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Chapter 216 Hansheng Mine

Early the next morning, Bai Mo, under the leadership of Zhang Tao, briefly learned about the situation at this gathering place.

It is said that this gathering place was first built by a few workers from Wuji City using local materials. At that time, about a dozen people gathered, but soon everyone mysteriously disappeared, and the gathering place was occupied by another group not long after.

occupied by people.

Creatures in the restricted area will come out for a walk every now and then. Almost every time they pass by the gathering place, they will harvest a bunch of human lives. This has also caused the residents of the gathering place to change all the time. Zhang Tao is already the sixth batch of residents in this gathering place in half a year.


Perhaps it is because the buffer zone of Wuji City is formed by the intersection of multiple expanded restricted areas. The creatures in the restricted areas interfere with each other and their actions seem to be regular. And with the experience gained from past human lives, today's people are more or less aware of dangers.

With some evasive abilities——

For example, last night's spider monster.

When he said this, Zhang Tao felt lucky again, saying that the situation last night was abnormal. If he hadn't prepared those spells in advance, they might not be able to see the sun today.

However, Bai Mo knew that the situation last night was indeed beyond the expectations of the Zhang Tao brothers and sisters, but the reason why they survived was not because of the invalid spells, but because of his presence.

He raised his head and saw that the huge flower that appeared at night had disappeared. It seemed that the thing would not stay here forever, and he didn't know if it was because he was afraid of being discovered.

There were about dozens of people in the gathering place, more than Bai Mo expected. Like Zhang Tao, they all got up early and looked quite busy, but most of them had numb eyes.

Some people seemed to have noticed Bai Mo's unfamiliar face, but they didn't pay much attention to it. People came and went in the gathering place, and new people replaced old ones. It was normal for a few new refugees to come occasionally, as long as they didn't occupy their residence.


As for the occasional disappearance of people, don't even bother with it. Those disappearing guys are probably not gone, but dead.

As for the cause of death...

The buffer zone is so big, forbidden creatures, dangerous treasures, forbidden sequences, even people... anything is possible, who knows.

And just as Zhang Tao said, Bai Mo's handsome appearance really made many women in the gathering look twice, and even looked thoughtful in their eyes, not knowing what they were thinking.

Handsome or secondarily, the more attractive thing about Bai Mo is his eyes. For people struggling to survive in the buffer zone, he is too clean, both in his clothes and his eyes.

Although his pale skin gives people a feeling of weakness, his eyes are very calm and there is no sense of depression at all. At first glance, he is very different from those men with numb eyes.

Of course, temperament must be matched with handsome appearance to be effective. For those with ordinary looks, for example, although Zhang Tao has sharp eyes, full of energy, and is tall and powerful, no one is willing to take another look at him.

"Good morning everyone."

Seeing the pedestrians coming and going, Zhang Tao greeted them enthusiastically.


Everyone responded nonchalantly. Someone looked at Bai Mo and raised an eyebrow and said, "New here?"

"Yes, his name is Bai Wu. Please take good care of him in the future." Zhang Tao smiled.

The man nodded: "No problem, it's not a bad thing to have someone new. It just so happens that there aren't enough manpower at Hansheng Mine, so we can ask him to go with us."

"I can't make the decision on this, but I will let him think about it."

"It's good to have something to eat, so what else do you need to consider?"

Seeing the man shaking his head and leaving, Bai Mo asked, "Where is the Hansheng Mine?"

Zhang Tao seemed to have guessed that he would ask this question, so he smiled and replied: "I said before that the expansion of the restricted area brings not only dangers, but also opportunities - and Hansheng Mine is the opportunity in my mouth


"The Hansheng Mine appeared in the buffer zone with the expansion of the restricted area. It is rich in strange ores of many kinds, and Zhaoshi is one of them. There may even be more precious treasures produced, and ours

The main job of the gathering place on weekdays is to mine ore for Wuji City."

"Mining ore for Wuji City?"

"Of course, Hansheng Mine contains many important resources such as coal and iron ore. Do you think Wuji City will miss such a good place?"

Zhang Tao laughed and said, "So they sent a group of robots to occupy the mine very early and let people from nearby gathering places mine it."

Bai Mo nodded, thought for a moment and asked, "Are you getting paid?"

"Yes, otherwise who would go? In fact, Wuji City is not bad. You can't find any serious jobs like this in the buffer zone. At least you will get something if you work, and there is not much danger."

After a pause, Zhang Tao continued, "But the most attractive thing about Hansheng Mine is that miners can keep three pieces of the ore they mine for their own use every day - regardless of the quality. This is part of the salary."

Speaking of this, Zhang Tao's tone became a little eager. It seemed to him that as long as he was lucky enough, it would be possible to mine a rare treasure one day and even contain the source stone of Taoism.

And once this happens, his and his sister's lives will definitely improve.

Bai Mo said: "After hearing what you said, I am somewhat interested in this place."

"If you're interested, you can come with me and give it a try later." Zhang Tao laughed loudly, and then reminded him seriously, "But after all, there are only a few people who can get lucky. It's just like a lottery. Don't expect too much.

More, just have some hope."

"Hey, isn't this Brother Tao? Why are you so happy?"

At this moment, a man with a small head carrying a large cotton-padded jacket came from a distance and looked at Zhang Tao with a smile on his face.

Zhang Tao smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just thought of something happy... What, are you preparing to go down to the mine?"

"Yeah, I can't even open the pot recently at home, and my body is very weak. I'm afraid it won't work if I don't quickly get some money to make up for it." Cuntou said helplessly.

"By the way, who is this? He looks unfamiliar."

While speaking, he suddenly looked at Bai Mo. When he noticed that the other person was actually more handsome than him, a special emotion suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Oh, this is Bai Wu, a new friend at the gathering place. He is very interested in Hansheng Mine. How about we go together?" Zhang Tao said.

"No, no, I made an appointment with someone else." Hearing this, Buntou smiled sheepishly, "They should be waiting for me in front, so..."

Zhang Tao understood: "Okay, you go ahead. I guess I have to leave soon. See you later."

"See you later."

Zhang Tao said goodbye to Cun Tou with a smile, and then looked at Bai Mo beside him with a strange look on his face.

He asked in a low voice: "Brother Bai, you have been staring at Xiaofan from the beginning. Do you know him?"

"I don't know."

"Oh... no, you can get to know him. Even if you don't know him, don't offend him."

Zhang Tao whispered, "Xiaofan can talk to anyone. I heard that he formed a small group not long ago. You know that for ordinary people like us, whoever has more people has a bigger fist. In many things,

You can also have more say in society, so I always say that everyone should look after each other."

He looked around: "Speaking of which, I would like to remind you that the robots in Hansheng Mine are very fair and will never withhold our ore, but people may not be able to decide."

"So if you are really lucky, you must remember that wealth should not be revealed."

"I see."

Bai Mo nodded. What Zhang Tao said were practical experiences. It could be seen that he was really thinking about himself.

Not long after, the two of them chose to set off for the location of the Hansheng Mine.

On the way, Zhang Tao gave Bai Mo some thick cotton clothes and told him that although there was no danger in the Hansheng mine, the temperature was very low and the temperature varied randomly, with a huge temperature difference.

If you really can't stand it anymore or if you sense something is wrong, you should leave as soon as possible. As long as you put down the ore, the mechanical guards will not stop you.

There have been cases where someone was frozen to death by the sudden drop in temperature in the Hansheng Mine because he failed to escape. It is said that when the corpse was discovered the next day, the corpse had a particularly weird smile on its face, which made people shudder.

Bai Mo was not impatient at all, and seriously endured Zhang Tao's endless desire to talk.

The two of them walked on a small path and passed a place full of gravel. Zhang Tao told Bai Mo that this was where he found the unconscious Bai Mo.

Bai Mo deliberately stopped and observed, seeming thoughtful, but he didn't say much and followed Zhang Tao to the front of the path.

Hansheng Mine is located near a town south of Wuji City. However, due to the emergence of the buffer zone, the town is already in a semi-abandoned state. Creatures in the forbidden area often visit at night and cause damage to the town.

But even so, the town is still occupied by a group of people.

From what Zhang Tao guessed, they seemed to have a special way to avoid attacks from creatures in restricted areas.

Approaching the town, Bai Mo saw at a glance a dark circular hole on the ground on the edge of the town. The hole was not very wide and could only allow two people to pass through at the same time.

There is a gun-wielding robot standing in each of the four directions of the cave entrance. It does not seem to be painted. It is entirely silver and has a humanoid design. Its general structure is similar to that of humans, but there are four legs in total, which hold and fix their spherical bodies.

When Zhang Tao and two others appeared near the entrance of the cave, the four robots immediately noticed it and turned to see them. A red light flashed in their eyes, as if they were scanning.

"Hey, human, the job number is 054,055, entry is allowed."

Zhang Tao was accustomed to this and said as he walked: "The robot will determine our identity. Only humans can enter the mine. If they are other creatures, they will be attacked by the robot. So in a sense, Han

Raw mines are actually safer than many places."

"If it hadn't been too cold in the cave, I might have considered living here."

He joked and climbed down the ladder into the mine.

Bai Mo followed closely and asked: "What does the work number mean?"

"It doesn't have any special meaning. The first one to enter the mine is numbered 001, the second one is 002, and so on. This number means that we are the fifty-third and fifty-fourth ones to enter the mine respectively."

Zhang Tao explained, "Similarly, when someone leaves the mine, the numbers will be arranged starting from 001. The number represents the number of people leaving. If the number of people leaving does not match the number of people entering, it means that either someone stayed in the mine, or they were

Someone died... I guess it was a kind of management program for these robots."

Bai Mo listened silently, and soon followed Zhang Tao down to the mine.

Although it is underground, the mine is very bright. Rows of lighting stones are arranged in the passage like electric lights, making the entire underground as bright as day.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Zhang Tao couldn't help shivering. He quickly put on his thick cotton-padded jacket and then walked forward despite the low temperature.

"There are tools for mining in front of you. You can just take them as you like. You can also choose the mining location freely, but it is best to be clearly distinguished from others. Otherwise, it's okay if you don't dig up good stuff. Once you dig up good stuff, it's okay.

You don’t know how many people are arguing with you.”

Zhang Tao shook his head as he spoke, seeming to think of some not-so-good memories.

Seeing that there was no movement behind him, Zhang Tao couldn't help but look back, and saw Bai Mo looking thoughtfully at the ground of the mine, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I was wondering what good stuff I could dig up today."

I'm actually thinking about this...

"Then it depends on your luck." Zhang Tao laughed and said, "If you're not lucky, you might not even be able to dig out a piece of lighting stone."

As he said that, he seemed to realize something. He looked Bai Mo up and down, and the smile on his face gradually solidified: "Brother Bai, aren't you cold? Why don't you put on your cotton clothes?"

"Fortunately, it's not as cold as expected."

Bai Mo put on the cotton-padded clothes slowly, and his whole body suddenly looked a lot bloated.

"Don't show off in this place."

Zhang Tao warned and led Bai Mo into the work area.

At this time, many people had gathered in the work area. They were all wearing thick clothes and were mining the ore underground with tools.

It is worth mentioning that their positions are quite interesting. It seems that everyone has their own area, and some places even have lines drawn.

Bai Mo remembered what Zhang Tao had just said, and it suddenly became clear to him.

As for the arrival of Zhang Tao and Bai Mo, everyone just glanced at them without any special reaction.

The goal of everyone entering Hansheng Mine is very clear. In addition to seeking food and clothing for the salary, the main purpose of coming here is to obtain enough precious ores.

In their opinion, as long as they dig more ore, the probability of digging for valuable treasures will be greater, so they work very hard.

Bai Mo was also very interested in these ores. He quickly picked up the tools and found an area to dig silently.

Seeing this, Zhang Tao smiled, and then came to his favorite location to mine.

In his opinion, mining is the same as lottery, and he has always liked fixed numbers, so that the probability of winning is higher.

Time passes slowly, and the temperature of Hansheng Mine is also constantly changing.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was a cry of surprise in the mine.

In an instant, the sound of the collision of iron and stone disappeared.

Because what appeared together with the exclamation... was a burst of bright golden light.

This chapter has been completed!
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