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Chapter 296 The origin of the abilities of the extraordinary!

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Surrounded by red flames, an eyeball ran rampantly, trying to escape from the cage of flames.

However it has no effect.

——He Shang’s initial target was this weird eye in the sky.

He didn't understand what the true form of the Lord of Wuji City was and why he could fight with some of his stumps. However, adhering to the concept of eliminating the most threatening targets first in battle, he kept an eye on this beast from the beginning. There was a big problem in his intuition. eyes.

When the city lord of Wuji City was preparing to sneak attack him, he was also secretly planning a sneak attack, waiting for the moment when the other party relaxed his vigilance.

Seeing that the blow was successful, He Shang's expression remained normal, and without any hesitation, he immediately detonated the extremely suppressed flame in the air.

As if a huge boulder was thrown into a quiet lake, the flames exploded instantly, heat waves rushed in all directions, the air seemed to be completely ignited, and one breath could burn your throat.

There was a loud noise in the sky, and the commotion was unprecedentedly loud.

In Wuji City, on the hillside in the distance, many people seemed to have something in their hearts and turned to look in the direction of the two of them, with different expressions.

He Shang never thought of holding back in this sneak attack, so the explosion just now was one of his most lethal means, striving to defeat the enemy with one blow.

Half a moment.

The flames dissipated and the eyeballs disappeared without a trace, leaving only the scorching temperature.

He Shang breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that the mysterious city lord did not prepare for this sneak attack in time, or in other words - he simply did not know how to prepare for such an attack.

Everyone in the world knows that He Shang is immortal and has the ability to control fire, which is why the latter has the name Shen Huang. However, few people know the nature of his ability -

He Shang's true ability is called [Volcanic Hell].

It is said that in order to punish the guilty, the souls of the sinners in the world will be sent to the eighteen levels of hell.

The sixteenth level is the volcanic hell, which is used to punish those who harm the public and enrich themselves, give and take bribes, steal, rob money, set fires, as well as monks and Taoist priests who violate the precepts. The punishment is to drive the guilty into the volcano and burn them alive without death.

Oddly enough, "immortality" and "burning alive" are exactly the two characteristics of He Shang's abilities.

Almost no one knows that he can not only control the red and scorching outer flames, but also mobilize the karmic fire from the inside out of the human body, causing it to explode and die.

This is a traceless attack method. To outsiders, it looks like flames appearing out of thin air. It is very secretive when activated and cannot be guarded against.

He Shang has always used karma fire as a hidden trump card. Even if he occasionally uses it, he will cover it up with red outer flames. However, the Lord of Wuji City obviously suffered the loss of unknown intelligence this time and took this blow abruptly. Every eyeball was melted.

Seeing that the eyeball disappeared, the sense of crisis in He Shang's heart immediately dissipated a lot. He didn't hesitate, didn't even glance at the blue arm in the distance, and immediately ran towards the distance.

Although he was very interested in what the Lord of Wuji City just said, he did not have the confidence to win over the other party. The ability of that hand was not clear yet. Who knew whether the other party would send out another thigh-eared weapon later? What is coming, so leaving as soon as possible is the best choice.

If the monk can escape but cannot escape from the temple, he will bring more people here next time.

"No matter what, I must trick that guy into killing me next time..."

He Shang was thinking sadly in his heart, and suddenly seemed to notice something. He stopped in his steps and looked ahead as if facing a formidable enemy.

The boy's hole suddenly tightened.

I don't know when, but the broken earth he stood on before disappeared, and what appeared in front of him was a brand new environment——

This is a cracked black earth.

Thousands of miles of red ground, there are piles of corpses. There are only scorched earth and stumps as far as the eye can see, with no sign of life at all.

Death and ruin are the only two words that can be outlined here.

In the sky, a red sun hung high, the fire was dazzling, but not only did it not bring any temperature,

Instead, He Shang felt an inexplicable coldness in his heart.

His expression darkened.

...That was not a red sun at all.

It is clearly a huge eyeball wrapped in flames!

"What place is this..."

He Shang murmured to himself, only to feel inexplicably irritable. Countless negative emotions kept interrupting his heart, giving him an inexplicable bloodthirsty impulse.

But he didn't seem to notice this.

"As you can see, you are in my eyes."

In the sky, the voice of the Lord of Wuji City sounded calmly, but it was like thunder exploding in He Shang's ears.

He looked blank: "Am I...in one eye?"

"This is not an illusion, but a real space - the scorched earth you are standing on now, the bones beside you, the dried blood on the ground, and even the restless air you breathe... all of this is real.


As if he had guessed what He Shang was thinking, the Lord of Wuji City explained, "Yes, there is a world hidden in my eyes, and you are in it now."

There is a small world hidden in the eyes...

I see.

It was hard to accept this matter, but He Shang was shocked, but seemed to suddenly understand something -

Rumor has it that although the city lord of Wuji City has not been in Wuji City for a long time, he can observe the situation in every corner of Wuji City at all times, which is comparable to the gods of Wuji City.

This is information that everyone knows.

At first, Huang Quan thought that this might just be due to the advanced technology in Wuji City. After all, high-end cameras are located in every corner of Wuji City. Perhaps it is through this monitoring system that the city lord of Wuji City can keep an eye on everything in Wuji City.

However, surveillance may have blind spots, but the surveillance of the Lord of Wuji City does not.

And if the Lord of Wuji City can really hide a small world in his eyes, then this matter may be explained!

Normal people usually have two eyes. Since one of this guy's eyes can be used to hide this battlefield-like world, then the other eye that has not appeared at this moment...

Could it be that he is actually looking at Wuji City?

Or should we say... Wuji City was actually "swallowed" into one of the eyes of the city lord of Wuji City a long time ago, and became the world in his eyes?

Thinking of this, He Shang couldn't help but feel horrified.

If this is the case, then in a sense, those lovers in Wuji City who abide by abnormal laws and are forced to fall in love... aren't they just a group of livestock in captivity?

And the fact seems to be true. It is said that they do not need to work, they only need to eat, sleep and fall in love every day...

He Shang took a deep breath, looked at the eyes in the sky and said: "There is a world hidden in the eyes. This is not something that humans can do, at least I can't imagine it."

This is the truth.

"Although it is clear that you are testing me, I can tell you this - I am indeed not a human being." The voice of the Lord of Wuji City sounded.

"Then what are you?" He Shang narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although Huang Quan has some guesses about the identities of these guys who have been hiding until now, he does not know their specific origins.

The Lord of Wuji City was silent for a moment and said calmly: "You have to understand that you are the prisoner now. It is you who need to answer questions, not me."

Tsk, don’t you want to say it...

He Shang curled his lips unwillingly, looked at his eyeballs wrapped in flames, and couldn't help but regretted: "I didn't expect that this wouldn't burn you to death."

The tone was quite dejected.

He was actually quite confident in his move. Unfortunately, this guy was definitely a monster. After all, he could hide the world in his eyes... He was really unlucky.

The tone of the city lord of Wuji City was neither happy nor sad: "I didn't expect that I could actually see the karma fire in this place."

He Shangtong's hole shrank suddenly.

"What, you want to ask me how I know this is the Karmic Fire Pair?" The Lord of Wuji City seemed to have guessed what he was thinking and asked.

He Shang took a deep breath: "To be precise, I want to know why you know the word 'karma fire'?"

There doesn't seem to be much difference between the two problems, but He Shang cares about it very much -

Like the Taoism of practitioners, the source of abilities of espers has always been a mystery.

Ability users do not need to deliberately test and develop their abilities, but have a very clear understanding of their abilities from the beginning.

It was as if there was a voice in the dark telling them what the abilities they acquired should be, including the name and characteristics of the abilities, as if there was a novice tutorial from the beginning.

For example, Ho Shang's "Volcano Hell", Liu Qingqing's "Memory Hall", etc. This is not a name randomly chosen by the ability users because they think it sounds good, but what the ability itself tells them -

The same goes for the word "karma fire".

He Shang has never exposed the existence of Karma Fire in the past. Even if it is exposed, no one will notice it, let alone call it "Karma Fire", because in a sense, it is exclusive to He Shang's ability.


However, just now, this word actually popped out of the mouth of the guy in front of him... He Shang was shocked and felt extremely ridiculous.

It's like your closest friend told you a secret that only belongs to the two of you. You thought this secret was only known to you, but one day you actually heard this secret from someone else. You can imagine how you feel.

Doubt, anger, confusion, and countless amplified negative emotions kept pouring out of He Shang's heart, but he was completely unaware of it.

"How do you know!"

"Isn't that weird? I know more than you think."

The Lord of Wuji City's tone was very calm, but the more so, the more violent He Shang's mood became.

"I asked you why you know!"

"You ask why..."

The city lord didn't care about He Shang's attitude. He seemed to think for a moment and said calmly, "I see...it seems you don't know where your abilities come from-"

"A bunch of shameless thieves."

His voice grew colder.

"Thief?" He Shang was stunned.

"Yes, it's a thief."

The city lord recalled, "No matter in the past or in the future, human beings should be the weakest race and should always be on the ground - that's how things should be."

He Shang's heart was beating wildly, and he felt that he might be approaching a huge secret that he had never seen before.

The voice of the Lord of Wuji City continued to sound.

"Of course I am no stranger to karma fire. You might as well take a look at the scenes around you - blood and fire, crime and punishment, death and hatred... these are the best fuel for karma fire."

He Shang raised his eyes and looked around, suddenly stunned.

Sure enough, he realized at this moment that the sins in this land were extremely heavy, almost to a terrifying level.

Maybe this is the real eighteen levels of hell...

not good!

At this moment, he found that under the influence of his sins, his emotions seemed to be greatly disturbed, and he quickly held his breath and concentrated to calm down.

"No wonder a mere eye can summon such powerful karma fire..."

He Shang murmured to himself.

Thinking of this, he had a sudden thought and couldn't help but guess, "Could it be that...it is precisely because the sin karma in this eye is too heavy that this guy cultivated 'love' in the other eye to neutralize it?"

Before he could think about it, the Lord of Wuji City continued: "The term "Karma Fire" does not originate from us, including your abilities."

This sentence instantly attracted He Shang's attention.

"What's the meaning?"

He was breathing rapidly, and thinking of what the city lord had just said, a bold guess suddenly came to his mind.

Could it be that...

"Didn't you already guess it?"

The Lord of Wuji City said calmly, "Human beings don't have any abilities. The reason why you can survive so far and even become the so-called primates of all things is because of one thing -"

"You shamelessly stole our abilities!"

He Shang was completely sluggish.

Logically speaking, he should be very happy after the mystery of the origin of his extraordinary abilities was revealed, but for some reason, he couldn't be happy no matter what. Instead, he felt extremely terrified, as if something was holding his heart.


...Behind a revealed puzzle are often more puzzles, and behind the puzzles is a bottomless abyss.

He Shang had no time to think.

He knew very well that the reason why the Lord of Wuji City brought him to this space was undoubtedly to target his "immortal" characteristic and to trap him.

He doesn't know what the other party's purpose is, but his final end will definitely not be too good -

This is feedback from the sixth sense.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the other party suddenly told him such a thing - because this guy never thought of letting him leave.

"No, this information must be passed on no matter what!" He Shang gritted his teeth and told himself.

The buried history needs to be pieced together, and the origin of the extraordinary ability is undoubtedly a very important part of it. Huang Quan needs this information!

"Can you tell me who stole your abilities?"

He remained calm, asking questions while secretly thinking about escape strategies.

"This question..."

Hearing these words, the voice of the Lord of Wuji City was unusually filled with complicated emotions. However, just when he was about to say something, something changed suddenly.

The "big fireball" in the sky suddenly turned in one direction, as if it noticed something unexpected.

He Shang's expression changed slightly. As expected, that should be the direction of Wuji City.

The next second, something happened that stunned him.

The eyeball in the sky suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding scene flickered for a moment, and soon returned to its original appearance -

He returned to his original world.

The air was dead, and the arms and eyeballs were missing.

That guy just left like that?

He Shang was stunned for a moment, looking in the direction of Wuji City with a strange expression, not knowing how to describe his mood.

No, nothing is so important...

Did you completely abandon me?

This chapter has been completed!
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