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Chapter 249: Erased Memories

"Who scolded you!"

Hearing Bai Mo's words, Yang Yiyi subconsciously wanted to refute, but thinking of her current situation, she quickly shut her mouth.

She cautiously glanced quickly in the direction of Wuyu, who had his eyes closed not far away, with a look of hesitation in his eyes.

"rest assured."

Bai Mo seemed to see her worry and said calmly, "You should have felt the strong sadness just now, right? This is Wuyu's memory, and the negative impact on him will only be deeper. It should be a while."

There's no way out."

Recalling the extreme sadness that could almost swallow up all reason, Yang Yiyi nodded with a clear heart. She did not want to experience a similar experience again.

If Bai Mo hadn't woken up in time, she might have turned into a fool who could only shed tears...

She breathed a sigh of relief, hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Are those...really this guy's memories?"

Although they have exactly the same face, she still can't connect the red-haired Wuyu in front of her with Ji Bai in the picture.


Although I had only seen the tip of the iceberg of that world, everything shown in the picture just now was completely different from the world Yang Yiyi knew.

Whether it was Yunhua, Huai'an, or those monster-like evil things, she could not find similar traces in the past history.

In other words... this is an era that is hidden, or is being annihilated in history.

"It should be right."

While she was thinking, Bai Mo's deliberation voice sounded in her ears.

Yang Yiyi came back to her senses.

"Then...does that girl named Qinglian also exist?" There was a bit of sadness in her voice, as if she had some regrets.

Sentimental guy.

"Yes." Bai Mo nodded, "To be sealed in the deepest part of memory, it seems that this girl is very important to Wuyu."

"You don't have to say this?" Yang Yiyi was a little excited and raised her voice and said, "That guy is sorry for Qinglian!"

"I don't know if Ji Bai has found a way to restore Qinglian." After a while, she sighed and shook her head in self-denial, "No, I'm afraid not, otherwise this guy wouldn't be like this.


She looked at Wuyu not far away.

Bai Mo said nothing.

Yang Yiyi seemed to accidentally glance at his palm that was pierced by dead night grass, snorted coldly, and asked pretending to be impatient: "By the way, what's wrong with your hand?"

This thing was clearly in her hands before, and she didn’t know when it was taken away by this guy...

"I stabbed it myself - pain is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of this illusion type attack."

Bai Mo spoke calmly, and unhurriedly pulled out the Dead Night Grass from the wound on his palm.

To say it sounds so nice, isn’t it just self-harm...

Seeing his expressionless expression, Yang Yiyi was a little suspicious: "But I don't think you are in much pain..."


Bai Mo glanced at her, "The roots of dead night grass can be used as medicine after being crushed. The effect is to greatly increase the pain. If I didn't happen to have this thing, I'm afraid it would be difficult to 'wake up'."

Yang Yiyi was stunned for a moment, then slowly took out a Quick Healing Talisman from her pocket and gave it to him, her eyes evasive as she said, "Really, that's quite a coincidence."


Bai Mo narrowed his eyes, "It's indeed a coincidence."

After thinking for a short time, he suddenly realized something.

If it develops according to normal logic, after he gets the information about the dragon's body from the dragon head, he will naturally go there quickly, and then enter the dragon's belly through the art of external eating, and then use the protection of the dragon's blood provided by the dragon head to safely die.

Night grass.

And that’s exactly how things unfolded.

However, although he and Yang Yiyi successfully obtained the Dead Night Grass from the dragon's belly, they were also trapped in the area of ​​shriveled flesh and blood covered by the dragon's blood and were unable to set foot in other areas.

The appearance of those eyeballs was a completely unknown existence, which was beyond Bai Mo's expectation. With his current strength and his understanding of their preciousness, he naturally couldn't think of how to escape.

And it is this that is worth noting.

Bai Mo knew very well that if Wuyu's fake body hadn't suddenly revived, and because of his own temperament, he would definitely not sit still and wait for death. He would definitely continue to look for ways to leave the dragon's belly, and might also try to destroy those eyeballs and mouths in the process.

And when all the eyeballs are destroyed, the blue eyeball will naturally appear quietly. At that time, Bai Mo himself will end up with the same fate as Wuyu.

That is to say...

A certain thought gradually enlarged in his mind, and Bai Mo's eyes grew colder.

In other words, if Wuyu did not appear in the belly of the dragon, then Bai Mo himself should have been the one to meet Wuyu's fate at this moment.

Instead of Wuyu, he will be suddenly pulled into a sad memory that he does not want to touch, and his heart will be filled with sadness, wishing he could kill himself.

This is how the plot should go.

If it hadn't been for the resurgence of the Wuyu fake body that caused some deviation in the development of things, Bai Mo had no doubt that he would have been tricked.


This is exactly the trap that the dragon head carefully prepared for himself.

It's just that this trap was stepped on by Wuyu first by mistake.

Bai Mo tried to recall the sad past that he didn't want to touch, but his mind felt empty - he seemed to have no memory of this.

There are many sad things, but they are not enough to affect his mood...


An idea flashed in his mind, Bai Mo's eyes changed, and he decided to think from another angle.

If you say...

What if he didn't really have nothing extremely sad, but just like Wuyu, he deliberately hid this memory of himself?

Just like Wuyu, could he have deliberately closed a certain memory on his own, just waiting for a certain moment to revive this memory?

In this way, assuming there is someone behind this incident, then the ability of the blue eyeball is actually to dig out hidden memories, and he happens to have a hidden memory that needs to be revealed. Would this idea be more reasonable?

You know, Bai Mo just happens to have the dead night grass in his hand that can be awakened by the power of the eyeball...

Dead night grass has two wonderful functions. One is to hide traces, which can prevent the eyeballs on the flesh wall from being watched continuously;

The second is to intensify the pain. The effect has already been demonstrated, that is, to amplify the pain, so that people can quickly wake up from the illusion.

——This is simply a key prop specially prepared for this moment.

And if that is really the case, the purpose of the person who arranged the plan is self-evident. He wants Bai Mo to remember this hidden memory, or...

It's the planner himself who wants to check his memory!

Bai Mo suddenly became alert, this was not impossible.


He was a little confused and murmured in his heart, "When did I hide a memory..."


As a toothache-inducing sound rang out, the long-dusted iron door opened, and a staggering figure appeared in this dead cemetery.

This is a cute girl with a round face, but she looks quite embarrassed at this moment, her hair is stuck to her forehead with sweat, one leg seems to be injured, and she is limping when she walks.

She held on to the door frame and glanced back hastily, as if she was avoiding some terrible pursuer.

She didn't know when the fog had filled the air behind her, but fortunately no one was chasing her, so she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"As expected of the restricted area where the tomb keeper is located, it does have terrifying power. Those guys don't dare to set foot in it..."

Liu Qingqing endured the severe pain in her legs, with a smile on her face as she survived the disaster.

But the next second, the smile on her face disappeared, and she couldn't help but swallow.

All you can see are dead black tombstones. Behind each tombstone is a deep square pit with a black coffin placed inside.

I don’t know if there is anyone in the coffin...

There is only a single path in front of you, right between these tombstones, which seems to lead to hell.

Desolation, deathly silence, the surroundings were suddenly silent, like the end of the world that lasted for a long time.

Although nothing terrible happened, and this scene was not shocking, Liu Qingqing's spine still felt uncontrollably cold, as if she was being watched by countless cold gazes.

She swallowed, secretly cheered herself up, took out a strange ghost coin, and carefully stepped onto the path.

When the fire light came on, the Ming Coin suddenly spontaneously ignited, and just went out when it was halfway burning, just like a train checking tickets, and the cold voyeuristic feeling disappeared.

Liu Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief——

That guy Bai Mo didn't lie to him. The life money was indeed very useful. This should mean that he can move around in the cemetery as he pleases, right?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little more courageous. Dragging her injured leg, she quickly crossed the path and walked to a wooden house.

She took a deep breath, opened the door and walked in.

The room was unexpectedly neat and tidy, not as gloomy as expected.

Liu Qingqing found a place to sit down, pulled open her trouser legs, exposing her white and tender calves, gritted her teeth and began to treat the injury.

...her calf bones were shattered.

"It happened to be that Lu Zhan was not around to attack me. It seems that it has been planned for a long time..."

Liu Qingqing kept gasping for air, her face turned pale, and she was almost crying from the pain.

But she held back and muttered something.

"We must contact Lu Zhan as soon as possible and tell him what happened in Dongyang City."

She was chased for half an hour, but Dongyang City simply ignored her plea for help. This was obviously very problematic.

However, Liu Qingqing thought for a long time and still couldn't figure out why those guys would attack her. She hardly had any contact with outsiders and didn't even have any enemies. How could she be hunted down for no reason?

What's more, it's that kind of monster...

If she hadn't escaped to the gravekeeper's cemetery, she would have been caught up by those guys soon.

Could it be that...

Seeing the hut where she was now, and thinking of Bai Mo's serious expression, Liu Qingqing's mind suddenly rang with what Bai Mo once said to herself -

You don’t need to know why, you just need to remember that when Dongyang City encounters a life-or-death crisis in the future, you will give him the memory I left for Lu Wei; if you meet me again in the future, give me another memory

Look, do you understand?"

Before returning the memory, you need to keep this matter strictly confidential, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

Liu Qingqing was stunned.

Bai Mo said that he had erased his memory, and also said that this matter was very important and that if he was not careful, he might be in danger.

Could it be that... this pursuit is related to the memory Bai Mo asked himself to keep?

This chapter has been completed!
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