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Chapter 255 Scavenger

In the following time, the female corpse told many interesting things that had happened in the coffin ground, from east to west, and experienced a long time span in between.

But except for the thing mentioned at the beginning, the rest were all trivial matters, and Bai Mo didn't have much interest in them.

This guy seems to know a lot of things, but it seems to be limited to the burial ground. In a sense, she may know more than the guy with the cane...

Bai Mo retracted his thoughts and said: "You have said so much, but I still don't know who you are."

He knew very well that the female corpse in front of him was not the previous female corpse. This corpse seemed to be just an empty shell, used as a container to carry the other party's consciousness. As for the real details of this guy...

Bai Mo knows nothing.

The female corpse said calmly: "It's not the time for you to remember me yet, so I can't say - don't be angry, this is something you have repeatedly told me."

Bai Mo looked into the other person's eyes, as if he was trying to distinguish whether this sentence was true or false.

"This is a commandment we have made together."

The female corpse did not avoid Bai Mo's gaze and added.

Bai Mo was silent for a moment and whispered to himself: "Really? But I always feel that you are a little suspicious..."

Although he was mumbling to himself, he did not deliberately lower his voice.

The female corpse couldn't help laughing, but her laughter was still raw: "As a guy who can even deceive yourself, of course you will think everyone is suspicious."

Bai Mo didn't answer and asked: "This corpse grabbed me into the coffin out of nowhere. Is this your arrangement?"

"Of course not."

"That's 'my' arrangement?"


The female corpse shook her head with a strange expression, and then said seriously, "Actually, you can directly admit that you covet the beauty of this corpse, so if you want to get up close and personal, you don't have to make up any excuses - I just like corpses, and I won't laugh at it.

Your taste."

The corner of Bai Mo's mouth twitched, ignoring this guy's nonsense: "You really didn't arrange it?"

"Of course not."

"The butterfly on her neck..."

"This thing can indeed wake me up, but please believe me, its appearance has nothing to do with me."

The female corpse interrupted Bai Mo's words and cleared everything up in a few words.

"But if you still want to find me in the future, you need to find another corpse with a butterfly tattoo like this and call me out in the same way."

"I understand, but now you have to let me out first." Bai Mo said.

He wants to leave the coffin as soon as possible.

"Sorry, this is not something I can decide."

The female corpse smiled jokingly and then closed her eyes.

Bai Mo was about to speak, but suddenly noticed that the aura on the female corpse had changed. When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to his original cold appearance——

It looks like the guy left.

At the same time, he was keenly aware that the butterfly tattoo on the female corpse's neck had disappeared, leaving only a few traces of blood. This thing seemed to be similar to a one-time summoning circle.

"Weird guy...is this really an arrangement from 'me'?"

Ignoring the vicious look in the female corpse's eyes, Bai Mo thought silently.

At this moment, he suddenly felt like he was hit hard, his chest hurt violently, and a mouthful of blood almost spurted out——

This female corpse actually punched him hard as soon as she came back online.

Bai Mo subconsciously glanced at the position of his elbow and silently retracted his hand.

And it was only at this moment that he suddenly noticed that the female corpse's punch was not with the left hand that had strangled his neck before, but with a different hand.

And the other person seems to be holding something in his hand...

In addition, although this guy's expression is particularly fierce, it seems to be different from the way he wanted to kill himself at the beginning - the power of this punch is very strong, but it does not have much lethality. Compared with wanting to kill him,

Killing him is more like a reminder...

Remind what?

At this moment, Bai Mo's thoughts changed rapidly.

Soon, he moved his arm tentatively, regardless of whether he would touch something he shouldn't touch. After a lot of twists and turns, he finally touched the opponent's fist.

It is worth mentioning that the female corpse did not struggle and resist this time. Instead, she quietly loosened her fist and threw something similar to a strip of cloth into Bai Mo's hand.

During this process, her expression remained extremely fierce.

Bai Mo's heart moved, and he calmly grabbed the thing tightly, and did not choose to check it immediately.

But even if he wanted to look down, there wasn't enough space at this time.

However, at this moment, the female corpse suddenly opened her mouth wide, seemed to roar silently, her expression became extremely ferocious, and she strangled Bai Mo's neck fiercely.

Following a terrifying killing intent, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped, becoming bone-chillingly cold.

Her movements were so fast that Bai Mo couldn't react at all.

However, perhaps because her movements were too violent, the huge force instantly caused the already fragile coffin to fall into pieces.

The wood chips were scattered, and the two people rolled out of the disintegrating coffin and appeared in the wooden house at the same time.

The female corpse still strangled Bai Mo's neck tightly.

Bai Mo seemed to be frightened by the sudden attack of the female corpse, and did not make any resistance. The female corpse showed no mercy, and the huge force almost crushed his neck bones——

She seemed to no longer want to be bound by the rules of the coffin site and wanted to kill Bai Mo. Her expression was terrifying.

Blood overflowed from the corner of Bai Mo's mouth, and his consciousness gradually faded.

At this moment, he suddenly felt the strength around his neck loosen, and then he saw the female corpse's body shrouded in a burst of red light, then turned into a point of light and disappeared little by little.

Her face was shrouded in red light, and her expression was completely unclear.

All of this may be said to be delayed, but it is actually happening in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the threat disappeared, Bai Mo immediately lay on the ground and coughed violently, then gasped for breath.——

He was just a little bit closer to being killed by the real female corpse.

Fortunately, luck was still on his side.

The destruction of the coffin means that the female corpse has lost the qualification to continue to live in the coffin burial ground, and therefore was killed by the rules of the coffin burial ground.

That red light is the manifestation of the rules of the burial ground.

This was originally a thing worth celebrating, but Bai Mo couldn't be happy.

How could he not see that this female corpse was deliberately begging for death after he had lived for such a long time? She had strangled Bai Mo's neck once before, and it was clear that she could kill him without destroying the coffin.

He took action, but it happened to destroy the coffin...

This is acting!

I just don’t know... whether her wanting to kill him is real or an act. Bai Mo really feels like he almost died.

He sat up from the ground and touched his neck. There were still blue marks on it, and it hurt when he touched it.

After a short rest, he seemed to remember something, opened his hand and looked at the tattered cloth in his palm.

This strip of cloth must have been torn from a certain piece of clothing. The material looks like silk. There are no patterns on it, so it is ordinary.

Bai Mo unfolded the cloth, but when he saw the words written in blood on the cloth, he could not describe his feelings and was silent for a long time.

"It's really interesting."

After a long while, he slowly uttered these words, refolded the note and put it into his bag.

There are actually only four short words on the banner, but the information revealed is particularly terrifying——

"Don't believe it!


The twisted and crazy handwriting seems to illustrate the inner panic of the writer, and judging from the dark red color, it can be seen that this piece of cloth was written a long time ago.

There seemed to be a slight chill in the air, creeping up the white ink's spine.

Don't believe it...

Bai Mo didn't know what this sentence meant, and he didn't know if it had anything to do with the incident just now - was he trying to stop himself from trusting the guy who was possessing the female corpse?

But if that's the case, then which of that guy's words shouldn't be believed?

Even with Bai Mo's experience, he can't help but feel a little headache at this moment.

If he had really given up part of his memory, then there is no doubt that he was digging a hole for himself at this moment, and he could not see the situation in front of him at all...

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered what the guy who possessed the female corpse said about him——

"A guy who can even deceive himself."

The other party's tone when he said this was quite strange and the meaning was unclear. However, this kind of evaluation did not matter whether it was positive or negative. Bai Mo was silent for a long time and sighed.

Although it was worth paying attention to, it was not the time to think about it now. He always remembered the purpose of his trip - to find the scavenger as soon as possible and restore some strength.

Wuyu may wake up at any time, and there is a big problem with those eyes. If he wants to take the initiative, he must be faster than the other party.

What's more, several near-death encounters made him want to regain his strength even more.

Despite this thought, Bai Mo did not carelessly leave the wooden house immediately. Instead, he opened a crack in the door and looked outside for a moment -

There was no sign of anyone squatting.

But this doesn't mean that the fishing guy gave up. Maybe he just got smarter and decided to try another way.

However, Bai Mo had no time to waste. He observed carefully for a while and saw that nothing was abnormal, so he cautiously left the wooden house.

Although his abilities were completely lost, his foundation was still there, and his movements were particularly sharp. He did not make too many noises during his actions, and he continued to search for traces of the scavenger according to the previous method.

The so-called scavengers actually refer to a kind of corpses that can move freely in the coffin ground. They can enter and leave the cabin freely, and their task is to clean up the "living" corpses in the coffins.

In other words, most of the people in Dongyang City who came to the coffin burial ground due to being cursed were actually killed by the scavengers.

Only the dead need to be buried in the coffin ground, the rest is just unsightly garbage.

Although there were still various strange creatures chasing and fighting along the way, it was unexpectedly calm. For some reason, the fishing guy seemed to have given up coveting him.

Bai Mo remained vigilant and always walked close to the cabin. In this way, once he realized something was wrong, he could immediately rush into the cabin and seek shelter from the corpses in the coffins.

However, it is worth mentioning that the corpses in the wooden house have different strengths, so this process is like opening a blind box, and it is not impossible to occasionally open some strange things.

However, Bai Mo didn't seem to have this chance. He didn't encounter any dangers along the way, so naturally he didn't have to enter the cabin to hide. Not long after, he saw a humanoid creature wandering outside the cabin, wearing rotten clothes and looking like Quite silly.

Almost all the monsters in the coffin ground were not humanoid, so after just a brief observation, Bai Mo was sure that the corpse in front of him was the scavenger he was looking for.

The scavenger moved forward very slowly, and his flesh and blood rotted away, like a slow-moving zombie, wandering around aimlessly.

In fact, most of the time, the scavengers will remain in such a state. Only when they detect strange fluctuations in a certain wooden house - that is, a corpse wants to 'come to life', they will behave in a weird way. He went to the scene of the incident at a very fast speed and strangled him.

Facing the inconspicuous scavenger, those huge monsters will often avoid it. The most courageous ones will only look away after observing for a period of time, ignore this guy, and dare not take action.

In the coffin burial ground, the scavengers are the spokespersons of the rules. Of course, no creature will provoke them without opening their eyes if it is not necessary.

However, at this moment, there was a guy who had an idea for them.

Bai Mo always stayed close to the wooden house, guarding against risks that might arise at any time, and then quietly approached the scavenger.

His aura didn't seem to belong to a living person, so even if the scavenger noticed it, he just stopped in the distance, tilted his head in confusion, and then stopped paying attention to Bai Mo behind him and continued aimlessly. walking.

Bai Mo felt relieved.

The existence attribute that I changed has not changed, which indirectly shows that the basic rules of the burial ground have not changed much - this is undoubtedly a thing to be thankful for, otherwise, let alone relying on the scavenger to restore strength, I'm afraid He will be chased by the opponent as soon as he gets close.

He held his breath, carefully, and gradually closed the distance between him and the scavenger.

When the distance was close enough, he could naturally see the whole sweeper clearly.

In fact, there is nothing special about the scavenger. It is just a highly decomposed corpse. The stench exuding from its body is exactly the same as that in the wooden house, and its movements are too slow.

But if anyone dares to treat it as an ordinary zombie, they will definitely be in bad luck.

Due to various reasons, countless living people have appeared in the burial ground over the past ten thousand years, but without exception, they all died in the hands of these corpses and were buried in the soil like garbage.

--They are the nightmare of the coffin ground.

Although Bai Mo was cautious, his speed was not slow and he arrived behind the scavenger soon.

However, just when he was about to take action, he saw the scavenger in front of him suddenly stopped moving, his head tilted slightly, and he looked in a certain direction.

A terrible pressure suddenly dropped.

The next second, its figure disappeared from the spot. The terrifying speed brought up a strong hurricane, the ground cracked, and black sand filled the sky.

The high-speed moving scavenger was like a steel knife. Except for the wooden houses along the way, everything in the way was cut into pieces by it. Several weird creatures were cut in half. It didn't take long for them to become a giant.

A meal for a giant ape.

Just like that, the scavenger left with unrivaled power.

Bai Mo froze on the spot, and a question mark slowly appeared on his head——

No, I was about to meet this guy. At this time, a new living person appeared in the coffin burial ground?

Are you kidding me?

——The only thing that can make the scavenger suddenly so excited is the appearance of the living in the wooden house.

However, the established facts cannot be changed, and changing the target at this moment may not lead to finding another scavenger quickly, so Bai Mo can only be patient and quickly chase after the scavenger in the direction it left.

The mess along the way seemed to mark Ting Daofu's route, and the ground was slowly being repaired at a slow speed.

Fortunately, the living person who suddenly appeared was not far from here, and Bai Mo arrived at his destination not long after.


This chapter has been completed!
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