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Chapter 724: Li Chuxiang's Opportunity

The better Zhu Yun's letter was, the more regretful the eldest princess felt. She regretted her original choice and came to Qingzhou from Suzhou instead of Jizhou.

Speaking of which, the eldest princess is not intolerant of hardships. She has the character of a strong woman. She can still bear this little pain. But what makes her unbearable is the emperor's attitude towards her. Emperor Qianwen lost his left arm The whole person seems to have changed.

Originally he was confident and confident, and seemed not to care about everything that happened, and would calmly deal with problems. But now Emperor Qianwen has become a little hysterical, and he doesn't use any means.

Just like the former Emperor Qianwen, he always regarded Daqian as his own. He would not tolerate anyone who wanted to conspire to rob him, and would use force to fight force. This also made Daqian, at least on the surface, seem Still intact.

But now, Emperor Qianying occupied Daliang City and seemed to have become orthodox. Emperor Qianwen no longer had Dagan in his eyes, only himself. Not only did he no longer want to preserve a complete Dagan, but on the contrary, in order to achieve the purpose of returning to Daliang City , actually teamed up with foreigners and did something shameful.

As far as the eldest princess knew, the emperor's brother actually bowed his head in the face of Li Xuantong, the commander-in-chief of Dianzhou, and the South Vietnamese Army who might come up behind him at any time. Not only did he privately acknowledge the fact that Dianzhou became independent and demarcated the Daqian territory, he even heard that In order to build a good relationship with him and borrow troops from him, he also planned to marry himself to a South Vietnamese general named Qiu Suisui.

With the dignity of the eldest princess, even though she is attached to a horse and dies, she is still a princess after all. Even if she marries a foreigner, she will at least be a powerful figure like Li Yongli, the king of South Vietnam. It is absolutely impossible to just marry a person. The general's. This was something that was impossible to happen before, but now, it has become a fact. All because the emperor's brother talked to her once. Although he didn't say it clearly, it probably meant this.

Now that the emperor has an idea, I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before this thing comes to pass. When he thinks that he is a rich man and has to marry a foreign general, he even heard that Qiu Suisui is already over fifty years old. , the eldest princess felt waves of fear.

She regretted in her heart, but Zhuyun was not in front of her, and there was no one she wanted to discuss with. After much deliberation, for the sake of her future life, the eldest princess decided to discuss with Concubine Zhao. We are both women, so she must be able to discuss it. Have mercy on yourself.

Walking on the pungent smelling street, the eldest princess headed towards the place where she found out about Concubine Zhao's residence.

As Emperor Qianwen's wife, Concubine Zhao naturally wanted her husband to accompany her. She came to Qingzhou from Suzhou, whether she wanted to or not, she had to come.

After being away for many days, she finally saw her husband again. Although this was a husband who served with many women, Concubine Zhao was still full of joy and wanted to throw herself into Emperor Qianwen's arms and let him take pity on her. Even just hugging each other and talking.

It's a pity that Emperor Qianwen only had a smile on his face when they first met, and he never spent time alone with Concubine Zhao again. This may be because he was missing an arm, which made it difficult for him to move, but he came to comfort the two. Sound can always be done.

As time passed, and the two of them had no chance to be alone together, Concubine Zhao had to wonder whether the smile on her face when she first saw her was because she was happy to see herself, or whether she was happy to see the hundred thousand troops who came with her. ?

For women in ancient times, when they lost the care and love of their husbands, it was like the sky fell in half. But given her identity, Concubine Zhao still had to force a smile, and she could only shed tears in the dead of night when there was no one around.


As both women, Princess Shi'er's appearance still made Concubine Zhao happy. After all, they were both women, and they were both pitiful women.

When the eldest princess arrived, Concubine Zhao took the initiative to go out of the wing to greet her. After all the maids and servants left, the eldest princess knelt down in front of Concubine Zhao, crying and pleading.

"Your Majesty, Qinglan doesn't want to marry again, let alone become an abandoned child. Please grant me permission."

While crying, the eldest princess recounted what her royal brother had said to her, and then she knelt down in tears.

Concubine Zhao tried twice but failed to pull the eldest princess up from the ground. Then she said with a headache, "Eldest Princess, how can you ask me to help you? I am also a weak woman."

"No! The imperial concubine has her son with her. The army has just entered the city and it is still in chaos. His Royal Highness Prince Shun is guarding the north gate. As long as the imperial concubine is willing to help, I can leave from there and go to Jicheng. From now on,

I don’t want any power, just spend the rest of my life as a little woman with peace of mind.”

"This..." Listening to the eldest princess's idea, Concubine Zhao was at a loss for a moment. If she did this, the eldest princess might be able to escape, but how would she explain it to the emperor? The relationship was not in the first place.

Just like before, I'm afraid if this happens, the situation will be even worse.

"Your Majesty, you and I are both women, please take action for the sake of pitiful women. My sister will remember your kindness in this life." Seeing that Concubine Zhao was hesitant, the eldest princess cried again. She knew

, if this opportunity is lost, I am afraid that there will be no chance again.

Concubine Zhao's ears seemed to be reminded of Zhao Yanyan, who had been dead for many years. She was also an unlucky woman. The memories of the past also made Concubine Zhao's mind go crazy, and she decided to help the eldest princess. "Okay.

Come on, get up quickly, sister promises you that we have to plan this matter carefully."


Dianzhou is rich in natural resources and is known as the "Kingdom of Plants", "Kingdom of Animals", "Kingdom of Non-ferrous Metals" and "Hometown of Medicinal Materials".

The extremely excellent natural environment makes this place also mountainous. In ancient times, due to the underdeveloped transportation, this place also became a place for many "bandits" to settle down.

It is true that there are bad people among good people, and there are good people among bad people. Not all gangsters are bad characters, lazy, and some are righteous and patriotic.

Li Chuxiang is one of the best. (Li Chuxiang, the role of book friend l_尐Rui)

Li Chuxiang (Chu Zhihangxiang) is a male, thirty years old.

Not long after he was born, his parents were killed by bandits. By chance, he was rescued and adopted by an anonymous master who passed by the village! He studied literature and martial arts with the master who raised him in the mountains since he was a child. He was very talented and went down the mountain to join the army after he was 18 years old.

Motivated to protect his family and country, he defected from the army at the age of 28!

He was originally a lieutenant of the Yunnan Army Scout Battalion, which was the most elite unit among the Yunnan Army's scouts (the frontier army scout battalion was called Canglang Camp and was an all-round cavalry unit). He led 500 Canglang Camp brothers to conduct reconnaissance behind enemy lines, draw drawings, and repeatedly

He achieved great military exploits, but because his superiors were greedy for meritorious deeds and embezzled credits and salaries, he went to ask for an explanation for his subordinate brothers but was falsely accused. He killed his superior in anger and then defected. Five hundred of his subordinates were willing to follow him.

Suddenly, Li Chuxiang turned into a bandit from a mutiny and settled in this mountain forest. Unlike other bandits, he still thought about serving the country in his heart, not just those who had no energy and energy to live for a day. A day of walking dead.

Although he didn't read many books, his master always taught him when he was learning martial arts. His thoughts were full of positive energy since he was a child, and killing officials and running away was a helpless act.

I originally thought that this would be the end of my life, being a gangster that everyone hates, who would be killed one day and thrown into the wilderness. Unexpectedly, Daqian, who seemed very strong at first, suddenly broke into civil strife, and the emperor came one after another. One has been replaced, and now there is a saying that two emperors coexist.

After the world is in chaos, it will naturally be followed by great order.

Li Chuxiang's opportunity has come. He may not value his own future, but he cannot ignore the 500 warriors of Canglang Camp, nor can he ignore the thousands of family members accompanying him. Since they believe in himself, he must give them An argument.

When Emperor Qianwen's Daqian army was fighting with the Western Shu army, Li Chuxiang wanted to try his luck, leaving three hundred Canglang camp warriors to guard the house, and with two hundred people, he mounted his war horse and headed straight towards the gorge. Coming from the direction of the city.

Along the way, traveling at night and day, we passed Xiangcheng and entered Ezhou without attracting anyone's attention.

From Dianzhou to Qingzhou to the current Ezhou, spanning three states, there is no trace of fatigue on the faces of Li Chuxiang and the two hundred Canglang Camp warriors he led, and some are just looking towards the future. That's just a beautiful hope.

As the sun rose and the sky began to get brighter, Li Chuxiang led a group of brothers into the dense forest next to the official road to rest. From here, he could easily arrive in Xiazhou in a dark night. At this time, he was not so anxious. He was thinking about how to contact the Daqian Army to see if they could take him in and whether they were worth entrusting him with. He had nearly two thousand lives tied to him.

After driving all night, twenty scouts were left behind to keep an eye on the surrounding activities. Most of the others fell asleep leaning against the big tree. Even Li Chuxiang fell asleep in a daze, leaning his head on the trunk of the tree. From time to time he would lower his head and nod.

"General, general, there's a situation." A scout trotted to Li Chuxiang's side and called softly.

Although the voice was not very loud, it was still heard by many people. For a while, everyone focused their attention on the backbone of Li Chuxiang.

"What's going on?" As he spoke, he held the big knife in his hand.

"General, there are several people running on the official road. They look like they are being hunted." The scout said urgently.

"Hunt? Don't meddle in other people's business." Li Chuxiang shook his head slightly after hearing this and said calmly.

This chapter has been completed!
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