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Chapter 853: The Decisive Battle (Part 2)

All the Beidi cavalry within a hundred steps in front of the horse-rejecting post were covered by bows and arrows. No matter whether you are a general or a soldier, no matter how superb your methods are, when faced with the rain of bows and arrows,

You can block the front, but you can't block the left; you can block the left, but you can't block the right...

Often, as soon as these Beidi cavalry came within shooting range, they would fall off their horses like hedgehogs, their whole bodies covered with bows and arrows.

"What's going on? Is it possible that the Jizhou Army has been prepared?" At this moment, Mu Qiu finally felt that something was wrong.

If the occurrence of horse ropes, iron caltrops, and horse pits is still a routine precaution, then where did these neat infantrymen come from? How could they be organized in such a short period of time?

It seems that there is only one outcome, and that is that the Jizhou Army has been prepared and is waiting for them to rush over at this moment and seek death.

Since the Jizhou Army was well prepared, Mu Qiu wondered if they should retreat. The possibility of a surprise attack was gone. Now that they had to change to a forceful attack, what chance did they have of winning?

"No, if we continue like this, the losses will be too great. Even if we can win, the price we have to pay is beyond our ability to bear. Come on, give us the order to retreat."

Mu Qiu finally made a decision. Although this decision made his heart bleed a little, he still gave the right order.

Although the order was issued, it could not be carried out at all. Behind them, the main force of the Beidi cavalry, who did not know what happened on the front line, rushed over and blocked them behind them. Mu Qiu wanted to retreat at this moment.

It can't be done anymore.

"Can't we retreat?" After hearing the reports from the soldiers around him, Mu Qiu's face became very ugly. This was originally because the order was not conveyed in time in the dark night. If he retreated forcibly, it would definitely lead to a huge army.

It was chaotic, and I don’t even know how many collapses occurred. If this was the case, the losses of the Beidi Army would have been too great.

What's even more terrible is that since the Jizhou Army is well prepared, their nearly 100,000 cavalrymen may have been staring at them in the dark. If the Beidi Army gets into chaos, the other party will definitely take advantage of the situation to cover them up. That's it.

It was really a defeat.

Even if they could no longer retreat, they had no choice but to move forward. A cruel meaning flashed across Mu Qiu's face, "Order, the army charges at all costs, breaks the opponent's horse-rejecting stakes, and rushes into the Jizhou Army headquarters.

We can still win."

Mu Qiu also tried his best. After giving the order, he led the first batch of hundreds of soldiers to rush forward. Under the general's example, more and more Beidi cavalry followed him.

Kill forward.

The Beidi cavalry are indeed very motivated to fight. The living environment they grew up in made them not take their lives seriously. If they die, they will die. At worst, they will be a good man again in eighteen years. Anyway, they have never lived a good life in this life.

For many people in Beidi, living means suffering, and it is not as happy as dying vigorously.

Just from the perspective of fighting spirit, this is not what most cadres have. They have seen others live a good life, and they also want a good life. Because they have hope, they are afraid of death and cannot make a real all-out decision.


The Beidi cavalry launched a desperate attack and rushed over despite the rain of arrows. Under their great strength, each of the large horse-rejecting stakes more than one foot high was pushed aside, and they no longer became obstacles in the way.

"It's really fierce. Attention all archers, retreat, retreat, leave the battlefield to the chariot battalion." Wu Hu, the brigade commander of the Second Field Army, who was directing the archers to attack, saw more and more resisters.

The horse piles were pushed aside, and Beidi cavalry had even begun to contact Jizhou archers. After casualties occurred here, they shouted loudly and ordered the army to retreat.

The 10,000 archers who had practiced many times retreated as ordered. What happened here quickly reached the ears of Tang Ao in the Chinese army camp. After learning that the horse-rejecting stakes had been destroyed by the Beidi army,

, I have to sigh at the ferocity of the Beidi cavalry and the fact that the number of their own archers is still too small.

If there are enough mature archers and 50,000 or more archers are placed here, they will not be afraid of the charge of Beidi cavalry.

Fortunately, Tang Ao was not without means. He still had a chariot camp available. According to the plan, a hundred chariots replaced the retreating 10,000 archers and came to the front line of the military camp.

The iron shell appeared, and as soon as it appeared, a burst of Shen's small repeating crossbows were fired, killing thousands of Beidi cavalry, and one of the arrows hit Mu Qiu's shoulder.

Enduring the severe pain, he reached out and pulled out the arrow from his shoulder. Mu Qiu's face turned a little pale. "Everyone listened to the order and rushed forward to fight with the Jizhou army, so that their iron shells would not be broken."

Dare to shoot arrows at will."

Countless Beidi cavalry continued to charge, joining the main force of the Beidi army coming behind them. They came like locusts and swarms, making the warriors of the chariot battalion, even if they kept firing arrows, still have a sense of endless killing.


The ferocity and speed of the Beidi cavalry allowed them to quickly mix up with the Jizhou infantry. If they fired arrows at this time, they would easily injure their own people. Hundreds of chariots were too timid to be effective.

, taking advantage of the situation, the Beidi cavalry came towards the Jizhou military camp to cover up the enemy.

Despite preparations in advance, the bravery of the Beidi cavalry still exceeded the expectations of the Jizhou Army. Under objective conditions, the combat power of the cavalry is not comparable to that of the infantry. It cannot be defeated with preparation, let alone that they still have possession of

Taking advantage of military strength.

"Their morale must be destroyed." Tang Ao had already put on the golden battle armor and said with a determined expression.

"Ao'er, no, it's very chaotic outside. It's really hard to win if you go out at this time. If something happens to you, the six states will be in danger." Seeing that Tang Ao was about to take another risk, Shen Yunyi

The first one to stand up is also the only one who has the ability to stand up and stop it.

"Uncle." Seeing the anxiety and concern in Shen Yunyi's eyes, Tang Ao was moved and spoke, "The situation is critical now. Do we have any choice? Unless we choose to withdraw now, Beidi will win.

Come, with the evil tiger behind us, how will we march into the Central Plains and how will we go south? For the sake of the future, now Ao'er has no choice but to do this."

"Besides, Ao'er is not stupid enough to go out and fight with these Beidi cavalry. Ao'er is going to the king's tent in Beidi. Now that all their troops have been sent out, the king's tent must be empty. If they can kill them with one blow,

If we retreat, the morale of Beidi will definitely plummet and the morale of the troops will be in chaos, which will be the moment when we win a great victory."

"Okay, uncle, I'll leave everything to you here. Come on, call up the heavy cavalry and tiger regiment and set out with me." Tang Ao, who had been talking a lot, didn't give Shen Yunyi a chance to speak, so he held the Zhangkongzhangba in his hand.

Under the protection of Xuefei and others, Li headed outside the king's tent.

Seeing Tang Ao leave resolutely, Shen Yunyi also gritted his teeth and said: "I have ordered that all those who can hold weapons go to the battlefield, including the cooks and civilians. Tell them that as long as we can persist in one When the time comes, victory will definitely belong to us."

At this moment, Shen Yunyi also risked his life. He was either a big victory or a big defeat. Now he had no choice. The worst result was to die here. He was already so old and had already exceeded the average life expectancy at that time. , if he dies, then he dies, it’s not a big deal. Even if he dies, when he meets his brother and other brothers underground, he can still stand upright and hold his chest high.

Besides, Tang Ao and his party left the king's tent and took a detour to the left wing to join the heavy cavalry of the Tiger Regiment there. The Shanshan Guard brigade commander Feng Xun and Zhou Jinwen and other regimental commanders were all waiting here.

"Master, if that doesn't work, let's go together. We'll be more confident this way." As soon as he saw Tang Ao, Feng Xun took the initiative to ask for a fight. How could he not see the danger of leading only a heavy cavalry regiment to the Beidi King's tent?

"No, you have to stay here, and you must remember that you cannot go out without orders. When the morale of the Beidi cavalry is greatly reduced and they retreat, it is the time for you to attack to cover up the killing. Otherwise, you would rather have all the infantry defeated. , you can’t attack either, you are the last seeds of the Jizhou Army.”

Tang Ao shook his head. It is said that the front line is now at a critical time. Sending Feng Xun and nearly 100,000 cavalrymen can play an excellent defensive role. They may even be able to block the iron hoofs of the Beidi cavalry.

But in this case, the Jizhou Army would be without the last mobile counterattack force. Even if they saw that the Beidi Army was defeated and withdrew, they would not have the ability to charge forward. Or it can be said that even if they can The victory will only be a miserable victory, not a great victory.

Tang Ao was focused on defeating the entire Beidi. If he wanted to solve this problem, how could he allow the cavalry to attack prematurely, thus affecting the overall plan?

"No." Regardless of whether Feng Xun wants it or not, since Tang Ao said this, he can only obey. "Zhou Jinwen, this brigade commander tells you that you must protect the safety of your Majesty. If anything goes wrong, Let me ask you."

Zhou Jinwen, who was beating his chest loudly, also said at this moment: "Brigadier, don't worry, unless all the five thousand soldiers including me and old Zhou are killed in the battle, otherwise the king will be fine."

"Okay, all I need is your guarantee, let's go." Feng Xun placed a palm on Zhou Jinwen's shoulder and said with tears in his eyes, "Be careful, you must win. I'm waiting to meet up with your brothers. Let’s drink from a big bowl together and eat a lot of meat.”

"Haha, Old Zhou has remembered these words. Let's go, brothers, get on the horse." Zhou Jinwen got on the horse with a loud laugh, put on heavy armor, and jumped on the horse that was armed to the teeth. Then the black dragon's three-clawed flag was raised in the night Flying high, following the Black Dragon Golden Claw flag.

This chapter has been completed!
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