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Chapter 751: The Last Day of Ayuda

With this idea in mind, Ayuda was not afraid even if he offended Tang Ao. But now it seems that he thought things too well. This King Ji really dared to kill people.

He had a premonition that something was not going well, but his desire to survive forced Ayuda to calm down. Seeing that the guards around him seemed to have lost their souls, he knew that he could not count on these people. In front of Daqian's army , in front of the cavalry, especially the heavy cavalry, these horseless guards forcefully block the front, just like mantis arms blocking a chariot, which is of no use except to die.

Without help from others, Ayuda could only stand up and ask, whether he wanted to or not, "What do you want?"

"You must be Ayuda." By the light of the torch, Lu Zheng saw King Bukhan walking out, then shook his head and sneered: "You should ask yourself first what do you want. Not what we want.”

"You..." Listening to Lu Zheng's cold reply, Ayuda was furious.

How could he say that he was also a king, and the other party was just a young general, how could he talk to him like this? But when he considered the reality, he could only put down the so-called king's dignity and said: "Yes, this time I did something wrong. , I did not inform King Ji of the news in advance, but I also have my own difficulties. In this way, how about you capture me, and I will personally explain it to King Ji?"

Ayuda wanted to say that the Bukhan tribe also wanted to develop and expand. The best way was to raise troops. But he did not say these words to Lu Zheng, and it was of no use.

"Capture you? Haha, do you still have to worry about what you eat and drink along the way? Do you know that although Jizhou is rich, not a grain of food is superfluous?"

Hearing Lu Zheng's laughter, Ayu Da's face became even more ugly. He had heard something, so he said again: "What? Is it possible that you are still going to be unfavorable to me?"

"Haha, what kind of king are you? How dare you claim the title of king if you have a big place with tens of thousands of subordinates? Let me tell you, the commander of our battalion came today to take your life. Such an ungrateful villain is not worthy at all. Live in the world. The guards listen to the order. Whoever can kill Ayuda will have a chance to live. Not only that, your family and relatives in the city can also keep them safe. Of course, if you don't do it, Next, like Ayu Da, he will die in the hands of our heavy cavalry, so make your choice quickly."

Ayuda must die.

The existence of this person is equivalent to giving hope to the Khan tribe. Who knows when there will be an opportunity, he can call out from a high place and gather a lot of people.

With such a dangerous existence, Brigade Commander Feng Xun and Chief of Staff Lou Ming had already explained during the military meeting that there would be no need to leave anyone alive and no need to leave any trouble.

In contrast, the lives of those guards can be saved. In the future, the Bukhan tribe will become one of King Ji's territories, and it needs the cooperation of local people to manage it. Besides, population has always been a matter of great importance to His Highness. The people who become guards should have pretty good abilities, and keeping them will bring a lot of benefits.

As for whether these people will commit acts of betrayal in the future? As long as they kill Ayu Da today, they will have no choice but to be loyal to King Ji Tang Ao in the future.

Letting these guards kill Ayu Da will also have the advantage of having an explanation when facing other people's accusations. The king's death was not caused by the Jizhou army, but was caused by their internal strife. This can also be done

Less stress.

As soon as Lu Zheng finished speaking, the guards who had been prepared to die immediately saw new hope. When their eyes fell on Ayu Da, their eyes glowed like evil wolves.

"Ah! What are you going to do? I am your king? You are my king's bodyguards. You should be loyal to me. Otherwise, the gods of the grassland will not spare you. You will die and your souls will be lost.

To forgive." Sensing the change in the atmosphere around him, Ayuda's voice had more vibrato.

The grassland gods will let the guards die, I don’t know if it’s true or not.

Even if it is true, that will happen in the future. But if they don't take action now, they may die soon.

For most people, the choice between life and death does not need to be difficult. Otherwise, there would be no saying that it is better to live than to die.

At that moment, several bold guards raised their knives and surrounded Ayuda. Some of the guards showed hesitation, but they did not take action immediately, and no one appeared to stop the others.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to betray Bukhan's department?" Ayuda shouted in horror.

"Haha, do you think there will be another part in the "Bulhan" part in the future?" a guard asked in a cold voice.

Obviously, this time the Jizhou Army is going to destroy the entire tribe. Under such circumstances, isn’t it ridiculous to talk about tribes and future hopes?

A truly smart person should think about how to survive in such a complex environment, and even do something to make his life better.

Just like when a dynasty is overthrown, those who surrender can survive. It cannot be said that they are all disloyal people. Is there anything wrong with them living for themselves?

On the contrary, at this time, the one with the least choice is the king. If they don't die, the new king will not be relieved.

Several guards strode over, walking faster and faster.

The next moment, a stream of blood spurted out, and Ayuda's head separated from his body and rolled to the ground.

Not only that, before falling down, Ayuda was stabbed several times on his body. This was what the guards did to prove themselves and survive.

After several guards killed Ayu Da, they abandoned their swords and knelt down, looking like they were letting Lu Zheng fall.

Lu Zheng, who came on horseback, showed joy on his face, "Yes, you did a good job. The battalion commander is here to assure you that you don't have to die, and you may even live better in the future.

Come on, take these brothers to the city immediately to protect their families and relatives and not to be accidentally injured by other comrades."

Following the order, dozens of cavalry came and quickly left in a formation of three or five cavalry accompanied by a guard.

As soon as these people left, the remaining more than a hundred guards looked ugly. They all regretted that they did not take action in time and missed the opportunity for themselves and their families to survive. Until Lu Zheng continued to speak, it was like the sound of nature sounded again,

The guards raised their heads in disbelief, then walked towards the dead Ayuda one by one with their knives, and slashed at the body with their knives.

Lu Zheng only said one thing, "You have one last chance. You can cut Ayu Da into pieces and still live. Otherwise - die!"

Because of the actions of these guards. With the examples of the previous guards, there is no psychological barrier for everyone to do last-ditch attacks.

Although everyone knows that once they take action, even if it is a corpse, they will not be able to gain a foothold in the Bahan tribe in the future, but it doesn't matter, the tribe is gone, so what do they have to worry about?

This is also the reason why everyone dared to betray Ayu Da even though they were palace guards. If this was not a battle of genocide, these guards would fight to the last man to keep their king away, because if not

If they do this, not only will they die, but their relatives will also die.

But now, Bukhan is gone. Instead, their relatives are in the hands of the Shanshan Guards, and they can make new choices about where to go.

Ayuda's death represented the complete decline or even disappearance of Bukhan's tribe; Ila's death represented a substantial weakening of the resistance in the city.

The killing lasted all night and did not stop until noon the next day. When the people in the city heard the news that Ayuda and Ila were dead, they also heard that this time the Jizhou army came to attack

When the entire Bukhanna was destroyed, many people burst into tears.

There are also many people who have taken the initiative to put down their weapons of resistance. Resisting at this time has no meaning other than dying in vain.

There are also many people who have chosen to surrender on their own initiative, and they have begun to think about their future lives.

It took three days for the city of Bukhan to settle down again. Chief of Staff Lou Ming went to Feng Xun with the latest statistical data to give him a briefing.

In three days, Bukhanna killed more than 8,500 people in battle, and the rest surrendered. Among those who surrendered, there were nearly 3,000 strong men who were willing to be driven by the Jizhou army.

In three days, less than fifty of the Shanshan Guards were killed or wounded in battle, among whom the dead were all light cavalry who joined later, and none of the heavy cavalry suffered any injuries.

"Okay, another big victory. Haha, I have gained three thousand more new strength." Feng Xun chuckled. There is no one who can't die in a war. Besides, such a big victory only cost less than fifty people.

The price is nothing at all.

"It's a great victory. Brigadier, don't you know that I went to the palace warehouse of Bakhna and saw a lot of food, gold and silver there. What's funny is that almost all of it was given to them by our Jizhou people.

Things in exchange. Think about it, they have received so many benefits from us, but they want to be our enemies, they really deserve to die." Lou Ming said with an indignant look on his face.

"Hey, you can't say that. They paid a lot of money to exchange their war horses with us. It's just that the young master was really very good to him before, and the price he gave them during the transaction was also very good.

Gao, originally wanted to support them to make them stronger and put pressure on the barbarians, but now it seems that it has only boosted their ambitions."

When he said this, Feng Xun also shook his head. Tang Ao did not do anything wrong in this matter. It was a good political method. It is just a pity that some people are ignorant and some people are too greedy, which led to

This is the result.

This chapter has been completed!
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