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Chapter 745 Can't keep up with the rhythm

Tang Ao deliberately slowed down his pace because he didn't want people to know the true strength of the Jizhou Army. Many times, a small detail often determines the success or failure of a war.

And an army that lets the enemy underestimate it already has a three-point chance of winning, right?

As soon as the army arrived in Ala County, they saw the envoy of King Qing waiting here and saw the letter written by King Qing. Tang Ao, holding the letter in his hand, looked very embarrassed and said to the envoy: "Today is already the fourth day of the year."

It’s the 15th day of the lunar month. It’s at least 500 miles from Ara County to Jiu County in Suzhou. It will take us nearly ten days to get there. But King Qing requested that the siege be launched on April 20th. Isn’t this right?

It’s a bit overwhelming.”

Tang Ao's bitter smile fell in the eyes of the envoy, but it was a bit of gloating. Although he was very happy in his heart, he still pretended to be helpless and said: "Your Highness, Prince Qing, Prince Qing did not know that the Jizhou Army was on its way.

The speed is so slow. It’s just that the time for the general attack has been set before, and it is really difficult to change it. I also ask His Highness Prince Ji to focus on the overall situation and overcome it."

"Get over your grandma!"

Of course, this is what Tang Ao is thinking in his heart. Who is he? Of course, such foul language will not come out of his mouth. "Hey, okay, then I will do my best, but please also

Your envoy replied to Brother Qing, I'm afraid we won't be able to attack Jiu County in time this time and won't be able to do anything."

"Promise, the envoy will report the truth to the words of Prince Ji. The military situation is like a fire, so the envoy takes his leave." The envoy cupped his hands and left quickly to reply to King Qing.

Seeing the messenger walking away, Shi Lei beside him couldn't help but said, "Master, we will go all out for the five hundred miles. We can get there in three days. If we go faster, we can still reach Jiujun."

Let’s take a good rest outside.”

"Huh? Why are you running so fast? Are you seeking death?" Tang Ao glared at Shi Lei.

"But if we can't arrive on time, we won't have the opportunity to participate in the attack on Jiujun." Xuefei, who came with the army from the side, asked with confusion, her eyebrows were arched, and she looked like she was thinking about the problem.


Naturally, Tang Ao would not laugh and scold Xuefei like he did to Shi Lei. "Yes, if we don't arrive there, we won't have a chance to attack the city. But who said that I came here to attack Jiujun?"

"Huh? Isn't it?" Xuefei Zhanger looked confused. Not only her, but also Shi Lei and others also looked puzzled.

"Of course not, we are here just to make soy sauce." Tang Ao said with certainty.

"Making... soy sauce? Cooking?" Everyone was even more puzzled.

"Well...Actually, we are just here to fill up the numbers. It is just a small Suzhou. There will not be any hard battles to fight in the early stage. The Qingwang Army and the Western Barbarian Army are enough. Even so, why are we

To contribute, follow behind and wave the flag to cheer, and recharge your batteries, there will be a moment when we can be useful." Tang Ao smiled confidently.

He has a plan in mind for a long time, but there is no need to tell others now. It's not that he can't trust everyone, it's just because things may change at any time, and it's really hard for him to say anything before the overall situation is determined.

Tang Ao didn't say anything, and it was naturally difficult for others to ask. But long-term habits tell everyone that as long as His Highness decides on something, there will be no mistakes, and that's it. So what else do you need to waste those brain cells on?

"Okay, everyone should rest. It's just that we can't defeat Jiujun and get the benefits of the war. But from my point of view, Suzhou has been prepared, and there won't be anything good left for us in Jiujun.

"Yes." Tang Ao said very relaxedly. Then he looked back inadvertently, as if he was waiting for something.

The messenger quickly returned to King Qing's military camp before the war, and truthfully reported what happened after meeting Tang Ao.

"Haha, they say that Ji Wang's younger brother is like a god with his troops and can advance troops very quickly. From this point of view, it's just mediocre." After hearing this, King Qing naturally had a look of joy on his face. But after all, the Jizhou Army was not involved in this battle.

The pressure on himself would be much greater, so he couldn't help but ask the Western Barbarian King Origi in the tent: "Barbarian King, without the Jizhou Army, there shouldn't be any problem with us taking over Jiujun, right?"

"Of course not. Don't you have thunder in your hands? As long as you can blow open the city gate, then it will be left to us Barbarian Cavalry. Fight now, no one will be the opponent of our elite Barbarian Cavalry."

Origi said this with great confidence. But he had forgotten the lesson Tang Ao had given them a few years ago.

Origi was so confident that he infected Prince Qing. "Okay, that's it. The siege plan for tomorrow remains unchanged. Everyone can go back and prepare."

Without the Jizhou Army, the pressure will naturally be greater, but once the city is captured, there will be one less person to share the benefits. From this point of view, it is worth it.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, the infantry of King Qing's army began to attack the city with the beating of war drums.

The high morale of King Qing's army was divided into one battalion for every five thousand infantrymen, and there were two battalions of troops for the first attack on the city. When a team of ten thousand people was deployed under the wine city, it gave people a sense of great momentum.

, an incomparable feeling.

Speaking of which, this was the first time that King Qing actually stepped onto the battlefield. When he saw his troops marching in neat steps, holding up their spears and halberds and approaching the west gate of the wine city step by step, he was inspired by this.

His face was red and he looked extremely excited.

Ten thousand infantrymen, beating the drums, slowly approached the city of Jiujun. Soon they came under the city gate. A burst of arrows were dropped on the city tower, but in front of the wooden shield, most of the arrows were blocked.

After falling down, more soldiers rushed to the city and fired arrows at each other.

Speaking of which, one side is condescending and the other has to look up. Such a confrontation is very detrimental to the Xuanjia Army. But originally, King Qing's army had no intention of climbing the city. They did this just to blow open the city gate for the soldiers.

Just making preparations.

As hundreds of death squad members rushed out of the team and rushed to the west city gate, detonating the sky thunder, the wooden door was blown to pieces with each explosion. This scene also triggered the people behind them who had been prepared for it.

The barbarian cavalry launched an all-out charge amid various shouts.

A total of 10,000 vanguard barbarians, led by General Xiang Longqiang of the Xiang clan, rushed into the unobstructed West City Gate and entered the city.

When the cavalry enters the city, it is like a monkey entering the belly of Princess Iron Fan, unstoppable.

Seeing that the cavalry entered the city smoothly, 10,000 infantry also entered the city. After a not very fierce fight, it took only two hours for the wine city to change its owner, and the English-characterized military flag of the Xuanjia Army on the city tower was removed.

Next, it was replaced with a big word "Celebration".

It was later learned that there were less than five thousand soldiers in Liquor City, and most of them were old and infirm. In other words, the main force in the city had retreated before the army attacked the city. This made it so easy to attack the city. .

But no matter what, it is always a fact that the first battle was successful, and the losses of King Qing's coalition forces were also very small, with only a few hundred casualties. This result greatly strengthened King Qing's determination to dominate the world, clamoring to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, and went straight to the next A city tucks the city away.

Origi naturally agreed. It was true that he captured the wine city this time, but the gains were very little, or none at all. The property in the city had already been transferred, which was almost equivalent to an empty city, which made him very happy. Unwilling to give in, when he heard that King Qing wanted to move on, he nodded in agreement.

At this time, both the Qing King and the Man King had completely abandoned the Jizhou Army. I originally thought that Suzhou belonged to Emperor Qianying's territory, and it would not be easy to capture it, so I thought of calling the Jizhou Army together. , which will increase the chance of winning. But now it seems that the war is going so smoothly, I regret calling this helper.

Of course, they will not order the Jizhou Army to retreat now. Not to mention whether they will listen to themselves, if they do something wrong and make the Jizhou Army unhappy and become an opponent in Zhuli, then the gain outweighs the loss.

Fortunately, the Jizhou Army is far away from the battlefield. Even so, they only need to speed up their advance and leave the Jizhou Army behind with all their strength. If you can't keep up, you can't blame yourself.

With this idea in mind, the two kings just rested for a night in the wine city and continued heading east in a hurry the next morning, heading towards the depths of Suzhou.

The Jizhou Army arrived at Jiujun on the tenth day, and what greeted them here was only a thousand soldiers defending the city.

The Jizhou Army, which seemed to have arrived late, did not even enter the city. After resting outside the city for three days, it then circled the city and headed towards Yecheng.

At this time, Ye City had already been captured by King Qing's coalition forces, and now they had arrived at Jincheng City, preparing to launch an siege.

Just when the coalition forces were making good progress and becoming unstoppable, a huge cavalry force had already jumped across Ala Lake and was heading towards Licheng, the capital of the Luolu tribe.

In the sky, dozens of huge birds soared between heaven and earth. Their existence ensured that no one or any livestock within a hundred miles could escape.

It was with the help of these birds that the 30,000 Shanshan Guards were able to appear twenty miles outside Licheng without anyone noticing. As for the Yebushou of the Luolu Department, each of them had long since become Prisoners of the Shanshan Guard or ghosts under the sword have no ability to teleport back everything they see.

Twenty miles outside of Licheng, 30,000 Shanshan Guards found a place to camp near a water source. In the big tent, Feng Xun sat at the top, and below him, six people stood respectively. They are Zhou Jinwen, the leader of the Tiger Regiment of the First Regiment, Yuan Xin, the leader of the Storm Regiment of the Second Regiment, Tai Shijin, the leader of the Snow Leopard Regiment of the Third Regiment, Gu Dashou, the leader of the Wild Wolf Regiment of the Fourth Regiment, and Qi Qi, the leader of the Cheetah Regiment of the Fifth Regiment. Leng Zixuan, leader of Yinhe Sixth Flying Dragon Regiment.

This chapter has been completed!
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