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Chapter 83 King Xiang is defeated

When she was a child, the eldest princess also liked the emperor's children very much, but she could not show it. With her status, no matter which prince she was closely associated with, her extremely jealous emperor would probably She had an idea. In order to prevent her brother from being suspicious of her, she had no choice but to stay away from all the princes. Over time, the family ties no longer mattered in her heart.

This time King Xiang led people to kill Guochanglong General Store, which was obviously to deny himself face. If he really respected himself, he could have chosen to attack Shen Ao when he returned to Zhongguo Duke's Mansion, but he didn't. That is. So, why does she need to be polite?

Just tit for tat.

Shen Ao asked himself if he wanted evidence, but the eldest princess still wanted evidence. King Xiang became even more unhappy, "Evidence? The person who is caught will naturally ask for it. Now, eldest princess, please step aside, don't be inadvertently accused." If you are injured, you should take more care of it."

King Xiang was fully prepared to take Shen Ao back. Instead of calling her aunt, he addressed her directly as eldest princess, which showed his determination to capture her.

"Hehe, hehe." These words finally made the eldest princess laugh uncontrollably. What a good Prince Xiang, not only does he not sell his face, but it seems that if he gets in the way, he is afraid that he will also attack him. In this way If someone becomes the emperor in the future, will he still have status and live a good life?

At this time, the eldest princess has firmly determined to prevent King Xiang from becoming emperor. If King Xiang can see what the eldest princess is thinking, he will definitely regret it. Because women often may not help you too much in success, but in failure. Definitely a good hand at work.

In other words, don't offend women. Women are very cruel and very vindictive.

The eldest princess felt regretful in her heart and replaced it with a sneer. Looking in King Xiang's eyes, she thought that the other party was helpless. She couldn't help but feel proud. She raised her right hand to the guards on both sides and gave another order to arrest people.

"Hey! Everyone, stop here." There was another shout, the inner curtain was opened, and Yan Fu, the eunuch chief eunuch, wearing a python robe and holding a fly whisk in his hand, finally appeared.

With the appearance of Yan Fu, a group of golden armored guards also filed out from the inner courtyard, forming a semicircle in a very short time, staring at the guards of Prince Xiang's Mansion one by one. The shiny spear hair in their hands. He looked cold and confused, giving the impression that if he acted rashly, they would not be polite.

As soon as Yan Fu's figure appeared, Prince Xiang's eyes were naturally very surprised, and his next words were not so fluent, "Eunuch Yan, you..."

As someone close to Emperor Qianwen, Yan Fu's hidden power was so great that it couldn't be explained in just one or two sentences. Sometimes if he twisted his mouth, the development of things might change. With such power, Everyone, even the prince, respected him and wanted to win over him, not to mention Prince Xiang himself.

The eldest princess is just a female. She has no say in who will take over the throne and can be ignored. Yan Fu is different. As an old man who has been with his father for decades, everyone's respect for him is not only superficial. , the same is true psychologically.

The appearance of Yan Fu completely suppressed King Xiang's arrogant attitude and brought a stagnation to the atmosphere at the scene. Just now, there were shouting, killing and arresting, but now it was quiet.

"Your Highness, Prince Xiang, there is no evidence. Some things cannot be said nonsense. Please go back and find enough evidence to report to the Emperor. At that time, Your Majesty will have his own opinion. Doesn't His Majesty say so?" Yan Fu was full of aura, but he did not say anything. Although he meant it to be overwhelming, his tone was very kind, and it sounded completely like a discussion.

Yan Fu didn't want to offend King Xiang. This person may not have anything to worry about, but behind him is Concubine Yuan Guifei, and King Qi, who has great power and is in charge of the four states. This is something that even the current emperor is very afraid of, otherwise How could King Xiang be as powerful as he is now?

If possible, Yan Fu didn't want to make a public appearance. But it was useless for the eldest princess to come forward, so he had to stand up. This was not just because the emperor had a decree to protect Shen Ao. Even if there was no such decree, , as long as he is here, he will not allow anyone to hurt Shen Ao in the slightest, because he knows what the consequences will be if it really happens. If this is the case, I am afraid that it will affect Daliang City and even the entire Daqian Dynasty. It will cause a bloody storm.

Yan Fu said it in a discussion tone, and every word sounded like a huge thunder in King Xiang's ears. He didn't think that Yan Fu came to Guochanglong by chance, especially if he showed up with so many golden armored guards, it must be After receiving the imperial order, King Xiang was arrogant and did not dare to question the emperor's decision.

"Promise, it is Eunuch Yan's wish. Of course I will abide by it. If you come, please return home." Knowing that Yan Fu and Jin Jiawei are here, it is impossible to move Shen Ao. Even so, staying here will only make things worse. It's just a joke to others, so the right answer is to leave immediately.

After King Xiang finished speaking, he turned around and left without any sign of nostalgia. He no longer had the aggressive attitude he had just before.

"What? King Xiang is coming so hard that he is leaving like this? Shouldn't someone give you an explanation?" King Xiang is leaving, but Shen Ao is not happy. What, you just said that I robbed the Lu family? The method of making paper must be left now. What if people who don’t know believe it?

King Xiang, who had already twisted his body, paused, turned around suddenly and asked with a gloomy face, "Mr. Zhongguo, don't be complacent. I will spare you for today. After I find the evidence, I will naturally start to report to my father." , take you to jail."

Seeing that Prince Xiang had not completely let go of the matter, Shen Ao's eyes also erupted with anger. Do you really think that you are a soft persimmon and can be pinched as much as you want?

Shen Ao couldn't touch King Xiang, because his identity was there. But he couldn't move his hands. He could always use his mouth. He put his right hand behind his back and stood with his hands behind his back. Shen Ao started composing a poem as soon as he opened his mouth.

Regardless of the flat land or the top of the mountain, the infinite scenery is occupied.

After collecting hundreds of flowers and turning them into honey, it will be sweet to whomever you work hard for.

A poem "Bee" written by Luo Yin of the Tang Dynasty metaphorically expresses hatred and dissatisfaction with people like King Xiang who get something for nothing. What he is doing now has benefited Daqian and the royal family has also benefited, but King Xiang wants to jump out and accuse him. I really don't know. I don't care about the big picture, and I don't have a big picture in mind.

King Xiang was not very good at poetry, and he spent all his time enjoying life and fighting for power. But he knew that this was not a good word, so he turned back angrily and left. Since he couldn't do anything to Shen Ao, of course he would Go away quickly, don't you want to stay here and be humiliated?

King Xiang was about to leave, but Shen Ao had not had enough and had not finished his anger. He had a lot of such sarcastic ancient poems in his mind, so he opened his mouth and said:

The rats in the official warehouse are as big as a bucket, and they won't leave when someone opens a warehouse.

The healthy children have no food and the people are hungry. Who will send the king to the king's mouth?

A song "Official Hamster" written by Cao Ye of the Tang Dynasty compares King Xiang to a rat in a granary, as fat as a rice bucket, and does not run away when someone comes to open the granary, which is a metaphor for his insatiable greed.

As soon as the two poems came out, King Xiang's figure had already gone away, and he got into the carriage in a panic. The guards also hurried back, and they all looked gloomy.

This time, more than 30 palace guards were in great disgrace. They originally wanted to come to investigate and arrest people, but they unexpectedly were counterattacked. Now that they can't arrest people and are ridiculed by poems, what are they still doing?

?Isn’t it enough to be the object of everyone’s laughter?

At this time, Prince Xiang in the carriage just wanted to leave here as quickly as possible, but even this seemingly trivial request could not be satisfied. On the street opposite the carriage, a horse on horseback was coming quickly, and a man wearing a

The old man in gray robes was leaning on the horse, with anger in his eyes, and he kept shouting "drive, drive" without caring whether the horse could withstand the speed.

Not far behind the war horse, about dozens of servant-like figures were running and following, striding in the direction of the Guochanglong General Store.

"Hold the horse, this is Prince Xiang's car, why don't you get out of the way." Seeing the war horse running closer and closer without any intention of stopping, one of the palace guards in charge of security ran out.

Blocking the path of the war horse, he looked like he would stop his horse immediately, otherwise he would be rude.


The sound of a horse whip sounded, and a blood mark appeared on the face of the guard blocking the road. Under the dripping blood, the guard couldn't help but retreated aside in pain. The war horse came to the side with no one to stop it.

In front of the carriage with the flag of King Xiang, the horsewhip was raised again, and it landed next to the carriage very accurately. Several blows were issued in a short period of time, and the stable was messed up. King Xiang was sitting in the carriage.

His figure stands out in front of the world.

Prince Xiang in the carriage didn't know what was going on outside, and was just sitting there and getting angry. Suddenly he found that the surroundings of the stable had been demolished, leaving him alone in the carriage, like

It's like a rare animal that everyone can watch.

The man on horseback breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no one else in the carriage except King Xiang. Then he looked towards the guards of King Xiang, and saw no figure in the green and green clothes. The expression on his face looked better now.

Immediately, the whip was raised again, bam! After two sounds, the two strong horses that landed next to the carriage made a clang, and the horse ropes were cut. The horses were frightened and jumped out, without any trace of their horses.

Bound, he quickly ran into the distance and soon disappeared.

The five-horse carriage, without two healthy horses, started to tilt at full speed again. King Xiang was so frightened that he had to jump out of the carriage quickly and shouted loudly, "Marquis Zhongcheng, how dare you

If you injure my carriage, I must come to my father and get a copy of it."

"Go as soon as you want, don't bother." Marquis Zhongcheng, who was riding on the horse, didn't care at all. He got the message from Steward Shen Xing and knew that King Xiang was going to cause trouble for his nephew Shen Ao. How could he comply?

Without even changing his clothes, he rode out of the Marquis' Mansion on his war horse and came so fast that the servants behind him couldn't follow in time and were left behind.

This chapter has been completed!
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