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Chapter 782 The desire of the pirates expands

Sioux City, Suzhou.

As the last territory of Yuan Zhong, the king of Da Qi, it has always been under the thunderous blows of the Xuanjia Army.

Fortunately, with the support of the King of Southern Wu behind him, Yuan Zhong persevered hard.

There is a saying that goes well, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

After half a year of defending the city, in September of the 23rd year of Hanchang, Su City, which had not received support from the King of Southern Wu for a long time, was finally captured by the Xuanjia Army. The King of Qi, Yuan Zhong, fought hard in the city until the last moment. He shed blood on the tower and finally died in battle.

Suzhou, a prosperous place, was finally occupied by Emperor Qianying.

Speaking of which, this is not entirely due to the Xuanjia Guards. Emperor Qianying was able to win, but also thanks to the Japanese pirates. It was they who sent troops to Zhezhou, which is next to Suzhou to the south, landed from Zhoucheng, and captured Pau City, threatening When they arrived at Yucheng, they cut off the support of the King of Southern Wu to the King of Daqi, and achieved the current victory.

It seems to be a coincidence that the Japanese pirates joined the battle of the civil strife in Daqian.

Xiong Meicheng was used to plundering Goryeo, and he would attack Goryeo when he was short of food and drink. However, the appearance of the Jizhou Army prevented him from taking advantage of Goryeo. Especially after a naval battle, it became even more difficult for him to take advantage of Goryeo. He suffered heavy losses and had to completely put out his plan to invade Goryeo.

We can no longer send troops out of Korea. Our men need to be fed and their soldiers need to eat and drink. With the idea of ​​trying to shoot a shot, Xiong Meicheng set his sights on the coastal city of Daqian.

I heard people say that Suzhou and Zhezhou in Daqian are very wealthy, so naturally this became Xiong Meicheng's first target.

Just because Suzhou has been fighting, large-scale troops are everywhere. Xiong Meicheng, who knows that his strength is still weak, can only focus on Zhezhou. Zhoucheng, as the small town closest to the sea, is the target of Japanese pirates. Primary goal.

Before the war, Xiong Meicheng had already prepared the idea of ​​withdrawing if the war went against his will. The impression of Daqian land, vast resources, large population, and strong national power had long been engraved in his mind. Unless necessary, he would never want to do so. Enemy.

He thought that he would just attack a boat city, grab what he needed and leave immediately by boat. Daqian, who was so caught up in civil strife, should not have anyone trouble him.

With this idea in mind, the Japanese warships appeared on the Zhoucheng pier for the first time. What happened next was completely beyond Xiong Meichengyi's cognition. There were only a few hundred defenders here, and after their Japanese soldiers launched After the first wave of attacks, they fled.

Without any effort, they got Zhoucheng. Then they could claim the good things in the city. This sudden big pie knocked Xiong Meicheng unconscious and gave him an unrealistic feeling.

Don't they all say that Daqian's army is extremely capable of fighting? Just like the Sifang Army in the Jizhou Army they encountered, they were extremely capable. They beat him because he was crying for his father and looking for his mother. But why is Daqian's army here so good? What about being vulnerable?

What exactly is going on?

Just before Xiong Meicheng could figure it out, he soon received another news, saying that Daqian reinforcements were coming. There were three thousand people in total, and they were running towards Zhoucheng.

Right, this should be the normal reaction of Da Gan's army. Perhaps Da Gan didn't take Zhoucheng seriously before, so he didn't send heavy troops to garrison it.

Thinking that Daqian's reinforcements were coming, it was time to prepare for a retreat. Xiong Meicheng ordered his men to ship the things they grabbed and transport them away to avoid fighting with the main force of Daqian's army. After all, he only came with two men this time. There were only a thousand Japanese soldiers, and their numbers were far less than the reinforcements from Daegan's army.

The order was issued, and the Japanese soldiers below were also trying their best to load the ships. But in their eyes, there were so many good things in Zhoucheng that it was a pity for them to abandon anything. In this way, things would last forever It can't be installed completely.

Even though three thousand troops had entered the city, they still had a lot of things on the dock that had not been shipped out.

The Japanese pirates were so poor that everything they had from Ganren was considered a good thing in their eyes. And the Japanese had always wanted money rather than their lives. When they saw the large army of Japanese invaders appearing, they wanted to take back what they had robbed. When they got something, they started to work hard.

They have always been the only ones to rob other people's things, so how can they allow others to rob their own things?

The five hundred Japanese soldiers rushed towards the three thousand Daegan reinforcements who came from afar with the belief and idea that they would die. They were ready to die in battle. But even so, they would not give up the good things they had grabbed.

In their view, if they give up these good things, life will definitely be worse than death. It would be better to kill them.

In this way, a dramatic scene appeared. When the five hundred Japanese soldiers who were determined to die counterattacked against the three thousand Daegan reinforcements, they suffered a little loss due to the disparity in strength at the beginning, and several were killed by bows and arrows. In addition to ten people, when they rushed into Da Gan's army with knives, they actually dispersed this three thousand-man Gan army.

More than 400 people then chased Qian Jun to kill them, and chased them for hundreds of miles until they reached Pau City. Then the unprepared defenders of the small town also fled with the fleeing Gan Jun, leaving the four Hundreds of Japanese soldiers gained a new city.

Countless good things were placed in front of him again. More than four hundred Japanese soldiers were excited and excited. Except for sending people back to report, the others stayed in Pau City to guard the good things here and not let others People will snatch it away again.

When the news came back to Zhoucheng Pier, Xiong Meicheng, who was ready to run away at any time, was so surprised that he could stuff two ping pong balls into his mouth.

Is this a powerful army capable of recruiting good soldiers?

Three thousand people were actually defeated by five hundred Japanese soldiers, and another city was left to them. How come... why does this all seem like a dream?

Xiong Meicheng was shocked at the beginning, but gradually came to accept it, and finally realized that not all Ganjun troops were as capable as the Jizhou Army.

After thinking about it, Xiong Meicheng burst out laughing. He sent people to transport the looted things back to the Japanese country, and then asked them to use these things to go to other countries in exchange for more warriors; The soldiers went straight to Pau to carry more good things there.

The Japanese pirates suddenly broke out and were unprepared. The King of Nanwu suffered a big loss and lost two cities in a row. In addition, in order to get rid of the responsibility of their incompetence, the soldiers who fled back deliberately exaggerated the number of Japanese soldiers, leaving only a few hundred. It was said that the number of Japanese Japanese soldiers numbered tens of thousands and nearly one hundred thousand, which really scared the King of Southern Wu. (In history, in the Song Dynasty, only a few hundred Japanese pirates could kill the Song people in coastal cities and made the Song people in coastal cities miserable. Until the Qi Jiajun The appearance of. So this is not a fabrication by the prodigal son, it is just borrowed from what happened at that time. Don’t be surprised, readers.)

With his own family in danger, the King of Southern Wu stopped supporting the King of Qi, causing the entire Suzhou to fall into the hands of Emperor Qianying.

After the King of Southern Wu lost the barrier of Suzhou, he had to deploy heavy troops to guard near Shaoxing Prefecture, the capital of Zhezhou. At the same time, he shouted to the whole world, talking about the threat of Japan. He called on the generals not to continue the civil strife. Choose a co-leader to maintain the situation of Daqian.

The King of Nanwu made such a statement, not because he wanted to give up all his power and find a master. In fact, he was frightened by the Japanese soldiers, and also frightened by Xuanjiawei who swallowed the entire Suzhou. He was afraid If he continues to fight, he will also lose Zhezhou. This is all because he wants to avoid losses in his own interests, so he shouted these words.

The words were shouted out, but there was no response at all. Even after Emperor Qianying learned about this incident, he had no intention of sending troops to join forces with the King of Nanwu to deal with the Japanese soldiers. He just changed the direction of the attack and changed the original direction. The army that was about to march into Zhezhou stopped where it was, preparing to be used by the Japanese army.

Taking advantage of this gap, Xiong Meichengyi's fleet returned to Japan. With abundant supplies, they recruited soldiers, and their number increased from the original 2,000 to 10,000. At the same time, it also attracted the attention of another Banzakamura Muji. , he also came towards Zhoucheng with his 10,000 Japanese soldiers, and rushed to join Xiong Meicheng.

In this way, the number of Japanese soldiers in Zhezhou quickly reached 20,000, and they truly had a certain amount of capital and strength.



The news that Japanese pirates actually appeared in Zhezhou and took root there reached Tang Ao's ears.

"How dare you little devil be so arrogant!" Tang Ao punched the desk and his face turned very ugly.

It's just that the situation forced Tang Ao to complain. His territory was too far away from Zhezhou. It was simply unrealistic to send troops there. The armies of other vassals along the way would never allow it.

Even the King of Nan Wu, regardless of the shouts of joy, would be unwelcome if the Jizhou Army showed up, and might even attack someone on his back if given the chance.

These vassal kings and ministers in Daqian are always as fierce as tigers in internal fighting and as weak as dogs in external fighting.

In their eyes, the Japanese pirates are nothing more than a disease of mustard moss. Instead, their own people are their biggest opponents, the kind of existence that may really destroy them.

It was too far away from Zhezhou, and Tang Ao felt that it was beyond his reach. But for the Goryeo, Beidi and Huns around him, he could make some moves to solve these problems.

Only by solving these worries can Tang Ao safely leave the Central Plains and then go south to dominate the world.

And Tang Ao's target was first set on Gao Li.

On the surface, Goryeo has now become a vassal state of the Jizhou Army, but in fact it has been actually controlled by Tang Ao for a long time. The reason why Park Deokfa and others are still here is just to show outsiders, to tell everyone that he is not that good. He has big ambitions, so you don’t need to be too wary of him.

But now, after Tang Ao successively destroyed the Luolu tribe, the Bukhan tribe and conquered the barbarians and became their master, all his ambitions were exposed and he could no longer hide anything. Goryeo was completely included in the Jizhou's power has become a matter of course.

This chapter has been completed!
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