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Chapter 127 Extracting Bennett, a bumper harvest!

 After Lin Xun read the price list in the newspaper, he felt that this NPC was less human than the 'Sinkn Blacksmith'.

After careful calculation, there are only more than 34,000 spiritual points in the inventory.

According to Bennett's price tag, his spirituality is only enough to transplant a pair of rare eyeballs.

Eyeballs must be purchased in pairs. The price listed on the price list is for a single eyeball. The cost of the transplant surgery can be worth the price of half an eyeball.

For a rare eyeball priced at 10,000 yuan, the actual price of a complete set of transplants is 25,000 yuan, a full 2.5 times increase.

Lin Xun gritted his teeth and was about to turn into an earth giant and fight to the death with this guy.

But the reason in his heart made him restrain himself from violence.

Squint your eyes and weigh the pros and cons.

‘Bennet’ is undoubtedly a very important NPC, and may also contain branch lines and subsequent game flow.

According to the nature of the underworld game, killing such NPCs with trading functions will not drop trading items.

In other words, after getting rid of the possession of 'Bennett', it is estimated that he only has the similar body skills of 'XX level transplant surgery skills'.

He has surgical tools to open holes and remove eyeballs, so he can perform transplant surgery on himself.

The craftsmanship may be a bit poor, and the "potion for proliferating nerve tissue" needed after opening the hole is missing.

But at the expense of killing an important NPC in exchange for surgical skills, Lin Xun always felt that this matter was subject to discussion.

[‘Bennett’ seemed to notice that you were strapped for cash and signaled you not to worry.]

[He took out a 'brass maracas' from the black morning coat under the beak mask and shook it gently...]

[Rustling sounds...]

[A young girl walked down the stairs next to the counter. The girl has long golden hair like the sun and a graceful figure in a black and white maid uniform. She is swaying as she moves.]

[She carries a black box and walks in front of you.]

[You can see clearly at this time that the girl's skin is faintly flashing with the luster of brass. There is a brass spring inserted in the center of the spine on her back. As she moves slightly stiffly, the brass spring also moves slightly.


[It turns out that she is a doll, but the manufacturing skills are very high, which makes it look particularly lifelike.]

['Bennett' tells you that the maid accidentally mixed a bunch of bad eyeballs with an extremely precious special eyeball when she was working, making it impossible to distinguish them.]

[If you are willing to spend a thousand spiritual points to try your luck, you may have unexpected gains.]

Another favorite of dog betting!

But Bennett's 'brass maracas' reminded Lin Xun of his own 'copper whistle'.

Is the maid doll also a summoned beast like the three-headed lion?

From this point of view, there is a high probability that Bennett has a side mission.

Lin Xun thought for a moment and put aside the idea of ​​killing Bennett for the time being.

In the token badge option, select the 20% discount.

Immediately, the prices on the price list increased to 80% of the original price, and even the black box dog betting project also changed to 800 spiritual draws per time.

Spending most of your spiritual energy to buy rare eyeballs is not worth it.

He has a trick like 'lucky gold coins' and can choose a black box lottery. No matter how he bets, he will not lose money.

[You spend 800 points of spirituality to get a chance to draw a black box.]

[The 'auxiliary maid doll' blinks at you slightly, and after playing with the box for a while, you will see a hole in it, which can only accommodate one hand.]

[You put your hand into the black box and touch a bunch of smooth and round spherical objects.]

[You pick one up at will...]

[You have obtained the ‘eyeball of an unknown creature’ (waste product)]

[After careful identification by ‘Bennett’, the origin and function of the eyeballs have become clear at a glance.]

[‘Ordinary residents’ eyeballs’ (waste), the eyeballs from ordinary residents of Sophia City, apart from their simple visual function, they only have the function of decorating the blind.]

['Bennett' reminds you not to be discouraged, life is always accompanied by ups and downs. Why not try again, there will always be a chance to work out.]

"Lucky gold coins are not effective?"

Although the lucky gold coins don't explode often, they come with the long-term BUFF of "You may make a profit, but I will never lose".

Why doesn't this work for Bennett?

Could it be...

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes and continued to draw.

[You spend 800 points of spirituality to get a chance to draw a black box.]


[You pick one up at will...]

[You have obtained the ‘eyeball of an unknown creature’ (waste product)]

['Bennett' reminds you not to be discouraged, life is always accompanied by ups and downs. Why not try again, there will always be a chance to work out.]

Come again!

[You spend 800 points of spirituality to get a chance to draw a black box.]


[You have obtained the ‘eyeball of an unknown creature’ (waste product)]


[You spend 800 points of spirituality to get a chance to draw a black box.]

[You have obtained the ‘eyeball of an unknown creature’ (waste product)]

[You spend 800 points of spirituality to get a chance to draw a black box.]

[You have obtained the ‘eyeball of an unknown creature’ (waste product)]


A total of 8,000 spiritual points were spent, and ten shots were fired in a row, but not even a decent eyeball was shipped. They were all scraps.

There is no way that the lucky gold coins will fail to take effect ten times in a row. The black box must be full of junk-grade eyeballs!

At this time, Lin Xun finally determined that Bennett was an out-and-out black-hearted merchant.

In an instant, he was furious, furious, gnashing his teeth, furious!

He has forgotten everything that needs to be discussed, weighing the pros and cons...

"Go to shit!"

[You have possessed the body of the ‘fallen earth giant’!]

[You press your feet against the earth, let out a shocking roar, and activate the ‘Blessing of Mother Earth’ with full force!]

[In ‘Bennet’’s horrified eyes, he raised the weapon in his hand - the ‘Ancient Dragon Teeth Club’.]

[The ‘auxiliary maid puppet’ on the side screamed, picked up the black box and ran all the way back to the second floor of the clinic.]

[You are about to wave the giant stick and eliminate the owner of the black clinic...]

[In the corner of the clinic, countless jumping characters appeared out of thin air, and the characters gradually pieced together to form a huge and ferocious familiar beast.]

[The beast is completely composed of chaotic characters, and the characters are constantly shaking and changing shapes. Just looking directly at this beast that is larger than the last time, you will feel disordered and chaotic.]

"Damn! What kind of trouble is the 'Almighty True Knowledge' doing at this time?"

Lin Xun is already murderous.

No matter what the monster in front of you is, if you come one, he will kill one, if you come, he will kill a pair of them!

[The 'Beast of Disordered Knowledge' roars, causing countless chaotic and beating characters to rush towards you...]

[You shouted angrily, the power increase of the 'Tiger Beast King's Belt' was transmitted to the whole body, and the 'Blessing of the Mother of the Earth' was fully activated!]

[The swollen muscles are bulging, and endless power surges inside your body...]

[With the terrifying wind pressure, I smashed the giant stick at the beast that had rushed in front of me!]

[Your attack triggers the special effect of ‘The Spirit of the Orc Chief’!]

[Your attack will cause double damage!]

[With a loud bang, the body of the 'Beast of Disordered Knowledge' was smashed to pieces, and countless characters shattered and flew...]

[You defeated the ‘Beast of Disordered Knowledge’, but you did not gain experience points.]

[Some of the characters scattered from the ‘Beast of Disordered Knowledge’ are attracted to you and integrated into your body...]

[Your ‘Blessing of Knowledge 1’ is upgraded to ‘Blessing of Knowledge 2’. After the amount of knowledge is overloaded, the upper limit of the amount of knowledge acquired will increase again!]

[The rest of the broken characters become dim and gradually disappear...]

[You once again fought off the ‘Beast of Disordered Knowledge’!]

[Your scarlet eyes look at ‘Bennet’ who is hiding in the corner of the counter, shivering...]

[The trembling ‘Bennet’ seemed to have thought of something when he saw the ‘Beast of Disordered Knowledge’ that you had smashed into rubbish. He jumped up on the spot, pointed at you and spoke incoherently...]

[You only hear disorderly words such as 'Almighty True Knowledge', 'God's Favorite', 'True God's Messenger'.]

【Do you want to kill 'Bennett'?】

Lin Xun frowned.

‘Bennett’ seems to know some inside information, so you might as well ask first before killing this guy.

After clicking 'No', the game text continues to display.

[When the excited 'Bennet' comes to his senses, he kneels down in front of you and kisses the ground at your feet...]

[It claims that it does not know that you are the messenger of ‘Almighty True Knowledge’. If he knew your distinguished status in advance, he would definitely not use those unflattering tricks to defraud you of your money.]

[It feels deeply guilty about this, and is willing to pay a huge price as an apology for violating your identity, so as to appease the anger in your heart.]

['Bennett' took out the 'brass maracas' and shook it violently...]

[The 'auxiliary maid doll' walked down the stairs. She was carrying a copper surgical tray, and a bright and huge eyeball was placed on the white gauze. 】

[She blinks her eyes, holds the gauze in both hands, and slowly kneels down in front of you...]

[You have obtained the ‘Eyeball of the Pale Dragon of the Ancient Wise Man’ (epic-level item)!]

[‘Bennett’ will give you the most precious eyeball in the clinic.]

[You look at it in confusion. The most precious eyeball in the clinic should be the legendary eyeball marked in the newspaper.]

['Bennett' smiled, this is also a little trick that cannot be put on the stage...]

[When the customer pays, it will take out the next-level eyeball.]

[It is claimed that the eyeballs have not yet fully adapted to the customer’s body. After the body adapts for a period of time, the eyeballs will be fully developed and return to the ‘should’ level.]

[After hearing this, you fell into a long silence...]

Lin Xun in front of the screen was also speechless.

This Bennett is really a damn talent!

[Do you want to continue to demand compensation from ‘Bennett’?]

Can I still ask for it?

Then we must demand compensation severely!

If I didn't ask you to come out of the same apartment today, Lin Xun would be sorry for seeing so many porcelain-related news.

Click ‘Yes’ without hesitation!

[You pull out the busy ‘Ancient Dragon Teeth Club’ and signal to ‘Bennett’, which is not enough!]

['Bennett' grinned in pain and reluctantly handed the 'brass maracas' to you with both hands.]

[You have obtained the ‘brass maracas’ (special prop)!]

[The 'auxiliary maid doll' blinks, lifts the corners of her black and white skirt, stands on tiptoes and bows slightly towards you, her figure gradually fades and disappears into the air...]

[‘Bennett’ tells you that this ‘auxiliary maid doll’ can learn some knowledge. She has learned to operate surgeries and daily chores, but has no other special functions.]

[If you want to strengthen her, you can go to the ‘Doll Factory’ to find a doll craftsman.]

['Bennett' heard that dolls have many other functions, such as 'combat maid doll', 'detection maid doll', 'self-explosion maid doll'... and even 'companion maid doll'

', all functions are available, very realistic.】

Lin Xun twitched the corner of his mouth.

What kind of doll sister is this? He has never seen it before.

[Do you want to continue to demand compensation from ‘Bennett’?]

Keep going, of course keep going!

The black-hearted merchant Bennett is undoubtedly very wealthy, and he probably still has the potential to be exploited.

Continue to click ‘Yes’.

[You mentioned the ‘Ancient Dragon Fang Giant Stick’ and continued to put pressure on ‘Bennet’!]

[‘Bennett’ covered his forehead in pain, helplessly continuing to pay...]

[It will hand the ink newspaper to you again, and you will see that the prices of items marked on the newspaper have changed differently.]

[‘The Eyeball of an Unknown Creature’ (Excellent Level), worth 1,500 points of spirituality.]

[‘The Eyeball of an Unknown Creature’ (Excellent Level), worth 2500 points of spirituality.]

[‘The Eyeball of an Unknown Creature’ (rare grade), worth 5,000 spiritual points.]

[‘The Eyeball of an Unknown Creature’ (rare grade), worth 15,000 spiritual points.]

[‘The Eyeball of an Unknown Creature’ (epic level), worth 25,000 spiritual points.]

[‘The Eyeball of an Unknown Creature’ (epic level), worth 50,000 spiritual points.]

['Bennett' will reduce the price to the lowest cost, and ensure that the materials are genuine, and there will be no shoddy goods or lower grades.]

[You turn the newspaper to the back and look at the surgery cost that remains unchanged.]

【You are furious...】

[Do you want to continue to demand compensation from ‘Bennett’?]


Squeeze again!

[You were furious and once again raised the ‘Ancient Dragon Tooth Club’ in your hand!]

[‘Bennett’ shed tears of humiliation and reduced the cost of surgery on the back of the newspaper to zero.]

[It gave up the struggle, got it right in one step, and simply reduced the cost of using the carriage to zero.]

[It even takes out a few maps from the counter and gives them to you as a gift.]

[You have obtained the ‘Driving Map of the Doll Factory’ (map)]

[You have obtained the ‘Driving Map of the Refined Copper Smelter’ (map)]

[You have obtained the ‘Driving Map of the Multiview School Association’ (map)]

[Then it collapsed to the ground, its eyes were dull, and it lost hope in life.]

[You try to talk to ‘Bennett’ again, but it just stares blankly at the ceiling of the clinic and sheds two lines of tears.]

[You understand, it has temporarily lost its language function and needs to be quiet...]

Lin Xun licked his lips.

Quickly open the inventory, and you will get a lot of rewards this time, with lots of loot.

This chapter has been completed!
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