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Chapter 129 Brass Carriage Beacon, Doll Factory

 [An ordinary wandering soul is reborn in an ancient lecture hall...]

He didn't react until he died.

The purpose of Bennett setting up the hypnotic device in the carriage is probably to prevent this kind of death.

Let customers fall into a deep sleep to avoid being frightened by monsters from the outside world, or if they are stupid enough to open the carriage, they will be caught by monsters and used as jelly beans.

Bennett has really good intentions...

The current soul strength is 3/3, which is full health.

Lin Xun spent some soul strength to reshape Bishop Huang.

After possessing the body of the ‘Earth Giant’, leave the safe house.

He casually knocked to death a student who was probing his head to scare the rest of the students to the ground, afraid to come near.

Go all the way to the first floor of the teaching building and walk out the door.

【When you step through the gate, all you can see is a vast white fog.】

[The white fog called ‘Knowledge Obstacle’ still covers the city of Sophia.]

[The ‘brass carriage’ that was originally parked not far away has now disappeared...]

Lin Xun raised three question marks.

With the carriage gone, how could he get to Bennett's clinic, let alone the doll factory for the subsequent process?

Lin Xun thought of a possibility. Would the carriage still go to the doll factory after his death and wait for him there until the end of time?

If this is the case, he will not be able to leave the teaching building, which is equivalent to being stuck.

You can return to the rest page to end the chapter and start another one.


Lin Xun does not believe in evil.

The earth giant has been transplanted with epic eyeballs, maybe he can explore in the fog.

With these thoughts in mind, he once again stepped into the fog to explore.


After a long time, Lin Xun looked at the text in front of him with no expression on his face.

【You stumble and stumble, but you can never get out of the fog.】

[Knowing that you can no longer explore, do you want to commit suicide to return to the starting point of your journey?]

Just when you want to switch back to the body of the scapegoat student, click ‘Yes’.

Lin Xun suddenly had a flash of inspiration and remembered that there was another prop that he had not yet used.

Open the inventory and there is a prop in the corner obtained from opening the treasure box in the office.

['Clear Eye Drops' (prop): A small glass bottle contains azure liquid. When you drop it into your eye sockets, magical things will happen. Using this prop, you will get clear vision in a short time.

, and sharp eyes.】

Using this prop, you might be able to see through the fog and continue the exploration process.

But there was only one item, so after much hesitation, I still didn’t click on the use option.

He still has a guess in his mind about the missing ‘brass carriage’.

Switch the scapegoat student to commit suicide.

[You lie on the ground and hit the ground hard with your head.]


【You are dead!】

[An ordinary wandering soul is reborn in an ancient lecture hall...]

After collecting the body of a scapegoat student again, Lin Xun came outside the teaching building again.

The text is displayed as before...

[The ‘brass carriage’ that was originally parked not far away has now disappeared...]

He squinted his eyes, looked at the time, and simply put down his phone.

In the living room, the maid is holding a mop and cleaning the floor over and over again.

Lin Xun thought for a moment, turned on the computer, and clicked on Writer Assistant.

As soon as I thought about it, I directed the maid to put down what she was doing and sit down at the computer desk.

"Yes, that's it, code words! Don't stop if it's less than 4,000 words."

"No, 4,000 words is too few and too short. You have to update 10,000 words every day!"

The 'auxiliary maid puppet' looked at Lin Xun, her eyes full of doubts, and she didn't know where to put her little hands.


Lin Xun sighed and realized that he still overestimated the intelligence of the doll.

He ordered a language teaching program on the TV in the living room, and took out a Xinhua dictionary from the bookcase and threw it to the maid.

"Maybe one day she will get better and I can free my hands."

Pushing the puppet to the sofa to learn knowledge, he sat in front of the computer and coded.

Since his talent was improved, it would have taken him five or six hours to code two chapters. Now he is so quick-thinking that he can type on the keyboard so fast that he basically doesn’t need to think much.

The coding time has also been reduced from six hours to two hours.

After two hours, Lin Xun stretched himself and clicked to publish the chapter.

After finishing 4,000 words for the day, he looked at the time again.

Now that you have seen it, click on "The Book of Salvation".

【You have entered the doomsday chapter.】

【Chapter 82740874】

[An ordinary wandering soul awakens in an ancient lecture hall...]

The body possessed by the earth giant came all the way outside the teaching building.

【Everything as far as the eye can see is a vast white fog.】

[You noticed something in the white mist not far away.]

[You step forward to check, and the familiar ‘brass carriage’ appears in front of you!]

Lin Xun pumped his fist excitedly.

The ‘brass carriage’ is indeed back.

If the carriage never came back, he would have no choice but to use eye drops and find his way in the fog.

[When you come to the carriage, the carriage door opens to the left and right by itself.]

[You step onto the brass steps extending from the bottom of the carriage and step inside...]

[Please select the destination you want to go to...]

【1.Bennett’s Transplant Clinic】

【2.Doll Factory】

【3. Refined copper smelting plant】

【4. Multiview School Association】

Lin Xun clicked on the first option and went straight to the transplant clinic to find Bennett.

After being taught a lesson by Bishop Huang, he did not dare to open the carriage door again, and even suspected that if he did not sleep, he might arouse the monsters in the fog.

Just change back into the body of classmate Li'er and sleep all the way to the transplant clinic.

[You suddenly wake up, the carriage has stopped without knowing when.]

[The carriage door opens by itself, and you get out of the car slowly...]

[In front of you is a building shrouded in fog, which is the familiar ‘Bennett’s Transplant Clinic’.]

[You enter the clinic, and a figure wearing a black beak mask quickly greets you.]

[‘Bennett’ tells you in fear...]

[When it sees the empty carriage returning with the carriage door open, it knows that you are probably exploring in the mist.]

[It orders several carriages to wait where you may appear to prevent you from getting lost in the fog.]

[Fortunately, you can return safely. The messenger of 'Almighty True Knowledge' is indeed omnipotent...]

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

['Bennett's rambling talk says that since the 'knowledge barrier' has come, people will get lost in the white mist when walking in the outside world.]

[At first, the ‘knowledge barrier’ indeed suppressed people’s desire for knowledge, but as time went by, the suppressed desire not only did not extinguish, but intensified.]

[People rushed into the fog like crazy, trying to find knowledge, but no one could return from the fog...]

[I don’t know where those people went, and the occasional desperate cry from the fog gradually turned into the footsteps of giants and indescribable roars...]

[Fortunately, the 'Brass Carriage' is not affected by the fog and can go to the destination according to the preset route. The airtight carriage can isolate the smell of living people, or the smell of eyeballs, and will not be caught in the fog.

An unknown giant attacks...]

[As he spoke, ‘Bennett’ took out a piece of brass metal from his morning coat and handed it to you...]

[You have obtained the ‘brass carriage beacon’ (special prop)]

['Bennett' tells you that even if you are very powerful and can explore in the 'obstacle of knowledge', you will inevitably lose your way. With this item, you can explore in the fog with confidence...]

[You have acquired knowledge, and your knowledge amount has increased by 150! Current knowledge amount: 435/600]

I learned some information through Bennett, and my knowledge level increased again.

This time it directly increased by 150 points. It seems that the new eyeballs have quite a large increase in the amount of knowledge.

Lin Xun suddenly thought about why he didn't gain any knowledge after seeing the huge monster in the fog.

Looking through the previous article, he seemed to have only seen a scaled claw of the monster. He didn't even know the name of the monster, so it makes sense that he didn't increase his knowledge.

Open the inventory to view the props.

['The Brass Carriage's Beacon' (special prop), a thin piece of brass metal with unknown symbols and lines engraved on it. Carrying this prop, the 'Brass Carriage' will automatically go to the nearest one to you.

Wait at the boarding point. You can also actively use the beacon to remotely set the waiting point for the 'Brass Carriage'.]

He couldn't help complaining that Bennett had to wait for him to die before giving him this prop.

Then I thought about it, most people would not dare to imitate his act of trying to commit suicide by opening the door halfway, so Bennett didn't expect it and it was understandable.

Just in case, he clicked to talk to Bennett again.

The text shows no valuable information.

Bennett kept repeating the words, 'I didn't expect the messenger of the true God to dare to enter the fog of knowledge', 'This is the first time I saw someone who entered the fog and came back, he is indeed the messenger of the true God' and other flattering words.


Lin Xun rolled his eyes and exited the clinic.

Board the ‘Brass Carriage’ again and head to the ‘Doll Factory’.

Understand that as long as you don’t open the car door, you won’t be attacked by monsters.

This time he still chose to possess the body of Bishop Huang and stay awake all the way to his destination.

[With the bumping of the carriage, you are getting further and further away from ‘Bennett’s Transplant Clinic’...]

Lin Xun did not open the door rashly.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the game text changed.

[You vaguely hear dull footsteps in the mist outside the carriage...]

[The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and the movement is getting louder and louder...]

[With the rumble of each step, the entire carriage was slightly shaken, and the ruts were slightly lifted from the ground!]


Lin Xun's heart tightened.

I am thinking about whether to switch the body of the earth giant and transform into a huge 30-meter body to fight monsters.

After thinking about it, I felt that the odds of winning were not good. Although the Bishop in Yellow was a delicate and soft-bodied Master, he was both level 30 and the Earth Giant, but he was chewed like a jelly bean without the ability to fight back.

I think the level of that giant monster must be very high.

The process of pushing monsters in the teaching building was so smooth that Lin Xun almost forgot that this was a hell-level chapter.

It is better to go to the three locations marked on the driving map to upgrade and develop first, and then come back to fight the fog monsters.

He was too cautious to open the door and go out to fight.

[The dull footsteps gradually fade away, and the carriage continues to move towards its destination...]

It took about twenty minutes before the carriage arrived at its destination.

On the way, we encountered two more giant monsters, according to the description of footsteps in this article.

The three giant monsters are not obviously the same one, or even the same type.

This kind of encounter made Lin Xun very vigilant.

[The carriage slowly stops, the carriage door opens by itself, and you slowly get out of the car...]

[A huge brass door appears in the pale mist. The buildings connected by the brass door are very large in scale, and only the tip of the iceberg is revealed in the mist.]

[You look up and see that the giant brass door is marked ‘Doll Factory—Sophia City Branch’.]

[Brave apostle, do you want to push open the factory door?]

[Amidst the heavy and sharp sound of metal friction, you slowly push open the brass door of the factory...]

[A pungent smell of engine oil rushes towards you, and dotted kerosene lights illuminate the scene in the factory...]

[The large brass lathes and various unknown equipment were placed in a haphazard manner, leaving only the gaps among the various large equipment to become a cramped and narrow aisle.]

[You can still vaguely hear the sound of footsteps coming from deep inside the factory...]

[After entering the factory, there is a familiar glimmer beside you, which is a huge book page floating in mid-air.]

[You found the remaining pages of the Book of Salvation—the resting pages!]

Lin Xun felt happy.

If there is a resting page in the Doll Factory, even if you die, you can be resurrected immediately without wasting time on the road.

[You step forward and touch the resting page, and the mysterious power remaining in it will make your heart throb, and ordinary wandering souls will resonate strongly with the page.]

[You resonate with the resting pages of ‘Sofia City Doll Factory’…]

After setting the resting page as the new resurrection point, Lin Xun did not change back to the dancer's body, but continued to explore using the earth giant's body.

[As you squeeze past the messy lathes, you will inevitably get some black oil stains on your body.]

[After passing through the giant equipment, there are assembly chain lines. The strange thing is that most of the parts on the workbench have disappeared, leaving only some rusted and damaged brass limbs.]

[Your arrival seems to have attracted the attention of some beings deep in the factory!]

[Thin footsteps are heard, and three figures are approaching you quickly...]

[As the figures get closer, you realize that they are three young girls wearing black and white maid outfits.]

[It’s just that the three young girls all have limb mutilations to varying degrees. Under the light of the kerosene lamp, the cross-sections of their severed limbs reflect the luster of metal.]

[The 'junior combat maid dolls' surround you with expressionless faces, their slender arms and straight thighs transforming into sharp knives with a clicking sound...]

【What should you do?】

[1. Put up the thick ‘Ancient Dragon Tooth Club’ and engage in a heart-to-heart battle with them, letting the maids know that your specialty is your specialty.]

[2. Kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe the maids will spare your life for the sake of your beauty and have in-depth communication with you.]

[3. Shake the ‘brass maracas’ to summon the ‘auxiliary maid puppet’. Maybe something wonderful will happen when they meet.]

Lin Xun originally wanted to choose the first option and stepped forward to force him.

But the emergence of the third option made him give up this idea.

Maybe summoning the 'auxiliary maid puppet' will cause these 'combat maid puppets' to submit to him one after another, or maybe it will open up some hidden plot.

He pressed the third option.

[You take out the 'brass maracas' and shake it gently...]

[With a rustling sound, you summon a petite and weak ‘auxiliary maid puppet’.]

The maid who was still reading the dictionary in the living room suddenly disappeared.

[The 'auxiliary maid doll' will be scared to hide behind you when seeing the doll with three arms transformed into sharp knives, and dare not come forward.]

[When the ‘junior combat maid dolls’ see the dolls with sound limbs and intact parts, greedy light flashes in their dark eyes, and they attack you one after another...]

Damn it!

Do dolls also kill each other?

[Your feet are against the earth, and endless power is churning in your body...]

[You let out a roar, and smashed down the ‘Ancient Dragon Teeth Giant Stick’ in your hand with great force!]

[With a loud bang, brass parts exploded in all directions and scattered all over the floor.]

[You defeated the ‘Junior Combat-type Maid Doll’, and your experience value increased slightly.]

[You have obtained ‘Ordinary Fine Bronze Gear’ (material)]

[A deformed brass blade stabbed at you, but was blocked by the 'Dragon Knight's Regenerated Scale Armor', preventing you from making any progress.]

[You held a giant stick and smashed the other two dolls that dared to attack you one at a time.]

[You defeated the ‘Junior Combat-type Maid Doll’, and your experience value increased slightly.]

[You defeated the ‘Junior Combat-type Maid Doll’, and your experience value increased slightly.]

[You have obtained an ‘ordinary refined copper connecting rod’ (material)]

[You have obtained ‘Ordinary refined copper clockwork’ (material)]

The game does not give the text of the body, nor does it show the option of possession.

The three maid dolls were smashed into parts, and it is normal that the text cannot be seen.

It is estimated that the three intact maid bodies cannot be possessed. Puppet dolls are not considered living creatures, so they cannot be possessed into robots.

Lin Xun opened the inventory.

[‘Ordinary refined copper gear’ (material), a gear made of ordinary refined copper, the lowest grade of refined copper materials, can be used for the assembly of certain machinery.]

The other two materials are similar to this description.

Regarding these three materials, Lin Xun had a guess in his mind.

Whether the specific guess is accurate or not depends on meeting the ‘puppet craftsman’ Bennett calls it.

Collect the materials and continue to explore the factory...

This chapter has been completed!
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