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Chapter 148 The Association’s Pig Killing Plate, Meeting Rona for the First Time

 Facing the skill scroll that recorded the 'Knowledge Grating', Lin Xun clicked to use it without hesitation.

I couldn't help but secretly sigh in my heart, the two thousand spiritual points were well spent!

[You unfold the 'scroll recording knowledge and skills' and carefully interpret the characters engraved on it. Although you do not recognize these characters that are like ghost drawings, it does not prevent you from understanding the profound spells.]

[Understanding skills...]

[The body of the 'Yellow Bishop of the Sunken White Moon Church' successfully understood the body skill - 'Knowledge Grating'!]

[Knowledge Grating (Excellent Level) uses the lifelong knowledge learned to condense it into tiny pure white characters, and then builds a strong barrier from the tiny characters.]

[Using this skill, you will be able to release an extremely strong character grating around you. Before the grating is broken, it can resist all damage to you. This skill requires a short period of chanting and casting. (Defense spell skill)]

Lin Xun slowly raised three question marks.

Why is this skill only at the advanced level?

Whether it is the knowledge grating that traps the 'Refined Bronze Monster' or the knowledge grating that becomes a fortification outside the association, they all have extremely powerful defensive capabilities and cannot only be at the elite level.

Is it because Bishop Huang's diploma is not enough, or the skill scroll given to him by the examiner is of low quality.

[The 'Examiner of the Knowledge-Seeking Association' looks at you and nods with satisfaction, gives you an excellent evaluation, and then returns to your seat.]

Hey hey hey, are you satisfied with this excellent level?

Lin Xun could not wait to drag the examiner to ask for a few more scrolls, study hard, and improve his skills to the epic level before submitting the paper.

[The third examiner stood up and stepped forward. He saw that you still had some unfinished ideas and reminded you that during the assessment, the "scroll recording knowledge and skills" given by the examiner can at most comprehend advanced level skills. Your performance has already been very good.


[As long as you can obtain excellent evaluations in all three assessments, you will be awarded the title of ‘Elite Scholar’.]

[The big shots in the association favor 'elite scholars'. If you are favored by a certain big shot, you will have the opportunity to further your studies, and maybe you will be able to learn more advanced 'knowledge grating' skills.]

['The Examiner of the Knowledge-Seeking Association tells you that the third assessment is to use what you have learned throughout your life to send a powerful blow to it. As long as you can break through the knowledge grating it builds, you will pass the assessment.]

[As he spoke, the 'Examiner of the Knowledge-seeking Polyvision Association' muttered words, and a pure white grating as dense as silk threads was instantly constructed, firmly protecting it within it.]

[The ‘Examiner of the Knowledge-Seeking Association’ looks at you, as if waiting for you to attack.]

Lin Xun thought briefly.

The attack power of 'Hot Star Light' is a bit weak, and it is not a knowledge skill, so the damage to the 'Knowledge Grating' is not strong.

In comparison, it is definitely better to use the ‘infusion of illusory knowledge’.

This skill can penetrate the knowledge grating of external defenses. I don’t know if it can penetrate the knowledge grating of personal protection.

Open the panel and click on ‘Illusive Knowledge Infusion’.

[You open the dense eyes on your face, and countless complex characters appear out of thin air...]

[The characters instantly shattered the thin line of knowledge grating and shot towards the examiner...]

[‘The Examiner of the Knowledge-Seeking Multi-View Association’ stiffened, and his head exploded...]

[You defeated the ‘knowledge-seeking Polyvision Association Examiner’, and your experience value increased significantly!]

[You have obtained the ‘Examiner Uniform of the Multi-Viewing School Association’ (premium equipment)]

Lin Xun was stunned.

I didn't expect that when I used my skill, I would blow the examiner's head to death.

Now let alone a perfect evaluation, whether you can walk out of the association building intact or not is a question.

[The first examiner wiped off the blood on his face and nodded with satisfaction. He bluntly said that the examiner died because the examinee was too good. It cannot be blamed on the examinee, it can only show that the examiner himself is not strong enough.]

[It gets up and kicks over the headless corpse that is still standing, asking you for the ‘scholar assessment certificate’...]

[You hand over the item, it has three 'Excellent' marks stamped on the square card, and the 'Scholar Assessment Qualification Certificate' is returned to you.]

[The 'Examiner of the Knowledge-Seeking Association' tells you that you can go to the 'Scholar Auditorium' at the deepest part of the first floor of the building. In the auditorium, a corresponding promotion ceremony will be held for you, the new 'scholar'.


Since the third examiner's head was blown off, the game of Hades did not display the possessed text.

Fortunately, it finally passed the scholar's assessment and received a perfect rating.

Lin Xun couldn't help but look forward to the status and treatment of 'elite scholars'.

Seeing that everything was over, he left the examination room.

[You exit the ‘Scholar Assessment Examination Room’, enter the corridor with ‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’, and return to the reception hall.]

【What are you going to do next?】

According to the process described by the examiner, the next step is to go to the ‘Scholar Auditorium’.

[You pass through the reception counter and enter the corridor leading to the depths of the first floor...]

[There is a closed door at the end of the corridor. According to the 'Guide Map of the Multi-view School Association Building', open the door and you will find the 'Scholar Auditorium'.]

[On the side of the corridor, there is a fine copper elevator. By taking the elevator, you can reach the higher floors of the association building.]

[Are you going to enter the ‘Scholar Auditorium’ or take the elevator?]

[You walk along the corridor to the end and open the closed door...]

[The auditorium is filled with seats arranged in a ladder shape, with only a few scholars watching the ceremony on the seats.]

[In the deepest part of the auditorium is a podium with a red curtain.]

[Your sudden arrival attracted the attention of the scholars present. They put down their books and saluted you with attention.]

[The first time you saw the form of the ‘knowledge-seeking Polysighted Scholar’, the numerous eyes made your hair stand on end. You only felt dizzy, and a stream of disordered knowledge was poured into your soul.]

[You have acquired knowledge, and your knowledge amount has increased by 225! Current knowledge amount: 1720/2700]

[A ‘knowledge-seeking multi-viewing association registrar’ wearing an association uniform hurries towards you.]

[It comes to you and signals you to hand over the ‘Scholar Assessment Qualification Certificate’ quickly, and it will hold a ceremony for you to be promoted to a scholar.]

[You hand the square card to it, it takes the qualification certificate, looks at it, and exclaims loudly, you are actually an 'elite scholar' who has received perfect scores in the examination!]

[The scholars watching the ceremony all look at you with envy.]

[The 'Registrar of the Knowledge-seeking Association' tells you that the promotion ceremony for ordinary scholars is very simple. It only requires issuing the scholar certificate, badge and dress given by the association on the rostrum in the presence of many scholars in the audience. 】
[But ‘elite scholars’ like you are different from ordinary scholars.]

[It takes out a list from its arms and hands it to you...]

[Scholar badge (prop), a book-shaped badge made of fine copper, with many white-light flashing characters engraved on it. Carrying this prop will increase the power of your knowledge skills by a very small amount. Spiritual value: 0]
[Elite scholar badge (prop), a book-shaped badge made of fine copper, with many white-light flashing characters engraved on it. Carrying this prop will increase the power of your knowledge skills by a small amount. Spiritual value: 10000]
[Great Scholar Badge (prop),... carrying this prop will greatly increase the power of your knowledge skills. Spiritual value: 100000]

[Association scholar robe (premium equipment), an exquisite ceremonial robe made of special silk, with numerous eyeball symbols unique to the multi-viewing school printed on the chest. Wearing this equipment, you will gain a very small increase in knowledge skills

Resistance. Spiritual value: 0]

[Association elite scholar robe (premium equipment),... Wearing this equipment, you will gain a small degree of resistance to knowledge skills. Spiritual value: 5000]

[Association University Scholar Robe (Exquisite Level Equipment),... Wearing this equipment, you will gain significant resistance to knowledge skills. Spiritual value: 50000]

[The 'Registrar of the Knowledge-seeking Association' tells you that in the promotion ceremony of ordinary scholars, the association will issue certificates, badges, and uniforms to scholars for free, but they are all the lowest-level garbage.]

[If you want more advanced badges and dresses, you can, but you have to spend spiritual money to buy them.]

[The ‘Elite Scholars’ are even more powerful. The ‘Elite Scholars’ can purchase the dresses and badges listed on the list at half the spiritual price.]

[If you are short of money, you can choose free junk products. But if you have a little financial resources, it is still recommended that you spend your soul to buy higher-end badges and dresses.]

[After all, if you miss such a favorable opportunity, you will probably regret it for the rest of your life.]

[Do you want to trade with the ‘Registrar of the Knowledge-seeking Multi-View Association’?]

Lin Xun's eyes widened.

Good guy, why does this feel similar to the lottery activities set up at those cheap jewelry and jade counters?

As long as you go to the lottery, you will either win the special prize or the first prize. The reward will be to buy some kind of jewelry and jade from the counter at an extremely favorable price and discount.

Customers think they have made a profit and decisively spend money to buy, but they don’t know that it is actually a pig-killing plate set up by the merchant. The merchant will always make the profit...

Isn’t the title of ‘Elite Scholar’ he received just a special prize?

For a time, Lin Xun was once again exposed to the dirty tricks of the underworld game.

Think carefully for a while.

However, it seems that... the price after half the discount is still acceptable compared to the practicality of these items.

Lin Xun shook his head and immediately shook this terrifying thought out of his head.

Just kidding, as a zero-dollar purchaser, an ambassador of free prostitution, and a living Pixiu that can only be entered and cannot be taken out, can you use the tricks of the underworld game to defraud money?

He narrowed his eyes, decisively chose to trade with the registrar, and then clicked on the two free items.

I pressed the button without hesitation and the operation was done smoothly and smoothly.

[The ‘Registrar of the Knowledge-seeking Multiview Association’ stood blankly on the spot, as if he didn’t expect that your choice would be so decisive.]

[It stared at you for a long time and had to shake its head in disgust.]

Lin Xun smiled disdainfully. He wanted the uniform and badge of a university scholar to be simple, so why spend money.

As long as you find a great scholar and possess him, won't you be able to successfully have sex for free?

[The ‘Registrar of the Knowledge-seeking Association’ has a straight face and leads you to the rostrum, witnessed by many scholars in the audience...]

[It awards you the scholar certificate, badge and dress of the ‘Multi-viewing School Association’.]

[You have obtained the ‘Scholar Certificate from the Multi-viewing School Association’ (waste product)]

[You have obtained the ‘Scholar Badge’ (prop)]

[You have obtained the ‘Association Scholar Robe’ (premium equipment)]

[Thunder-like warm applause rang out from the audience. When many scholars in the audience saw clearly that what you were buying was the lowest level of junk, the applause immediately subsided.]

[There were sparse curses and boos from the audience...]

Good guy, everyone in the audience who dares to love you is just asking for help, right?

Lin Xun resisted the urge to knock him down with a laser cannon.

[The 'Registrar of the Knowledge-Seeking Association' tells you with a straight face that you are now a scholar recognized by the association, and the facilities on the second floor of the association building will be open to scholars.]

[If you are not in a hurry to leave, it recommends that you go to the second floor of the association building for a stroll, you may make surprising discoveries.]

Amazing discovery? An amazing pig-killing plate, right?

Opening the inventory, the scholar certificate shows that it is a certificate of being an orthodox scholar of the association, and it is a useless waste.

The ceremonial robe is a sophisticated equipment, relatively rubbish, not as good as the bishop's robe.

Badges that increase the power of knowledge skills can take effect as long as they are in the inventory.

Lin Xun curled his lips and immediately exited the 'Scholar Auditorium'.

[When you exit the 'Scholar Auditorium', on the side of the corridor is the elevator leading to the higher floors of the association building.]

【Do you want to take the elevator or return to the reception hall?】

[You take the ‘Battle Angel—Valkyrie’ into the elevator, and there is a lever device in the elevator car...]

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

[You pull the lever, and with the sound of gears biting and hinges turning, the elevator slowly rises...]

[You arrive at the second floor of the ‘Polyscopy School Association Building’.]

[You step out of the elevator and according to the 'Guide Map of the Multi-view School Association Building', the end of the corridor in front of you is the association's 'Ancient Books Library'.]

[In the left corridor of the central hall on the second floor, there is the association’s ‘Knowledge Hall of Illusions’]

[The right corridor of the central hall on the second floor is connected to the association’s ‘eyeball laboratory’]

【Where are you going?】

Lin Xun's eyes lit up.

'Ancient Books Library' sounds like a place where good things exist.

[You step towards the deepest part of the corridor and open the closed door...]

[What comes into view are rows of tall and neat bookshelves, and the rich smell of ink rushes into your nose.]

[At the entrance of the library, an elderly scholar wearing an association uniform is lying on the counter and soundly asleep.]

[Are you going to step forward to wake up the scholar, or go into the library and search while he is sleeping?]

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes.

According to the deceptive nature of the Multi-view School Association, there is probably a charge for reading books in the library.

The staff member in charge of the library is currently asleep, so he can take a walk first.

Just when I was about to choose the latter, my heart moved.

[You are possessed by the body of the ‘Sunken Ancient Theater Dancer’!]

[You used the ‘Blood Shadow Dance Step’, taking a smart dance step, and the body shape gradually disappeared.]

[You take silent steps and sneak into the bookshelves...]


[You find a book on the bookshelf that emits a faint white light.]

[You have obtained a ‘book containing some knowledge’*1]


[You find a slightly glowing bookmark in the cracks of the bookshelf.]

[You have obtained the ‘Guardian Bookmark’*1]


[You found a rather ancient scroll on the bottom of the bookshelf. It seems that this scroll is of great value...]

[You were about to put the scroll into your bag when a slender white hand suddenly held your wrist...]

[You look up and see a graceful lady coming to you at some point. She is wearing a broad bachelor's hat and a slim scholar's gown.]

[Looking at the gilding pattern of the dress, it is obviously several grades higher than the ‘Association Scholars’ Dress’ you have seen before.]

['The knowledge-seeking bachelor of the multi-viewing school——Lona' stares at you coldly, as if she is about to call the staff of the library to come and capture the thief!]

[The first time you saw the form of the ‘Grand Scholar of the Multi-viewing School who seeks knowledge’, the cold eyes made your hair stand on end. You only felt dizzy, and a stream of disordered knowledge was poured into your soul.]

[You have acquired knowledge, and your knowledge has increased by 800! Current knowledge: 2520/2700]

[As an apostle with a guilty conscience, what should you do?]

Lin Xun frowned.

Grand Maester Lorna? It sounds familiar...

This chapter has been completed!
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