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Chapter nine hundred and eighty sixth one word kill

After this battle, he not only wanted to capture Shuncheng, but also used this battle to break the courage of the Xiangzhou soldiers, so that they would be instinctively afraid when they heard the sound of artillery. As long as they form this idea, they will be afraid in the future.

The Xiangzhou soldiers will no longer be the opponents of the Chinese army. This is the so-called psychological warfare.

If done well, you can achieve the result of defeating the enemy without fighting.

On top of the city tower, Qu Yang had already pushed away the corpses of the soldiers who were lying on his body to protect him, and then shouted for the soldiers who were still alive to prepare for battle.

Now that the artillery fire of the Great Chinese Army has stopped, the next step must be to prepare for a siege. Finally, these soldiers can do something.

Many soldiers began to pick up the bows and arrows on the ground while shouting, found the arrow kettle, and then came to the battlements one by one, staring at the bottom of the city.

Looking towards the bottom of the city, what puzzled them was that they could not see any sign of the charge of the Chinese army at all. What the city looked like before, it still looks like the city now.

"What's going on? Why don't the Dahua Army attack the city? Are they giving up?"

Each of the soldiers thought of similar sounds in their minds, and then their expressions became excited. Although the light rain was still falling, they were no longer conscious at all, and were infected by an atmosphere of imminent victory.

As a general with 30,000 troops, Qu Yang is not optimistic at this time. He does not believe that the Chinese army will abandon the city after just a burst of artillery. If this is the case, they may not even be able to protect the safety of Jizhou.

If you can't protect it, how can you be as strong as it is now?

So if the Chinese army has no intention of evacuating, what are they going to do?

With a puzzled look on his face, he looked down. When he vaguely saw that the artillery barrels of the Chinese army had been replaced, and more and more shells began to pile up, his mind suddenly felt like

A thought flashed through his mind, and then his whole expression changed drastically. "No, no, everyone is hiding, hiding."

That is to say, Qu Yang's voice had just sounded, and the red flag of the Great China Army was raised high, followed by another burst of roaring sound, and countless cannonballs were once again poured towards the tower.

The Xiangzhou soldiers guarding the city were still waiting for the opponent's infantry to attack the city. They were completely unprepared. Even some soldiers who were close to Quyang were looking at the general curiously, as if they wanted to ask what the general shouted just now.

At that time, those cannonballs fell on the tower.

There was another burst of earth tremors, mountains falling, and landslides.

In exchange, more Xiangzhou soldiers were hit and injured by artillery shells, and the voices of crying for their fathers and mothers could be heard again.

"Get down quickly, get down quickly." Qu Yang shouted loudly. When he saw that a soldier more than two feet away in front of him seemed to be frightened and stood still without moving, he rushed forward like flying.

Go and press the soldier's body behind you.

It was at this time that a burst bomb landed nearly two feet away from him. Then with a loud explosion, a burst of exploding fragments fell on Qu Yang's back, making him unable to bear it.

He let out a muffled groan, then was hit by pain all over his body, and passed out.


This scene was seen by many people. They shouted loudly and rushed to Qu Yang's side. When someone tried to test and was still breathing, one by one they grabbed his arms and legs and carried Qu Yang quickly towards the bottom of the tower.

Run away.

The generals were all injured and were carried away. There was a sea-fixing needle missing from the city tower. When faced with the artillery bombardment of the Chinese army again, the others, without control, rushed towards the bottom of the city tower like swarms of swarms.


This torrent of troops grew stronger as time went by. In the end, anyone who could still run on top of the city tower could get down without pulling back.

"Extended artillery fire!" After the news came from the sky that the enemy defending the city had descended on the city, the artillery of the First Firearms Brigade raised the muzzle and strengthened the range, so that the shells did not fall on the city tower, but fell towards the city.


We had just retreated from the city tower. We originally thought it would be safe here, but we didn't expect that artillery fire came right after us. In desperation, in order to survive, the soldiers retreated towards the city, until finally the south city gate opened wide, and everyone

People fled from there.

"Blow up the city gate!"

When Tang Ao's order came, the two artillery pieces that had already adjusted their muzzle positions fired a live round and a bursting round. The seemingly solid city gate was immediately blown out.

A huge gap.

After three consecutive similar attacks, the city gates opened wide, the sound of galloping war horses sounded, and the Fourth Wild Wolf Brigade of Shanshan Guard launched a charge into the city.

When entering the city at this time, we encountered almost no decent resistance. All the enemies who could escape had fled. In addition to thousands of civilians in the city, there were many dead or injured Xiang people.

State wounded soldiers.

"Control each city gate and treat the wounded." The First Field Army entered the city, first took over the city defense, and soon became busy. The fourth Wild Wolf Brigade, which escaped, came out from the south city gate and headed towards the already

The defeated Xiangzhou soldiers chased and killed them.

Half an hour later, after the situation in the city was completely under control, and most of the fourth field army had entered the city, Tang Ao rode a snow-jade white dragon and entered the city under the protection of five hundred Han generals.

"Report the results of the battle." Riding on the horse, Tang Ao looked at the mess in Shun City, sniffed and asked.

"Your Majesty, this battle killed more than a thousand enemies and injured about three thousand. About a hundred houses were destroyed. The Wild Wolf Brigade has gone to pursue the enemy, and the situation of the battle is unknown." Deputy Chief of Staff Wei Chao reported with a battle list with new statistics.


"Where are our losses?" Tang Ao asked.

"Your Majesty, we have three injured people. They were all injured by the injured Xiangzhou soldiers while treating the wounded. Fortunately, the injuries are not serious. They can return to the battlefield after bandaging and will not affect subsequent operations.


"Well, don't be polite to these unrepentant wounded. If they dare to kill our soldiers, there is no need to live." Tang Ao said with a straight face. He is not a saint. How big a mind he has, let's talk about it.

How to transform people with virtue, impress others with virtue, and convince others with virtue.

Again, as long as you still have a weapon in your hand, you are our enemy regardless of whether you are injured or not.

There is only one word for treating the enemy - kill!

Don’t you know that kindness to your enemies is cruelty to yourself?

These soldiers all have families, and their families still hope that they can return home with meritorious service. These lovely soldiers are the greatest wealth of China, because an accident that kills or injures one person is something Tang Ao cannot accept.

"Your Majesty, I understand, and I will issue this order to the entire army immediately." Wei Chao said with some enthusiasm. Fighting with your Majesty is to boost your morale, and fighting is just fighting, without having to consider so many human natures.

Then again, if everyone had humanity, there would be no war in this world.

Tang Ao was also very satisfied with Wei Chao's answer. He also disliked those civil servants who talked about the world but kept silent about the people. It seemed that they were the only ones who cared about the people. But if you really gave them a knife, let them rush to the battlefield. , I am afraid that their knees will be weaker than anyone else's, and they may kneel down before fighting.

For people like this, it's better to stay where it's cool. "By the way, how's the shell consumption going?"

Shen Ping'an, commander of the First Firearms Brigade, who was following the city into the city, immediately stood up and said, "Your Majesty, we launched a total of two rounds of artillery attacks, using a total of more than 150 bronze cannons, most of which were solid. About one thousand two hundred rounds of ammunition were used. Fifty rounds of incendiary bombs were used, and thirty rounds of explosive bombs were used. They accounted for about one-fifth of the number of artillery carried. It did not hinder the subsequent battle. "

"Very good, send a message to the rear immediately and ask them to send more artillery." Tang Ao nodded. This consumption is completely within the acceptable range. The most important thing is that the life safety of the soldiers is exchanged for the artillery shells. How? It's worth watching.

Shuncheng fell. From the beginning of the siege to the time the Dahua Army entered and occupied the city, it took less than three hours, which fully demonstrated the powerful firepower and speed advantages of the Dahua Army.

Before dark, the Fourth Wild Wolf Brigade returned. With them came twelve thousand prisoners and nearly four thousand heads.

So far, in the battle of Shuncheng, the Xiangzhou army lost 20,000 troops. Only 10,000 of the 30,000 defenders of the city escaped, and the commander-in-chief Qu Yang was also seriously injured.

News of the fall of Shuncheng spread quickly, shocking everyone.

Not long after the army entered Daocheng, the Nanyue General Qiu Suisui, who was reorganizing his troops here, learned the news only a day and a half later.

"It's rubbish, it's rubbish. It didn't even take three hours, and the whole city of Shuntian fell. These Xiangzhou troops can't be reused." Qiu Suisui, whose beard was trembling with anger, spent a long time, and then finally His mood became calm again. Then he called one of his generals named Tang Cong, and sent him 30,000 cavalry, asking him to rush to Zhangcheng as quickly as possible to block the attack of the Dahua army. Xiangzhou continues to deepen.

At the same time, on the next day, the South Vietnamese army, with more than 100,000 South Vietnamese troops and a full 500,000 Ganren civilian army, also left Daocheng and headed straight towards Yongcheng in the north.

The news also quickly spread to Ganzhou.

The Western Shu army had already withdrawn to Xiangzhou. With no obstacles left, the Xiongnu army carried out a plow-like looting of Gancheng Mansion, the capital of Ganzhou. They robbed a total of 80,000 taels of silver and a large amount of grain and grass.

Poor people in Gancheng Prefecture. They donated money and goods before, just hoping that the Western Shu Army could help them block the Xiongnu attack. But in the end, the Western Shu Army took their money and things, turned around and patted their butts and left. .

This chapter has been completed!
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