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Chapter 97 Bai Qiutong was robbed

According to Shen Ao's wishes, he is also going to make two types of briquettes. One is the high-quality product, and the other is the ordinary product. The high-quality product naturally burns better, is smokeless and tasteless, and is suitable for wealthy people; the ordinary product is relatively worse, at least The appearance is not very good, there is no smoke, and there is a slight smell of slag, but the price is cheap, and the cost is much less than buying firewood, so it is suitable for ordinary people.

Making money from rich people so that ordinary people can afford it and enjoy the results is what a successful businessman should do.

After taking over Xishan, we also have samples of various things needed for honeycomb briquettes, which can be made vigorously starting tomorrow. That night, Shen Ao called the big workers and arranged for people to get food and wine from Xianweiju. , everyone came to enjoy themselves.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Shen Ao also drank a little wine because he was happy, but all these good spirits were interrupted by Feng Xun's sudden appearance.

"Young Master, something has gone wrong. Miss Bai has been kidnapped." As soon as Feng Xun appeared, he whispered into Shen Ao's ear anxiously.

"Miss Bai, which Miss Bai?" Shen Ao didn't know why.

"It's Bai Qiutong, the Qinghuan." Feng Xun replied with some embarrassment. Normally, a Qinghuan is not worthy of being called a lady in front of Shen Ao, but whenever Shen Ao goes to Xianweiju, Bai Qiutong will personally serve him. Then, her performance was originally supposed to be rejected. Everyone couldn't figure out what the young father-in-law was thinking, so they all started to change their names from Miss Bai to Miss Bai.

"What?" Shen Ao stood up in surprise and asked with a nervous look on his face, "What's going on?"

In the past few days, Bai Qiutong left a deep impression on Shen Ao. Not only her studiousness and beauty, but also her gentleness made Shen Ao like her from the bottom of his heart. Although it was far from love, it was not love. It's true that she doesn't resent her and even likes her by her side. Now she has been kidnapped. What's going on? Who is so bold? Don't you know that she is the heiress of Yanchun Tower? Is the top spot in Xianweiju held by his young master Shen Aozhong?

Seeing that the young master was really anxious, Feng Xun knew that his and others' guesses might be right. This Bai Qiutong might have really caught the young master's eye. "Young master, the situation is like this. After finishing work at Xianwei Residence in the evening, everyone will As usual, they rushed to Yanchun Tower in twos and threes to rest. Just on the street, several strong men suddenly rushed out and without any explanation, they put Miss Bai into a bag and carried her away. Waiting for everyone's reaction When we came over, there was no trace of the person."

"Disappeared?" Shen Ao asked angrily.

"No, fortunately there was Tie Feng following him in the crowd. She happened to see this scene and she had already followed. Tie Long knew about this and followed him. I think with the skills of the two brothers and sisters, they should be able to find some Traces. I came back to report to the young master what we should do next." Feng Xun said the matter in a calm voice.

"What to do? Of course, chase them down. No matter who they are, if they dare to do this, they just don't take our loyal government seriously, so there is no need to be polite to them. Go and tell Geng Liang that he doesn't have to guard the workshop now. , come with us to find someone." Shen Ao said with a firm voice. At this time, he felt that there were still too few available people around him. Apart from Shi Lei, the three of them were the Tie family brothers and sisters. Once these few people met a large number of people, The scene may not be enough. "It seems that we need to go to the slave market to find more talents."

As soon as Shen Ao and three guards from Shi Lei walked out of Guochanglong Main Store, a steward from Yanchun Tower ran over there. It was Bai Qiutong's maid Yunzhi. She was here to report the situation. , it is said that the Tie brothers and sisters have found the place where Bai Qiutong was kidnapped. It was a courtyard that seemed to occupy a large area. They could not figure out the identity of the owner, and there were few manpower, so they just stared and No rash actions were taken.

Hearing that he had found the right place, Shen Ao couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Go, go and have a look."

Just take a look, Shen Ao has already made a decision. No matter who the owner of the yard is, if he offends him, he must let him know what regret is.

Also going with Shen Ao were twenty Guochanglong guards brought by Fan Bai. These people were found by the eldest princess from all over the country. The pretense is also great.

A group of more than 20 people, led by Yunzhi, trotted majestically down the street. Fortunately, it was not yet the curfew time, otherwise, the soldiers on night patrol would have taken them all away.

After walking all the way for less than half an hour, we arrived at a courtyard with two large stone lions placed at the door. Just by looking at the shape and size of the lions, we knew that the people who could live here were either rich or noble.

Just as Shen Ao arrived, the Tie brothers and sisters appeared from the darkness. "Master, Miss Bai is in this courtyard. There are four guards in front and behind her."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Looking at Tie Long who was speaking, Shen Ao reached out and patted the opponent's shoulder to express his satisfaction. Then he shouted: "There are only four of them, let's go in."

"Master, don't you need to investigate who lives here first?" Shi Lei, as the captain of the guard, acted relatively safely, so he tried to persuade him.

"Investigation? When everything is found out, it will be too late. Don't worry about it. Rush in and save the person first." Shen Ao knew exactly what kind of charm Bai Qiutong had. Once he fell into the hands of a deceiver, he was afraid that Things happen every night that people will regret for the rest of their lives.

In the main room of the courtyard, the white veil on Bai Qiutong's face has been taken off. Fortunately, her clothes are intact. She is standing there singing a ditty, and the expression on her face is constantly changing due to the content of what she is singing. It's changing.

On the surface, Bai Qiutong is the same as usual. The only difference is that the white gauze on her face is gone, but in fact, she is very panicked in her heart. She doesn't know what will happen next. What she can do Just delay it as much as possible.

She performed on stage as the White Snake at noon and in the evening respectively. After closing time, she could rest, so she walked out of Xianwei Center with her maid Yunzhi and other sisters and walked towards Yanchun Tower. Yanchun Tower is no longer open for business now. It became a place for the sisters to rest and rehearse their programs.

Walking to Yanchun Tower as usual, everyone was talking and laughing along the way. Life now is really different from before. After having the profit money, my income is much higher than before, let alone like To please the guests like in the past, they only need to do their best when they go on stage according to what they learned during the rehearsal. On the contrary, the colder they act, the more guests will flock to them and cheer loudly.

They were well fed, warmly clothed, and their lives were progressing. Especially when Shen Ao promised everyone in public that if they behave well, he would be able to give them enough money to upgrade them from a humble status to a good status. You can find a person you like, marry, get married and have children like normal people. Everyone has seen hope and has a career, and they are all thinking about performing well and earning more money in order to change their lives.

Compared with others, Bai Qiutong has never thought about leaving. What she wants most is to follow Shen Ao. Even if she can see him from a distance, she is satisfied. It's like Shen Ao arranged it for her The errand asked her to listen carefully to what the guests were saying and write it down. She finally felt that she was useful to Shen Ao, and she didn't know how happy she was for this.

It was because of this experience, and she was doing it seriously. When her body was suddenly covered on the dark road, Bai Qiutong did not yell, because she knew that doing so would be of no use. Otherwise, it will lead to unpredictable consequences.

Suppressing the panic in her heart, Bai Qiutong was carried to a manor and met the real owner, a young man about eighteen or nineteen years old.

Bai Qiutong still has some impressions of this man. Today at noon and evening, this man has been staring at her closely, and all that appears in his eyes is naked possessiveness. She has seen many such men, and She didn't take it seriously. She felt reassured about her own safety in Xianweiju.

Unexpectedly, this man actually hijacked her. As a woman, Bai Qiutong was of course very clear about what would happen next. It was precisely because of this that she did not yell, but took the initiative to ask the man to sing a little tune. , to add to the fun.

Bai Qiutong's cooperation made Leng Qianwu, who had originally planned to use force, feel very happy.

During the day, thanks to Chang Hong, he went to Xianweiju for the first time and saw Bai Qiutong. Although there was a layer of white gauze between her, he couldn't see the true appearance of this girl, but his intuition told him that she had such a sweet face. With her voice and those graceful figures, this woman must be very beautiful.

He was already itching in his heart, but because Xianweiju is a public place, there are no other services provided here, and the people who come here are either rich or noble, so there is no telling which box will be occupied by someone he can't afford to offend. People cannot use force openly, and Leng Qianwu was unwilling to do so, so he thought of other ways to get Bai Qiutong, so he sent his servants to kidnap her at night.

Things went smoothly. When Bai Qiutong appeared in his room, Leng Qianwu looked anxious. In his opinion, a man like Bai Qiutong would definitely yell. He had to take medicine, so he would be able to enjoy himself to the fullest. Who would have thought that he would actually take off the veil and offer to sing a few songs, anyway, it was still a long time before dawn. .

Bai Qiutong's cooperation naturally made Leng Qianwu very happy. How could he not cooperate? He drank a small drink while enjoying the beauty's performance. Not to mention how happy he was.

This chapter has been completed!
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