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Chapter 350 The most charming and most dangerous

"You're moving too slowly."

On a broken rock, Liao Xin looked at the mountains in the distance, shook his head and said, "If you had come a little slower, I might have lost my target."

Behind him, Lu Ye swallowed, looked around, and said dully: "Captain, who are you talking to?"

Ever since the captain narrowly escaped death from the bride, she felt that the captain had changed. He often did things that she couldn't understand. However, even if she was used to it, suddenly talking to the air like this still made her feel uncomfortable.

She felt very scared.

The few remaining subordinates also looked at each other in confusion. They all noticed that something was wrong with Liao Xin, but they did not dare to question casually, nor did they have the courage to ask like Lu Ye.

"You'll know right away."

Liao Xin looked expressionless as he picked up a white ball of paper blown by the wind from the ground and slowly opened it.

Lu Ye looked at this scene curiously. After taking apart the paper ball, he discovered that this thing was actually made of a paper man. He didn't know why it appeared in this place.

This is a female paper doll, with two thick braids on the left and right sides hanging down in front of her body. In addition to blush, she also has lipstick on her mouth, and her narrow eyes are even painted with eye shadow. Look.

It looks charming and weird.

She didn’t know why, but when she looked at the paper man, she realized that the paper man seemed to be looking at her, but after blinking, she noticed that the paper man didn’t even have eyeballs drawn on it, and she couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief.

, secretly saying that he has been too nervous recently, and even had an illusion in broad daylight.

"Captain, this is..."

"Do you like it?" Liao Xin interrupted her and asked.

Who would like such a weird thing?

Lu Ye shook his head and said: "No, I don't really like it..."

"Really? That's a pity, she quite likes you."

Like me?

Lu Ye was stunned and was about to ask what this meant when suddenly his penis shrank, his body became extremely stiff, and his mouth opened uncontrollably.

As if she thought this was not enough, under the control of an unknown force, her two hands suddenly grabbed her upper and lower jaws, opened them with all her strength, and tore the corners of her mouth violently, just to make her mouth grow bigger.


Severe pain hit him, but Midoriya couldn't even scream. He could only watch the female paper figure burrowing into his mouth and then into her stomach in two or two strokes.

All this happened in just a few seconds. Seeing that Lu Ye's back was motionless, several subordinates behind him felt something was wrong and couldn't help but ask: "Vice Captain, are you okay?"

Lu Ye did not answer, but suddenly took the long hair hanging behind him in front of him and carefully braided it.

Everyone swallowed and had no choice but to turn their attention to Liao Xin and asked: "Captain, vice-captain, she..."

Liao Xin put his index finger between his lips and interrupted in a low voice: "Shh, you will know soon."

A strange aura began to spread around.

I don’t know how long it took, but Lu Ye finally finished braiding his hair. He suddenly turned back to look at a few people and asked in a high-pitched voice: “Do you think I’m beautiful?”

Her originally smooth hair was braided into two braids in front of her body. The corners of her eyes were cut out, making them look a bit narrower. Her lips were extremely scarlet, and blood was oozing from the cracked corners of her mouth.

Seeing the bloody gums was particularly eye-catching.

"Beautiful...beautiful...beautiful to your mother!"

Several of his men were almost out of their wits, but finally realized something was wrong, so they couldn't bear it anymore and quickly retreated while firing.

But it's too late.

Although they evacuated very quickly, only their bodies escaped. Their heads stayed in place from the beginning, and the expressions of disgust and horror on their faces were still changing, and the bodies fell to the ground.

Dying without feeling pain - this may be the only thing they feel happy about before they die.

"Isn't it enough..."

Lu Ye silently came to the corpses of several people, wiped a large amount of blood from the necks of the three people, and applied it on his cheeks one by one. Then he opened the eyelids of a human head and carefully observed the eyeballs for a moment.

Then he nodded with satisfaction and spoke shyly.

"Sure enough, it's much more beautiful this way."

Just as she was feeling pity for herself, Liao Xin behind her suddenly said: "Don't waste time, I have found the target, but the people around her are a bit tricky and you need to deal with them."

Luye asked: "Is it the bride in the wedding dress you mentioned before?"

"It's not her, it's another man. Although I haven't seen him take action, he gives me a very dangerous feeling, so I don't dare to get close to observe. Please remember to be careful when the time comes."

"Man?" Luye said dissatisfied, "I came here because I heard there was a bride here, just to compete with her to see who is more beautiful. But now you tell me that the person I want to deal with is a man?"

"It doesn't matter. I also know where the bride is. The top priority right now is to capture the target first."

"No, tell me one thing first. Who is more beautiful, me or the bride?"

Luye seemed to be planning to act like a shy little daughter when speaking, but it was really unflattering to match his appearance. He looked like an evil ghost coming out of hell, so ugly that even Liao Xin couldn't help but tremble.

"Of course you are beautiful."

Luye chuckled: "It's true. I'm so happy."

"Of course, let's go."

Liao Xin's face was expressionless. Although he was not a human, he still had basic aesthetic abilities. However, although this guy was infinitely ugly, he had never seen the bride after all. There was no problem in assuming that this guy looked prettier.

It's true.

The Wuchong slope is more difficult to climb than Yang Yiyi imagined.

Logically speaking, as an extraordinary person, it shouldn't be difficult for her to withstand a gravity that is three times her own body weight. However, she became more and more tired as she walked, and soon she was sweating profusely.

Bai Mo also noticed something was wrong. There seemed to be something wrong with this guy. If he climbed down like this, he might not be able to reach Linxia City by tonight.

"Sister Yiyi, are you okay?" Seeing Yang Yiyi panting, Xiaohu asked with concern, "How about we rest for a while?"

"No need, I've had enough rest."

Yang Yiyi was a little embarrassed. She never imagined that she would actually hold back the team at the last moment. What was even more embarrassing was that there were children who came to persuade her to rest, making her want to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

"It's better to take a rest."

At this moment, Bai Mo's voice sounded.

As he spoke, he came to Yang Yiyi and said, "Give me your hand."


Although she asked this question, Yang Yiyi still handed her hand out honestly, not even feeling scared when she saw the shadow under the other person's feet entering her body.

"I must have been poisoned, right? After all, I also ate the meat of a bait beast yesterday afternoon..." she muttered in a low voice.

Bai Mo used his shadow to carefully explore Yang Yiyi's body, and his eyes suddenly darkened.

"There are actually so many marks..."

I'm afraid what Yang Yiyi said is right. Her body is really a very important treasure. In the past years, many beings have planted tracking marks in her body, just to wait for the day when the fruit matures.


However, most of the marks have been molded. This may be due to the years or the heavy rain not long ago. But even so, there are still five marks in her body, including the silk thread not long ago.

The breath of the same origin.

The reason why Yang Yiyi's body suddenly became weak was because these marks were devouring each other in her body, causing a lot of her strength to be devoured.

Bai Mo always had an expressionless face, making it difficult for people to understand his emotions. Seeing that the other party was still silent, Yang Yiyi had no choice but to ask: "How is it?"

Bai Mo was silent for a moment and said, "Please bear with it, it might hurt a little."

Yang Yiyi was startled when she heard this, waved her hands indifferently, and said calmly: "It's okay, I'm not afraid of pain."

"That's good."

The next second, a horrible scream echoed repeatedly on the Wuchong slope. Yang Yiyi seemed to have suffered some kind of torture, and several children were so frightened that they could not help but shrink their necks.

Yang Yiyi burst into tears, rolling around and cursing: "You call this a bit painful? You bastard, do you want to take this opportunity to retaliate against me?"

Bai Mo's expression remained as usual: "This kind of pain comes and goes quickly, and it won't hurt soon."

Sure enough, Yang Yiyi soon felt the pain disappear. Not only that, she found that all the strength she had lost had returned. Wuchongpo didn't care at all. She immediately got up from the ground and asked fiercely: "What do you do?


"There are many people's marks in your body. You must have been targeted. I just erased those marks, but maybe those guys will chase after you because they feel the marks disappear, so you have to follow me from now on.


"Keep following..."

Yang Yiyi was silent for a moment, turned her head and said, "Who wants to follow you all the time!"

"Of course you can choose not to follow."

"Forget it! Then I'll just follow and watch... No, it's not me following you, but you following me!"

——This is Yang Yiyi’s last stubbornness.

She thought for a while, then lowered her voice and asked: "Well... am I being targeted because those guys covet my body?"

"Not necessarily. It's hard to say it's a corpse."

Bai Mo responded casually, then turned his head and looked down the slope.

Yang Yiyi also quickly noticed something strange. When she lowered her head and looked down, she saw a man and a woman walking down the slope.

The man looked relatively normal, except that he had a large circle of gauze wrapped around his chest, while the woman looked much weirder. Not only did she wear a rustic ponytail, but she also made herself look like a human or a ghost.


Yang Yiyi had a premonition that the person coming was evil, so she quickly took the children behind her, and she also consciously came behind Bai Mo.

When he saw Bai Mo for the first time, Luye, who was originally a little uninterested, immediately widened his eyes and said excitedly: "He's a handsome guy!"

Liao Xin reminded: "He is the opponent you have to deal with."

Lu Ye hesitated: "It's okay to fight with the handsome guy, but I don't want to kill him..."

"You just need to trap him, leave the rest to me, I will take the target back." Liao Xin said seriously, "But you'd better be careful, this guy is very dangerous, don't let him get away with it.


"It doesn't matter, I just like dangerous men..."

Luye licked his lips, his eyes full of excitement, "Because the most charming ones are the most dangerous."

At the same time, Bai Mo on the slope also told Yang Yiyi: "These guys have a problem. If I can't free my hands later, you will take these brats away. Do you understand?"

This was the first time Yang Yiyi saw Bai Mo looking so serious. She immediately realized that the situation was urgent and nodded solemnly.

"I see."

Bai Mo glanced at him: "You may have to rely on yourself next. If it doesn't work, just find a place to hide and don't die."

"Don't die!"

Yang Yiyi snorted coldly and said angrily, "Be careful."

Bai Mo stopped talking. The shadow under his feet suddenly moved behind him and continued to rise from the ground, forming a series of sharp black spears. Without saying a word, he threw a spear directly.

Green Field down the slope was motionless, and she didn't know what she had done. She saw the black spear was about to appear in front of her, but the gun body suddenly broke at the next moment and merged into the ground.

Without a word of communication, the two met and immediately started a fierce confrontation.

While the two were fighting, Liao Xin's figure trembled, and his galloping figure turned into an afterimage, approaching Yang Yiyi and others.

However, in the next second, he seemed to have hit an iron door, and his figure suddenly retreated. At the same time, a huge arm made of shadow followed closely behind, clasping his neck fiercely.

Crushed his neck bones mercilessly.

Throwing it away casually, the body fell heavily to the ground like garbage.

But the strange thing is that Liao Xin did not die as a result. Instead, he stood up again after a moment and continued running towards Yang Yiyi with his head hanging down. It looked extremely strange.

"Isn't it the true body..."

Bai Mo's face was expressionless, and several spears shot out from behind him, appearing in front of Liao Xin in an instant, pinning his body to the ground completely, making him unable to move.

However, at this moment, an ugly face suddenly appeared in front of him, and the Green Sheep pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "With a beauty like me in front of you... do you still have the heart to look at others?"


Before she finished speaking, a black spike rose from the ground without any warning, completely piercing her body and piercing the air.

Bai Mo was unyielding. He raised his hand slightly, and the long knife formed by the shadow emerged from the air. Without any mercy, he cut off all Lu Ye's head and limbs.

However, the strange thing is that Lu Ye's limbs and head did not fall to the ground, but suddenly disappeared. When they reappeared, they came directly behind Bai Mo and tried to restrain him.

But this seemed to have been expected by Bai Mo. The shadow spear behind him melted instantly, and then turned into a knife, cutting off the restless legs and feet again.

Yang Yiyi stared at this scene dumbfounded.

Although she knew that Bai Mo was very powerful and had seen the opponent attack several times, this was the first time she saw Bai Mo attack with all his strength. It was a complete crushing force.

But the next second, a trace of worry suddenly arose in her heart——

Bai Mo has always been very confident in himself. If things really went so smoothly, then he wouldn't have said those words just now...

As expected, the ugly woman's body was quickly put back together, seemingly unscathed. Although she 'died' once, her expression became even more excited. She looked at Bai Mo eagerly for a while and said, "Look.

It's really difficult to get along with you, in this case..."

Her hands suddenly clasped together, and the next second, the space in front of Yang Yiyi seemed to be suddenly broken and twisted, clearly right in front of her eyes, but the figures of Bai Mo and Bai Mo gradually disappeared in her eyes, and they could not be touched, as if

Separated by a layer of glass, there is a strange feeling of dislocation.

In the glass space, looking at Bai Mo with a cold expression, Lu Ye's excited voice continued to sound.

"…Then we have to create a space where we can be alone."

This chapter has been completed!
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