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Nine hundred and eighth chapter straight through the enemy camp

The first explosive grenade was the one thrown by Tang Ao. After walking for several breaths in mid-air, it hit the ground like a stone, and accidentally hit a Xuanjia

The giant axemen of the army immediately opened a hole in the opponent's head, causing a cry of pain.

However, all of this was just the beginning. The scream of pain lasted only for more than a breath, and then there was a violent explosion centered on him.

There was not only a sound, but more than twenty pieces of debris splashed outward. And the high-speed walking iron bullets or iron pieces, no matter where they flew, were like high-speed flying objects that were not strong enough.

, can easily penetrate into the human body, causing great pain and serious injury.

"Ah! It hurts so much."

"Oops, someone's leg is bleeding and he can't move around anymore."

"Is there anyone? I can't see you. Can anyone help me..."

All kinds of shouts came and went one after another. At least seven or eight people were seriously injured in this attack, and some people fell into temporary deafness because of the loud explosion.

This sudden explosion sound was like a huge stone thrown into a calm lake. It caused countless waves in an instant and attracted many people in the battlefield to look sideways. They didn't understand what was happening.


There are also some smart people who think that this is the artillery of the Jizhou Army? Why haven't they seen the other party's artillery army?

Just when everyone was still immersed in confusion and various speculations, one explosion after another continued to sound, falling among the crowd, erupting with their power in all directions.

The sound of just one explosion is not terrible, nor can it hurt many people. But when countless explosions sound and no one can predict their locations, the consequences will be very terrible.

When more and more explosions sounded in the crowd, and when more and more soldiers fell to the ground injured by grenades, or were directly killed, the infantry camp of the Xuanjia Army became obviously chaotic.


The loud noise of the explosion caused many people to go deaf, and when the generals' orders were unable to be effectively communicated, the feeling of chaos became even more uncontrollable.

The effect of the first batch of bomb drops was good. Tang Ao and the others launched the second bomb drop without hesitation. Not only that, he also deliberately took ten steps forward and placed the next target farther away.

Although the generals of the Han Dynasty had not conducted relevant training before, they had followed Tang Ao for a long time and there was still no problem with their cooperation. At this time, each one of them followed suit and followed closely behind their king.

A second bombing was carried out before.

If the first batch of bombs dropped disrupted the order of the Xuanjia Army's infantry, then the second batch of bombs dropped directly shattered their fighting spirit.

People at this time have never seen such a powerful weapon as a grenade. Even the first-generation sky thunder, which is thrown out and makes a loud noise, but has limited actual damage and attack range, is regarded as a god by them, let alone

It's such a small hand grenade that can be dropped anywhere.

Once this kind of thing explodes, not only the sound is not small, but the lethality is also not small. The most important thing is that no one can judge whether there will be such a thing next to them, threatening themselves. More and more people are

His face showed fear.

Under this fear, everyone has long forgotten their original responsibilities. Maybe some people still want to stick to it, but when they see their colleagues around them turning away without thinking, what can they do individually?

Can they stop the oncoming Jizhou Army cavalry?

At first, only a few people fled backwards, and then, this trend drove more and more people to flee backwards. Especially when many smart people also discovered that the attack distance of that thing not much bigger than the palm of your hand seemed to be limited.

, then I want to retreat even more desperately.

Facts have also proven that the farther away you are from these Jizhou Army cavalry, the safer you are.

Once this result is confirmed by everyone, who else will stupidly stand in front and be bombed? At that moment, one by one, they all backed away with all their strength, which made Tang Ao and others in front of them.

A large open space appeared.

It was as if there was a plague on Tang Ao and others, everyone avoided them and gave way to them.

It was better now. I was originally worried that there were too many enemies to rush over, so the power of the grenades would not be reflected. However, the enemy's initiative to retreat saved them a lot of trouble, and they could stride forward.

Just like that, between advancing and retreating, the third batch of grenades was thrown out, followed by the fourth batch, the fifth batch...

When more and more grenades were thrown and exploded, more and more Xuanjia Army infantry were injured and endangered. There was no way, no one could make them retreat, and the people behind them didn't wait for them to react.

Were they squeezed together?

Scenes like this where people are hitting each other are more suitable for grenades to exert their power.

Or because everyone was crowded together and wanted to retreat, just like thousands of troops trying to cross the single-plank bridge, many people were inevitably squeezed down. And in such an environment, once they were pushed down,

It would be very difficult to stand up.

I don’t know how many people were stepped on by the big feet of their own comrades, followed by the second and third feet...

It didn't take a while, but everyone lying on the ground was either trampled to death or seriously injured.

No matter how powerful an army is, once it loses morale and fighting spirit, even if it has a large number of people, its attack power will be very limited, and in many cases there will even be no attack power at all.

Just like now, as Tang Ao and the five hundred Han generals continued to step forward and threw batches of grenades forward, more and more Xuanjia Army infantry were forced to continue

As they retreated, their morale and morale were almost completely gone at this moment.

The situation of the battle was beyond Tang Ao's expectation. This was mainly because no one had heard of grenades before, so naturally there was no preparation. This was what made Tang Ao and others happy.

The front was already in chaos. It was impossible not to attack the enemy, but to protect ourselves. When all this fell into the eyes of the Chinese Army General An Zhiwu, he was extremely anxious.

He still can't figure out what happened. He only knows that there are constant explosions, and then his forward army is in chaos, and then it continues to retreat, affecting more people, making this chaos

It's getting more serious.

"General, let's retreat too, they are about to retreat in front of us." Lieutenant General Wang Sheng saw that the situation was not good and said worriedly.

"We can't withdraw. If we also withdraw, the army will really be in chaos. Quick, send out the inspection team, and kill anyone who retreats." An Zhiwu shook his head. He knew very well what the consequences of his retreat would be. Not only would it be

Defeat would also affect the 60,000 different knights on both sides.

"General, we have sent an inspection team, but it is of no use at all. They have been pushed aside a long time ago. It is better to withdraw quickly, otherwise it will be too late." Wang Sheng continued to say worriedly.

"Yes, General, if you withdraw now, you can still save some of your troops. Otherwise, if you are like Sang Doubei and destroy an entire hundred thousand troops, the consequences will be unimaginable." Xie Guan, another deputy general.

He also stood up and reminded anxiously.

As soon as he said this, An Zhiwu's complexion changed. Yes, Sang Doubei lost his life because he lost the battle, and the most important thing was to let a hundred thousand troops be captured by the Jizhou Army. This is where we learn from the past.

, he had to think more about it.

"Hey." After a few breaths, An Zhiwu sighed. Although he didn't want to do this, in order to leave more seeds for the Xuanjia Army, he had to make the decision to retreat. As for the infantry,

For the 60,000 aliens next to the camp, let them seek their own blessings.

In fact, An Zhiwu could still notify the 60,000 foreign knights to retreat at this time, but in this case, if these foreign knights escape first, who will be left to break up the rear?

The so-called dead Taoist friends are not dead but poor Taoists, and they can't control that much at this time.

"Wang Sheng, Xie Guan listened to the order and immediately organized the central army and the rear army to retreat." Now that they have decided to withdraw, they cannot have the slightest regret, let alone ask for so much. As for the front army, they

Just stay and stop the Jizhou Army's cavalry attack.

The front army was still retreating, hoping to stabilize its formation when it retreated to the center army. But at this time, news came that the general was retreating with part of the center army and all the rear army, which immediately caused a chaos in the front army.

At this time, Tang Ao and the five hundred Han generals also ran out of grenades. Behind them, two heavy cavalry regiments followed.

"Come forward and kill!" Brigadier Zhou Jinwen, who rushed behind Tang Ao, laughed loudly and rushed forward with 10,000 heavy cavalry and 20,000 light cavalry. Suddenly, there were people everywhere on the battlefield.

It was the figure of the cavalry, and the sounds of those who abandoned their weapons were heard everywhere, while those who resisted died.

"Come on, let's go over there and lend a helping hand to the Mountain Guard cavalry." Tang Ao saw that the victory had been decided on the frontal battlefield, and then he set his sights on the left wing. He had just noticed that there was the banner of the Barbarian King.

, the target is placed there.

Now the Western Barbarians, Mandu and several nearby cities have entered the auspicious place. It can be said that Tang Ao is the real Barbarian King now. But if someone dares to use the banner of Barbarian King now, isn't that a slap in the face?


How could Tang Ao agree? The target was naturally placed there.

Although there were only five hundred Han generals around them, they were all equal to ten or even dozens of people. Under the leadership of Tang Ao, they rushed toward the left direction where Origi was.

This chapter has been completed!
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