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Chapter 966 The final salute

In the past, when the brigade commander gave an order, the regiment commander had to execute it. This was a mountain of military orders. But now, if Wang Meng is asked to rush out with his men and leave nearly 10,000 of his comrades here, he simply cannot do it.

.If you really do this, it will be a lifetime of demons and nightmares, and I am afraid that you will not be able to forgive yourself.

He had not evacuated when he had the chance before. How could Wang Meng choose to evacuate now? He smiled at Tai Shijin, showing his big white teeth and said: "Brigadier, you are tired, take a rest first. It will be dawn soon, and the enemy will

We will retreat and everything will be fine."

I don't know if he was really tired or if Wang Meng's comforting had an effect. In short, Tai Shijin slowly fell asleep and closed his eyes.

"All brothers, the comrades on the outside may not be able to hold on for long, but it doesn't matter. Someone will accompany you on the Huangquan Road. Are you afraid?" Holding the knife, Wang Meng once again started mobilizing before the war.

"Don't be afraid!" Two hundred people shouted in unison.

It is said that no one is not afraid of death. But it really depends on what kind of situation. When a person knows that he will definitely die, gradually the feeling will not be so scary. Besides, even if he really dies,

If we all die together, we are not alone, so what else is there to fear?

"Okay, so-and-so is not afraid of death. Let's see if these monk soldiers are not afraid of death either. There are some thunders here. Who wants to be a suicide squad member later?" Wang Meng pointed to the pile of collected materials.

Tianlei asked as he got up.

The Shanshan Guard is known for its speed, and it is not equipped with many sky thunders and other items, but there are some, and now they are all piled together, like a small mountain.

"Here comes a bundle." A company commander stood up. He was originally from Jizhou and was originally a farmer who lived by farming. But gradually he found that no matter how hard he worked, he never had enough to eat.

It is the same whether it is good weather or troubled. It was not until Tang Ao came to Jizhou as King Ji that his life and life had to change. With good physical fitness, he has now become a Snow Leopard Brigade

company commander.

Just before he left for the expedition, his newly married wife gave birth to a big fat boy. And while he was talking, he still thought of the appearance of his wife and son in his mind. He no longer knew what was going on.

In the past few months, has my son become fatter? Is his milk and water supply insufficient?

Haha, it doesn’t matter if it’s not enough, the wife and children who stay at home are all military dependents. Good luck! Oh, now in China, the treatment of military dependents is very generous. There is a special unit called the Military Family Office, which always cares about everything.

, with them here, there is no need for a big man like himself to worry about anything.

When he thought that his wife and children were taken care of by the state, and as a descendant of martyrs, the state would take care of his son's future schooling and work, and he would be blessed by himself for the rest of his life, there was no trace of fear or fear on the face of the company commander.

It means fear.

"Here comes a bundle." Then a platoon leader stood up. He was originally from Korea, but now he has registered as a Chinese. He not only has a wife and children, but also a mother who is in poor health. Usually, his

His salary is all spent on his family. But fortunately, as a platoon leader, he has a lot of salary, so his family can have enough food and warm clothes.

All this is due to the reason why he joined the Great Chinese Army. He originally thought that after he made new achievements, he would also raise his six-year-old son to become a real Chinese and enjoy more Better treatment. Now, the opportunity has come. As long as he dies here, according to regulations, his son and family will be promoted, and as military dependents, they will also have someone to take care of them. There is no need to worry about the future. .

Based on these, he will stand up and work hard for the future stability of the country of China and for the children and grandchildren to not experience the war. It is just a life, and death is death. If it can make the country of China become more Be strong and everything is worth it.

"Count it as a certain one."

"And someone..."

For a time, two hundred people almost spoke at once. Among them were the original Dagan people, the Koreans, the Beidi people, and the Western Barbarians, but now they all have a unified name-Hua people.

Two hundred people stepped forward together and quickly "divided up" these thunders. Then they waited for a long time, waiting for the monks to approach, and then they would die together with them.


Twenty miles away from Yujia Town, a group of cavalry was rushing towards here, moving quickly in the dark night.

The leader of the cavalry was Lei Ming, the division commander of the Fourth Field Army.

After receiving Tang Ao's order, Lei Ming led 20,000 infantrymen towards Yujia Town. However, God was unfavorable. It suddenly snowed heavily and the road was difficult to move, so the speed of movement was never fast enough.

After marching for six full days, they had only traveled less than 400 miles. This was the result of driving continuously in the dark night. And when they arrived here, they finally encountered the 20,000 Shanshan Guards who retreated from the front. , when he saw that everyone in the Shanshan Guard looked ugly and was weak, Lei Ming immediately ordered 3,000 people to stay behind to take care of and help these people continue to move to the capital. He took over some of the Shanshan Guard's war horses. , the 17,000 men of the Fourth Army also changed from infantry to cavalry, and rushed towards Yujia Town.

The further west we went, the thinner the air became, and gradually some people in the Fourth Field Army began to suffer from altitude sickness.

At first, Lei Ming would ask one by one to see what was going on, but after he found that more and more such things happened, he simply gave the order. Anyone who felt unwell and could not continue moving would be dismissed. Stay and go back. Only those who are healthy can move forward.

In this way, during the process of coming all the way, the 17,000 people were reduced by nearly half. In the end, there were only 10,000 people following him.

And even if there were only 10,000 people, Lei Ming still didn't hesitate at all. He had already thought that since the order was given by Tang Ao, even if he was the only one left in the end, he would go all out to get there. In Yujia Town, even if they die, they will die with these brothers of Shanshan Guard.

Fortunately, the time they entered the plateau area was still a little short, and the reaction would not be too strong. This ensured that the team could continue to move forward. When they learned that they were only twenty miles away from Yujia Town, Lei Ming twice The order to rest after an hour was cancelled. He just wanted to rendezvous with the Shanshan Guards as soon as possible, because he knew that an extra breath of time would put his comrades there in more danger.


Yujia Town.

At midnight, the shouts of killing outside the town gradually became weaker.

After hearing this from Wang Meng and others who were guarding the landlord's compound, everyone knew that all the six hundred brothers outside must have died in the battle.

Six hundred brothers used their own blood and lives to buy another three hours for everyone's survival, and everything that follows depends on them.

"Haha." The company commander who was the first to sign up for the death squad stood up amidst laughter. He first hugged everyone and then said: "Comrades, I have taken a step forward. Xu Yong is here to say goodbye to everyone.


"Salute!" Following Captain Xu Yong's salute, two hundred people, including Wang Meng, responded in unison.

"Hahaha." In the midst of laughter, Xu Yong rushed out of the gate of the compound with six thunderbolts tied to his body. He couldn't look back. He went to the front to clear the way for his brothers. He would be below.

Waiting for the arrival of the brothers.

Outside the compound, Zhuo Ji looked very angry.

After fighting for three hours, the monk soldiers killed more than 1,800 people. However, they still won, which made him happy. However, when he cleaned the battlefield and learned that there were only 600 bodies of Shanshan Guards, he

Really angry.

The monk soldiers brought this time were all monks, and they were all disciples who had some skills and knew kung fu. Moreover, they had a numerical advantage, but even so, the number of people who died was three times that of the other party. This result was really terrible.

He couldn't accept it.

Especially those Shanshan Guards who died in battle. Some of them had obviously been fatally wounded, but even if they did not die, they would drag one or even multiple monk soldiers to die with them before they died.

The strong fighting will of the Shanshan Guards really scared many monk soldiers. As members of the lamas, they have a high status in Zangzhou, and they are capable people, so they are really very powerful.

It is difficult to put others in their eyes.

This time, I also learned that the newly established Hua Kingdom actually wanted to capture Qingzhou and completely cut off their connection with the Central Plains and the South. Then I was furious and dispatched 10,000 monk soldiers in order to give the Chinese army a good look and make them look good.

Knowing how powerful they are, they don't dare to take Qingzhou's idea.

The 10,000 monk soldiers came with full confidence, thinking that with their strength and having long been accustomed to the plateau climate, they were sure of victory even in the face of the 350,000-strong Chinese army.

The facts were just as they imagined. When they set out from Zangzhou and arrived in Qingzhou, they learned that the Chinese army could not stand the climate and fell ill, and its strength was greatly reduced. This made them even more confident.

It was easy to catch up with the Shanshan Guards of the Dahua Army, who were known as the elite. The monk soldiers did not immediately charge arrogantly, but kept waiting until they felt that the opportunity was right and the opponent's strength had been weakened to a certain point.

That's when I decided to take action.

According to their previous assumptions, as soon as the monk soldiers were dispatched, the Shanshan Guards would be beaten to pieces and defeated. This would confirm the fact that their monk soldiers were the most powerful army in the world. But who would have thought that

, the losses in this first battle were so huge, with a casualty ratio of one to three?

This chapter has been completed!
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