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Chapter 211 Half a Year

After another burst of strange movement, the sound in the room suddenly disappeared, as if the monster had quietly left here.


It is now hiding in the dark, looking at the frightened people with a playful expression, savoring the taste of harvested fear.

Thinking of this, the brothers Zhang Tao and Zhang Rouzhu did not dare to express their anger or make any move.

It wasn't until about ten minutes passed and there seemed to be no movement in the room that Zhang Tao plucked up the courage and reached out his hand to touch around carefully.

Empty, nothing.

However, the next second, he suddenly touched a slightly cold hand,

There was a sudden jolt, and I almost screamed.

Fortunately, these hands were not those of a monster. Before he could retreat, he heard a calm voice beside him: "It's okay, that thing has gone."

...It's Bai Mo's voice.

However, when Zhang Tao heard this, instead of being happy, his scalp went numb instantly - didn't he tell this guy to keep quiet? Why did he dare to speak so loudly?

You must know that the monster is extremely sensitive to sounds. The slightest movement can attract its attention and greatly arouse its ferocity.

If Bai Mo speaks rashly like this, even if the monster has really left, it may come back soon after hearing the sound!

Zhang Tao was anxious and did not dare to remind him. However, as time passed by, he hesitated for a long time.

No more weird noises were heard, and it seemed that the monster had really left.

About half a minute later, the room suddenly lit up, and those strange crystal stones glowed one after another, like electric lights, reflecting three faces with different expressions.

The first time the room lights up,

Zhang Tao immediately looked around vigilantly, and after seeing that there was indeed no trace of monsters in the room, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Bai Mo beside him with a puzzled look.

"How did you know the monster was gone?"

The latter looked calm: "I can feel it."


"Well, it stayed in front of me for a while and then left." Bai Mo continued.

Zhang Tao looked strange: "Do you know what that is?"

"I don't know, but I know it's not a human being."

Bai Mo shook his head, he really didn't know what that thing was.

"Oh, I heard that it is a kind of monster in the restricted area. It cannot see and relies on hearing sounds to find food. However, they usually have their own fixed hunting time. At this time, they should hide in the restricted area. They shouldn't.

It’s so weird to show up...”

Having said this, Zhang Tao looked worried, and then he couldn't help but rejoiced, "Fortunately, I was already prepared.

I found someone in advance to buy a few breath-condensing charms, which can cover up the breath on our bodies. Although they are a bit expensive, they are useful."

He looked pleased.

Bai Mo was silent. He suddenly wanted to ask the other party where he got the information about the monster.

The face on the spider monster's back has so many eyes, you actually told me it can't see...

There are also so-called breath-holding charms.

He took off a piece of yellow paper from his forehead and knew very well that this thing did not have any extraordinary power at all. It could be said that it was no different from waste paper. He didn't know where he bought it at a high price. It was obviously deceived.

"Brother, I have a question..."

While thinking, Zhang Rouzhu, who had finally stabilized his emotions, suddenly spoke, "Did you hear a sound just now, something like the sound of swallowing saliva?"

Zhang Tao was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth wide.

Yes, why did I forget this?

He quickly looked at Bai Mo and asked doubtfully: "Did the sound just now come from you?"

"No, but I heard it too." Bai Mo shook his head.

"It's not you?" Zhang Tao was stunned and said blankly, "Who could it be?"

He didn't have too much doubt, feeling that the sound must not have come from Bai Mo, otherwise the other party would not have the chance to stand here and chat with them at this time.

After all, there is no difference between speaking out and dying in front of that thing.

"It's probably from a monster," Bai Mo said after a moment.

"Monster?" Zhang Tao and Zhang Rouzhu were stunned at the same time.

"Yeah, maybe...it's hungry?"

Seeing Bai Mo's serious look, Zhang Tao and Zhang Rouzhu looked at each other. For some reason, they always felt that this rescued person was a little strange.

...Not to mention anything else, at least he is very courageous.

After a brief silence, Zhang Tao smiled and said: "Speaking of hunger, I am really hungry. Just in time, I went to the kitchen to bring the food."

With that said, he walked outside the house.

Not long after, he came into the house with food and three pairs of bowls and chopsticks.

The brother and sister quickly started eating, and motioned to Bai Mo to eat too.

However, Bai Mo just glanced at the food and then remained motionless, with no thought of moving his chopsticks.

"Brother Bai, why don't you eat?"

Zhang Tao noticed this, looked at the shabby food on the table, seemed to have thought of something, and then said with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry, is the food not to your liking?"

...It has to be said that for a person who has just recovered from a serious illness, these meals are completely nutritious and do not taste very good. No wonder the person does not want to eat them.

However, Bai Mo just shook his head and resisted the urge to burp.

"No, I'm full."

During the meal, Bai Mo asked the two about the current time, and then learned that half a year had passed since he left Dongyang City.

In the past six months, the world structure can be said to have undergone a drastic change.

Although he had expected this for a long time and was even one of the promoters of world changes, he did not know the specific changes, so he asked Zhang Tao to learn more about it.

Zhang Tao didn't think much about this. He actually didn't know much, so he quickly told everything he knew.

It turns out that just half a month after the collapse of Equality Paradise, a large number of forbidden areas in the world suddenly expanded outwards, and even intersected with each other during the expansion process, jointly squeezing the territory of the safe zone.

Although the council promptly organized various urban areas to clean up the expanded restricted areas, the number of expanded restricted areas was too great, and humans really could not allocate enough manpower. The defense line quickly collapsed, and they could only concentrate on dealing with the most important restricted areas.

The cost of doing this is to allow other restricted areas to expand. These restricted areas have gradually formed a huge scale and even intersected with each other, further compressing the scope of the safe zone.

The expansion of the prohibition also means the expansion of the area of ​​biological activity in the forbidden area. Under the attack of the biological activities in the forbidden area, it is obviously impossible for human beings to remain unharmed. In the past six months, nearly one-third of the city has fallen.

The only good thing is that the expansion of the restricted area is not endless. There seems to be a saturation level, and it will stop when the expansion reaches a certain range.

If this were not the case, the situation of mankind would probably only get worse and worse.

It is worth mentioning that although the restricted area has expanded, the position of the restricted area stone tablet will not shift significantly, and its existence still restricts the creatures in the restricted area.

Even though the territory of the restricted area has been expanded and the areas of activity have been broadened, most of the time the organisms in the restricted area will still live within the scope of the stone monument, and only occasionally come out to move around. This also gives the people living in the expanded restricted area some room to breathe.


After that, humans named this area between the safe zone and the forbidden zone the buffer zone.

However, as the safety zone is further reduced, human land issues have become increasingly tense.

At times like this, strength becomes particularly important. Soon, almost all of the city that has not yet fallen was occupied by extraordinary beings. As for those with mediocre strength, they can only stay outside the safe zone, or even live in fear in the buffer.

In the area, you may be attacked by creatures in the restricted area at any time.

The Zhang Tao brothers and sisters are ordinary people living in the buffer zone.

In the buffer zone, there are not a few people like them. Due to lack of strength, they were squeezed out of the safe area, which was equivalent to being abandoned by the city in disguise. Therefore, these people gave them a self-deprecating name——

Abandoned disciples of the new generation.

However, the emergence of buffer zones is not all bad. Crisis and opportunity often coexist.

With the expansion of the restricted area, rare treasures and other precious items that used to only appear in the restricted area also appear in the buffer zone, which means that people have more opportunities to get them, thereby changing their destiny——

Even if you are just an ordinary person.

For example, the "Hansheng Mine" mentioned by Zhang Tao before has the opportunity to dig out rare treasures, and it belongs to the buffer zone.

It is precisely because of this that the number of extraordinary beings has exploded in the past six months, and humans have used extraordinary power far more than before. Organizations large and small have emerged one after another, and many places seem to have launched plans to regain the safe zone...

All in all, this is a new era, the world structure has further changed, and it can be said to be the second period of the restricted area era.

Zhang Tao only knows so much.

Since the restricted zone was expanded six months ago, he has been extra cautious when forced to live in the buffer zone. Because he is afraid of encountering danger, he usually does not even dare to leave the familiar area too far to avoid being attacked by the creatures in the restricted zone after entering a strange environment.


Because of this, his intelligence sources are quite limited and he doesn't know much.

After some chatting, Bai Mo also knew Zhang Tao's purpose of saving him.

He had realized one thing a long time ago, that is, the brother and sister seemed too happy about his awakening, as if they had been looking forward to it for a long time.

This obviously cannot be explained by the simple word "kindness", so it is very likely that they have other purposes.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Tao had no intention of hiding it, so he hesitated for a moment before mentioning the matter to Bai Mo.

But before that, he first told Bai Mo a strange thing he had heard recently.

This chapter has been completed!
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