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Eight hundred and twentieth chapters what to take

Just as Sun Fuhu climbed onto the tower, a woman behind him followed him under the guidance of the Guiyi Army soldiers.

"Why are you here? Go back quickly?" When he saw with the help of a torch that the person coming was Shen Tangyin, his best friend in Pingcheng, Sun Fuhu said with eyes wide open.

Although he said that he liked Shen Tangyin very much, now that the war was about to begin, it was not the time to be intimate with each other.

Shen Tangyin, who was usually obedient and behaved like a little woman, did not turn around and leave as usual. Instead, she took two steps forward and handed over a document written on rice paper in her hand. In front of Sun Fuhu.

"Huh? What is this..." There was a puzzled look on Sun Fuhu's face, but he still took it, but when he saw the content clearly, excitement quickly appeared on his face, and then he looked at Shen Tangjian Asked: "Is everything written above true?"

"It's all true. Our team leader has already gone to the west city gate to pick up people. Otherwise, the team leader personally told the brigade commander." Shen Tangyin said with a calm face. Where is the general? The little bird in front of me looks so snuggling.

"You... team leader? So, you are also..." Sun Fuhu was shocked when he heard this.

"Yes, Shen Tangyin, a member of Miss Anxiang's team in Pingcheng, reported to Brigadier Sun." He suddenly stood at attention. Although it was not very standard, it was still presentable.

Shen Tangyin turned out to be a member of Anxiang, and an intelligence agent on par with Long Ya. Doesn't that mean that every move he makes is under their noses? Then if he really surrenders to Emperor Qian Ying this time, Are you afraid that your head will be cut off unknowingly in bed?

Thinking of this, Sun Fuhu was shocked and said with a trembling voice: "You... did you approach someone on purpose?"

Sun Fuhu only knew that Shen Tangyin was arranged to go to Daliang City after she became pregnant with the child, but she had a miscarriage due to physical reasons on the way, and then returned to Pingcheng. But he didn't expect that she was also a member of Anxiang.

"No, my subordinate just joined Anxiang not long ago. Also, the miscarriage is true. The road was not easy and it was caused by accident." Shen Tangyin answered truthfully, and she was afraid she knew it. Some things must be explained, otherwise, Sun Fuhu will inevitably have a grudge in his heart.

Shen Tangyin's next answer made Sun Fuhu breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that after Tang Sheng approached him, Anxiang also discovered this matter, and then convinced Shen Tangyin that this was also called double insurance. As for the child That can only be said to be bad luck.

From this point of view, it is quite acceptable. Sun Fuhu's expression returned to some normal color. "Okay, now let's ask team member Shen to lead the way. This brigade commander also wants to welcome our reinforcements."

After this incident, Sun Fuhu no longer dared to have the slightest hint of betrayal. No one knew what kind of methods Tang Ao had. This Shen Tangyin was just exposed, or was he exposed deliberately? What about the ones that haven’t been exposed?

Could it be that they were the soldiers around him? The guards, even the concierge or the cook?

Even the maid who usually brings him tea and water is also possible. With this kind of defense, what else can be concealed, and how can you dare to conceal it? The news brought by Shen Tangyin is that reinforcements are coming, more than 30,000. The cavalry came from the direction of Guzhou and rushed to the west gate.

But before reaching the west city, Oyadan received a message from Longya, saying that there were fifty thousand Xuanjia troops stationed in front of the north gate of Pingcheng, and it seemed that they could attack the city at any time.

"Change the direction and drive away these Black Armor troops first." Hearing this, Oyadan's pretty face flashed with anger.

"Okay, this will also help us enter Pingcheng more smoothly." Leng Zixuan, leader of the Shanshan Guard Feilong Regiment who was traveling with him, agreed.

After the two of them gathered together, they sent someone to send a message to Pingcheng, and then more than 30,000 cavalry rushed towards the north gate.

Jizhou reinforcements arrived, and more than 30,000 elite cavalry arrived. This news was quickly known to General Wang Sheng outside the North City and Wei Qian'er outside the South City.

Wei Qian'er naturally knew what an advantage the cavalry had over the infantry. She immediately consulted with Huyangai, the King of the Huns, and sent a cavalry team of 30,000 people around the Pingcheng wall to the north gate. However, the area of ​​Pingcheng city was not large.

Small, especially after the Jizhou Army came here, they extended it. If you want to go around in a circle, it will be very time-consuming. I just don’t know if the Xuanjia Army can withstand it.


What to use as a top?

They came with more than 30,000 cavalry, and he only had 50,000 infantry. After receiving the news, General Wang Sheng left a team of 1,000 men to guard here, slowing down the advance of the Jizhou cavalry, and then

He led the others and quickly headed towards the main camp in the direction of Luanhe River.

Without even the thought of fighting, the Hun cavalry was destined to just run in vain.

It is not true to say that they ran away in vain. After Oyadan's troops destroyed the thousand Xuanjia troops, they turned back and gave the Xiongnu a head-on attack. The two sides engaged in a small-scale battle. In the end, the Xiongnu dropped nearly a hundred soldiers.

Riding, seeing that there was no chance of winning, he quickly left again.

The Huns cavalry withdrew, and Oyadan and Leng Zixuan had no intention of pursuing them. Although the two battles just now were not large in scale, they showed them how strong their opponents were.

The thousand infantrymen of the Xuanjia Army soon all resisted and died, and none of them surrendered. This was something that rarely happened in previous battles, and it was enough to prove the Xuanjia Army's fighting will.

The equestrian skills of the Huns' cavalry were even more superb. They were equally superior and inferior to the barbarians, and their methods were even more ferocious.

Speaking of which, this has a lot to do with the environment in which the Xiongnu grew up. They were born in the mountains, accompanied by wild animals, and it was common for them not to have enough food and clothing, and they were suppressed by the people of Beidi all the year round.

, I usually don’t have a chance to perform.

Now, I finally got out of the mountains and saw the colorful and prosperous world. In order to get more, my ferocious side was definitely revealed.

Just like in the battle just now, the Xiongnu killed nearly a hundred cavalry, but the barbarians died more than a hundred. If Leng Zixuan's flying dragon regiment hadn't made up for it in time, I'm afraid this number would have climbed even higher.

This is not to say that the barbarian cavalry is inferior to the Huns cavalry. In fact, the barbarian cavalry coming this time are all young people of the barbarian tribe. They have been growing up under the protection of their parents. Although they also have a certain degree of wildness, they are no better than the Ganren.

There are few, but they are worse than the Huns. Both sides are difficult to deal with. The army has been galloping for a long time and is already exhausted. Now that it is under the Pingcheng, it is natural to go into the city to repair it.

In front of the North City Gate, Brigadier Sun Fuhu circled back and opened the city gate to welcome Oyadan and others into the city. With the addition of more than 30,000 new troops, Pingcheng was considered safe.

Pingcheng is safe, but the Xuanjia Army to the north of Pingcheng and beside the Luanhe River is in danger.

After Tang Ao packed up Leming's 100,000-strong army, he only repaired it for a day, leaving some people to accept prisoners. After cleaning the battlefield, he led the army straight to Luanhe River. Pingcheng is still under siege after all.

These intruders must be driven out before people can feel relieved.

Under the cover of artillery fire, the entire firearms battalion was deployed in the area east of the Luan River, and the Xuanjia Army was pushed back for several miles. Then the soldiers began to look for wood to build a bridge.

The Jizhou Army actually wanted to kill across the river. How could An Zhiwu agree? He decided to have a good fight with the opponent here. Now that it has entered the rainy season, the river water has surged, which is an extremely favorable situation for him.

Just when An Zhiwu had an idea and had not yet given the order to implement it, Wang Sheng ran back with an army of 49,000 and reported the fact that more than 30,000 barbarian cavalry reinforcements had arrived in Pingcheng.


It seems that Pingcheng cannot be captured in a short period of time, which means that the army's food, fodder and baggage cannot be transported. How can an army win the war if it can't even have enough to eat?

An Zhiwu, a veteran of many battles and experienced on the battlefield, decided to withdraw his troops. But before leaving, he still left 10,000 troops behind and asked them to harass the Jizhou Army about building a bridge, so as to give the army enough time to prepare for its retreat.

Not only that, An Zhiwu also sent someone to contact his right servant Shekui Qian'er who was still outside the south gate of Pingcheng, and asked her to send Hun cavalry to assist them in their retreat.

Facing An Zhiwu's request, Wei Qian'er naturally agreed. Sun Fuhu's rebellion made her very passive. Now is the time to be eager to make meritorious deeds. Otherwise, how would she go back to see Emperor Qian Ying? Now that this matter has happened

, it can be regarded as some amount of credit, which can offset part of the fault.

After everything was arranged, An Zhiwu led an army of hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands of civilians and safely withdrew from the east gate of Pingcheng. On top of the city tower, Sun Fuhu, Oyadan and Leng Zixuan watched this scene happen.

, but there is no way at all.

Outside the city tower, countless Huns were already in formation, looking like they were waiting for them to come out for a decisive battle.

With their troops inferior to others, even if they were very angry, they could only watch the opponent slip away from their eyes. The only thing that could comfort their hearts was that Pingcheng still defended, and they were able to defeat the Xuanjia Army this time.

It is possible to attack Liaozhou and take the opportunity to enter Jizhou.

An Zhiwu retreated safely, and the 10,000 troops he left beside the Luan River also chose the opportunity to retreat. When the bridge was repaired, Tang Ao led his army across the river. When they arrived at Pingcheng, An Zhiwu's army was already a hundred miles away from Pingcheng.


The distance of a hundred miles is not that far. The infantry can arrive in one day, and the cavalry will only be faster. Seeing Tang Ao appear, Sun Fuhu and Leng Zixuan all took the initiative to ask for a fight, but Oyadan seemed to have changed.

Like him, he stood obediently behind Tang Ao, as if his husband was heaven and earth.

This chapter has been completed!
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