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Chapter 707 Street Cut Meng Si Dao

"Okay." Tang Ao nodded with a smile, turned around and looked at Zeng Tong and said, "The inspection system must be adhered to. Specific personnel need to be registered with the magistrate's office. Mr. will be responsible for this matter."

"No." Zeng Tong smiled bitterly in his heart. The inspection system has become a huge stone weighing on officials. I am afraid that future officials will have to be more self-disciplined. But this is an order from Tang Ao, and he cannot disobey it, so he can only nod.


Finally, the things here were dealt with, and Tang Ao knew it was time to leave. Otherwise, more and more people would come after hearing the news, and it would be harder to leave. But before leaving, Tang Ao still didn't forget that he had been beheaded.

Helian Lei said, "Come here, take your master's head back, and tell those Beidi dignitaries who have other ideas that I am waiting for them here. If you don't want Shile City to be captured before,

If this scene happens again, you can send troops, but this time, you won't be so lucky, I can guarantee it."

After saying these words that could make people in Beidi tremble with fear, Tang Ao took the five girls and left. But what happened today is destined not to be over, and will continue to spread, like some King Ji angrily killing the powerful people in Beidi.

, King Ji is aware of everything and makes decisions for the people, King Ji punishes unscrupulous officials, kills Yidi people, promotes the prestige of our country, etc., many versions have been compiled and began to spread to the outside world.

Zeng Tong also heard several versions, but he just listened to it. As the governor of the state, he had too many things to do, just like what happened with Meng Sidao. Although Tang Ao didn't kill him in public, he still did it in public.

After making this decision, it means that Meng Sidao is bound to die.

For this matter, many officials heard about it and came to intercede on his behalf. The general idea was that Meng Sidao wanted to settle the matter. This was also what Zeng Tong meant before. The order not to cause conflict with Beidi was issued by the Zhizhou Prefecture.

, Meng Sidao just did what he wanted, so what crime is there?

Moreover, the Meng family is also a well-known noble family in Jizhou, which means that they have produced many scholars and have a certain influence in the local area.

This embarrassed Zeng Tong. He was afraid that something would go wrong, so he went to Prince Ji's Mansion, found Tang Ao, and explained the importance of the matter. He also wanted to see if he could save Meng Sidao's life.

Tang Ao sat in the main hall and listened carefully, but he was thinking in his heart that the power of the powerful was indeed like a hundred-footed insect that could die without being stiff.

Since Tang Ao came to Jizhou, he took action against the powerful several times. He thought that he had attacked the power of the powerful and made them settle down. But now, it turns out that they have not really settled down, but they have not.

Find the right opportunity. Once you have the opportunity, you will be ready to revive.

In Tang Ao's eyes, the calamity of the powerful is no less than the invasion of aliens. One is on the battlefield level, which will cause great pain, but will recover quickly. As long as the aliens leave, how many people will be killed?

During the years of rest and recuperation, hard-working people will restore everything.

On the other hand, the disaster of the powerful is like a parasite attached to the human body. It is usually invisible, but it affects human health all the time. If this problem is not solved, it may not take many years.

, the powerful will become the masters of the world again, shaking the foundation of the rulers. At that time, any policies that benefit the people and laws that harm the powerful will probably not be implemented.

The people have no food to eat, no houses to live in, and no clothes to wear, and chaos will only arise again.

"What happened to Meng Sidao was an order given by this king in front of the people. How can it be changed? He must die." Tang Ao shook his head. He would not bow to the powerful. This was tantamount to shaking the foundation of Jizhou. This way He will not do stupid things. He has no obligation to share the empire he has built with the powerful.

And from the battlefield in the Central Plains, Tang Ao had already seen the sins of the powerful. It seemed that only Emperor Qianwen and Emperor Qianying were fighting, and the other princes were watching the excitement. He just really thought that those princes did not want to take action. ?

When the world is in chaos, it is also an era when heroes emerge in large numbers. Ambitious people will jump out to fight for the world. But why has it been so long that no other vassal kings participated? Do they really have no ambitions?

The answer is of course not. If the vassal kings had no ambitions, they would not dare to propose autonomy. The reason why they did not participate in the war was simply because the internal opinions were not unified, or that many powerful people were not convinced, and the vassal king could not get the local powerful people. support, but the strength is limited and cannot send troops.

The powerful have always refused to take action without any benefit. During the Taiping years, they enjoyed too many good policies. They sucked the blood of the people and enjoyed it. But once a war breaks out, perhaps their benefits will be even greater. , but there is another possibility, that is, they will be defeated, and in this case, their strength will be greatly reduced. Then why should they gamble if they can only live a good life?

Unless people are killed at the doorstep and their own safety cannot be guaranteed, otherwise, the powerful will not easily support the war. This is why the war in the Central Plains has always been small in scale and the area of ​​impact is small.

With the lessons learned from the past, Tang Ao had to think about it. He didn't want his descendants to have to look at the faces of the powerful in whatever they do in the future. If future decrees lose the interests of the powerful, would they not be able to be implemented and would even shake the rule? What is the foundation of the author?

Daqian is so big that even if all the surrounding small countries are put together, it is far inferior in terms of population. But Daqian's military is not strong, why is that?

It's not because there are moths in the house, there are these selfish powerful people. Whenever a government order is issued, it must first be seen whether it is beneficial to them. If it is beneficial, it can be implemented, but if it is not beneficial, it will be difficult to implement. This kind of thing depends on the person's face. Tang Ao didn't want to bear this feeling for a moment.

Taking a deep breath, as if he had made some kind of decision, Tang Ao spoke, "Order that within ten days the existence of private military nursing homes in Jizhou, Liaozhou, and Guzhou be cancelled."

"Ah! What? Your Highness, no." Zeng Tong was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that he just wanted to ask for a chance to survive for Meng Sidao, but it caused such a huge backlash from Tang Ao. What are private soldiers and guardians? They are the lives of the powerful. It is with this help that they can protect their own rights and interests and at the same time threaten those in power. This allows them to get rid of private soldiers and guardians. They How could you agree?

Ignoring Zeng Tong's objection, Tang Ao continued: "Order the Shanshan Guards to return from Goryeo. Two thousand will be stationed in Jizhou, three thousand in Guzhou, and five thousand in Liaozhou."

Another order came out, and this was Tang Ao starting to make military preparations to guard against the powerful. Among the powerful, Jizhou was the least, followed by Guzhou, and Liaozhou the most. This resulted in such a distribution of military strength.

"Okay, go ahead and execute it. The troubles caused by the powerful and powerful must be solved here." Tang Ao made up his mind, even though he knew that this would probably cause civil strife, even though he knew that the time was not good now, and Goryeo was not destroyed.

, Beidi and the Xiongnu were ready to make a move, and it was unwise to cause internal instability. But Tang Ao still decided to do it. Since a storm is coming, let it come more violently.

Tang Ao did not choose to bow his head, but instead adopted a tougher attitude. This was beyond Zeng Tong's expectation. In the eyes of people like them, things must be done step by step. If you want to solve all problems once and for all, it is simply impossible.

It’s just impossible. In fact, isn’t this the case for emperors throughout the ages?

However, Zeng Tong forgot one thing. It was precisely because Han culture sometimes paid too much attention to the art of gentleness that the Han people were unable to achieve true unification until the emergence of Qin Shihuang.

Despite the efforts of several generations of Ying clan members above him, it cannot be denied that Ying Zheng's perseverance and decisiveness allowed him to level the six countries and unify the country in his era. If his confidence was not firm,

If you try to solve the problem with gentle means, you will end up handing the trouble to the next generation instead of unifying the world with him.

On the other hand, if the First Emperor did not make up his mind and left the problem to his descendants, what would happen if someone who was not a virtuous emperor appeared among the descendants? Just like the death of Qin II, maybe there would be no First Emperor.

If Qin tries hard to unify the world, it will enter a period of decline in the next generation, and it will be difficult to unify the world again.

Or maybe after countless years of hard work, a brave person will finally appear in the world to unify the world, but if it's not Qin, then there's no telling.

Even after Tang Ao came to this world, he had to do something. In order to become a human being or a Han people, he had to do something that others didn't dare to do or couldn't do. Even if there was something ahead of him.

Even though there are thorns everywhere, he has no regrets and will not look back.

In Jizhou, Tang Ao's order is an imperial edict. It's okay for Zeng Tong to obey. If he doesn't obey, he will be replaced at any time. Knowing this truth, Zeng Tong cannot object, and neither can he, because he also sees the dangers of the powerful.


He also thought about solving it, but relatively speaking, his method was more conservative, or he wanted to leave the problem to the next generation. Even if Tang Ao made up his mind, he could only obey.

Meng Sidao was beheaded in the street. Many people and dignitaries saw clearly. For a moment, the dignitaries were furious. In their view, Meng Sidao was not wrong. He was executing the orders from above. The only thing

If there is any doubt, it is because the attitude towards foreigners is not strong enough, so the crime should not be punished with death.

Their lips were dead and their teeth were cold. For their own safety in the future, they had no choice but to jump up and object and question.

The powerful people thought that they had made concessions, such as voluntarily sending young members of the family to study in the Dragon Court, to do things according to King Ji's rules, and after graduation, they were assigned to become officials in various places. Everything was also in accordance with King Ji's decrees.

Act. But now, people are killed anyway, just because they were not tough enough on the aliens and did not speak for the people. This is really incomprehensible to them.

This chapter has been completed!
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