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Chapter 253 The Angler and the Man in the Coffin

This is a desolate and strange place.

The soil is black, the sky is black, it is clearly a dark and dead place, but you can barely see, like the glimmer of light in a horror movie, the last glimmer of hope in despair.

Looking around, there are identical cabins all around. Even the missing corners of the wooden doors are exactly the same. They are densely packed everywhere with no rules and no reference. If you are among them, you will risk getting lost if you are not careful. .

It was gray outside, and time seemed to freeze, as if it was at the critical point between dusk and night. The gray mist loomed at the end of the line of sight, constantly spreading, shrinking, flipping and rising, as if a certain being was breathing extremely rhythmically.

The rotten wooden door fell to one side and broke into pieces when touched. Half of the door had turned into sawdust and was soon swallowed up by dense black spots.

It was an army of ants marching neatly, with a terrifying and strange pattern behind it——

Looking down from a high position, it looks like a weird crying face that is constantly changing, with indescribable malice. I don’t know if it is an illusion. There seems to be a vague cry in the ant colony. When it comes out, it makes people’s hair stand on end.

The sky was extremely gloomy, and crows the size of basketballs were constantly circling in the air, as if weaving a large black net. Their eyes were deep blood red, and their beaks and claws were also red. They looked down at everything on the ground with cold eyes.

All weird monsters that only exist in dreams have emerged here.

Weird and weird, it's like a gloomy dream.


Suddenly, a rotten wooden door was pushed open. The wooden door fell to the ground unsatisfactorily. The group of ants behind it seemed to be very happy. They were ready to go up and bite, but they suddenly stopped halfway. He stopped his steps and hurriedly fled in the other direction at a faster speed.

The expression on the crying face behind him changed, seeming to be a little frightened.

A pale man walked out of my room.

Bai Mo looked at the dark sky, twisted his neck, and moved his muscles. The meaning in his eyes was unclear.

Perhaps because too much time had passed, those coffins were more fragile than he thought, and they actually broke at a touch, which saved him a lot of effort.

"There seems to be some strange things in this place..."

He muttered to himself and walked in a random direction.

There is no direction to where the coffin is buried, because everything is the same, but Bai Mo is not trying his luck, but has been secretly observing something along the way.

And as he left, the previously collapsed door of the cabin slowly emerged and reappeared in front of the door of the cabin, and then slowly closed as if pushed by an invisible hand.


The door is closed and everything is restored to the same state as before. All the cabins are in the same state again, and no difference can be seen.

This may be the reason for their eternal existence.

...But Bai Mo can see this difference.

Although the cabins will repair themselves, within a short period of time, there is a discernible difference between the restored and unrepaired cabins.

As long as there are cabins with such differences along the way, it is a feasible road.

The wooden door of the cabin is too fragile and will inevitably collapse as soon as it is opened. As long as you can find such a collapsed wooden door, it means that someone has entered or left the cabin recently.

In the coffin burial ground, ordinary monsters cannot enter or exit the cabin at will. Although it looks fragile and may collapse at any time, in fact, only beings and former human beings have the authority to enter and exit the cabin.

This is an extremely overbearing rule.

Bai Mo was in a state of self-isolation at the time. To put it simply, he was a happy fool. He had limited communication with Lu Zhan and others, so he didn't know if the curse that could drag people into a coffin was still going on.

And if that curse still exists, that is, the mud-covered corpse is still moving, then people will come one after another to the place where the coffins are buried.

If that's the case, there will always be a few of these people who can break open the coffin and leave the wooden house, and the door will naturally collapse during the opening, leaving traces -

But regardless of whether the curse continues or not, these are not the people Bai Mo is looking for.

If ideal, he would of course want to find the corpse that spread the curse, so that he could not only use it as nutrients to restore part of his strength, but also strangle it and block the way to the burial ground.

The place where the coffin is buried is extremely important and cannot be left to ordinary people to come and go at will, but this kind of thing...I guess that guy has already dealt with it.

What Bai Mo is really looking for is a "scavenger".

There must be scavengers in the coffin burial ground. They are the rare existences in the coffin burial ground that have the authority to enter the cabin. Generally speaking, when the guy falls asleep, the scavengers will wander around the coffin burial ground.

main existence.

――They are also the key to Bai Mo's restoration of strength.

In fact, it would be easier for Bai Mo to find that guy to deal with after regaining his strength, but they have long been at odds with each other, and the last time they met was not very pleasant.

And Bai Mo always felt a little strange about the appearance of the middle door where the coffin was buried last time...

Now that I have lost my strength, it is better to be cautious.

Recovering strength, making some observations, and leaving the coffin as soon as possible was the purpose of Bai Mo's trip.

Adhering to a cautious attitude, Bai Mo walked carefully along the way.

Although the aura on his body is enough to intimidate most beings, some strange things may not take this trick. It has been rare to see a living person in this place for thousands of years, and there are countless beings interested in him.

Bai Mo does not feel unwilling to be bullied by a dog when he falls flat. The ranking of all things in the world is determined by strength and value. He himself is an indifferent person, so naturally he will not feel indifferent to the rules of the world.

Searching for traces of the wooden door along the way, Bai Mo kept walking forward. In the process, he kept hiding his figure to avoid being spied on by those huge things in the sky.

He could sense that something seemed to be of great interest to him -

For example, the crow we had a chance encounter with last time.

Bai Mo remembered very clearly that the last time he woke up in a coffin, he had a brief confrontation with a crow.

It was a crow the size of a basketball, with blood-colored eyes and human eyes.

This type of crow is not uncommon in coffin burial grounds.

But the key point is that there is a thin transparent line on the guy's back, which stretches all the way to the sky, hidden in the mist.

It’s just that the crow was scared away last time, but this time this one is different. It is very courageous. I don’t know if it is the same one last time, but there is also a transparent thin line on its back that is connected to the depths of the mist.

As soon as he appeared, he stared at Bai Mo for a long time.

Of course Bai Mo wasn't worried about a little crow, he was just worried about whether there was something difficult behind it, so he looked at it indifferently -

He has never lost when it comes to eye competition.

Sure enough, the crow flew away in a hurry soon. Judging from the rapid flapping of its wings, it seemed as if it was avoiding something.

Bai Mo's heart sank.

He believed that his eyes must be full of power, but now there was no aura on his body. This crow was not just an ordinary crow. Logically speaking, it shouldn't run away so quickly.

Could this be some kind of temptation?

Or should I say...

While thinking about it, a sudden change occurred.

Bai Mo could see in the dark and looked for sound. He saw black objects floating back and forth in the soil not far away, like the dorsal fin of a shark. It seemed that something was swimming freely in the soil, searching for prey.

The crow flapped its wings very fast, but the shark moved even faster. Before it could fly high, a dark dorsal fin suddenly appeared in the soil under its feet.

Like death's scythe.

The next second, a huge creature leapt up, biting most of the crow's body, dragging it down and blending it into the soil.


It was a huge black shark.

The thin line that spread into the gray mist trembled for a moment, as if hesitating whether to "retract the hook", but the person who threw the hook did not choose to do so in the end, and the thin line quickly broke.

The incident seemed to end with the crow being eaten by the shark, but it was not over yet.

Vaguely, Bai Mo seemed to hear a mocking chuckle.

The next second, he suddenly felt a chill on his spine, rolled on the spot, and stuck to the wall of the cabin.

I saw where he was originally standing, a black dorsal fin suddenly slashed across the ground, severely cutting the ground and setting off a terrifying gust of wind.

The black soil was like sea water, quickly merging again, and the shark melted into the ground and disappeared.

If Bai Meng didn't dodge in time, he would be cut in half by this blow like the land.

"Is this guy attacking me?"

Bai Mo clung to the wall, thinking that the incident was over, but the shark refused to let him go and actually jumped out of the "water" again, opened its big mouth and pounced on him -

In Bai Mo's view, this is obviously unreasonable.

There are rules for the coffin burial ground. The cabin will repair itself; only beings who are now or have been human beings can enter and exit the cabin; do not look back easily... These are the rules for the coffin burial ground.

Generally speaking, most biological battles will try to avoid affecting cabins. Although this is not an iron rule, it is an established rule.

Otherwise, if all creatures were to destroy it at will during war, the coffin burial ground would have ceased to exist long ago.

Under such rules, this simple-minded shark with well-developed limbs actually dared to go against his instinct and attack himself and the wooden house together...

All I can say is that this guy is on drugs.

Bai Mo squinted his eyes, looked up at the sky and looked at the retracted thin line.

Yes, he suspected that the crow just now was not really unable to escape, but deliberately let the shark swallow him in order to use poison to confuse its mind and make it attack him -

This is a kind of temptation!

Sure enough, it was just that his aura could deceive a simple-minded guy. For that guy with a high IQ enough to learn how to fish, it seemed to have noticed something was wrong.

But now that he doesn't think about it too much, the shark's attack is undoubtedly quite fatal to Bai Mo at this moment - he can't even dodge it in his current state.

In a flash of lightning, he made an instant decision, his back suddenly exerted force, and he slammed into the wall of the cabin.

The cabin seemed dilapidated, but the walls were quite hard, but they were still shattered under Bai Mo's desperate blow, allowing him to successfully slide into the cabin.

His back was burning and his internal organs seemed to be displaced, but Bai Mo breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but feel lucky in his heart. Fortunately, the quality of the wooden house had declined, otherwise he might have been blamed here.

If he died in the hands of such a little shark that he couldn't even name, I'm afraid Wuyu would laugh to death if he found out.

A fishy wind blew towards my face.

The huge shark suddenly crashed into the cabin, smashing it into pieces, and its huge mouth just hit the dark coffin——

As soon as he crashed into the cabin, Bai Mo had already quickly rolled behind the coffin.

The shark's small white eyes shot fiercely, staring at Bai Mo, opening its mouth and intending to swallow him together with the coffin.

But the next second.

The coffin suddenly opened a corner, and a pale hand stretched out from inside, gently pressing on the shark's teeth.

The shark's movements stopped suddenly, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Its body quickly decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually drifted away in the wind like smoke.

The pale arm retracted from the coffin, and the white ink did not contain any traces of water. He very considerately helped it close the coffin lid again, making it a tight fit.

Not long after, the wooden house began to be slowly restored.

Bai Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

I was lucky. There was a ruthless character lying in this coffin. If he had been weaker, I'm afraid the shark would have had a chance to bite him to death before the corpse could get his hands on him.

Bai Mo had just hit a wall and injured his back. Bai Mo quickly sat on the ground to regain his strength. He didn't seem to be afraid of the existence in the coffin in front of him.

But soon, his expression became solemn——

I was actually targeted by an unknown guy, uu Kanshu www.uukanshu.com This shows that the path to find the scavenger will no longer be safe.

What's even more frightening is that the guy who can fish is not the only scary person in the coffin burial ground, there may be other guys who are also eyeing him.

Bai Mo had to admit that at this moment, he still felt a little angry about being bullied by a dog.

Time was urgent, and he could not hide in the cabin without leaving, so he only recovered for a moment and quickly left the cabin.

It was quite quiet outside, and Bai Mo's face turned cold.

I didn't know when, but several strange humanoid creatures were squatting at the door waiting.

Their eyes are just like sharks, blind and white, and they seem to be controlled.

Bai Mo didn't hesitate, and his body suddenly retracted before the monster attacked.

The next second, this small wooden house, which had been repaired only a short time ago, was once again horribly damaged.

The old man in the coffin was indeed very powerful. He stretched out his pale arm again and turned several monsters into ashes.

"Are you not planning to let me leave?"

Bai Mo frowned. Did the fishing guy realize that something was wrong with him, so he started to target him crazily?

While he was thinking, he slowly closed the coffin lid.

And at this moment, in the coffin, the white arm suddenly stretched out again and grabbed Bai Mo's collar.

His arms were like ice, and a chill came from Bai Mo's neck.

"How could..."

Bai Mo was surprised, but he was dragged directly into the coffin without even a chance to react.


The coffin lid closed tightly.

The cabin began to restore itself again, and there was silence all around, as if no one had ever been there.

This chapter has been completed!
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