otherwise it won’t be fun if the opponent doesn’t fall for it.

She didn't know what Shen Ao was going to do. She intuitively told herself that she was afraid that the Lu family would be in trouble. The eldest princess breathed a sigh of relief. What she was worried about was that Shen Ao didn't know the power of it and had no way to deal with it, so he would be confused. Now that you know it and still look fearless, then just cooperate.

If others said this, the eldest princess might not fully support her. But thinking about the emperor's completely different attitude towards Shen Ao, she still made the decision to support Shen Ao. She also believed that she would bring the matter to the palace and settle the matter. If the emperor says it, he will definitely get support, and maybe the emperor brother will show off himself.

"Okay, I will go into the palace to see the emperor now." The eldest princess knows that the emperor may have already known about such a big event. Even if she doesn't go, it won't take long for her to enter the palace. Even so, Then it would be better for her to take the initiative.

The eldest princess came in a hurry and left eagerly. Shen Ao was not idle either and asked the housekeeper Shen Xing to go to the Su Mansion to invite Mr. Su over. If this matter is to be completed, it must be assisted by others. Now look Su Xun's identity is just right.


Tai Chi Hall.

Emperor Qianwen was sitting on the dragon chair with his eyes closed and concentrating. It was rare that he was not reviewing the memorials. With such a big thing happening in the Lu family, he was no longer busy with government affairs.

Eunuch Yan Fu stood respectfully aside, listening to the report of the kneeling man with Emperor Qianwen.

Half-kneeling in front of the hall was a middle-aged man, wearing a black cloak, giving people the feeling of a sword being sheathed. He was Dai Mubai, the chief of the Tianzi Guard, the secret service agency around Emperor Qianwen.

This is a hidden organization, but it is everywhere. Many hidden things in the Daqian Dynasty are not secrets in front of them. What he came to see this time was that Lu Wuchiao had cut off Guochanglong's supply of goods.

The matter of rice paper is very important. It is no exaggeration to say that the royal family is also very dependent on it. Without paper, many things cannot be done, but anything related to this can be called a major event.

Dai Mubai didn't talk much, but he could speak to the point. According to what he reported, the reason why the Lu family announced that they would no longer supply supplies to Guo Changlong was precisely because of His Highness Prince Xiang. To say that Dai Mubai is indeed powerful, short of In a short period of time, I even found out what happened in Guangde Tower. Although I couldn't restore it 100%, I also figured out the cause and effect of the incident and reported it to Emperor Qianwen.

Shi Zitong and Lou Bucheng were both extremely small people. Even if the matter involved Shen Ao, Emperor Qianwen wouldn't care much. But when the matter involved the Lu family's rice paper, Emperor Qianwen had to think more.

In particular, he thought more about this matter. For example, will one day when someone is unfavorable to Da Gan, the Lu family will also stand up to support the other party? If so, it would be too dangerous. People with such strength But you don't necessarily listen to yourself. This is like a time bomb, making people unable to sleep peacefully.

"Report, the eldest princess has entered the palace, saying that she wants to see the emperor." A eunuch entered the Yangxin Hall like a trot, and knelt down on the ground while still far away.

"I know, let's go down first." Yan Fu waved his hand to the young eunuch to retreat, and then looked at Emperor Qianwen, waiting for his order.

"Okay, you should go down first, pay close attention to the development of the situation, and investigate the relationship between the Lu family and the King of Jin, King of Qi, King of Southern Wu, King of Xishu, and... King Zhong, find out and report immediately ." Emperor Qianwen thought for a while and then issued a decree to the general guard of King Dai Mu.

"No." King Dai Mu stood up, clasped his fists, agreed, and quickly retreated.

Emperor Qianwen's expression also followed Dai Mubai's departure, and the light in his eyes subsided. Then he looked at Yan Fu beside him and said, "Princess Xuan Chang."

"Princess Xuan Chang enters the palace!" Yan Fu's slightly shrill voice sounded quickly.

In the main hall, when the eldest princess entered, Emperor Qianwen had already returned to his normal appearance, sitting on the dragon chair and reviewing the memorial, as if nothing had happened.

"My sister, please see your Majesty." The eldest princess made a blessing and bowed down.

"Get up. But what's wrong?" Emperor Qianwen asked without raising his head.

The eldest princess got up first, said another blessing, and then told the whole story about Shen Ao's acceptance of King Xiang's invitation at Guangde Tower.

Although she had already heard about it from Dai Mubai, when she heard the eldest princess saying that Shen Ao had to pay thirty taels of food when she left, she still couldn't help laughing and said: "Oh, so Duke Zhongguo suffered a loss. With his temperament, can he swallow this?"

"I don't know about this. I think it shouldn't be possible." The eldest princess also said with a smile. Seeing that the emperor was really interested in Shen Ao's affairs, she knew that the decision to come to the palace instead of going to the Lu family was the right one. of.

"Haha, I want to see what Duke Zhongguo will do next." Emperor Qianwen had a smile on his face, but his expression soon changed, and his voice also changed as he asked, "What's going on with the Lu family?" What's going on? Guo Changlong's rice paper was cut off for no reason. What's the reason?"

Emperor Qianwen's voice turned cold, and the eldest princess was frightened and hurriedly knelt down and said: "Report to the emperor, Duke Zhongguo and his sister analyzed that it should be King Xiang's method. But Duke Zhongguo also said, don't worry, he will let Lu As a lesson to the parents, he also said that the emperor should not be anxious and use the rice paper stored in the palace first. The matter will be resolved in two months at most."

"Oh?" Emperor Qianwen put down the ink pen in his hand after hearing this. This was the first time he heard this statement, and there was more curiosity on his face. "What does Lord Zhongguo mean? What does he want to do?"

"He didn't say anything, and my sister didn't ask either." The eldest princess answered very honestly.

"Yes." Emperor Qianwen nodded lightly, and then said: "Okay, that's the case, I'll just wait for him for two months to see what he's going to do."

Emperor Qianwen agreed. After listening to the eldest princess's ears, she knew that she had made the right bet again. As expected, when the matter involved Shen Ao, the emperor could tolerate it to the maximum extent, even without asking the reason. He went to make mischief. But why?

After the eldest princess finished her report, she left. Emperor Qianwen did not immediately approve the failure, but looked at Yan Fu thoughtfully and asked, "Tell me, what on earth is he going to do? How is he going to teach Mr. Lu a lesson? He will No matter what method he uses, will he be able to make paper?"

In a short period of time, Emperor Qianwen asked several questions in succession. Yan Fu didn't know how to answer any of them, so he shook his head honestly and said: "I don't know, but I must know the emperor's wisdom. Besides, Well, Duke Zhongguo is more outstanding, isn’t it..."

"Okay." Emperor Qianwen seemed to know what Yan Fu wanted to say next, so he interrupted hastily. Then he shook his head, put away his curiosity, and continued to criticize the book.

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