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Chapter seven hundred and sixty eight really unreliable

Compared with the others, Lu Qinghe looked a little embarrassed. After all, he was considered a surrendered soldier, so he was naturally a little uncomfortable when he saw Tang Ao. Fortunately, Tang Ao understood his difficulties and moved towards the sand festival he brought behind him.

The general said: "You must be old acquaintances. Let's go and have a good chat."

Shajie did not go to the barbarian land with Oyadan, but Tang Ao stayed with him on the grounds of consulting the strength of the barbarian cavalry. In fact, Tang Ao did not want to let the tiger go back to the mountain, and Oyadan did not have the help of a general and had a general to help him.

The former Oyadan reassured him even more.

After Sha Jie and Lu Qinghe thanked each other, they walked towards a deserted tent. Without any outsiders, Tang Ao smiled and said, "Come, let's go into the big tent. You and I will have a good time."

Tell me how this battle was fought, how beautifully it was fought."

"Hehe." Zhou Jinwen and others looked delighted, following in Tang Ao's footsteps and walking towards a large tent nearby.

This night is destined to be uneventful.

But only King Qing was kept in the dark like a blind man. He didn't know that Origi and Ashinaxiong had quietly left the camp and betrayed him. He didn't even know that the Jizhou Army on the opposite side had arrived with 20,000 reinforcements. He

All I know is that after getting very drunk, he went to bed very early in the military camp.

Prince Qing was an ambitious man, which was destined from the moment he was born.

As the eldest son of the emperor, Tang Tong had a higher and better starting point than anyone else. It was a pity that he suddenly became a cripple, which seemed to crush his spine and change his life in that instant.


But he didn't give up on himself. Instead, he lay dormant like a poisonous snake, waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback, which is equal to the moment of blockbuster success.

Prince Qing was lucky, he was born into a royal family, he had no worries about eating and drinking since he was a child, and he was respected by others.

Prince Qing was unfortunate. As the eldest son of the emperor, he was disabled. More importantly, he had a father who was extremely passionate about power. This gave him no chance to express himself.

But God seems to like to joke with people. Zongzheng's rebellion by Tang Qinghe was equivalent to giving King Qing an opportunity to stand on his own feet and display his talents.

But the question is, does King Qing have talent and learning?

If he had been born in a peaceful era, he might have been able to be a city-defending king with the support of wise men. But unfortunately, he was destined to be in a time of great strife, and his talent and learning were not enough.

Even his teacher Fan Shitong only learned how to govern the world, not the art of fighting for hegemony, so naturally the help he could give him would not be much.

With limited abilities and no help, coupled with the perversion of Tang Ao, a person from later generations, his end is almost doomed. That is, he will sink into the sand and transform from king to prisoner.

The facts are already in front of us. The strength of the Jizhou Army is completely out of proportion to his own weakness. After his strength was severely damaged, Prince Qing could hardly see any hope for the future. What else could he do except drink to relieve his sorrow?

Prince Qing, who gave up on himself, was very drunk. His teacher Fan Shitong could not sleep in the middle of the night and came to the big tent. When he saw his student snoring like thunder, he shook his head and quietly left.

Looking up at the starry sky, Fan Shitong couldn't help but ask, "Am I wrong?"

Doing it knowing you can’t do it?

Perhaps, Fan Shitong was already wrong from the moment he decided to support his students. But now he has no way to turn back, no more.

The sky will eventually dawn. Shortly after dawn, the Qingwang coalition forces once again launched a tentative attack. Compared with the previous two days, today's attack fully demonstrated what it means to be tentative. The cavalry was only symbolic.

Several hundred people were sent, and the infantry was less than a thousand. The moment they heard the rumble of the cannon, they quickly retreated, creating the miracle of minimal sacrifice in these years, only three people were injured, and no one was killed.

One death.

But with this result, I couldn't see any joy on the faces of the coalition forces. They had become so timid even in their tentative attacks. How could they still break through the blockade and defeat the Jizhou Army?

"Hahaha, these are a bunch of cowards." The generals couldn't help but laugh after seeing the enemy retreat as soon as the cannon fired.

Tang Ao did not smile. He looked at the staff. When he found that the two deputy chiefs of staff, Wei Chao and Ye Fan, who were accompanying the army, did not smile either, but turned around to have a meeting with the staff, he smiled.

The actions of the coalition forces were too abnormal. As the saying goes, there must be a monster when anything goes abnormal. Even he could see that something was wrong. If the staff did not see it, then they were too unworthy of their duties.

Fortunately, these staff officers were not dazzled by the so-called victory in front of them.

Half an hour later, Wei Chao came to Tang Ao on behalf of the staff and said, "Dean, the situation is not right. Maybe the enemy will change his tactics."

"Tell me how they will change."

"In the opinion of the General Staff, the enemy should have two choices. First, they are confusing us. As long as we are careless, they will launch a full-scale counterattack and fight us in a decisive battle. Second, they know that the Jizhou Army is not good.

Damn it, they want to retreat."

"Yeah." Tang Ao nodded. He was very happy that the staff could make these reactions in such a short period of time. "Then, according to you, which one is more likely."

"It should be the first type. If it is the second type, it can only mean that Emperor Qianying has come to find them, and they want to abandon King Qing and join their master."

"Haha, okay, the staff is very good. If you guess the truth correctly, everyone will get a reward later. Now please formulate a military plan based on these two possible changes." Tang Ao nodded happily,

The staff department has finally grown up, and the burden on his shoulders is no longer so heavy.

More importantly, with the planning of the staff department, the Jizhou Army will make fewer mistakes and die fewer soldiers in the future. This is what Tang Ao values.

Allied military camp.

After King Qing sobered up, the attack was over. When he learned from Zhu Ke that today's attack was so loud and rainy, he looked displeased and said, "Why, they all gave up on breaking out."

,Are you going to surrender to King Ji?"

King Qing, who knew nothing, did not know that all this was arranged by Origi and Ashina Xiong. They were just to confuse the Jizhou army and give them a sense that they were unable to attack, so that they would launch a general offensive tomorrow.

Sometimes it will have an unexpected effect.

In order to prove their worth and perform better in front of Emperor Qian Ying, the two even found General Luo Hai and engaged in various wooing.

Luo Hai, who had long been dissatisfied with King Qing's arrangement of his soldiers as a death squad, hit it off with Origi and others. Before, he had no choice, and he was also afraid of King Qing's leadership position in the coalition. If he didn't listen,

If so, will he kill himself?

Now it's better. With the support of Origi and Ashina Xiong, Luo Hai is no longer afraid of King Qing. He will naturally cooperate with the other party. He just sent a few hundred infantry and fled back as soon as he heard the sound of the cannon.

King Qing, who didn't know that things had already changed, was very angry, but he couldn't do anything about it. He didn't mean to trouble Luo Hai, and he didn't want to force him anymore. Anyway, in his eyes, everyone is now

They are just grasshoppers on a rope. If they cannot break through the Jizhou Army's blockade, then no one can escape. Even so, what are they worried about? Even for their own personal safety, Luo Hai and the others must do their best.

King Qing didn't even ask. Luo Hai became more courageous. He frequently contacted Origi and others to discuss launching a general offensive tomorrow.

At the rear of the coalition forces, 80,000 Xuanjia Guards were slowly approaching. The scouts in the rear were all cavalry led by Origi and Ashina Xiong. As long as they didn't tell anyone, no one would know that the Xuanjia Guards had arrived.

When they came over, even King Qing was kept in the dark.

It's just that King Qing didn't know anything, but Tang Ao knew everything. He had a bird army that no other force in the world had. When the 80,000 Xuanjia Guards began their urgent march, the news reached his ears.

"What are the Xuanjia Army doing here?" Standing in front of the sand table, Tang Ao frowned, looking puzzled.

If he were the Xuanjia Guard, shouldn't he watch the coalition forces fight with the Jizhou Army so that they could reap the benefits? Then if they appear now, wouldn't they force the coalition forces to guard against them? This would be equivalent to indirect help.

Myself, who would do such a thing that would harm oneself and benefit others?

The news continued to come, until new news appeared, saying that the Xuanjia Guards had arrived ten miles behind the coalition forces, and that there were already strange knights joining them, Tang Ao suddenly realized. "Haha, strange people.

Qi is indeed unreliable, why did he surrender to Emperor Qian Ying so quickly?"

After getting so much news, Tang Ao naturally saw the situation clearly. When the news was reported to the staff, Wei Chao and others became busy again. The battle plan they made before was only for the coalition forces, but now there is Xuan Jia

With the guards' 80,000 troops, the previous battle plan will naturally have to be changed, or even scrapped and started all over again.

Both sides are seizing the time to make mental preparations for the decisive battle. Although the weather is sunny and sunny, a haze of war hangs over the heads of the three armies. Maybe everything will come to an end tomorrow.


Xinzhou, Wucheng.

As the first place to be ruled, even if King Qing left with his army, some troops still remained here. Among them, there were 5,000 infantry in Wucheng alone to ensure that if something really happened,

It’s not that he doesn’t have the power to fight back.

When King Qing Tang Dong left, he handed over the army to Zhong Yao and Min Fu, who served as military supervisors and were responsible for everything in the city.

The life of these two officials who were originally very prosperous has been very nourishing for a while. The entire Wucheng is under their management. As long as they like good things or beautiful women, they only need to move their fingers.

Someone will send them to their own homes.

This chapter has been completed!
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