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Nine hundred and fortieth chapters listening car

"What's wrong with you?"

Su Qin said in an indifferent voice: "No one is involved, there are no special circumstances, it's best to leave here."

As an elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, Su Qin has an old-fashioned and eccentric personality. She has long been dissatisfied with the fact that outsiders like Lu Fan have been sitting here today and watching the jokes made by the Chinese medical school.

It's just that Lu Fan and the others are members of Kong Chan, and Kong Yin is the chief of the Presbyterian Council, so they haven't been able to open their mouths and expel people.

"Is there something wrong, little friend Lu?"

Master Kongyin asked: "If you have anything to say, just say it. As long as it is beneficial to the medical profession, we will learn from it with humility."

Master Kongyin is a rare benevolent person in the Medical Presbyterian Church in the past few decades. His prestige in the Presbyterian Church is very high. Many people even secretly speculate that with the prestige of Master Kongyin, the next chief of the Presbyterian Church will be the next one.

, it may be up to him to be re-elected.

"I have nothing to do, I just have an unkind request, and I hope Chief Kongyin can agree to it," Lu Fan said sincerely.

"What's the request?" Kongyin asked.

"I have a car, and now I need to drive it directly to the venue. I would like Chief Kongyin to agree."

Lu Fan added: "The things in the car are very important. I hope Chief Kongyin can agree to let my people drive the car in immediately without any delay."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Su Qin frowned: "Do you know where this place is? Tolerating you and your people to still exist here is our greatest kindness to you."

"But you don't want to be grateful and still want to drive the car in?"

She stared at Lu Fan suspiciously and asked, "What's in the car? Do you know who are sitting here today?"

"If there is any dangerous device installed in your car, and you drive here and detonate it, the whole sky of Huaguo Medical School will collapse!"

"I don't agree, this is absolutely not okay!"

Sitting here at the finals of the Medicine God Competition are all the elites of the medical sect, as well as top power representatives from all walks of life.

Once something happens here...

It will affect not just one region or one industry, but the entire country of China, which will be deeply shaken!

Several other members of the Presbyterian Church also nodded in agreement with Su Qin's statement.

"Chief Kongyin, without further ado, if you want to know the favoritism and fraud in the Medicine God Competition, as well as the truth about what happened at Bellagio and Song Mei's villa last night, please let me drive in."

Lu Fan said persistently: "This is the only chance to seize evidence of the Ma family's crimes. Please don't hesitate, let me go immediately and let my car in."

He also added: "I have no grievances or grudges against the Chinese Medical Sect, and I am the leader of the Blood Medicine Sect. I am also very close to Master Kongchan and the Bodhisattva Sect. If it is really as you think, wouldn't I be the leader of the Blood Medicine Sect?"

Are you going to spare even your own people?"

Lu Fan understood the thoughts of these people. The more powerful they were, the more they cherished their lives.

However, time cannot be delayed. He only has five minutes at most. Once he misses these five minutes, no matter what he does, it will be too late.

Several people from the Presbyterian Church looked at each other.

"I absolutely disagree."

Su Qin shook her head decisively: "I will never leave such a large Chinese medical school in the hands of someone with ulterior motives like you..."

"When did Mr. Lu become a person with ulterior motives?"

Master Kongyin's face was a little downcast: "Besides, even old guys like us are not afraid of death, so what are you afraid of?"

"Go down and let Xiaoyou Lu's people come in with the car. I want to see what kind of explosives and bombs can be packed in this car to send all of us old bones to the sky!"

Chief Kongyin spoke, and within two minutes, a black van slowly drove to the center of the courtyard under the gaze of hundreds of pairs of eyes.

The car door opens.

Astonishingly, a modified mobile surveillance vehicle with advanced and complete equipment appeared in full view of everyone.

In the car, there were three staff members who were monitoring the situation.

The ripples that are rolling in a wavy line on the computer screen at this time represent that the car is in a monitoring state at this moment, and someone is talking, and the entire process is being monitored and recorded here.

When seeing this scene, almost everyone present subconsciously made a move to shut up and put down their mobile phones.

"You don't have to worry."

Lu Fan smiled calmly and said: "The person monitoring the car right now is not anyone present."

"He is not here at the moment, but outside the house, about four kilometers away from us."

He pointed to the stereo next to the car door and said, "Take off the earphones and play the monitoring sound for everyone to listen to."

This chapter has been completed!
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