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Chapter seven hundred and thirty sixth lightly kill

Five miles away from the opposite side, Tang Ao was riding on a snow-treading jade white dragon, holding a long eight-foot long sword in his hand. Hearing the shouts from the opposite camp, he couldn't help but chuckle and said: "I can't tell that the morale is good, but I just don’t know if it will still be like this in a while.”

Tang Ao had a relaxed look on his face. He had prepared the stone-throwing thunder and sky-blasting artillery and adjusted the landing points. The other cavalry and soldiers were also ready to charge at any time, whether it was in terms of troops or weapons. They all have too great an advantage, and there is really no possibility of failure in this battle.

For Tang Ao personally, all he needs to consider is how many people he can capture after this battle. Having seen the role of the Shanshan Guards, Feng Xun has reported more than once that he wants to expand his army.

Thinking about Feng Xun's qualifications and ability, he is now only a regiment leader due to the number of troops, which is indeed a bit of an incompetence. Tang Ao has decided to expand the army of Shanshan Guard, and the members will be among the prisoners of this battle. Choose.

The meaning of how many people are captured is naturally very important.

"Ao'er, the battlefield is very dangerous. You'd better not go." Shen Yunyi had been standing beside Tang Ao for a long time. Seeing that he was really about to go to the battlefield, he said with some worry.

Knowing that Shen Yunyi was worried about him, Tang Ao smiled confidently, "Uncle, I know that Ao'er has always been a child in your eyes, but Ao'er will always grow up. Besides, there are so many guards following him. Something will happen."

Although he said it with a smile, Tang Ao's attitude was very determined. Shen Yunyi knew that he could not persuade the other party, so he could only say: "You must be careful at that moment, and you must be under the protection of the Han general."

"Okay." Tang Ao nodded in agreement, then straightened his body, waiting for the enemy to take the lead in charging.

The sun in early summer is high in the sky, emitting light and heat, shining on people, which inevitably makes people feel upbeat and dry.

But at some point, a dark cloud appeared, blocking the sun, and the sky seemed to suddenly darken at this moment.

At this time, the vanguard general Jia Gan raised the spear in his hand high and shouted: "Northern Black Army, charge!"


The three thousand vanguard cavalry were like throwing puppets on strings. With a loud shout, they all rushed forward. As the three thousand people launched the charge, the earth began to tremble at this moment.

"Yes, the attack formation is not chaotic. It is full of momentum. It is really elite." Tang Ao put down the telescope in his hand and said with a sigh.

"It's not bad. With a little training, you can enter the Shanshan Guard, hehe." Feng Xun on the side had a silly smile on his face, and then said to the order-delivery soldier beside him: "Give me the order. As long as the enemy surrenders, don't do it." Kill them, these are some good seedlings."

The Beihei Army is all made up of Gan people, but their sense of belonging is just a little worse. Once such people are caught, they only need to strictly observe military discipline and train with the large army for a period of time before they can become an army. This will save a lot of things. , Feng Xun was naturally a little nervous.

Besides, the 3,000 Northern Black Army on the opposite side, after launching the charge, constantly adjusted their horse speed so that when they rushed in front of the Jizhou Army, it happened to be the time when the horses' legs were at their strongest, so that they could exert their greatest strength. Advantage.

Every cavalry unit will go through training like this. The only difference is who performs better. But no matter how well the Beihei Army does, as the Jizhou Army is well prepared, their formation will be in chaos. It's just a matter of time.

Just when they had advanced two miles, were still one mile away from the iron shell, and were still three miles away from the Jizhou army, a rumbling roar resounded across the earth, and the sky-blasting cannon appeared.

The sky thunder fell on the earth, forming huge craters one after another, causing the ground to tremble continuously, like an earth dragon turning over.

Although they had been trained in firecrackers, they actually experienced it and realized that it was nothing like the firecrackers they set off. What happened in front of them was too terrifying, beyond their imagination.

Whenever there is a bombardment, no matter whether they are war horses or Northern Black Army cavalry, they pass by without any bones left. Even within a few feet of the surrounding area, there are still horses neighing and people shouting, and it is chaotic.

The sound of the cannon fell, not only the shock and damage, but also the explosion of patches of sand and dust. Even with a telescope, you could only see a patch of yellow sand all over the sky.

An unknown number of the Northern Black Army's cavalry lost their direction and began to fumble forward on their horses.

"It rained last night. Otherwise, I don't know how big the smoke and dust would be. I just don't know if the Beihei Army can withstand it." Feng Xun looked worriedly at the front where he couldn't see clearly.


The Northern Black Army is the foundation for the expansion of the Shanshan Guard. If too many people die, it will not be a good thing.

Just think about it carefully, it feels so weird to fight this kind of battle and have to worry about your opponent.

Jia Gan was riding on his horse. His expression had changed drastically at this time. If possible, he would have led his army to retreat, but there was no way to retreat, so he could only move forward.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. Our distance is limited. As long as we rush over, victory will belong to us. Rush!" shouted loudly, trying to improve the morale of the army as much as possible. But in this rumbling artillery fire, how many people can this voice be heard?

Hearing it, I'm afraid even he himself doesn't know how much effect it can have.

But as Jia Gan said, the distance is only two miles. For the war horses traveling at high speed, it is just a surprise. In the final analysis, the intimidating effect of the thunder is greater than its own power.

As long as you are not hit by a shell, you will be temporarily safe after passing through this shelling zone.

The temporary safety was due to the fact that they had passed two miles away from the bombardment and arrived in front of the iron-clad chariots. A hundred chariots were scattered everywhere, blocking the path of the North Black Army's advance.

on the road.

"The enemy is in front, speed up the attack!" The Jizhou Army was visible to the naked eye one mile away. Jia Gan regained his energy and shouted loudly, hoping to once again boost the general's morale.

As for the hundreds of chariots, he did not pay attention to them. The chariots at that time were still horse-drawn, with sharp swords extending from the two edges of the wheel hubs for the purpose of stirring up trouble on the battlefield.

That is a real chariot. As for these iron shells in front of you, what are they?

The fact that they did not take Iron Shell seriously is because the Northern Black Army knew too little and was ignorant. The facts will slap them hard in the face and let them know how powerful they are.

"Open the repeating crossbow, let go!"

Seeing that the vanguard of the Northern Black Army rushed through the thunder bombing area and rushed towards the front of the army, the hundreds of Shen's large-scale repeating crossbows that had been arranged were loaded with huge crossbows one foot long and launched from the front.


The giant crossbow arrows that are ten feet long, when fired, can be said to be injured immediately and killed immediately upon impact. Crossbow arrows were launched one after another, and one by one the hundreds of northern black cavalry rushing in front were shot at the foot of the horse. When Jia Gan

His eyes were filled with angry expressions. It was a pity to think that these good brothers did not die on the battlefield, but on the way to charge.

"Go to the left and right, and surround them in a fan shape."

Seeing that the giant crossbows of the Jizhou Army were placed in front of him, Jia Gan thought of a detour.

There were still a little more than 2,000 Northern Black Cavalry members who were prohibited from doing so. The team immediately divided into two groups, the left and right, and continued to move forward, so that they were getting closer and closer to the iron shell.

Completely unaware of their strength, some of the Northern Black Cavalry almost brushed past the iron shell, and the distance between the two sides was only about ten steps.

This was tantamount to feeding a tiger with his own body. Tang Ao, who was riding on the snow-treading jade white dragon, chuckled lightly, and Brigadier Shen Yunyi beside him had already ordered the horn to be blown.

The sound of the trumpet came out, and the unique frequency was used to command the chariot battalion. When the command to attack was issued, the previously motionless chariots revealed their terrifying eyes and opened their bloody mouths.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh... whoosh whoosh whoosh...

There were hundreds of chariots, and in each chariot there were at least dozens of Shen's small serial crossbows firing arrows outwards. Arrow nets were quickly formed, dividing the Northern Black Army cavalry who were walking past them.

Unprepared, the Northern Black Army cavalry, who was looking straight ahead and preparing to show off their magical powers, would have thought that so many bows and arrows would suddenly appear around them.

Only when they fell off their horses one after another and streaks of blood splashed on the battlefield did these Northern Black Cavalry realize the power of the iron shell and how terrifying it was.

It was only too late that I realized now that it was obviously a little too late. The crossbow arrows were shot out, accompanied by the sound of more and more Northern Black Cavalry falling to the ground after being hit by arrows.

With good luck, he was hit by an arrow at a not very critical position and fell off his horse and was injured.

Those who are unlucky and get shot in the heart or face will die quickly.

Jia Gan was one of those who was extremely unlucky. He was hit by seven arrows all over his body, including two in his chest and abdomen. But even so, he did not fall down immediately, but brandished his spear. After dancing in the air a few more times, he fell to the ground with a thud.

"Hey, kill them gently, don't kill them all." Feng Xun, who was in the Jizhou Chinese Army Camp, looked distressed. Whenever he saw a Northern Black Cavalry die on the battlefield, At that moment, his heart was tugged.

But it was just a matter of words. Feng Xun was not stupid enough to ask the army to stop attacking. He had already seen that these Beihei troops were elite. If they encountered it on a frontal battlefield, apart from the advantages in equipment, their combat power would be very high. It won't be much worse than their Mountain-Shaking Guard, and may even be stronger in some aspects.

The so-called sympathy made Feng Xun feel a little pity. But the battlefield is a battlefield, there is only victory and defeat, there is no right or wrong, and there is no sympathy.

Jia Gan died in the battle, and half of the cavalry of the Northern Black Army he led was also killed and wounded. The vanguard army was about to become chaotic, and its morale dropped sharply. At this time, Xie Bai appeared with the main force of the Northern Black Army.

This chapter has been completed!
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