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Chapter 727 The role of animal language is getting bigger and bigger

Wei Qian'er also had an attitude of studying hard, worked hard, and handled official duties in an orderly manner, which earned her a lot of praise from Emperor Ying.

In October of the 22nd year of Hanchang, the 200,000-strong Xuanjia Army began its attack on the Soviet Union, and smoke erupted in the border city again.

Facing the Xuanjia Army, which was even larger than the last time, Da Qi King Yuan Zhong personally went into battle and commanded from the tower of Yu Liancheng. You attacked and I defended, which was very lively. Half a month later, with the help of Yidai Tianlei, The city gates of Liancheng were finally breached, and Yuan Zhong, the king of Da Qi, was defeated and fled toward Yangzhou with 30,000 soldiers, continuing to build a second line of defense.

The King of Qi, who would rather die than surrender, has made his attitude clear, that is, he would rather lose both sides in a fight, and he will never hand over a prosperous Yangzhou. No matter who it is, if you want to take it by force, then be prepared to accept a The dilapidated Yangzhou is healed.

Yuan Zhong, the king of Da Qi, took a step back to fight, which really made Xuan Jia's army a little annoyed, but they had no choice but to prepare enough food and fodder after a short rest in Liancheng and then march into Yangzhou, posing a picture that even if they gave up this place Even if they are beaten to pieces, they will still have a strong attitude of destroying all of your Da Qi King's troops.



Tang Ao was standing in front of the huge sand table in the staff headquarters, listening to several deputy chiefs of staff explaining the situation in Daqian.

Emperor Qianwen's troops entered Ezhou, and Emperor Qianying's troops entered Suzhou. This was clearly a game of big fish eating small fish, and small fish eating shrimps. This is also one of the manifestations of the law of the jungle, but all the small fish are eaten. After that, there will only be a bloody battle between the big fish, which will only become more intense.

Half an hour later, the staff officers finished analyzing the battle situation, and then all their eyes fell on Tang Ao, who looked like he was obeying orders and dispatching the army.

The three states of Ji, Gu, and Liao, including Goryeo, were all captured by Tang Ao. The current Jizhou army can be said to be powerful, even if it faces any one of Emperor Qianying or Emperor Qianwen, it has the power to fight. With the huge strength, everyone's appetite has also increased. It is obvious that the staff want to send troops out of the Northeast and compete in the Central Plains.

"Haha, let's solve the problem in Heizhou first." How could Tang Ao not know the meaning of the staff below? It's just that in his opinion, the fire is not enough now, and the fighting in the Central Plains is not intense enough, at least like the King of Southern Wu Such a huge force has not yet entered the battle group. Even the King of Western Shu only has one Hubei area to fight. Their strength is still strong. Now that they are in trouble, it is impossible to push them all the way. .

Even if Tang Ao has the most advanced artillery and even a "bomber" team, the captured city needs someone to defend it, and officials must be arranged to handle government affairs there. Jizhou, which has always been short of talents, will not have enough people. With such a large talent pool, his demise will only make the world more chaotic. This is not what Tang Ao wants to see.

What he wants is to calm the people's hearts and completely solve the problems there every time he conquers a place. If he cannot do this and causes people's resentment to boil wherever he goes, then what is the difference between him and other warlords?

Rather than doing this, it is better to take advantage of the current good situation of stability and unity to solve the problems behind you, so that you can truly feel at ease when you go to war in the future.

After the businessman Lu Ming sent the message, Longya and Anxiang took action after receiving the news. They quickly verified the news, and the Helian family was indeed preparing to attack the Jizhou Army. Speaking of which, they were forced to have no choice.

The two main powers that trade with Jizhou are the Gongsun family and the Cheng family. They have nothing to do with the Helian family. As it continues, others will make a lot of money, but they will lose everything. So instead of Before the strength is reduced to the minimum, it is better to fight. If we can capture most of Jizhou and force Tang Ao to bow his head, the benefits will naturally not be too small.

The Helian family made a decision, but seemed to be afraid that they were not strong enough, so they sent people to contact Heizhou north of Jizhou.

Heizhou, speaking of itself as an uncivilized land, is not one of the twenty-four states within Daqian. Because its geographical location is too far north, the length of winter in a year is close to that of spring, summer, and autumn. The level has made the natural environment here very harsh and it has become a forgotten corner.

At this time, Heizhou was not developed, but it was nowhere near the Northeast heavy industry base and granaries that would later be located. From a distance, there were only dense forests and mats of grass, and there were very few paths for people to pass through.

It is under such a natural protection environment that Heizhou has already been removed from the map of Daqian. Even after Tang Ao came to Jizhou, there was nothing he could do about Heizhou. People were sent several times, but it took a lot of effort. I met Xie Bai, the commander-in-chief of Heizhou and the general of the Northern Black Army, but unfortunately, he didn't like Tang Ao at all, and turned a deaf ear to the good intentions released.

From that moment on, Tang Ao sentenced Xie Bai to death in his heart, and only waited for the right opportunity to deal with him, so that Heizhou could return to the embrace of Daqian. But now, the opportunity seems to be there. Already arrived.

Tang Ao raised the issue of Heizhou in front of all the staff members, and everyone walked to another small sand table aside, which marked some of the topography and landforms of Heizhou.

Due to various reasons, the Jizhou Army did not take action against the Heizhou Army. It does not mean that the Jizhou Army did not do anything. I don’t know how many scouts were sent to create this sand table. Now it seems that even the Heizhou Army’s The location of the main force is also clearly marked, which shows that the effect is quite good.

However, between the main force of the Heizhou Army and the Heizhou Army, there is still a large area of ​​uninhabited area, which is filled with various virgin forests. The swamp area cuts off the connection between the Jizhou Army and the Heizhou Army. Now it seems that if you want to capture the Heizhou Army, , it seems that we have to cross this uninhabited land.

"Xiao Bai has already gone to explore the road, and Long Ya is close behind. As long as there is a road, we will definitely find it." Tang Ao saw the doubts of the staff and answered with a confident smile.

Tang Ao's bestiality became more and more powerful as the war progressed. Anyone who knew about it couldn't help but admire King Ji for his ability to communicate with animals so closely. , it’s really incredible, puzzling and admiring at the same time.

Hearing that Xiaobai and Longya were dispatched, all the staff members could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. As long as there was a way to advance, the Northern Black Army only had 10,000 people, so it would not be too difficult to destroy them.

The staff members breathed a sigh of relief, and Tang Ao's eyes fell on the map of Heizhou. As the population of the three states increases, it won't be long before the existing land is not enough. With Heizhou, With the addition of the three states, the land there is vast, and it is thought that the land problem can be completely solved. As long as there is enough land, Tang Ao is confident that more people from the world can immigrate to the three states. At that time, his heritage will be will be more powerful.


Between the white mountains and black waters, a team of hundreds of people was walking hard on the road.

In October, the temperature is suitable in the south, but in the coldest black states in the north, it is already covered with heavy snow, and everything you look around is a vast expanse of white.

The Longya team of a hundred people was walking hard, and they were often hit by knee-deep white snow, making every move require a lot of energy. Fortunately, the Longya team members were well-equipped and did not wear anything.

Having said that, it should be as thick as possible to ensure that even at night of minus 40 to 50 degrees, there would be no frostbite problem. In addition, they also brought a lot of meat to ensure that their physical strength continued.


Each team member also carries a long rope. If someone unfortunately falls into deep snow or a swamp covered with white snow, they can be rescued in time to avoid non-combat attrition.

The wind was blowing in the north, which was the big smoke bubble unique to the Northeast. The harsh weather conditions caused the footprints that had just been stepped on to be quickly covered by heavy snow, and no trace could be seen. But not one of the hundreds of Longya team members complained.

It’s tiring. Everyone knows that once they complete the task of exploring the path, at least a silver medal is indispensable. How many warriors in the army have died from greed, and now they are just exploring a path, no matter how hard it is,

How miserable can it be?

"Look, there are footprints of a wild boar walking there." When the wind finally stopped, a Longya team member responsible for opening the road shouted loudly as if he had seen something.

"Okay, follow these footprints, others will expand the road area and register at any time." Xu Hun, who was in charge of leading the team, had some excitement in his eyes after hearing this. Don't underestimate these local beasts, they have an innate

Instinct for danger, knowing where it is dangerous not to go, and where it is safe to go with confidence. Facts have long proven that following the footprints of these beasts is the safest path.

Among the team of a hundred people, some were recording something with their cold and purple hands, while others were carefully exploring the road around them to ensure that a safe enough road was drawn so that the next main force of the Jizhou Army could enter here.

Complete the purpose of military strike.

After a while, the north wind blew again, the snowflakes fell, and it snowed again...

Soon after the white snow fell on a member of the Dragon Ya team, there were hundreds of movable snowmen on the ground, gradually moving away...


Shile City, the capital of Beidi Kingdom.

This place has long since restored its former prosperity, and it seems that the capture by the Jizhou Army that day was like a dream and did not exist in reality at all.

There had just been a heavy snowfall, covering Shile City in white. On the streets, people clearing the snow could be seen everywhere. Children were running around from time to time. They were either building snowmen or having snowball fights. They had a lot of fun.


In front of a large house not far away, some servants were also clearing the snow, but the noise they made was not very big, as if they were afraid that they would make some noise and make the gentlemen in the house unhappy. This is Helian

Mansion, the place where the leader of the Helian clan, He Lian, lives.

This chapter has been completed!
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