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Chapter nine hundred and seventy second Lancheng turmoil

The black clothes and black armor originally gave people a very heavy feeling. In addition, these heavy cavalrymen also held a long thickened black iron chain in their hands, which was constantly rolling up and down. That is why the Huns cavalry would feel weak when they saw it. , not to mention the army of common people whose combat power is only scum.

With Tang Ao's previous words and the fact that he also pointed out God's meaning, many superstitious people had already dropped their weapons and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Even some Ganren civilians who reacted slower were pulled by the people around them to throw away their weapons and squat down.

Of the 20,000 people, fewer than 2,000 were actually standing there without abandoning their weapons. They were all die-hard members of Gan Jie and Gan Jie's side. They were the kind of people who sold their bodies and souls to the Huns just for the sake of They are just national scum and traitors who could live a better life.

The Shanshan Guard has long known about the existence of such a group of scum. It can be said that it is precisely because of these people that the common people of Ganren were gathered together and turned into an army. And as long as these people are wiped out, then The army of Ganren people will have no core, and it will be difficult to gather together again.

Even if we knew these people, how could we let them go? After two regiments of tens of thousands of heavy cavalry rushed out of the city gate, a regiment of five thousand light cavalry soldiers followed them and took out their bows and arrows. , and turned his attention to those gang rapes who were still standing there, intent on resisting.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Arrows flew forward one after another as if they had eyes, piercing the air and piercing the body of Gan Zhai who was still standing up, causing waves of screams.

When the two thousand gangsters were shot one by one, the other gangsters and common people were frightened. The Emperor of Dahua really killed them whenever he wanted, and they did not dare to resist anymore.

The first two regiments of 10,000 heavy cavalry rushed out from both sides of the Ganren civilian army. Their target was the Huns cavalry army standing behind the civilians.

"Retreat quickly, retreat!" Seeing the most elite heavy cavalry of the Great Chinese Army rushing out, the expressions of everyone on the Huns' cavalry changed drastically.

They know the terrifying combat power of these heavy cavalry. Especially the thick black iron chains they hold in their hands are the deadly weapons of the reaper cavalry. It only takes two cavalrymen to hold one end, and they can catch them head-on. To pull a person off the horse forcefully.

Tang Sheng was also among the Hun cavalry, and was among the first to flee back. As early as the moment the city gate opened, and the moment he saw the heavy cavalry rushing out, he had a bad feeling. a feeling of.

The Huns' cavalry had good combat power, but they were not strong enough to fight head-on with the heavy cavalry without losing.

Besides, if Tang Ao comes in person this time, will the troops he brings be less? Even if they can block these heavy cavalry, more and more Dahua troops will rush out of the city, so what can they do to stop them? ?

Since we know clearly that we will not win, it is better to withdraw earlier. As for the hundreds of thousands of Ganren people, they are lost if they are lost. Now the Huns are attacking Ganzhou and are raging there. Nothing else, the number of people But there are countless people. As long as there is food, another army can be brought out at any time.

The Huns cavalry did not even have the courage to fight, so they turned around and fled. In the eyes of many Ganren people, they were all in high spirits. Is this the army sent by God? It is really powerful.

The heavy cavalry passed by the masses of kneeling Ganren civilians and chased straight behind the Huns cavalry. During this period, they also saw many Ganren who still wanted to resist, but this time they did not wait for them to take action. At that time, the gangsters and the common people collectively resisted, either arresting or killing those gangsters who were mixed in their ranks, those who tried their best to squeeze them out and lorded it over their heads for some days. Get them all.

The battle was not fierce. It can even be said that there was no big battle. The 20,000 Huns who threatened Xingcheng withdrew. The grain, grass and tents they brought were scattered all over the ground, and there were hundreds of thousands more. There are no weapons in the hands of the people anymore.

"The Emperor is mighty!"

Seeing that the crisis was solved so easily, everyone on the tower couldn't help but kneel down in front of Tang Ao.

This is their emperor, the emperor they are loyal to, he is really awesome.

A smile appeared on the corner of Tang Ao's mouth. This is the different influence of different identities.

If he was still just King Ji, even if he said such words, not many people would be truly convinced. But now that he is the emperor and the emperor, what he says cannot be ignored by others. If you are convinced, some difficulties can be easily solved.

"Come on, let's do the screening work. If someone wants to join the army, if the conditions are suitable and there is no problem with their identity, they can be accepted, but they must be trained before they can go to the battlefield. By the way, don't forget to prepare enough food for them. They should I'm very hungry." Tang Ao said with a long breath. At this moment, a fire rose in his heart. Since the people were so convinced of him, it was necessary and should be taken by him. To live a better life.

Tang Sheng followed the Huns army and fled in embarrassment, but he had already begun to curse Tang Ao in his heart, and at the same time muttered, "Wait, don't think that just because you are the emperor, you are really the son of God, your soldiers are here to kill you these days. You have killed so many people, and you have to pay the price for it. And as an emperor, you just ordered the killing of thousands of people. You must give the world an explanation. Either you lose the popular support or the military morale. Go away with your headache."


Suzhou Lancheng.

Some news about the Battle of Xingcheng has already reached here.

Wei Qian'er intended to promote the fire, and the Night Owl, which she personally established, had already grown to a large scale after spending a lot of money. This time, under their deliberate promotion, the matter of Xingcheng was made known to everyone.

When the news first came out, many people did not believe it. In their eyes, the original Jizhou Army and the current Dahua Army were very good to the people, and even helped the people with work from time to time, such as I did a lot of work such as sweeping the yard, cutting firewood, and fetching water.

How could such an army that loves the people go and massacre people? This is just someone spreading rumors.

But soon after, some wounded civilians whom the Huns had intentionally let go were brought into Lancheng by Night Owl. With witnesses, people could not help but believe them.

For a time, some people were bewitched and began to question their own army. This was especially true for some scholars. They came directly outside the government office and demanded an explanation and severe punishment for the generals who defended Xingcheng, Zhou Qian and Chief of Staff Li You and several regiment and battalion commanders below.

At first, Zeng Tong, who was in charge of the logistics of the Dahua Army here, didn't take it too seriously. However, as the movement became louder and more people came to petition, he felt that something was wrong.


Normally, if something happens, it's okay for the literati to make a fuss. It's already February of the first year of Dahua, and when preparations for some things in the fields are about to begin, what's going on with the common people also following suit?

For this reason, Zeng Tong called Yang Guozhong, the new magistrate of Suzhou.

Since the founding of Dahua, Zeng Tong followed Tang Ao's wishes and wanted to stay in the central government to help him handle government affairs. He resigned from the position of governor of Xinzhou and Suzhou. Among them, he recommended Fu Rushi as the governor of Xinzhou.

There are more old barbarians, and with him, we can be more stable. The main reason is to support Ru Ru's recognition of Tang Ao's philosophy of governing the country. In addition, he has the ability and reputation, and is suitable for this position, which adds to the burden.

However, the governor of Suzhou fell into the hands of Yang Guozhong.

Yang Guozhong is in his forties and has lived in Suzhou for generations. His family also has great influence here. He can be regarded as an important powerful person as Tang Ao said.

Usually, people like this are the targets of the Great Chinese Army. But this Yang Guozhong is different from others. After the Great Chinese Army appeared here, he took the lead in dividing the Yang family's property, and also took many of the Yang family's property.

The land was donated free of charge and given to many people, showing a unique aspect.

It was with Yang Guozhong taking the lead that when the Dahua Army entered Suzhou, they encountered almost no decent resistance. In view of this man's contribution, Zeng Tong, who was still the governor of Suzhou, kept him by his side to do a job.

In the subsequent work, Yang Guozhong showed a very capable side. All the tasks assigned to him by Zeng Tong were completed very well and he was highly valued. In the end, Zeng Tong introduced this person to Tang

Ao, after a conversation, his performance was very good, and he was directly promoted from being an employee to the post of governor, which can be said to be a rocket-like promotion speed.

Now someone blocked the Zhizhou Yamen, causing a lot of commotion, and it was spreading. I heard that there was also commotion in neighboring Shaanzhou. Zeng Tong called him over to ask what was going on.

When Yang Guozhong appeared, he looked unhurried. Hearing what Zeng Tong said, he even said indifferently: "Master Zeng, I don't think this is a big deal. It's just that some people are poor.

It's just a fuss. As long as no one pays attention to them for a while, the matter will be over. If we talk to them now, it will make them feel important and the matter will be endless. "

After hearing this, Zeng Tong thought about it, and then said: "Okay, let's not intervene in this matter for now, but we must also send people to keep an eye on them to prevent them from doing anything drastic.


"No, I will accept your order." Yang Guozhong said seriously at that moment.

After giving the instructions, Zeng Tong put the matter aside. He thought that the storm would soon pass, but unexpectedly, the matter got worse and worse, with no intention of stopping. Seeing that the government ignored him, it seemed that

They acquiesced to some things. The scholars and the bewitched common people became even more riotous. Not only did they block the government offices every day, but they even directly attacked the warehouses of the Dahua Army in the city and lit a fire.

This chapter has been completed!
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