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Chapter 760 Lancheng Falls

The Barbarian King left, but the other barbarians in the city did not leave. When it was dawn and all four city gates were controlled by Shanshan Guards, the situation gradually became clear. Only the seven tribes who had been standing still in the city knew what had happened.

the truth.

When Oyadan came to find them, he took out the Barbarian King's Trooper Tiger Talisman, which won people's trust. It also made them think that the Barbarian King was trying to regain his power, so they just sat back and watched. But what they didn't expect was that Oyadan actually

He was helping the Jizhou Army attack Mandu.

After all the facts were clear, they realized that they had been deceived. But at this time, after a night of killing in the barbarian capital, the situation had gradually stabilized. Ying Li and Tian's troops had been killed or captured, and Lu's openly

The Jizhou Army surrendered. Now it's a little late for them to think about what to do.

The seven tribes, large and small, have a total of about ten thousand cavalry. If they had set out last night, no matter which side they joined, they would be a considerable force. But the overall situation is settled, and these ten thousand people want to stand up again.

, if you want to use 30,000 Shanshan Guards as an enemy, it is like hitting an egg against a rock.

Oyadan had made great contributions in this matter, which was why she dared to let her father go. It seems that with these achievements, Tang Ao might be angry, but he would not openly punish him.

The barbarians need her now.

The first step is to capture the barbarian capital and destroy the military force left by Origi. Then comes the second step of the plan, to deal with all the barbarian resistance forces in the city. Those who can be used are naturally the best, and those who cannot be used are the best.

That can only be the word "kill".

Both Feng Xun and Lou Ming became very busy. They kept looking for people to talk to, making various promises to the leaders of small barbarian tribes with military power, promising various benefits, and stabilizing the situation in the barbarian capital.

Not open to trade.

Oyadan also used his identity to take the third king's younger brother Ohema to run among the dignitaries in the city, doing his part.

One day later, Feiqin came to Tang Ao with several urgent messages, and Tang Ao also knew that Mandu was breached.

"Feng Xun and the others did a good job." Tang Ao had a relaxed look on his face as he read a letter of victory.

There is no doubt about the strength of the barbarians. Even when Daqian was prosperous, he was not sure that he could destroy them with one blow. This time, he was just taking chestnuts from the fire, which was a bit risky. Fortunately, he succeeded.

In the military tent, Tang Ao wrote a reply to Feng Xun and Lou Ming, asking them to mainly appease the barbarian dignitaries, and to give them more benefits, and to stabilize the situation first.

As for Lou Ming's separate report about the Barbarian King being let go, Tang Ao did not give any answer. Under the circumstances, Lou Ming's approach cannot be said to be completely wrong, but it cannot be said to be right. He could completely block it.

The barbarian king went out of the city, waited for the army to return for reinforcements, and then captured the barbarian king alive.

But he did not do this. Instead, he handed over the decision-making power to Oyadan. This was a manifestation of irresponsibility, which made Tang Ao a little dissatisfied. Just considering that he is now doing big things in the barbarian capital.

, it is not easy to rebuke him verbally, but he will definitely give the other person a good beating when they meet next time.

If Lou knew he was wrong, it would be fine, and he would be punished lightly. If he didn't know he was wrong, then he would have to replace him. Over the years, there have been more and more students in Longyuan, and more and more graduates, including some outstanding ones.

If you give them a chance, who can say they can't perform better?

As for Oyadan, as a child, what she did is not wrong. But she must give a warning the next time they meet, otherwise if something similar happens again and everyone follows suit, won't the Jizhou Army be in chaos?


In short, in one sentence, with the merits the two of them have made, Tang Ao can give them a chance to change their ways. But if they don't know how to seize the opportunity, they have to blame themselves. It doesn't matter whether they run a group or become a prince and king of one party.

Anyway, the most taboo thing is to be emotional.

Today, Tang Ao has transformed from a successful businessman to a king. He is involved in the safety and future of more people, so he must not make any mistakes.

After writing the reply, the bird took off again and flew away in the direction of Mandu. Tang Ao also turned his attention to the war in front of him. His three deputy chiefs of staff were talking about the situation in front of him.

It has been more than a month since the coalition forces of King Qing attacked Lancheng, and finally a turning point occurred. Just yesterday, the soldiers of the coalition forces of King Qing actually attacked the head of Lancheng. If it were not for the lack of preparations and the lack of follow-up, I am afraid that they would have been able to do it yesterday.

Entered the city.

This is enough to show that the soldiers guarding Lan City will not be able to withstand it, and the city may be destroyed today and tomorrow.

The war situation was finally about to turn around, and the three deputy chiefs of staff were all a little excited. They had been staying in front of Jincheng for nearly a month, and they were all feeling lazy. It was time to stretch their limbs.

"Your Majesty, Feiqin has detected signs of Xuanjia Army activities on both sides of the official road behind Lancheng City. It is likely that they have set up a large number of ambushes there. As long as the Qingwang coalition forces dare to leave the city to pursue them, they will soon be defeated.

We may suffer a big loss, so should we inform King Qing of his news?" Wei Chao, the first deputy chief of staff, asked the question that he had wanted to ask for a long time.

"Why should you tell him?" Tang Ao asked with a chuckle.

"Since the battle has reached this point, someone should be out." With a confident look on his face, Tang Ao seemed to be saying something ordinary. However, from what he said, Wei Chao and others seemed to have seen that

To the scene where King Qing is eliminated.

Prince Qing's abilities were limited, and the only thing he could rely on was his status as the eldest son of the emperor. Under this banner, he acted like he was the legitimate heir to the throne, and he also ordered Tang Ao to come. It must be said that he really didn't know how high the sky was.

In troubled times, reputation is important, but even more important is your own strength.

He is famous for nothing, just like Yuan Shao in the early Three Kingdoms period. The so-called fourth and third princes of the Yuan family did recruit a lot of talents, but fools are fools. Weren't they defeated by Cao Cao, who was good at playing with people's hearts?

Tang Ao is not Cao Cao, and King Qing is not Yuan Shao. But if Tang Ao is willing, he has the ability to kick King Qing out.

He had not done that before. On the contrary, he tried his best to deal with the other party's proposal to jointly send troops, and even asked him to kill the third prince of the Barbarian King. All of this was just because the time had not come. Now that the opportunity has appeared, it is Tang Aozhong

It's time to punch.

"Let us inform you and let the soldiers take the time to have a good rest. In a few days, a big battle will be inevitable, and some of us will be tired by then." Tang Ao waved his hand and gave the order to prepare for war.


Under Lan City.

Prince Qing, who was riding on a horse, was looking at the fight on the tower with excitement.

After more than a month of persistent pursuit, a turning point finally appeared. Yesterday, a group of soldiers bravely rushed to the city tower and persisted for a while before being driven out of the city. If it were not for lack of preparation and the reinforcements did not arrive in time, I am afraid that yesterday

Then we can capture Lancheng.

With this lesson in mind, King Qing gathered his generals for discussion last night and formulated a more stable plan, which was implemented early this morning.

With adequate preparations, the number of soldiers attacking the city today reached 20,000, and just over an hour after the battle began, some people boarded the tower. After that, the results of the battle continued to expand, and more and more soldiers boarded the tower.

, the war situation is developing in favor of oneself.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, if nothing else happens, Lancheng will be defeated today." Fan Shitong stood up, and the wrinkles on his face seemed to have smoothed out a lot because of his relaxation.

"Haha, teacher, as long as we capture Lancheng, it means that the land of Suzhou will be used by us. Although this battle was a little more difficult, we still won the victory in the end. It was not easy." Prince Qing was in a good mood.

Hehe said with a smile.

"Yes, as long as Lancheng is captured, Suzhou will be trampled under the feet of His Highness. But we have suffered a lot in this period. We must take a good rest this time." Fan Shitong agreed.


"Yes, I need to take a good rest." King Qing also knew that the soldiers had been working very hard during the past month or so in attacking the city, and the strings in everyone's hearts had been tense, so they needed to take a good rest.


Not to mention that the Jizhou Army was still behind him, which made King Qing dissatisfied and had to take precautions. What would happen if this person was harmful to him?

Prince Qing, who had just agreed with his teacher to rest after entering the city, did not expect that what happened next made him immediately change his mind. The soldiers had successfully attacked the Lancheng tower, and then got the news that someone

Hundreds of carriages left towards the east gate of the city.

At this time, anyone who is not a fool can guess the reason why so many carriages left. They were trying to transfer property outwards.

"Huh! If you want to leave now, how can I let others get what you want?" After hearing the news, King Qing said coldly while looking overjoyed.

Since the troops were sent out, hundreds of thousands of troops have been fed and chewed every day, which can be described as money flowing like water.

Now that the harvest has finally arrived, how could he watch the money he was about to get run away? These are all his spoils.

"Immediately tell the news to the Barbarian King and ask him to send out cavalry to pursue. We will share the benefits equally. Also, inform Zhu Ke, the Marquis of Yuanding, and ask him to lead the elite troops to pursue. We must intercept those carriages."

King Qing was annoyed, and he was also laughing in his heart at the stupidity of these Lancheng dignitaries. Seeing that the city could no longer be defended, he thought of escaping. Isn't it too late?

Lancheng's city tower fell, and more Qing Wang's troops rushed down from the city tower and opened the iron gate from the inside. Then the foreign cavalry rushed into the city like running water. And many of them did not stop, but went straight to the city.

He chased towards the east city gate.

This chapter has been completed!
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