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Chapter 780 Li Chuxiang VS Yang Gui

After getting the promise from the king general, Li Chuxiang dispatched all 8,000 cavalry and 2,000 infantry. Not only that, behind them, the eldest princess Tang Qinglan also followed closely with the men, women, and children from Jifeng Mountain. .

This time, their purpose was to capture Pi City and remove all useful things from it, rather than to defend the city, which naturally required a lot of manpower.

In Tang Ao's words, when operating behind enemy lines, one must use guerrilla warfare tactics, using a small amount of manpower to destroy the enemy's transportation and block their traffic, forcing them to allocate a large portion of their forces to maintain stability in the rear. Thereby reducing the strength and number of troops on the front line.

It is said that South Vietnam is fighting the king of Western Shu. Tang Ao's wise choice is to watch them dog bite dog. But one is the king of Daqian vassal and the other is a foreigner. It goes without saying how to choose.

Even if it is the Dagan people, Tang Ao should personally deal with it, instead of allowing foreigners to run wild on Dagan's territory. This would be a shame, a shame for being a Gan people.

On a dark and windy night, it’s the time to kill!

Under the cover of black, forty Longya team members, led by captain Wang Jiang, slowly came towards the east gate of Picheng. They were like ghosts in the dark, not making any sound.

Training like this kind of sneaking in the dark is a required course for Dragon Ya. Almost every team member can move forward quickly in the dark without making the slightest sound.

Only this time, when they arrived at the East City Gate, they deliberately made noise. The soft conversation was faintly carried to the top of the city tower by the night wind.

"Huh? It seems like someone is talking outside?" The South Vietnamese soldiers guarding the city seemed to hear something, and looked down at the sound of a patrol.

It was at this time that behind them, Lei Cheng, who had been lurking here for a long time, took action, leading the Longya team members like ghosts in the night, to attack a South Vietnamese soldier whose back was turned to them.

Sharp daggers slashed across the throats of the patrolling soldiers, and they covered their mouths to prevent them from making a single sound. A patrol team with 20 people perished, and they died without knowing where the enemy came from. appeared.

"Change your clothes quickly!" Leicheng said quickly to his men, then walked alone to the bottom of the tower and made a few wild cat meows, which were not very loud.

After receiving the signal, the king showed his figure under the city, and then the eight-clawed anchors were thrown from the bottom up on the city tower. Black shadows climbed quickly along the ropes, like a bunch of spirit foxes. Generally, he moved quickly and successfully climbed to the top of the tower.

"Oh my God, their speed is too fast." Not far from the city, Lu Tian, ​​the deputy general of Canglang Camp, couldn't help but make a surprised sound.

Li Chuxiang stood aside and did not speak, but it was easy to see from his dilated pupils that he was also shocked by the performance of the Longya team members. He did not know how the Longya team members were so dexterous. The trained tower, which was more than two feet tall, was as smooth as walking on flat ground in the eyes of these people, and there was no sign of effort or pause on their part.

At this moment, Li Chuxiang had a better understanding of Longya. He finally understood why the Jizhou Army always won the battle. It was probably because they had made many times the efforts of others behind the scenes to achieve the current results.

Besides, after all the Dragon Tooth members boarded the tower, they formed a small team of three people and adopted a three-three formation to move toward the previously planned destination. Under their ghost-like skills, from time to time,

There will be South Vietnamese soldiers falling to the ground silently.

If you look closely, you will find that almost all South Vietnamese soldiers were stabbed in the neck or heart, and the wounds were all killed with one blow, ensuring that they would not die without making any warning sounds.

Each patrol team was silently destroyed. The two hundred soldiers guarding the city were completely eaten by the Dragon Teeth members of the two teams in less than a quarter of an hour, and none of them slipped through the net.

After doing this, a torch flashed across the city tower. While turning left and right three times, the east city gate slowly opened from the inside with a creaking sound.

"It's done, everyone listens to the order and speeds up to rush into the city." Seeing the signal appear, Li Chuxiang didn't hesitate for a moment, he got on his horse and took the brunt of the cavalry from the 800 Canglang Battalion towards the city.

Pi Chengnei opened the city gate and rushed in.

In the dark night, the creaking sound was particularly pleasant. A group of city patrols not far away heard the sound. The leader of the group had a confused look on his face. He couldn't figure out whether he heard it wrong or whether it was the real city gate.

was opened.

"Let's go and take a look." Shi Chang said worriedly. But just as he gave the order and a group of soldiers turned around and walked towards the east city gate, the sound of the iron cavalry stamping on the ground rang out.

"No, it's the cavalry. Quick, sound the gongs and drums!" Shi Chang said with a changed expression. Under his shout, bursts of gongs resounded through the streets and alleys of Picheng, spreading far and wide.

long distance.

The reaction of the South Vietnamese soldiers was not unpleasant, and it also testified to their good military quality. It was only at this time that they woke up, and it was finally a little late. The Canglang Battalion had already entered the city and let out their roar.

As the leader of the Canglang Battalion, Li Chuxiang rushed into the city first. As soon as he entered the street, he saw a patrol team of twenty people rushing toward him with knives.

Like a king on the grassland, Li Chuxiang locked his target in an instant. Then the horse galloped wildly, and he was the first to rush in front of the South Vietnamese soldiers. The long knife in his hand was raised high, and it fell down with a big sword.

The head was thrown into the air.

This was like a signal. The other Canglang battalion cavalry behind them also raised their swords and slashed, causing a cloud of blood mist to show people their invincibility.

As the Canglang Battalion walked through the street, this patrol team had already disappeared. Perhaps if you look carefully on the ground, you can still see their useless corpses trampled by war horses.

Canglang Camp is the result of Li Chuxiang's careful training. He can almost call every soldier by name. They unite around Li Chuxiang as the center and create an invincible horse cavalry.

They had long wanted to attack Picheng, but they were just thinking about how to enter the city smoothly. Now that they have entered the city, this is their world, and the spacious streets have become the battlefield for the Canglang Battalion cavalry.

Along the way, we encountered several patrols blocking the way. Without exception, after a charge, corpses were scattered all over the ground, and no one could escape.

Behind the eight hundred Canglang battalion cavalry, two thousand infantry rushed into the city, and like a strong wind, they began to sweep towards all parts of the city. Wherever they went, no one could be their combined general.

"Everyone, follow my general and kill!" Yang Gui's shout came from the general's mansion in the city.

Yang Gui, who is known as the enemy of ten thousand people, is a seven-foot-tall man with a face that looks very fierce.

When he heard the report from the people below that enemy cavalry suddenly entered the city at night, he did not panic like others, nor did he turn around and run away. Instead, he came out of the house with a huge mace in his hand.


The title of "Ten Thousand Enemies" is not for nothing. It is a glorious title earned after countless killings.

Yang Gui, who is very confident in his own strength, has not encountered an opponent on the battlefield for a long time. People like him believe in one sentence very much, that is, in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks will be evasive.


No matter how many ways he comes, I will only go one way!

Very confident in himself, Yang Gui firmly believed that no matter how many cavalry came, they would not be his opponent. There were more enemies, but he just needed to kill for a while. As long as he could show off his power and scare the enemies,

The enemy will eventually be defeated and flee, and that's when he will use his strength to defeat all laws.

Mounted on his horse and wearing armor, Yang Gui led a group of soldiers towards the center of the city where the shouts of killing were the loudest. At this time, Li Chuxiang had already led 800 Canglang battalion cavalry from the east city gate.

Killed to the center of the city.

Along the way, we encountered seven or eight patrol teams, and a skirmisher team of several hundred people was also scattered by them. In other words, at least three South Vietnamese infantrymen died in Canglang Camp along the way.

There are as many as four hundred people.

It turned out that only seven of the eight hundred Canglang camp warriors were injured. It was obvious that this was truly an elite division. But soon, they encountered a tough opponent. Yang Gui led nearly a hundred soldiers.


In ancient times, those who could become personal soldiers were rarely those with connections. This involved the life and safety of the general, so when recruiting, it was natural to recruit capable people. All of these nearly a hundred personal soldiers were equally capable of defeating the enemy.

Good at counting.

"Haha, the enemy is right in front, let's rush up and defeat them!"

Yang Gui's shouting came out, probably because he also saw that there were many opponents, so he did not arrogantly think about eating these people in one bite, but just said that he would defeat them.

Yang Gui and Baiqi suddenly appeared on the side of Canglang Camp. Their impact caught Canglang Camp off guard.

In just one battle, at least a dozen riders fell off their horses, fearing the end of the road. Dozens more riders were injured and had to temporarily evacuate away from the battlefield while lying on their horses.

"Kill me!" Li Chuxiang saw the commotion on the side and guessed that it was probably Yang Gui who appeared, so he clamped his legs on the horse's belly and charged back with his men.

Although Li Chuxiang was only a captain in the army before, when it comes to personal combat power, even the captains of thousands and thousands of captains in the army cannot match him. If he had not had such ability, he would not have killed officials to seek justice.


This may be what people call the boldness of a skilled person. For Yang Gui, an enemy of ten thousand people, he had long wanted to challenge him, but he just didn't have the chance before.

Li Chuxiang came quickly on horseback, but when he was still far away, he saw a man with a mace in his hand, blowing the head of a warrior from the Canglang Camp and causing him to fall under his horse.

Seeing his brother being killed, Li Chuxiang's eyes suddenly turned blood red, and a roar came from his mouth, "Don't hurt my brother, someone else will die!"

This chapter has been completed!
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