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Chapter 805 Collusion with the Huns

Hutuo City is the home base of the Huns.

It is said to be a city, but in fact it is just a small town surrounded by wood. The purpose of those fences is not to be a decoration, but to prevent wild animals from intruding.

The Huns were poor, very poor.

He was so poor that he didn't even have decent clothes or weapons.

The Huns are lazy and stupid.

He was too stupid to even know how to forge, so he had to either barter or rob for what he needed.

But the Huns were very ferocious. They were so ferocious that two or three people together dared to face big insects, which are also known as tigers. They were so ferocious that even two or three people dared to go hunting in the mountains, and even encountered wild boars and other wild animals.

It doesn't know how to hide and will actively attack.

The Huns were uneducated, had little knowledge of etiquette, and did not understand any major principles.

Because they don't understand, they often regard human life as nothing, just to exchange for the satisfying taste of heroic drunkenness and the Jizhou tea that makes the body very comfortable to drink. In the past two years, they have often engaged in the business of human traffickers.

, so that many small tribes have completely disappeared in the long river of history.

But the fact that the Huns are poor, lazy, stupid, and rude does not mean that they are stupid. After seeing that they lost so many of their kind in two years, they finally began to realize the danger, and even the so-called wise men in the tribe proposed that in

If this continues, their population will become smaller and smaller, and their strength will only become weaker and weaker.

With limited knowledge, no one has raised the possibility of extermination of the clan. They cannot be as far away as Tang Ao's eyes, but one thing is always true, that is, if there are fewer people, they will be bullied. This

This made many people panic inexplicably.

In ancient times, it was said that there is strength in numbers. This is true whether it is production or war.

Facing the dwindling population, as the king of the Huns, Huyangai began to become vigilant, but he thought hard and had no countermeasures. It was at this time that Tang Sheng appeared in Hutuo City and brought trouble to the Huns.


Tang Sheng had basically convinced Pingcheng guard Sun Fuhu, and then rushed towards the Huns without stopping.

Yuan Yi, the envoy of Emperor Qian Ying, was still doing the work of Yi Quxiao, the king of Beidi. However, regarding the issue of the Huns, Yuan Yi wisely passed the blame and threw the problem on Tang Sheng on the grounds that he was unable to separate.

As a last resort, Tang Sheng had no choice but to take this trip and brought some guards to Hutuo City.

When he first entered here, seeing the barren ridge here really made Tang Sheng worried. But now that he was here, especially when he saw that the welcoming team sent by Huyan Gai had already walked in front of him, he still had to follow him in.

This is the so-called city.

For Tang Sheng's arrival, the Huns gave them rare courtesy. Perhaps it was because this was the first batch of so-called outsiders to enter Hutuo City in many years, and they showed an extremely hospitable side.

Tang Ao's people have never been to Hutuo City before. It's not that they don't want to come, but they do it intentionally. They just want to isolate the Xiongnu and let them be slowly consumed in the harsh environment.

Others don't know the dangers of the Huns, but Tang Ao knows very well that this is a nation that is very good at fighting. The reason why they have no chance to show it is just because they are too poor, so poor that they don't even have decent weapons and armor.

They just can't show their true strength.

This is equivalent to a beast that has been trapped in an iron cage for many years. What Tang Ao has to do is to slowly change it, or make it disappear, or change from eating meat to eating grass. The so-called people-for-things policy is A kind of consumption. Whenever the Xiongnu loses one person, there is naturally less harm.

But what people didn't expect, or what Tang Ao didn't expect, was that Tang Sheng's appearance would actually open the cage of this trapped beast and release their bloody nature.

Tang Sheng, who received a warm reception, soon got rid of his decadent air. Through conversations with Huyan Gai and the other three major families, he discovered a great secret, that is, the Huns were still very powerful.

The total population of the Xiongnu was about 500,000, and the number of capable warriors reached 200,000.

This ratio is almost unimaginable when compared to the Qian people in the Central Plains. Usually, it is a great achievement to be able to select 100,000 people from 500,000 people. But among the Huns, where almost all the people are soldiers, this is still It's just a relatively common ratio.

In fact, almost everyone in the Huns is a soldier. When danger comes, everyone from the elderly to women to children can fight. Everyone has the power to fight. These so-called two hundred thousand People still refer to the young and strong, and if there is really a life and death battle, 500,000 people, at least 400,000 or more people can be mobilized to participate in the battle.

Two hundred thousand, all young and middle-aged. Although some of them have never been on the battlefield, where in the environment where they grew up is not a battlefield? Being able to survive until now has proven their ability. And once these two One hundred thousand elites, especially two hundred thousand who are all good at riding, can be used by their masters. What a powerful force that will be?

Tang Sheng didn't dare to imagine anymore. His whole body was already trembling, which was caused by excitement and excitement.

He did not wait for too long in Hutuo City, only three days. After seeing the Huns' cavalry appear in battle, he put his heart into his stomach and made the decision to form an alliance with the Huns.

The Huns have had enough of this harsh environment and have always wanted to get out. Now it is rare that someone is willing to take them to play. That is the result of hitting it off.

Tang Sheng stayed in Hutuo City and continued to stabilize Hu Yangai's mood. Then he wrote a letter with his own hand and sent it to Daliang City. Soon he came to Wei Qian'er's desk. That night, Wei Qian'er didn't sleep all night. He slept until dawn and then went straight to the palace.

After Emperor Qianying came to power, he abolished the original system of three days for one dynasty and five days for one dynasty. It was changed to 10 days for one dynasty and five days for one dynasty. However, at the same time, he also allowed the ministers below to ask for anything urgent. Bao, the right to enter the palace at any time.

Emperor Qianying used his arbitrariness to seize more power in his hands, and the court was already in name only. But in the face of absolute strength, the ministers below did not dare to say anything. This is not Emperor Qianwen, let alone Emperor Qianren had the appearance of a virtuous king and wise ministers, but Emperor Qianying had a bad temper and was really capable of killing people at every turn. He sent people to surround the palace of his ministers, leaving no one alone.

Speaking of which, this is also caused by historical reasons. When Emperor Qianying was still a loyal king, he was "taken care of" by the courtiers in the court, constantly weakening his own influence and strength, and even came up with ideas to destroy himself. His son was taken to Daliang City as a hostage.

With these things out there, how could Emperor Qianying have a good impression of these ministers? If he hadn't considered that these ministers had some influence, killing them all would have caused civil strife and made people think that he had no tolerance. The strength of people will affect his plan to conquer the world. I am afraid that he would have taken action against these people long ago.

The reason why he remains until now is just to show outsiders that he is still tolerant of being the British Emperor. In this way, only those who have the heart to surrender will have the courage to contact him and make the so-called wise choice.

Emperor Qian Ying would not look down upon these old ministers. On the contrary, he was still angry. However, he was particularly kind to his loyal elders, including Wei Qian'er. After all, with her help, he Only then did he easily capture Daliang City and proclaim himself emperor.

Wei Qian'er had the qualification to enter the palace at any time to ask for an audience with Emperor Qian Ying. When the right servant appeared in the palace and in front of Emperor Qian Ying, what she said next made the emperor even more excited.

"What? You mean the Huns are willing to be used by me?"

Looking at Emperor Qianwen's slightly excited look, Wei Qian'er nodded affirmatively, "Yes, they have 200,000 elite men, and they can all mount horses and become elite riders. If they are willing to join your majesty, Under his command, this will be a very powerful force. With them, it will be much easier for Your Majesty to rule the world."

Emperor Qian Ying was really shocked when he heard the figure of two hundred thousand, but he did not express his position immediately. He also had his own concerns.

After all, the Xiongnu were a foreign race. In the past, these foreign tribes brought many disasters to the Central Plains and caused great harm. Only then did the Tang family's ancestors revolt. In the end, all these foreign tribes were driven away, and the current Daqian world was established.

As a descendant of the Tang family, he now wants to reintroduce these foreign races. It is conceivable that many people will poke his spine. This is very bad for his reputation. If this is the case, I am afraid that the world The chaos will continue.

Emperor Qian Ying did not express his position immediately, but seemed to be hesitating. When it fell in the eyes of Kai Qian'er, she couldn't help but sneer in her heart, "You want to be a bitch, but you also want to build an archway?"

Fortunately, Wei Qian'er had already thought of a countermeasure last night, and immediately said as if striking while the iron was hot, "Your Majesty, a truly good minister is one who shares the monarch's worries. In the case of the Huns, I am willing to share your Majesty's worries." ."

"How to share worries?"

"Your Majesty, you can hand these troops into the hands of me, and let me command them. To the outside world, it can be said that everything is done by me. If they are willing to scold me, let them scold me. When the time comes, I will lead this army. The two hundred thousand Xiongnu were in accordance with Your Majesty's will to eliminate all those who opposed Your Majesty and help Your Majesty accomplish the great feat of unifying the country. Afterwards, I still had the same request, asking Your Majesty to help you restore the country. By the way, these two hundred thousand Xiongnu Of course, all the food and grass needed will be provided by your Majesty, and when the time comes, you will be given as much as your Majesty says."

On the last sentence, Wei Qian'er deliberately increased her voice. She knew that this was what Emperor Qian Ying thought of most, or what reassured him the most.

This chapter has been completed!
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