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Chapter 190 Nothing is more than once with you

Killing these hellish creatures that enter the passage is not the purpose of the game, and he does not have such ability, even in his prime state.

There are many terrifying existences among these hellish monsters. If he hadn't recovered some of the power left by Drinking and Lele, and his abilities are already of a type that makes people hard to guard against, I'm afraid it would cost a lot to kill just one monster.

He has a lot of strength.

The real purpose of the game is to create a real place of death so as to deceive these hell creatures.

Hell creatures are very sensitive to the aura of the living, so much so that the rich aura of death in Equality Paradise is not enough to deceive them. If they are allowed to break in, they will soon find out the clues.

After realizing that someone was attacking them behind the passage, they would undoubtedly become more convinced of their original conjecture, which was that there was definitely a living life behind the passage, and even a living world.

There is absolutely no life in a dead world. Both people and things will die with the world. Water will not flow, and flames will not beat. Everything is like a landscape painting. There will be no more danger, and it is impossible to cause death.


Therefore, after realizing the death of [Perfect Hand], [Red Crow] and other monsters have determined that the world behind the passage is not a world of death, and this means that there is no point in hiding anymore, and the hell creatures will inevitably

Will enter the channel to explore.

Even if they have prepared a plan for many years, even if they kill so many people just to be on the safe side to add a layer of insurance to the plan, they still cannot keep up with this sudden change.

Hell's involvement caught Wan off guard. The only thing he could rejoice about was that he was the one left behind in Equality Paradise, because maybe he was the only one who had the ability to divert Hell's attention.

The hellish creatures in front of the passage are not fuel-efficient lamps. Seeing the guys entering the passage die one after another, they no longer careless, but find a way to complete further testing, and roughly understand the situation in the passage -

"A space-based supernatural ability?"

In front of the milky white passage, [Red Crow] narrowed his eyes with blood-colored cold light and analyzed coldly, "Extraordinary abilities are exclusive to my hell. So, there should be an existence in hell behind the passage... Could this really be someone

Isn’t there a hunting trap in hell?”

A hunting place for powerful hell beings is interesting, but it is completely different from an undead world where life exists. This must be confirmed as soon as possible.

If it is only the former, then there is no need for them to continue to test and risk death, and there is no need to report it to avoid bringing trouble on themselves.

But if it is the latter, it means that they have discovered a living world. This is undoubtedly a great achievement, and the superiors will never be stingy with rewards.

Because of this, despite their doubts, the monsters still stood motionless, each with their own evil intentions, and obviously had no intention of evacuating.

"Is [True Vision] coming?"

At this moment, [Red Crow] suddenly asked, "I need to let him judge what abilities the guys here have."

A monster searched everywhere, and after a moment of hesitation, he said cautiously: "He didn't come."

Regarding this answer, [Red Crow] didn't seem surprised. The sharp beak opened slightly and the corners of his mouth raised a cold arc: "He is indeed a courageous thing. Sooner or later, I will kill that guy and make wine with his eyes.


Although he was laughing, his words were full of violent and murderous intent. Obviously, what he just said was not just a complaint or a joke, but a real intention to take action.

Just because [True Sight] was not there when he needed it was such a small thing,

He just wanted to kill the other person to vent his anger.

"Forget it, forget it if you don't come. Then continue to send people in. If you die a few more people, you should be able to see the opponent's ability." After a pause, [Red Crow] said slowly without hesitation, "Everyone, stay in line.

Arrange it well."

Seeing that no one was taking action, he glanced around casually with his scarlet eyes. All the monsters suddenly fell silent. The guy who felt weak had no choice but to bite the bullet and crawl into the passage, for fear of bearing the wrath of the crow monster.

The monster's aura dissipated not long after, but it obviously lasted longer than before.

The monsters exchanged a look. They could see that the reason why these unlucky guys who were sent in could persist longer and longer was not because they were much stronger than the previous ones, but because the strength of the guys on the other side of the passage was changing.

It is gradually weakening, and it seems that the continuous killings have consumed him a lot.

Thinking of this, the monsters couldn't help but get excited——

In other words, even if they don't care about the opponent's ability, as long as they go through a few more rounds of testing, the opponent's strength may be exhausted. By then, there will be nothing to worry about, and it is also the best time for them to enter the channel to verify their conjecture.

Under the eyes of [Red Crow], several monsters knew that they could not escape, so they had no choice but to enter the passage, one after another.

Until finally, the aura of the monster still remained in the passage, and there was no sign of weakening or dissipating... This all means that the monster that was just sent in is still alive.

"Don't you have the strength to take action anymore..."

[Red Crow] thought excitedly, but did not step into the passage rashly. This might be a trap used by the opponent to show weakness. Don't be too careless.

So he decided to wait.

At this time, the paradise of equality.

A dirty and messy giant cat-headed doll was sitting in front of the dark passage, with its back to everyone. The doll's suit cracked at some point, and there was no bleeding. Only the red fillings were exposed, like stiff and necrotic muscles.

People are shocked.

Jian Wugui and others watched this scene nervously. Wan did not tell them what the method he mentioned was. He just sat in front of the passage and soon there was no movement. Who knew that such a scene would appear not long after.

Jian Wugui frowned.

As a practitioner, he is extremely sensitive to power fluctuations. He just noticed that the power of the doll suddenly surged, but before he could be alert, the power of the doll continued to decrease after that, as if it fell from the peak to the bottom.

Now he is extremely weak.

And with the movement of the doll, there was really no movement in the dark passage, which was strange and peaceful. The monsters behind the passage disappeared at the same time, as if they were really blocked by the doll in some way.

"What is he doing?" Lu Zhan asked loudly in the distance.

"I don't know, I can't understand." He Shang shook his bald head and said, "I guess he is in the middle of a collision of forces."

After a moment of silence, Ling Wei, who had been silent before, suddenly spoke, "Is that guy planning to plot against us?"

"It's not impossible."

Jian Wugui glanced at him meaningfully, "So everyone should be careful, be vigilant, and pay attention to the anomalies in Pingpin Paradise. Don't let that guy named Hei Haina escape."


Everyone nodded with serious expressions.

The hellish creatures that entered the hidden space died one after another, and Wan's power was gradually exhausted.

By now, not even a drop is left.

But he is still struggling to hold on. It doesn't matter if his strength is exhausted. Then he can use his life force to maintain it.

According to the plan, Hell cannot discover the existence of this world at this point in time, and he must go all out to prevent the opening of the passage to hell.

Once he gives up, the connection between the hidden space and the hell passage will disappear in an instant, and everything he has just done will be in vain. The influx of hell creatures will directly enter the Equality Paradise and immediately discover the anomalies in this world.

Borrowing the power of drinking and music, he can be said to have completely run out of fuel and has nothing to rely on.

But what surprised Wan was that Hei Haina didn't take advantage of this great opportunity to deal with him, and she didn't know if she noticed something.

This made his wish to have the final dark hand on Black Heina come to nothing, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, fearing that he would not be able to send Black Heina to hell.

"Not enough..."

Seeing that the number of hellish creatures in the hidden space is slowly increasing, Wan has been waiting quietly, silently calculating in his mind and getting ready to go.

At this time, his remaining strength was no longer enough to maintain the expansion of the hidden space, which caused the entire white space to begin to shake, attracting the attention of many monsters.


At this moment, Wanyi's already damaged doll costume was further broken into pieces, cracking and falling off like a spider web on Wanyi's body, and the dark red skeleton hidden under the doll costume could be vaguely seen.

At this moment, he seemed to have torn away all the disguises, and as the doll clothes shattered, a terrifying aura that seemed to come from the abyss suddenly burst out.

Horror, weirdness, evil, fear...it seems to condense all the sins in the world.

The most surprising thing is that the aura on his body is exactly the same as that of hell creatures, as if he also comes from hell.

However, the appearance of this kind of smell not only did not make Wan get better, but also worsened sharply.

"It's still not enough..."

He let out an unconscious murmur, and the high-intensity consumption made his consciousness gradually blur.

He could see that there were more and more hell monsters standing in the white space, and the suffocating death aura was getting stronger and stronger.

Play hard to keep your spirits up, still waiting.

He is waiting for the number of monsters accumulated in the hidden space to increase, and for the death energy in the paradise to transfer, to gradually fill the hidden space.

By now, his choice is clear.

The guy named Jian Wugui is not simple. I'm afraid he still has enough power to stop Hei Haina from leaving Equality Paradise. Even if he can hold Black Haina back for a day, then his mission has been completed to a minimum.

And what he has to do now is to try his best to divert the attention of the hell creatures.

At the same time, seeing that there was no unusual movement behind the passage, even though he was as cautious as [Red Crow], he chose to enter the hidden space.

Almost all the hell creatures walked in.

He looked around the vast white space and found no enemy, so he grabbed a monster and asked, "Where is the enemy?"

However, when faced with his question, the monster hesitated and could not give any answer, because he also knew nothing about it.

[Red Crow] was not annoyed. Thinking of the other party's ability, he quickly discovered the clues and sneered: "Hiding in another space..."

Maintaining the hidden space requires a lot of consumption, Wan's body has begun to shrink, and the blood-colored fillings continue to wither and evaporate.

This was a very painful thing for him, just like the flesh and blood of ordinary people being continuously devoured.

However, he seemed to feel no pain. He was completely using his life force to maintain the operation of the hidden space. Everything in his body was filling the hidden space, making the space barrier thicker and complete.`interesting w

In the following time, he will use his remaining strength to carry out a final round of killing, then transfer his body to a hidden space, face the surviving hell creatures, and finally die in front of them -

Die as a monster from hell.

This is the simplest and most effective method imaginable.

First of all, use your own hidden space to connect to the hell passage, so that the hell creatures entering it will preconceptionally think that the hidden space is a place full of death, thus ignoring the original paradise of equality. This is the first step.

Immediately afterwards, he will try his best to kill these hell creatures, so that the hidden space will continue to be saturated with the death energy of hell, making it filled with the breath of hell. From then on, under further disguise, the hell creatures are likely to regard the hidden space as a

A part of hell as a whole, not a space outside hell.

Then comes the most critical step, which is the appearance and death of Wan. He will appear in front of these monsters as a hell creature and end with death in battle.

In this way, Hell will at best think that the hidden space is a hunting trap for hell creatures like him, and the death energy and temptation signals are just bait, and will not associate it with the aspect of "this is a living world".

The last point is actually quite difficult for many people. Disguising a hell creature is not an easy task, but it doesn’t take much effort for the player because he carries the power of hell and is unlikely to

There are flaws.

The core purpose of the game is very simple. Since the passage to hell cannot be completely closed, then simply not close it. As long as the hidden space is solidified as a part of hell and the stance of one's own hell creature is made clear, then this crisis will undoubtedly turn into hell.

Internal competition, rather than major events involving a new world, Hell will not pay attention to at all.

And the price is just all he has.

Wan is not afraid of this, nor does he feel unwilling to do so. This day will come sooner or later, and this kind of death is just right. Compared with other people's meaningless and tragic ending, this kind of death is at least meaningful.

...At least it's more valuable than eating that guy to death.

People like them have nothing to do with good or evil. They don't ask for anyone to miss or remember them. They just hope that everything they do is not useless.

That's right, they don't expect it to be of great use. As long as it has a little use and proves that everything they do is not useless, they will be satisfied.

When his thoughts came back, there were already many hell monsters standing in the hidden space. Wan took a deep breath and put aside all distracting thoughts - the time has come.


He wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was extremely dry and weak.

"How's it going? Did the method work?"

Jian Wugui had been paying attention to his every move, so he heard his words in time.

"It's basically a success, and all that's left is the finishing touches."

"You don't seem to be in very good condition." Jian Wugui frowned.

"This is inevitable."

Wan was silent for a moment and said calmly, "I'll give you one last piece of advice."

Everyone quickly pricked up their ears.

"There are not many guys as easy to talk to as me in the penalty area. You must always remember that we are enemies."

"What's the meaning?"

Everyone was stunned. Is this the so-called advice?

"Understand it for yourself. By the way, remember the contract between us."

Wan ignored everyone's doubts, closed his eyes, endured the pain of flesh and blood disappearing, and prepared for the final blow. He wanted to kill as many of these hell creatures as possible, whether for now or in the future.

At the same time, he quietly allocated part of his energy to guard against Black Henna's sneak attack.

However, Black Henna seemed to have no intention of intervening at all this time, and nothing unusual happened for a long time.

Time passes slowly, the accumulated offensive has reached its peak, and the time has come——

But at this moment.


A deafening gunshot shocked everyone, and Wan's consciousness became blurred, and he stood still on the spot.

He slowly lowered his head, and there was already a huge blood hole in his chest, and half of his body was almost gone.

This is a fatal injury.

Turning around, he saw the man who had broken a leg before, holding a strange-looking gun and facing him with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Ling Wei, what are you doing!"

Jian Wugui's expression changed, and the invisible sword energy chopped down the gun.

The playing state was very bad and he could hardly stand still. He looked at Jian Wugui who was approaching and said nothing. He just asked: "What kind of weapon is this?"

Jian Wugui looked at Xu Han and Lu Zhan.

Xu Han felt inexplicably heavy. She didn't know why the doll would care about such a question before it died, so she answered honestly: "This is the latest cannon developed, and it has not been named yet."

"The power is pretty good...is it easy to use, and is it convenient for mass production?"

Xu Han was silent for a moment: "It's not easy to use, it's very bulky, and it needs to be charged in advance. It can only be used for sneak attacks or point attacks."

"Is this so..."

He stumbled while playing, his body was shaky, and he sighed, "It seems there is still room for improvement."

He didn't even look at the guy who fired the gun, there was no anger in his tone, and he didn't seem to have any thoughts of revenge.

Everyone didn't understand what he said, but they all felt inexplicable sadness -

He was inexplicably attacked and dying. Even if this guy didn't care about his injuries, he still had the mood to care about these irrelevant things.

The world seemed to have pressed the mute button, and all the sounds in my ears disappeared.

His vision suddenly turned black, and his vision became blurry. After many years, he once again experienced this feeling of dying.

Just die, it doesn't matter, you are going to die anyway -

But he can't die here, he has to die in a hidden space.

Only in this way can all doubts of the hell creatures be dispelled and they can ignore the existence of Equality Paradise to the greatest extent.

His consciousness was blurred, and his body seemed to weigh a thousand kilograms. Now he only needed to activate his ability to transfer to the hidden space. But after struggling for a long time, he found that he couldn't move. He tried hard to take steps, but couldn't move for a long time.

Every cent.

He sadly discovered that he had no strength at all, not even the strength to activate his abilities.

The red sun in the sky has long since disappeared, and all the red clouds have faded away, replaced by a darkening sky with not a single star in sight.

Somehow, Wan suddenly remembered something that happened a long, long time ago.

He escaped from the killer's pursuit with his still human food, but was surrounded by a group of soldiers. He was seriously injured and dying just like now.

When they were desperate, a man named Bai Mo saved them and changed their future lives.

That night, the guy solemnly asked them about their future wishes again, and he wanted to write them down and keep them.

But maybe it's been too long, and now he can't even remember his wish at that time.

But he still remembered what the guy said.

When he came back to his senses, Wan found that he had fallen to the ground, with no strength left in his body. The ability that could be activated as easily as blowing a breath could not be activated at this time.

And this means that his plan to die in the hidden space failed.

If there is a person with space ability among those hellish creatures, they might search the surrounding space to find him, thus discovering the existence of Equality Paradise...

A sad emotion flooded into his heart, and he hated himself so much that he couldn't even do such a small thing well at the most critical moment.

It is clear that there is only one last step left...

He tried desperately to move, but all he got was a blur of consciousness and an increasingly stiff body.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed a man wearing a mask in front of him.

The other party said nothing, squatting down and looking at him quietly.

"Is this...an illusion..."

Although he knew it was impossible, Wan still felt inexplicably relieved, and the emotions he had suppressed for a long time surged crazily.

"I'm sorry, I didn't accomplish anything. I messed up a lot of things."

He spoke bitterly, but couldn't even make a sound.

But the visitor seemed to understand what he said. He was wearing a white mask with black stripes on his face, and his expression was invisible. His eyes were extremely cold and seemed to have no emotion.

But his voice was rare and gentle: "No, you have done a good job."

Wan was stunned for a moment: "Really?"

"Of course it's true." The man seemed to smile, "You don't even know who your opponent is."

"This, I, but..." Wan couldn't bear it any longer, and there was a suppressed cry in his voice, "But if you eat them, you will die..."

No one has ever known what is going on inside this doll.

Tens of millions of loneliness, the loss of all his comrades, many changes in plans... none of this overwhelmed him, but he burst into tears when facing this masked man.

"It's okay, everyone just takes a nap for a while, right?"

The man's mood did not fluctuate, "You are like this too, just take a nap when you are tired, and leave the rest to me."

He did not try to comfort the crying doll, but asked after a moment of silence: "By the way, do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"


Wan once again recalled the scene when he met this guy a long, long time ago, when he was still human.

At that time, he had just gained freedom and had many thoughts and wishes in his mind.

And now...

"there is none left."

Everything in the past comes to mind, the war and blood, the crowd and the stage...

And that lonely figure walking forward.

"We asked each other that day and found out that all our wishes had come true -"

At this moment, he seemed to let go of all his worries, his tense nerves and muscles relaxed, he entrusted everything to the man in front of him, and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

The lips opened and closed silently, leaving only the last words.

"The luckiest thing in this life is to be by your side." To read the latest chapters, please download the AiYue Novel app.

To provide you with the fastest update of the gravekeeper in the restricted area where the great god sings alone

Chapter 190: There is nothing better than being with you and watching the latest content for free on the app. However, no one doubts the origin of this ability. After all, the peacock demon tribe’s best talent is the Star Shift. Her skill is similar to the Star Shift.

How wonderful.

After Master Mei defused Cao Wei's attack this time, he did not rush to attack, he just stood still.

Cao Wei frowned slightly. Is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he turned into armor with flames, he had other methods. If the beautiful young master followed up the attack, then he would be sure to use this method to attack.

Stop her. Chapter content of the computer version is slow, please download the app to read the latest content of Aiyu novels for free. But the beautiful young master did not step forward, so his originally prepared ability had to be interrupted.

The sword was slashed out again, and the powerful sword intention was even stronger than before. Cao Wei also followed the sword and went straight towards the beautiful young master.

In the hands of the beautiful young master, Tian C Ling once again became a mysterious circle in the sky, and she switched her position in an instant. While resolving the opponent's attack, she also resolved the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. Cao Wei

The golden red light on her body disappeared in a flash. If she hadn't dodged quickly, there would undoubtedly have been another ability coming.

Fighting for consumption! She seems to be fighting for consumption with Cao Wei.uu Reading www.uukanshu.com

The computer version of the website will be closed soon. To watch the latest content for free, please download the Aiyue app.

However, no one doubts the origin of this ability. After all, the Peacock Demon Clan’s best talent is the Star Shift. Her skill is similar to that of the Star Shift.

After Master Mei defused Cao Wei's attack this time, he did not rush to attack, he just stood still.

Cao Wei frowned slightly. Is this little girl's perception so sharp? After he turned into armor with flames, he had other methods. If the beautiful young master followed up the attack, then he would be sure to use this method to attack.

To restrain her. But the beautiful young master did not step forward, so the ability that she had been preparing for had to be interrupted.

The sword was slashed out again, and the powerful sword intention was even stronger than before. Cao Wei also followed the sword and went straight towards the beautiful young master.

In the hands of the beautiful young master, Tian C Ling once again became a mysterious circle in the sky, and she switched her position in an instant. While resolving the opponent's attack, she also resolved the opponent's lock. And the next moment, she was already on the other side. Cao Wei

The golden red light on her body disappeared in a flash. If she hadn't dodged quickly, there would undoubtedly have been another ability coming.

Fight for consumption! She seems to be fighting for consumption with Cao Wei.

Chapter 190 is better than having been with you to read for free. Download the Aiyue app to watch the latest content for free. It provides you with the fastest update of the restricted area where the master chants alone.

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