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Chapter 236 Taboo Spokesperson

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Wen Ziya is a B-level transcendent. With Bai Mo's current strength, there is no way he can be her opponent. What's more, all the plants around him are the latter's eyes and ears. Naturally, the appearance of the hand vines cannot be hidden from her perception -

Bai Mo is very clear about this.

Therefore, when he noticed that the other party suddenly gave up his defense, he knew that his previous guess was correct. This woman was deliberately seeking death.

...It’s just that the other party obviously thinks too highly of him. As Bai Mo said before, even if Wen Ziya stood still and let him hit, it would be difficult for him to kill the other party.

Looking at the man standing in front of her, Wen Ziya frowned. After a while, the two thick vines behind him slowly retracted, and all the plants stopped moving and no longer attacked Bai Mo.

She sighed: "Why did you stop?"

"If you die, I won't be able to deal with those guys outside." Bai Mo looked at her calmly and continued, "What's more, I can't kill you."

"I have taken down all my defenses. If you hadn't stopped just now, I should be dead."

Wen Ziya glanced at the purple vines that had retracted to the ground behind her, seeming very regretful that she had not been successfully killed.

Her words completely lost the coldness and ferocity just now, only the bitterness and dejection of wanting to die.

"How did you tell?" she asked.

"What do you see? Do you want to die?" Bai Mo glanced at his injured arm and asked.


"Actually, I didn't see this. I just suddenly remembered some details that I had ignored last night, so I just made some guesses."

"What details?" Wen Ziya asked.

"You just said that you know that I have friends staying in the passage. If this is the case, then you should obviously see how I killed your men, and you should also see it - the hand vine.


Bai Mo said calmly, "I have noticed before that there are some boundless grasses that poke out of the wall in the passage, which are like your eyes... You clearly knew about our arrival, but you insisted on pretending that you had never seen me.

I'm naturally curious about this."

Wen Ziya looked dejected, sighed slightly, and said nothing.

After a pause, Bai Mo continued: "The purpose you showed before seems to be to make me think that you are a kind and unfortunate person, and you also want me to leave here quickly and not get involved."

"In this case, if you want to establish a kind persona, then what you should do is to cover up all evidence of your 'evil deeds' - such as hiding the branches on the corpse. But instead of doing this, you openly

All the corpses were piled together, as if they were afraid that I wouldn’t see them.”

Bai Mo said calmly, "And I can see that those corpses have been dead for a while. Although the branches were pierced into the body, there is no sign of missing flesh and blood. This shows that you have not actually sucked human flesh."

, all of this was deliberately disguised before I arrived, you just want me to notice that you are eating people and take the initiative to detect your true identity."

Wen Ziya looked at him for a long time, smiled bitterly, and said, "You know, sometimes being too sharp is actually annoying."

Bai Mo ignored it and continued: "One more thing, since you saw what happened in the passage through the Wuji Grass, you naturally also saw the Hand Vine. And other plants are not allowed to grow within the growth range of the Wuji Grass species, so the Hand Vine

But it was not affected. Isn't it strange that you ignored something so worthy of concern, and didn't even have the slightest concern about the endless grass seeds?"

"At first, I thought you were trying to trick me into telling me about the endless grass seed. For this reason, you even pretended to be pitiful and quietly used the Love Flower, just to make me empathize with you and touch my heart of compassion.

So as to help you——"

"However, it wasn't until night that I suddenly realized that the Love Flower might not be used on me, but on yourself."

Bai Mo sighed, "The biggest function of the Love Flower is to attract people's empathy, making people easily feel pity... And whether it is the Love Flower,

Regardless of your self-love, or even asking me to tell you about outside affairs, all of this is just for one purpose-"

He looked into Wen Ziya's eyes and said, "All this is not to make me pity you, but to make you feel pity for me, so that you can forcibly restrain your impulse to kill me... right?"

His eyes fell on Wen Ziya's neck, and he saw veins popping up on her neck, like squirming worms. The woman bit her lips lightly, as if she was trying to restrain something.

"This kind of thing..."

Wen Ziya was silent for a long time and asked, "Why should I do this?"

"I don't know." Bai Mo answered neatly, "But I can make a little guess."

"The growth of boundless grass species will prohibit the growth of other plants. In short, there is me but not others. This may not matter in other places, but it is absolutely not allowed in the dark forest, because it will affect the dark forest.

Whether those taboo plants live or die, they are all alive."

"As far as I know, once the Endless Grass Seed completes its hosting, all the plants in the Dark Forest will unite and directly find and kill the host, thereby completely killing the possibility of the Endless Grass Seed's survival - this is for self-protection."

Of course Bai Mo knew this, because this was the reason why most of the boundless grass species were thrown into the dark forest.

Wen Ziya's childish eyes shrank imperceptibly.

"So I have reason to suspect that the reason why you and your men were able to leave the dark forest alive in the face of the siege of many plants was not because of how powerful or lucky you were, but because there was some kind of existence helping you."

Bai Mo's eyes showed thoughts, and he spoke calmly -

"...That being is the Desireless Dandelion, right? It saved your lives from the dark forest, and the price was that your men were parasitized?"

This is the most likely answer Bai Mo thinks after thinking about it.

After the words fell, Wen Ziya could no longer hide the horror in her eyes and shouted in shock: "Who are you?!"

The vine branches wandered around, forming a plant prison again, surrounding her and Bai Mo, and the sound could not escape.

To be able to analyze all of this, wisdom alone is definitely not enough. It also requires a sufficient understanding of many things, such as boundless grass species, dark forests, and... desireless dandelions.

She stared into Bai Mo's eyes, but couldn't see anything.

"It seems that my guess was correct."

Wen Ziya's reaction was enough to explain a lot of things. Bai Mo's heart moved and he continued to speculate.

"The fact is obvious. You may have been controlled by the Desireless Dandelion and became its tool. You couldn't bear this fate and wanted to be freed, but you couldn't take the initiative to commit suicide for some reason, so you wanted to borrow me.

Hands of self-imposed execution - right?"

Wen Ziya's eyes changed again and again, and she no longer knew how to describe her mood.

Because it was so outrageous, this guy seemed to be able to read minds, but she couldn't understand the other person's mind. Even if she caught the plant to amplify her perception, she couldn't do it.

Bai Mo's eyes are deep and calm, like an airtight vortex. No prying eyes can see through, but will be swallowed up by the vortex.

After a while, Wen Ziya said: "Yes, you are right. The reason why I was able to leave the dark forest alive was indeed because of the help of Wuyu Dandelion."

After a moment of silence, she no longer hesitated and spoke slowly again, "-I am its spokesperson."


Bai Mo was stunned, he had never heard of this thing.

Seeing his blank eyes, Wen Ziya was also stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud: "You know so many secrets, but you don't know what a forbidden spokesperson is? I thought you knew everything."

Bai Mo shook his head and listened quietly.

Wen Ziya didn't show off and said: "With the gradual expansion of the restricted area, many restricted area creatures have been able to leave the restricted area and move around in the buffer zone, and they are also the source of danger in the buffer zone. However, not all restricted area creatures can leave the restricted area. The restricted area stone tablet There's still a huge grip on them, and generally speaking, these creatures are synonymous with power."

Bai Mo remained silent, but he said in his heart that he was right.

"I don't know that for various purposes, these forbidden creatures suddenly began to choose their own spokesmen. They first originated from the A-level forbidden black hole Death Palace. They gave certain benefits to their spokesmen on the grounds of helping each other, and claimed that they would only Asking for a pittance in return a year later.”

Wen Ziya said word by word, "Form a certain connection with the creatures in the restricted area and sacrifice something a year later as the price. This is the spokesperson."

The white ink shows the color of thinking.

The appearance of a spokesperson was something he had never thought of, but this inexplicable form of transaction was somewhat similar to the god's style...

Although it is still impossible to guess the purpose of those guys, this has aroused Bai Mo's interest.

Wen Ziya looked into his eyes and continued: "The spokesperson has more powerful power than ordinary extraordinary people. Some people think that the spokesperson is a traitor to mankind, so they hunt down the spokesperson. Among them, the Huangquan organization has the most determined attitude and will not hesitate to do so. Posting a large bounty on the spokesperson's life, you can exchange it for money with just your head, and it's worth a lot of money - as a spokesperson, my head is actually very valuable."

She sounded expectant.

Seeing that Bai Mo was not interested, Wen Ziya was a little disappointed and said, "Most of these guys who target the spokesperson are for money, so they are called bounty hunters."

"At first I found out that you came here for me. I thought you were some bounty hunter, and I was quite happy. Who knew that you didn't want to kill me at all."

She didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed.

It’s not that I don’t want to kill you. If I really had the strength to kill you, there would be no need to argue with you...

However, after understanding the situation, Bai Mo really had no intention of taking action at this moment.

He remained calm and asked: "Now that you have become the spokesperson, what benefits has Wuyu Dandelion promised you?"

"It promised to keep me and my men alive."

"That's all?" Bai Mo shook his head and said, "Then the identity of this spokesperson is quite cheap."

"That's it, I don't want to have too much involvement with the creatures in the restricted area. If it weren't for saving the lives of my brothers, I would just fight to the death with it." Wen Ziya's voice was cold.

You are no match for that thing. It will survive if you die...

Bai Mo shook his head and said: "You could have asked it to help you clear away the endless grass seeds, otherwise it wouldn't be like this."

"It doesn't matter how I am. What's important is the safety of my brothers. I shouldn't do it at all. That thing shouldn't have his thoughts on them..."

Wen Ziya gritted her teeth and said, "I only found out later that that thing actually planted seeds on my men, making them what they are now!"

Wen Ziya has a very good relationship with her brothers. The one they have known each other for the shortest time has been more than two years, and they have been through life and death for many years. Otherwise, they would not value each other's lives so much.

But although they survived because of the protection of Wuyu Dandelion, they ended up like this. Wen Ziya only felt that the brothers were extremely strange, and she blamed herself all the time.

It doesn't matter what she does, but she can't accept the cruel fact that her subordinates are dominated by desire.

"I told you before that I want to kill my men, and it's true, because I can't accept that they are reduced to beasts in heat, and I want them to die as human beings."

Wen Ziya said lowly, "But I can't do anything to them, and I can't even commit suicide. Every time I make up my mind, I will be blocked by sudden strong emotions. Instead, I will have strong malice towards strangers. Every time I see

They all want to kill each other——"

"To tell you the truth, I want to tear you to pieces right now." As she spoke, dark green veins pulsated on her neck.

I can tell even if you don’t tell me...

Bai Mo looked at the dark red in her eyes and said: "The reason why you became like this is because the Desireless Dandelion took away your desire to die, and at the same time amplified your vigilance and malice towards strangers - the desire to manipulate is

With the ability of the guy behind the Desireless Dandelion, it is certainly impossible for him to kill you. After all, he will be harvesting you in some way after a year."

Bai Mo was quite sure of his guess. Wuyu Dandelion seemed to be planning to keep Wen Ziya in captivity, cultivate it as a thriving crop, and then harvest it after a year.

As for her group of men...

How can crops grow without fertilizer?

According to Wen Ziya, she often cannot control her emotions and wants to suck flesh and blood. She has mentioned this before and it is true.

Now that the situation is getting worse, she can't help but want to do something to her men many times. In order to control herself, she has been sleeping for a long time.

It was precisely because she realized that she and her men were turning into some kind of monster that she wanted to lead everyone to seek relief and embrace death.

However, as Bai Mo said, Wen Ziya's desire to die was indeed deprived of her. Every time this thought would just pass by, she couldn't catch it no matter what. It was difficult to even think about it, let alone beg others to take the initiative to kill her.

Kill yourself.

Seeking death seemed impossible.

The reason why Wen Ziya was able to reluctantly formulate a plan to induce Bai Mo to kill herself was because through self-hypnosis, she forcibly transferred the resentment and malice generated after seeing Bai Mo, a stranger, to herself, and wanted to kill herself.

Therefore, it was difficult to get the idea of ​​seeking death.

I have to say that as the fairest law, death cannot even be controlled by oneself. How sad is this?

After hearing what she said, Bai Mo sighed slightly: "So you want me to kill you?"

"That's right."

After Wen Ziya finished speaking, she was suddenly stunned.

Why...I can suddenly 'want to die' again?

Bai Mo had actually realized this a long time ago and thought: "...That thing seems to have given you the desire to die back."


Wen Ziya was about to ask a question when she suddenly froze.

Through the perspective of the plants outside the tent, she saw a strange scene:

Everyone in the camp suddenly froze, their heads twisted strangely, and they all looked in the direction of her tent, their eyes dull and dull, like those of a dead person.

Green thorns emerged from the ground, connected to their spines, and emerged from their mouths.

Like the threads pulling a doll. (To be continued)

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