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Chapter 359 Knife

The appearance of the woman in the jacket means that there are good players among this group of people.

And if nothing else is expected, the main trouble this time should come from these guys. They have been hiding in the crowd, looking for opportunities, waiting for opportunities, but I don't know why they are taking action now.

But logically speaking, the target of these people should be Yang Yiyi. They are chess pieces arranged by a certain existence to "ripen fruits", and their function is suspected to be to reasonably kill Yang Yiyi——

And just now, as long as that woman exchanged places with Yang Yiyi in the crowd, the latter's safety would be difficult to guarantee, but I don't know why the other party never did that.

But this is not surprising. Although these people are crazy, they should not be controlled by others. After all, once these people kill Yang Yiyi because they are manipulated, it is equivalent to Yang Yiyi's death being related to the other party.

, then this obviously does not fall into the category of normal death, and will greatly reduce the effect of the "fruit".

A series of thoughts flashed through Bai Mo's mind. He knew very well that although the jacket woman was dead, the trouble was not solved - there were still dense crowds around him, like dark clouds that completely blocked the sky.

No end in sight.

Someone is hiding among the crowd, spying on them secretly.

Seeing that Yang Yiyi had been freed from the shackles of the chain, Bai Mo said: "Now that the goal has been achieved, we don't need to rush to find someone. Let's go to the top of the slope first."

As he said that, he came to the body of the woman in the jacket and cut off her hands and feet with three strokes, and the chains fell off her body easily.

Although the other end of the chain is still locked around the children's necks, they have basically regained their freedom at this time, and are much better than before.

"Why go to the top of the slope?"

Yang Yiyi couldn't help but ask. She had a deep impression of Poding. She remembered that there shouldn't be anything special there, but there was a strange man who appeared there...

Thinking of this, she quickly told Bai Mo about the existence of the wet man.

Bai Mo paused slightly, thinking that this should be Wu Ziwu's ability coming into play - Yang Yiyi was in a critical state at that time, and the preset future was triggered, so that man appeared in time to kill those who tried to harm Yang Yiyi.

Paperman kills.

But from what Yang Yiyi said, he should be one of the beings who wanted to eat Yang Yiyi in the end, so the other party obviously saved Yang Yiyi not for any other purpose, but to prevent the effect of the fruit from being compromised.

Bai Mo thought for a moment, and he could roughly judge from this that the man and the being who controlled the residents of Linxia City should not be the same person. Both of them were hiding in the dark, secretly observing the direction of the incident.

I just don’t know if there are other guys besides them hiding in the dark and snooping...

Bai Mo still can't quite understand the meaning of Yang Yiyi's role.

"The top of the slope is more convenient for killing people. Follow me closely."

Bai Modan spoke calmly. Although he said so, he had actually made a decision in his heart——

This is not an option. Now that there are so many people trying to take advantage of Yang Yiyi, leaving here as soon as possible is the wisest choice.

And he remembered that the woman following the unintentional guy happened to have the ability to teleport through space, and as long as he found her, he could quickly let them leave Wu Zhongpo.

Of course, this purpose cannot be known by those guys hiding in the dark. Considering that someone might eavesdrop, he did not explicitly say what he was going to do next, otherwise he would most likely be blocked.

While thinking, Bai Mo took a step forward and walked towards the top of the slope.

At the same time, the surrounding crowds who were ready to move gathered around again, and the corpses in front of them could not restrain their love for killing.

Soon there was another round of bloody massacre, and Wuchongpo was completely dyed red.

And as expected, Bai Mo Zuo's information was not revealed. During this period, several powerful guys suddenly took action. Presumably, they were all the top experts in Linxia City. However, it was obvious that even they could not escape the control of the person behind them.

Became a monster eager to kill.

After rounds of fighting, Bai Mo finally led everyone to the top of the slope. Although the attacks of those guys did not cause him any substantial damage, they consumed a lot of his physical strength.

Especially the last pair of twins who had the ability to share life. They fought with him for a full five minutes, without fear of pain or fatal injuries. It was surprising that he spent a lot of effort until the last moment of the battle.

Only then did both of their lives disappear.

However, even though most of the power was consumed, Bai Mo didn't show it at all on his face, and he looked no different from usual.

But Yang Yiyi still vaguely noticed something. She also suspected that someone might be peeping around, so she secretly handed Bai Mo a few charms.

Although this woman is not very strong, she knows a lot of charms. The charms in her hand are not advanced, but there are all kinds of charms - what she handed to Bai Mo was a charm to promote recovery and a healing charm.

The spells are all what Bai Mo urgently needs right now.

Bai Mo took it calmly, and then suddenly asked: "By the way, do you still remember the charm you gave me when we first met?"

As he spoke, a spear formed from a shadow flew forward, piercing through several violent figures blocking the road ahead, instantly killing them all.

"First encounter..."

Yang Yiyi was stunned for a moment and murmured.

The first time she and Bai Mo met was in the Noon Market. They experienced a lot of things that time. Not only did they see a dragon, they saw a weird taboo sequence, they also saw a weird researcher...

But to say that I have given a spell...

In my impression, she seemed to have given Bai Mo two charms at that time, once in the dark human skin tunnel. At that time, she gave some basic life-saving charms, but she seemed to be disgusted by him;

As for the other time... it was a weird talisman that she didn't know the function of was copied using a fake authentication lock. In the end, the thing was sent to the dragon head, which made the dragon head furious and filial when she finally left.

One night, she remembered this very clearly.

And speaking of it, the reason why this guy suddenly came to me in the first place seemed to be because of that talisman...

Yang Yiyi knew that the other party was referring to the unknown talisman, and nodded slightly.

Bai Mo also nodded and said calmly: "Give it to me."


Yang Yiyi immediately looked suspicious, but the actual meaning was to ask the other party whether he wanted a real charm or a fake one - although Bai Mo seemed to care about the charm, he never took it away, so this thing

It has always been with Yang Yiyi.

"What do you think?" Bai Mo's cold voice sounded.

It didn’t directly say that it wanted a real charm... so it probably meant that it wanted a fake charm, right?

Yang Yiyi was a little hesitant. She didn't know if she had enough tacit understanding with this guy, but after thinking about it, she put her hand in her bag and secretly used false authentication to make a copy.

She is now quite skilled in the use of false authentication, and the talisman itself is not a very complicated thing. It is easy to fake it. In addition, she has had several experiences, so it didn't take long to copy the talisman.

, even if you haven’t watched it, it can almost look fake.

She secretly handed the charm to Bai Mo, who took it and looked at it carefully, then put it in his arms without saying a word.

However, at this moment, she suddenly grabbed Yang Yiyi's body and jumped to the right.

I saw only a strand of hair falling quietly, and then quickly disappeared without a trace in the heavy rain.

Behind the two of them, a rock quietly split into two halves, and a deep knife mark appeared on the ground, cutting off everything in its path.

Yang Yiyi was startled, as if she had thought of something, and quickly reminded: "It's that guy, that man who's all wet!"

Although she didn't see anyone, she remembered this method. The vampire with the paper man inside his body was killed by a similar invisible attack.

Bai Mo stood up and said: "It's the sword energy. The opponent used the cover of the rain curtain to launch the attack."

In the eyes of people who have practiced cold weapons such as swordsmanship and swordsmanship to a certain level, sword energy and sword energy are not illusory things. They are inevitable products after long-term practice. For example, Jian Wugui can easily wield unparalleled power.

The sword spirit.

However, his sword energy is wide open and closed. In comparison, he can converge the sword energy to such an imperceptible level, and use the violent heavy rain to launch a silent attack, but the power is quite impressive. This

It is enough to prove that the guy who just took action has extremely high attainments in the research of sword energy.

Generally speaking, most of the beings like this are not actually monsters with extraordinary talents...but rather humans who pursue the ultimate in skills.

Amidst the rain, a very sick man appeared out of nowhere. He pressed his left hand to his waist, making a knife-like gesture. His long hair covered his face, making it difficult to see his expression. It was exactly what Yang Yiyi saw not long ago.

The guy who arrived.

But now he can no longer be called a wet man. Everyone is drowned now, so no one can laugh at anyone.

The sick man smiled sinisterly and said: "Although I prefer to let nature take its course, it is not good for you to waste my time like this. Since someone has accelerated the process, isn't it good to be honest? This woman

I won't touch it, but you..."

Although they couldn't see his eyes, everyone could clearly feel that the "you" he said was referring to Bai Mo.

"...Can you die?"

Before he finished speaking, his left hand that he pressed suddenly rose up. There was clearly no knife in his hand, but an invisible sword energy suddenly flew towards Bai Mo under the cover of rain.

Invisible and invisible, almost no trace can be found.

Yang Yiyi saw nothing and felt nothing. The only time she could notice the knife mark was when Bai Mo turned sideways slightly.

A deep knife mark spreads along the ground to a very far place, with several interruptions in between, as if the knife energy is jumping forward in space, elusive.

——This guy's sword skills have reached a terrifying level.

Bai Mo glanced at the knife mark that was only a few millimeters away from his feet, stared at the man for a long time, and said calmly: "Your knife skills are very powerful."

Yang Yiyi was stunned for a moment. It seemed like this was the first time she heard this guy praise someone so seriously. And he was also an enemy...

"You don't need to tell me that."

The sick man across from him gave a sinister smile and pressed his left hand to his waist again, as if he was preparing to take action again.

However, at this moment, Bai Mo's voice came again.

"So tell me your name."

After the words fell, the man's hand that was about to wave trembled slightly, and suddenly froze on the spot, falling into a sluggish state for some reason.

"My... name?"

He tilted his head, seeming to be deeply confused - things like names... always felt like something that was a long time ago to him.

The heavy rain became more violent, and before I knew it, a large group of people gathered around again, making a deafening and terrifying roar.

They began to run wildly, and the hillside shook continuously.

"It's so noisy."

The sick man murmured and waved his left hand casually.

Time seemed to pause for a moment.

The next second, the surrounding continuous rain curtain was suddenly cut into two sections from the middle. The zombie was blocked by an invisible aura and stagnated for about half a second before regaining its original appearance.

It was as if the mute button had been pressed, and together with the sound of footsteps, the roars all around suddenly disappeared.

Yang Yiyi was stunned.

I saw that the people who were surrounding me froze in place, and a thin line of blood appeared on their chests.

In the next second, their bodies were all broken into two pieces, and their upper bodies slowly slipped from their chests. The bones were scattered all over the mountain, and the blood was pouring into the sky.

With just one blow, hundreds of people died.

The strange thing is that the people behind Bai Mo all suffered the same fate, but they standing further in front were not attacked by the sword energy at all.

This man's strength was much more terrifying than Yang Yiyi imagined. Fortunately, for the sake of the so-called rules, the man had no intention of killing her from the beginning, otherwise she would never be able to survive until now.

The man remained motionless and fell into deep thought. It seemed to him that recalling his name was more important than the fruits he was about to harvest.

Under the wash of the rain, he looked so miserable, and his thin and sick body seemed to be blown down by the strong wind at any time. However, after seeing his strength just now, everyone understood what kind of terrifying guy he was.

Yang Yiyi couldn't help but look at Bai Mo. This guy seemed to have never really recovered. So when he fully recovers...will he be so strong?

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and catch up on books recently. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. www. Android and Apple are available. 】

"I seem to only remember that I come from Shuiyuan, but I don't belong to Shuiyuan."

After a long while, the man on the other side finally spoke, his voice gloomy, bringing everyone back from their thoughts.

Yang Yiyi was stunned——

Isn't Shuiyuan the B-level restricted area near the village last night? This guy actually comes from there?

No wonder I'm wet...

The sick man pressed his left hand softly and continued: "Although I don't remember the name, I seem to have a good idea -"

The man chuckled sinisterly, and his body had a bit of an unsheathed edge.

"Dao...my name is Dao."

This chapter has been completed!
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