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Chapter 856: The decisive battle begins

No one could really hurt Tang Ao, but some weapons still hit Tang Ao's armor, leaving traces one after another. Among them, there were more than 20 more marks on the chest alone. , which shows how dangerous it is.

But Tang Ao himself didn't have any fear. The victory of this battle was decided here, and he absolutely couldn't have any intention of retreating. He could only keep charging until he rushed into Beidi's royal tent.

Beidi King's Tent.

The news about another Jizhou cavalry coming from the west has already been reported here. Then the news became more and more specific, and the final report turned out to be that Ji Wang Tang Ao personally led the cavalry to kill, and I heard that it was unstoppable, and the front was unstoppable. Extremely sharp.

"Your Majesty, please withdraw first. There is a saying in the military that a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall." When Cheng Situo heard that King Ji and his cavalry were already less than a mile away from the king's tent, he immediately had a look on his face. Said like a cold sweat.

Although he also knew that there were ten thousand Beidi cavalry left around the king's tent, and they were all the elite among them. But Tang Ao's name was really scary. Think about this man's achievements. I have been defeated for a long time, and it is really hard to feel at ease with such a person at such a close distance.

What Cheng Si Tuo worries about is exactly what Yi Qu Xiao worries about.

Over the years, he has become accustomed to being aloof and accustomed to having fine clothes and fine food. Kung fu has already been put aside by him, and he no longer has the courage he had when he was young. He dares to be proud of the world with one horse and one sword.

Life is the most important of all. Yiquxiao nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, we have to leave here first and wait for Shedi's army to arrive. It's not too late to deal with King Ji."

"What the king said is true. Come here, please bring the horses over quickly to protect the king and evacuate." Cheng Situo didn't want to wait any longer, so he kept calling people and giving instructions.

The guards had already come forward to help the king and the clan elders put on their armor and mount their war horses. Then in a panic, they didn't even take away the things in the king's tent, but just brought the flag of the king's tent. Then he rushed towards Shile City behind Alashan Mountain.

Since the Jizhou Cavalry also appeared on the opposite side, it would undoubtedly be quite dangerous to rush to join Yiqushe and the others at this time. Yiquxiao and Chengsituo would not have such courage. They only had one thing on their minds. , that is, leave this dangerous place as soon as possible, a place of right and wrong.

Changkong Zhangba's arms had already been stained with blood, and his original appearance could no longer be seen. The number of Beidi cavalry who died in Tang Ao's hands had reached three digits, and his physical strength was rapidly declining.

Even if you are a master, you are tired. Especially when you are facing a group of elite Beidi cavalry who have died and are rushing back again. This kind of endless killing scene makes people lose sight of hope.

Even Tang Ao, who had twin veins, felt a little weak in physical strength, let alone others. Ao San and others were already out of breath, and the number of Beidi cavalry who died in their hands was more than twenty. They were completely relying on their strength now. It's just instinctive to kill people.

The situation of the five hundred Han generals was not much better. The number of casualties exceeded one hundred, and this was the most serious casualty since the establishment of the Imperial Guard. Even the last time Tang Ao was ambushed by two masters on the cliffs north of Jicheng City, Their number of casualties did not reach this number.

The physical exertion was huge, the whole body was covered with blood, and the speed of swinging the gun was faster than before, but even half of the ability could not be used. However, there seemed to be an endless supply of Beidi cavalry around, and everyone had a sense of disbelief.

to a feeling of hope.

If the man in golden armor wasn't still in front of them, still waving his arms, their will might have collapsed.

"Quickly, the king has withdrawn. Some of the others will stay here to block the situation, while others will follow us to protect the king."

Just when Tang Ao felt that he was in a difficult position and was about to be overwhelmed by the elite Beidi cavalry, suddenly such a heavenly sound came from the outside, and the Beidi King actually ran away because of fear.

As the sound came out, waves of commotions came from the Beidi cavalry camp. None of them thought that they were fighting hard here and risked being killed at any time, but the king they wanted to protect actually escaped.

The pillar in everyone's heart seemed to have collapsed suddenly, which was unacceptable and caused some people to fall into hesitation.

In their usual training, there is no such thing as the king escaping first!

When everyone was still looking confused, puzzled, and even a little sad, the person who gave the order once again misled everyone. What does it mean that some people stay and some leave, so which part of the people stayed, and which part of the people stayed?

Which part of the people left?

Out of selfish motives, do you just want to leave that group of people?

Ji Wang Tang Ao appeared in person, and although the number of the cavalry he brought was not very large, only a few hundred, their combat effectiveness was terrifyingly strong.

In this short period of time, thousands of Beidi cavalrymen died in their hands. When seeing a former comrade die in the hands of Jizhou cavalry, how could the others who were still alive not be afraid?

But they could still withstand it, and relied on their numerical advantage to not show their defeat. That was because everyone knew that right behind them, the king was there.

Perhaps the king is watching their performance at this moment. Once this battle is won, what awaits him is glory, wealth, and promotion. That is the most beautiful and most desirable future.

But now, the king is gone, so who will see them no matter how brave they are here?

Looking at the current appearance of the Jizhou cavalry, it is obvious that they are going to fight tooth and nail. Wouldn’t the remaining people also have to fight to the death, and even lose their lives here? Is it worth it?

Beidi is not like the Jizhou Army, which has strict military regulations and reward systems. As long as you kill the enemy, even if you die on the battlefield, your credit will not be erased, and everything that belongs to you will eventually fall to you.

Family. In Beidi, when you die, no one will remember you. On the contrary, after you die, everything you had when you were alive will be taken over by others.

These include not only their property, but also their women and children.

When that time comes, their women will have sex with other men, and their children will also call others "Abu". It's terrible to think about it.

"No, I can't stay here and wait to die. I am the one who should leave."

At this moment, I don't know how many people had the same idea in their minds, and then they took action. Each of the Beidi cavalry who had charged so fiercely before turned around and ran towards Shile City.

Some people ran fast and left first. But it does not mean that they should be some of the people who left. Others who reacted slower can also see at this time that the only way to survive is to die if they stay.

As for punishment?

Don't be kidding, no one asked me to stay here, right? Even so, why can't I leave?

For a time, more and more Beidi cavalry escaped, and finally began to leave in groups. Originally, the pressure was huge, and there were enemies everywhere. Tang Ao, who was surrounded and airtight, suddenly felt his eyes light up.

All the previous enemies were gone.

With no enemies around, not only did everyone feel relieved, but they were also able to better demonstrate their combat effectiveness.

When they were surrounded, everyone had to resist attacks from all directions, even if they had three heads and six arms, it was a bit lacking. Now, they have no enemies around them, so they can concentrate all their energy on killing the enemies in front of them.

"The ones who were slightly injured stayed to protect the brothers who were seriously injured. The others who were not injured followed me and rushed towards the king's tent. Charge!" Tang Ao just looked back and his eyes became moist. Really at this look

, I saw that at least one-fifth of the brothers died on the battlefield, and one-fifth were stained with blood and looked seriously injured. About one-fifth of the brothers were injured to varying degrees.

According to statistics afterwards, the 500 Han generals led by Tang Ao actually experienced a fierce charge of 8,000 cavalry. Among them, many Beidi soldiers who were originally responsible for logistics and transportation were also ordered to attack Tang Ao and the others.

The impact.

After fighting for 16 years, the fact that they can still hold on till now is enough to show how terrifying the Han generals are.

"Your Majesty, just go ahead. Although we were seriously injured, we can still wield our bright silver spears. If anyone dares to come over, we can still kill the enemy."

"Yes, brothers who are slightly injured don't worry about us and follow the king to kill the enemy. This is the greatest comfort to us."

A group of seriously injured Han generals made their voices heard at this moment, with one purpose: they do not need protection here, they want more brothers to follow the king and protect his safety.

Yi Quxiao has already run away. This is not the time to be pretentious. Tang Ao also knows that if there are too few troops around him, it may not have the proper deterrent effect, so he nodded heavily and said: "Okay, brother

Take care, everyone, you will all be heroes when I return victoriously. Come on, brothers who are slightly injured, listen to the order and kill with me!"


Then there were only about 300 people, but they suddenly shouted like a thousand people. Then they followed Tang Ao and rushed towards the Beidi King's tent one mile away.

Tang Ao was the first to appear in the king's tent. Seeing how empty it was, he frowned first, and then picked up a brazier from the sky. A brazier that was close to him was pointed towards the king's tent in Beidi.

It fell and soon a fire broke out.

"Brothers who are slightly injured, there is no need to follow. You have a new mission. Go shout everywhere and say that King Beidi was seriously burned and escaped." Tang Aoji said as if he understood.

This chapter has been completed!
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